path: root/ps07_amb
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authorbnewbold <>2009-03-27 19:57:08 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2009-03-27 19:57:08 -0400
commitbfd30bfc1096486f0781e9caea3b15161488f3f6 (patch)
treeddfec6b61bbf2d1ec4631469ae78e9e541e4a3cf /ps07_amb
parent648b3b85668e68e6b4676cbe01e530baec653d4a (diff)
ps07 assignment
Diffstat (limited to 'ps07_amb')
6 files changed, 2166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ps07_amb/ambsch.scm b/ps07_amb/ambsch.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4bfe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/ambsch.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+;;;; Extension of Scheme for amb
+;;; amb is the ambiguous operator of McCarthy.
+;;; (load "stack-queue.scm")
+(define-syntax amb
+ (sc-macro-transformer
+ (lambda (form uenv)
+ `(amb-list
+ (list ,@(map (lambda (arg)
+ `(lambda ()
+ ,(close-syntax arg uenv)))
+ (cdr form)))))))
+(define *number-of-calls-to-fail* 0) ;for metering.
+(define (amb-list alternatives)
+ (if (null? alternatives)
+ (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail*
+ (+ *number-of-calls-to-fail* 1)))
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (add-to-search-schedule
+ (map (lambda (alternative)
+ (lambda ()
+ (within-continuation k alternative)))
+ alternatives))
+ (yield))))
+;;; amb-set! is an assignment operator
+;;; that gets undone on backtracking.
+(define-syntax amb-set!
+ (sc-macro-transformer
+ (lambda (form uenv)
+ (compile-amb-set (cadr form) (caddr form) uenv))))
+(define (compile-amb-set var val-expr uenv)
+ (let ((var (close-syntax var uenv))
+ (val (close-syntax val-expr uenv)))
+ `(let ((old-value ,var))
+ (effect-wrapper
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! ,var ,val))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! ,var old-value))))))
+;;; A general wrapper for undoable effects
+(define (effect-wrapper doer undoer)
+ (force-next
+ (lambda () (undoer) (yield)))
+ (doer))
+;;; Alternative search strategy wrappers
+(define (with-depth-first-schedule thunk)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (fluid-let ((add-to-search-schedule
+ add-to-depth-first-search-schedule)
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (*top-level* k))
+ (thunk)))))
+(define (with-breadth-first-schedule thunk)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (fluid-let ((add-to-search-schedule
+ add-to-breadth-first-search-schedule)
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (*top-level* k))
+ (thunk)))))
+;;; Representation of the search schedule
+(define *search-schedule*)
+(define (empty-search-schedule)
+ (make-stack&queue))
+(define (yield)
+ (if (stack&queue-empty? *search-schedule*)
+ (*top-level* #f)
+ ((pop! *search-schedule*))))
+(define (force-next thunk)
+ (push! *search-schedule* thunk))
+;;; Alternative search strategies
+(define (add-to-depth-first-search-schedule alternatives)
+ (for-each (lambda (alternative)
+ (push! *search-schedule* alternative))
+ (reverse alternatives)))
+(define (add-to-breadth-first-search-schedule alternatives)
+ (for-each (lambda (alternative)
+ (add-to-end! *search-schedule* alternative))
+ alternatives))
+;;; For incremental interactive experiments from REPL.
+(define (init-amb)
+ (set! *search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail* 0)
+ 'done)
+(define add-to-search-schedule ;; Default is depth 1st
+ add-to-depth-first-search-schedule)
+(define *top-level*
+ (lambda (ignore)
+ (display ";No more alternatives\n")
+ (abort->top-level unspecific)))
+;;; AX 1 - Elementary backtrack test.
+(define elementary-backtrack-test
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (amb 1 2 3)))
+ (pp (list x))
+ (let ((y (amb 'a 'b)))
+ (pp (list x y))
+ (let ((z (amb #t #f)))
+ (pp (list x y z)))))
+ (amb)))
+;; AX 1.d - Elementary backtrack test. [Depth First]
+(with-depth-first-schedule elementary-backtrack-test)
+(1 a)
+(1 a #t)
+(1 a #f)
+(1 b)
+(1 b #t)
+(1 b #f)
+(2 a)
+(2 a #t)
+(2 a #f)
+(2 b)
+(2 b #t)
+(2 b #f)
+(3 a)
+(3 a #t)
+(3 a #f)
+(3 b)
+(3 b #t)
+(3 b #f)
+;Value: #f
+;; AX 1.b - Elementary backtrack test. [Breadth First]
+(with-breadth-first-schedule elementary-backtrack-test)
+(1 a)
+(1 b)
+(2 a)
+(2 b)
+(3 a)
+(3 b)
+(1 a #t)
+(1 a #f)
+(1 b #t)
+(1 b #f)
+(2 a #t)
+(2 a #f)
+(2 b #t)
+(2 b #f)
+(3 a #t)
+(3 a #f)
+(3 b #t)
+(3 b #f)
+;Value: #f
+;;; AX 2 - Testing undoable assignment.
