path: root/code/game/g_arenas.c
diff options
authorzakk <zakk@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2005-08-26 17:39:27 +0000
committerzakk <zakk@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2005-08-26 17:39:27 +0000
commit6bf20c78f5b69d40bcc4931df93d29198435ab67 (patch)
treee3eda937a05d7db42de725b7013bd0344b987f34 /code/game/g_arenas.c
parent872d4d7f55af706737ffb361bb76ad13e7496770 (diff)
newlines fixed
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/quake3/trunk@6 edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea
Diffstat (limited to 'code/game/g_arenas.c')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/code/game/g_arenas.c b/code/game/g_arenas.c
index 1e6476b..d9cf4d5 100755
--- a/code/game/g_arenas.c
+++ b/code/game/g_arenas.c
@@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
-Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
-This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
-Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
-or (at your option) any later version.
-Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
-useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-// g_arenas.c
-#include "g_local.h"
-gentity_t *podium1;
-gentity_t *podium2;
-gentity_t *podium3;
-void UpdateTournamentInfo( void ) {
- int i;
- gentity_t *player;
- int playerClientNum;
- int n, accuracy, perfect, msglen;
- int buflen;
-#ifdef MISSIONPACK // bk001205
- int score1, score2;
- qboolean won;
- char buf[32];
- char msg[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- // find the real player
- player = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) {
- player = &g_entities[i];
- if ( !player->inuse ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( !( player->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // this should never happen!
- if ( !player || i == level.maxclients ) {
- return;
- }
- playerClientNum = i;
- CalculateRanks();
- if ( level.clients[playerClientNum].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
- Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum );
- Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i 0 0 0 0 0 0", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum );
- }
- else {
- if( player->client->accuracy_shots ) {
- accuracy = player->client->accuracy_hits * 100 / player->client->accuracy_shots;
- }
- else {
- accuracy = 0;
- }
- won = qfalse;
- if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF) {
- score1 = level.teamScores[TEAM_RED];
- score2 = level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE];
- if (level.clients[playerClientNum].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) {
- won = (level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] > level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE]);
- } else {
- won = (level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] > level.teamScores[TEAM_RED]);
- }
- } else {
- if (&level.clients[playerClientNum] == &level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ]) {
- won = qtrue;
- score1 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
- score2 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
- } else {
- score2 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
- score1 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
- }
- }
- if (won && player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_KILLED] == 0) {
- perfect = 1;
- } else {
- perfect = 0;
- }
- Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum, accuracy,
- player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_IMPRESSIVE_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_EXCELLENT_COUNT],player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_DEFEND_COUNT],
- player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_ASSIST_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_GAUNTLET_FRAG_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE],
- perfect, score1, score2, level.time, player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_CAPTURES] );
- perfect = ( level.clients[playerClientNum].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] == 0 && player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_KILLED] == 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
- Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum, accuracy,
- player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_IMPRESSIVE_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_EXCELLENT_COUNT],
- player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_GAUNTLET_FRAG_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE],
- perfect );
- }
- msglen = strlen( msg );
- for( i = 0; i < level.numNonSpectatorClients; i++ ) {
- n = level.sortedClients[i];
- Com_sprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), " %i %i %i", n, level.clients[n].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK], level.clients[n].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] );
- buflen = strlen( buf );
- if( msglen + buflen + 1 >= sizeof(msg) ) {
- break;
- }
- strcat( msg, buf );
- }
- trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, msg );
-static gentity_t *SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( gentity_t *pad, vec3_t offset, gentity_t *ent, int place ) {
- gentity_t *body;
- vec3_t vec;
- vec3_t f, r, u;
- body = G_Spawn();
- if ( !body ) {
- G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: out of gentities\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- body->classname = ent->client->pers.netname;
- body->client = ent->client;
- body->s = ent->s;
- body->s.eType = ET_PLAYER; // could be ET_INVISIBLE
- body->s.eFlags = 0; // clear EF_TALK, etc
- body->s.powerups = 0; // clear powerups
- body->s.loopSound = 0; // clear lava burning
- body->s.number = body - g_entities;
- body->timestamp = level.time;
- body->physicsObject = qtrue;
- body->physicsBounce = 0; // don't bounce
- body->s.event = 0;
- body->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
- body->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
- body->s.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;
- body->s.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
- if( body->s.weapon == WP_NONE ) {
- body->s.weapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
- }
- if( body->s.weapon == WP_GAUNTLET) {
- body->s.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND2;
- }
- body->s.event = 0;
- body->r.svFlags = ent->r.svFlags;
- VectorCopy (ent->r.mins, body->r.mins);
- VectorCopy (ent->r.maxs, body->r.maxs);
- VectorCopy (ent->r.absmin, body->r.absmin);
- VectorCopy (ent->r.absmax, body->r.absmax);
- body->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
- body->r.ownerNum = ent->r.ownerNum;
- body->takedamage = qfalse;
- VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, pad->r.currentOrigin, vec );
- vectoangles( vec, body->s.apos.trBase );
- body->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
- body->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
- AngleVectors( body->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
- VectorMA( pad->r.currentOrigin, offset[0], f, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offset[1], r, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offset[2], u, vec );
- G_SetOrigin( body, vec );
- trap_LinkEntity (body);
- body->count = place;
- return body;
-static void CelebrateStop( gentity_t *player ) {
- int anim;
- if( player->s.weapon == WP_GAUNTLET) {
- anim = TORSO_STAND2;
- }
- else {
- anim = TORSO_STAND;
- }
- player->s.torsoAnim = ( ( player->s.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
-#define TIMER_GESTURE (34*66+50)
-static void CelebrateStart( gentity_t *player ) {
- player->s.torsoAnim = ( ( player->s.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | TORSO_GESTURE;
- player->nextthink = level.time + TIMER_GESTURE;
- player->think = CelebrateStop;
- /*
- player->client->ps.events[player->client->ps.eventSequence & (MAX_PS_EVENTS-1)] = EV_TAUNT;
- player->client->ps.eventParms[player->client->ps.eventSequence & (MAX_PS_EVENTS-1)] = 0;
- player->client->ps.eventSequence++;
- */
- G_AddEvent(player, EV_TAUNT, 0);
-static vec3_t offsetFirst = {0, 0, 74};
-static vec3_t offsetSecond = {-10, 60, 54};
-static vec3_t offsetThird = {-19, -60, 45};
-static void PodiumPlacementThink( gentity_t *podium ) {
- vec3_t vec;
- vec3_t origin;
- vec3_t f, r, u;
- podium->nextthink = level.time + 100;
- AngleVectors( level.intermission_angle, vec, NULL, NULL );
- VectorMA( level.intermission_origin, trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDist" ), vec, origin );
- origin[2] -= trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDrop" );
- G_SetOrigin( podium, origin );
- if( podium1 ) {
- VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
- vectoangles( vec, podium1->s.apos.trBase );
- podium1->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
- podium1->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
- AngleVectors( podium1->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
- VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetFirst[0], f, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetFirst[1], r, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetFirst[2], u, vec );
- G_SetOrigin( podium1, vec );
- }
- if( podium2 ) {
- VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
- vectoangles( vec, podium2->s.apos.trBase );
- podium2->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
- podium2->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
- AngleVectors( podium2->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
- VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetSecond[0], f, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetSecond[1], r, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetSecond[2], u, vec );
- G_SetOrigin( podium2, vec );
- }
- if( podium3 ) {
- VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
- vectoangles( vec, podium3->s.apos.trBase );
- podium3->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
- podium3->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
- AngleVectors( podium3->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
- VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetThird[0], f, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetThird[1], r, vec );
- VectorMA( vec, offsetThird[2], u, vec );
- G_SetOrigin( podium3, vec );
- }
-static gentity_t *SpawnPodium( void ) {
- gentity_t *podium;
- vec3_t vec;
- vec3_t origin;
- podium = G_Spawn();
- if ( !podium ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- podium->classname = "podium";
- podium->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
- podium->s.number = podium - g_entities;
- podium->clipmask = CONTENTS_SOLID;
- podium->r.contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
- podium->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( SP_PODIUM_MODEL );
- AngleVectors( level.intermission_angle, vec, NULL, NULL );
- VectorMA( level.intermission_origin, trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDist" ), vec, origin );
- origin[2] -= trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDrop" );
- G_SetOrigin( podium, origin );
- VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
- podium->s.apos.trBase[YAW] = vectoyaw( vec );
- trap_LinkEntity (podium);
- podium->think = PodiumPlacementThink;
- podium->nextthink = level.time + 100;
- return podium;
-void SpawnModelsOnVictoryPads( void ) {
- gentity_t *player;
- gentity_t *podium;
- podium1 = NULL;
- podium2 = NULL;
- podium3 = NULL;
- podium = SpawnPodium();
- player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetFirst, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[0]],
- level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
- if ( player ) {
- player->nextthink = level.time + 2000;
- player->think = CelebrateStart;
- podium1 = player;
- }
- player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetSecond, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[1]],
- level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
- if ( player ) {
- podium2 = player;
- }
- if ( level.numNonSpectatorClients > 2 ) {
- player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetThird, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[2]],
- level.clients[ level.sortedClients[2] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
- if ( player ) {
- podium3 = player;
- }
- }
-void Svcmd_AbortPodium_f( void ) {
- if( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
- return;
- }
- if( podium1 ) {
- podium1->nextthink = level.time;
- podium1->think = CelebrateStop;
- }
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
+Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+// g_arenas.c
+#include "g_local.h"
+gentity_t *podium1;
+gentity_t *podium2;
+gentity_t *podium3;
+void UpdateTournamentInfo( void ) {
+ int i;
+ gentity_t *player;
+ int playerClientNum;
+ int n, accuracy, perfect, msglen;
+ int buflen;
+#ifdef MISSIONPACK // bk001205
+ int score1, score2;
+ qboolean won;
+ char buf[32];
+ char msg[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
+ // find the real player
+ player = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) {
+ player = &g_entities[i];
+ if ( !player->inuse ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !( player->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // this should never happen!
+ if ( !player || i == level.maxclients ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ playerClientNum = i;
+ CalculateRanks();
+ if ( level.clients[playerClientNum].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
+ Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum );
+ Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i 0 0 0 0 0 0", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum );
+ }
+ else {
+ if( player->client->accuracy_shots ) {
+ accuracy = player->client->accuracy_hits * 100 / player->client->accuracy_shots;
+ }
+ else {
+ accuracy = 0;
+ }
+ won = qfalse;
+ if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF) {
+ score1 = level.teamScores[TEAM_RED];
+ score2 = level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE];
+ if (level.clients[playerClientNum].sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) {
+ won = (level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] > level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE]);
+ } else {
+ won = (level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] > level.teamScores[TEAM_RED]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (&level.clients[playerClientNum] == &level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ]) {
+ won = qtrue;
+ score1 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
+ score2 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
+ } else {
+ score2 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
+ score1 = level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE];
+ }
+ }
+ if (won && player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_KILLED] == 0) {
+ perfect = 1;
+ } else {
+ perfect = 0;
+ }
+ Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum, accuracy,
+ player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_IMPRESSIVE_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_EXCELLENT_COUNT],player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_DEFEND_COUNT],
+ player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_ASSIST_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_GAUNTLET_FRAG_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE],
+ perfect, score1, score2, level.time, player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_CAPTURES] );
+ perfect = ( level.clients[playerClientNum].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] == 0 && player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_KILLED] == 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
+ Com_sprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "postgame %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", level.numNonSpectatorClients, playerClientNum, accuracy,
+ player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_IMPRESSIVE_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_EXCELLENT_COUNT],
+ player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_GAUNTLET_FRAG_COUNT], player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE],
+ perfect );
+ }
+ msglen = strlen( msg );
+ for( i = 0; i < level.numNonSpectatorClients; i++ ) {
+ n = level.sortedClients[i];
+ Com_sprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), " %i %i %i", n, level.clients[n].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK], level.clients[n].ps.persistant[PERS_SCORE] );
+ buflen = strlen( buf );
+ if( msglen + buflen + 1 >= sizeof(msg) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ strcat( msg, buf );
+ }
+ trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, msg );
+static gentity_t *SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( gentity_t *pad, vec3_t offset, gentity_t *ent, int place ) {
+ gentity_t *body;
+ vec3_t vec;
+ vec3_t f, r, u;
+ body = G_Spawn();
+ if ( !body ) {
+ G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: out of gentities\n" );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ body->classname = ent->client->pers.netname;
+ body->client = ent->client;
+ body->s = ent->s;
+ body->s.eType = ET_PLAYER; // could be ET_INVISIBLE
+ body->s.eFlags = 0; // clear EF_TALK, etc
+ body->s.powerups = 0; // clear powerups
+ body->s.loopSound = 0; // clear lava burning
+ body->s.number = body - g_entities;
+ body->timestamp = level.time;
+ body->physicsObject = qtrue;
+ body->physicsBounce = 0; // don't bounce
+ body->s.event = 0;
+ body->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
+ body->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
+ body->s.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;
+ body->s.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
+ if( body->s.weapon == WP_NONE ) {
+ body->s.weapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
+ }
+ if( body->s.weapon == WP_GAUNTLET) {
+ body->s.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND2;
+ }
+ body->s.event = 0;
+ body->r.svFlags = ent->r.svFlags;
+ VectorCopy (ent->r.mins, body->r.mins);
+ VectorCopy (ent->r.maxs, body->r.maxs);
+ VectorCopy (ent->r.absmin, body->r.absmin);
+ VectorCopy (ent->r.absmax, body->r.absmax);
+ body->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
+ body->r.ownerNum = ent->r.ownerNum;
+ body->takedamage = qfalse;
+ VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, pad->r.currentOrigin, vec );
+ vectoangles( vec, body->s.apos.trBase );
+ body->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
+ body->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
+ AngleVectors( body->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
+ VectorMA( pad->r.currentOrigin, offset[0], f, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offset[1], r, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offset[2], u, vec );
+ G_SetOrigin( body, vec );
+ trap_LinkEntity (body);
+ body->count = place;
+ return body;
+static void CelebrateStop( gentity_t *player ) {
+ int anim;
+ if( player->s.weapon == WP_GAUNTLET) {
+ anim = TORSO_STAND2;
+ }
+ else {
+ anim = TORSO_STAND;
+ }
+ player->s.torsoAnim = ( ( player->s.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
+#define TIMER_GESTURE (34*66+50)
+static void CelebrateStart( gentity_t *player ) {
+ player->s.torsoAnim = ( ( player->s.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | TORSO_GESTURE;
+ player->nextthink = level.time + TIMER_GESTURE;
+ player->think = CelebrateStop;
+ /*
+ player->client->ps.events[player->client->ps.eventSequence & (MAX_PS_EVENTS-1)] = EV_TAUNT;
+ player->client->ps.eventParms[player->client->ps.eventSequence & (MAX_PS_EVENTS-1)] = 0;
+ player->client->ps.eventSequence++;
+ */
+ G_AddEvent(player, EV_TAUNT, 0);
+static vec3_t offsetFirst = {0, 0, 74};
+static vec3_t offsetSecond = {-10, 60, 54};
+static vec3_t offsetThird = {-19, -60, 45};
+static void PodiumPlacementThink( gentity_t *podium ) {
+ vec3_t vec;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t f, r, u;
+ podium->nextthink = level.time + 100;
+ AngleVectors( level.intermission_angle, vec, NULL, NULL );
+ VectorMA( level.intermission_origin, trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDist" ), vec, origin );
+ origin[2] -= trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDrop" );
+ G_SetOrigin( podium, origin );
+ if( podium1 ) {
+ VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
+ vectoangles( vec, podium1->s.apos.trBase );
+ podium1->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
+ podium1->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
+ AngleVectors( podium1->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
+ VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetFirst[0], f, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetFirst[1], r, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetFirst[2], u, vec );
+ G_SetOrigin( podium1, vec );
+ }
+ if( podium2 ) {
+ VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
+ vectoangles( vec, podium2->s.apos.trBase );
+ podium2->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
+ podium2->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
+ AngleVectors( podium2->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
+ VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetSecond[0], f, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetSecond[1], r, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetSecond[2], u, vec );
+ G_SetOrigin( podium2, vec );
+ }
+ if( podium3 ) {
+ VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
+ vectoangles( vec, podium3->s.apos.trBase );
+ podium3->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = 0;
+ podium3->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = 0;
+ AngleVectors( podium3->s.apos.trBase, f, r, u );
+ VectorMA( podium->r.currentOrigin, offsetThird[0], f, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetThird[1], r, vec );
+ VectorMA( vec, offsetThird[2], u, vec );
+ G_SetOrigin( podium3, vec );
+ }
+static gentity_t *SpawnPodium( void ) {
+ gentity_t *podium;
+ vec3_t vec;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ podium = G_Spawn();
+ if ( !podium ) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ podium->classname = "podium";
+ podium->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
+ podium->s.number = podium - g_entities;
+ podium->clipmask = CONTENTS_SOLID;
+ podium->r.contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
+ podium->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( SP_PODIUM_MODEL );
+ AngleVectors( level.intermission_angle, vec, NULL, NULL );
+ VectorMA( level.intermission_origin, trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDist" ), vec, origin );
+ origin[2] -= trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_podiumDrop" );
+ G_SetOrigin( podium, origin );
+ VectorSubtract( level.intermission_origin, podium->r.currentOrigin, vec );
+ podium->s.apos.trBase[YAW] = vectoyaw( vec );
+ trap_LinkEntity (podium);
+ podium->think = PodiumPlacementThink;
+ podium->nextthink = level.time + 100;
+ return podium;
+void SpawnModelsOnVictoryPads( void ) {
+ gentity_t *player;
+ gentity_t *podium;
+ podium1 = NULL;
+ podium2 = NULL;
+ podium3 = NULL;
+ podium = SpawnPodium();
+ player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetFirst, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[0]],
+ level.clients[ level.sortedClients[0] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
+ if ( player ) {
+ player->nextthink = level.time + 2000;
+ player->think = CelebrateStart;
+ podium1 = player;
+ }
+ player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetSecond, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[1]],
+ level.clients[ level.sortedClients[1] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
+ if ( player ) {
+ podium2 = player;
+ }
+ if ( level.numNonSpectatorClients > 2 ) {
+ player = SpawnModelOnVictoryPad( podium, offsetThird, &g_entities[level.sortedClients[2]],
+ level.clients[ level.sortedClients[2] ].ps.persistant[PERS_RANK] &~ RANK_TIED_FLAG );
+ if ( player ) {
+ podium3 = player;
+ }
+ }
+void Svcmd_AbortPodium_f( void ) {
+ if( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( podium1 ) {
+ podium1->nextthink = level.time;
+ podium1->think = CelebrateStop;
+ }