+(define testing-undoable-assignment
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (amb 1 2 3)) (y 0) (z 0))
+ (pp `(before ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! y x)
+ (pp `(after ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! z (amb 3.14 2.718))
+ (pp `(zset ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! x (+ y z))
+ (pp `(xset ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb))))
+;;; AX 2.d - Testing undoable assignment. [Depth First]
+(with-depth-first-schedule testing-undoable-assignment)
+(before 1 0 0)
+(after 1 1 0)
+(zset 1 1 3.14)
+(xset 4.140000000000001 1 3.14)
+(zset 1 1 2.718)
+(xset 3.718 1 2.718)
+(before 2 0 0)
+(after 2 2 0)
+(zset 2 2 3.14)
+(xset 5.140000000000001 2 3.14)
+(zset 2 2 2.718)
+(xset 4.718 2 2.718)
+(before 3 0 0)
+(after 3 3 0)
+(zset 3 3 3.14)
+(xset 6.140000000000001 3 3.14)
+(zset 3 3 2.718)
+(xset 5.718 3 2.718)
+;Value: #f
+;;; AX 3 - Pythagorean triples
+;; In breadth-first we get useful results here.
+;; None from depth-first.
+;; AX 3.f - A Pythagorean triple from...
+(define (a-pythagorean-triple-from low)
+ (let ((i (an-integer-from low)))
+ (let ((j (an-integer-from i)))
+ (let ((k (an-integer-from j)))
+ (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k)))
+ (list i j k)))))
+(define (require p)
+ (if (not p) (amb)))
+(define (an-integer-from low)
+ (amb low (an-integer-from (+ low 1))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (pp (a-pythagorean-triple-from 1))
+ (amb)))
+(3 4 5)
+(6 8 10)
+(5 12 13)
+(9 12 15)
+(8 15 17)
+(12 16 20)
+(7 24 25)
+(15 20 25)
+(10 24 26)
+(20 21 29)
+(18 24 30)
+(16 30 34)
+(21 28 35)
+(12 35 37)
+(15 36 39)
+(24 32 40)
+(9 40 41)
+(27 36 45)
+(14 48 50)
+(30 40 50)
+(24 45 51)
+(20 48 52)
+(28 45 53)
+(33 44 55)
+(40 42 58)
+(36 48 60)
+(11 60 61)
+(16 63 65)
+(25 60 65)
+(33 56 65)
+;; AX 3.b - A Pythagorean triple between...
+;; For example, for controlling search:
+(define (a-pythagorean-triple-between low high)
+ (let ((i (an-integer-between low high)))
+ (let ((j (an-integer-between i high)))
+ (let ((k (an-integer-between j high)))
+ (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k)))
+ (list i j k)))))
+(define (an-integer-between low high)
+ (require (<= low high))
+ (amb low
+ (an-integer-between (+ low 1) high)))
+;; A useful device:
+(define (amb-collect-values result-thunk #!optional limit)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (let ((values '()) (count 0))
+ (fluid-let ((*top-level* (lambda (ignore) (k values)))
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule)))
+ (let ((value (result-thunk)))
+ (set! values (cons value values))
+ (set! count (+ count 1))
+ (if (and (not (default-object? limit))
+ (>= count limit))
+ (k values))
+ (amb)))))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((mid (amb-collect-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (a-pythagorean-triple-between 1 20))
+ ;; I want only 3, and
+ ;; I don't want to backtrack into this.
+ 3)))
+ (pp (list (a-pythagorean-triple-between 1 10)
+ mid
+ (a-pythagorean-triple-between 10 30)))
+ (amb))))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (10 24 26))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (10 24 26))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (12 16 20))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (12 16 20))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (15 20 25))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (15 20 25))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (18 24 30))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (18 24 30))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (20 21 29))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (20 21 29))
+;Value: #f
diff --git a/ps07_amb/examples.scm b/ps07_amb/examples.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1162d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/examples.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+|| SICP Section 4.3.2
+|| Logic Puzzles
+|| Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, and Smith live on
+|| different floors of a building that has only five
+|| floors. Baker does not live on the top floor.
+|| Cooper does not live on the bottom floor. Fletcher
+|| does not live on either the top or the bottom
+|| floor. Miller lives on a higher floor than does
+|| Cooper. Smith does not live on a floor adjacent to
+|| Fletcher's. Fletcher does not live on a floor
+|| adjacent to Cooper's. Where does everyone live?
+|| (From Dinesman, 1968)
+(define (multiple-dwelling)
+ (let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5)))
+ (require
+ (distinct?
+ (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith)))
+ (require (not (= baker 5)))
+ (require (not (= cooper 1)))
+ (require (not (= fletcher 5)))
+ (require (not (= fletcher 1)))
+ (require (> miller cooper))
+ (require
+ (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1)))
+ (require
+ (not (= (abs (- fletcher cooper)) 1)))
+ (list (list 'baker baker)
+ (list 'cooper cooper)
+ (list 'fletcher fletcher)
+ (list 'miller miller)
+ (list 'smith smith))))
+(define (distinct? items)
+ (cond ((null? items) #t)
+ ((null? (cdr items)) #t)
+ ((member (car items) (cdr items)) #f)
+ (else (distinct? (cdr items)))))
+;Value: done
+(with-depth-first-schedule multiple-dwelling)
+;Value: ((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1))
+;No more alternatives
+;;; From SICP Section 4.3.2
+;;; Parsing natural language
+(define (parse input)
+ (amb-set! *unparsed* input)
+ (let ((sent (parse-sentence)))
+ (require (null? *unparsed*))
+ sent))
+(define *unparsed* '())
+(define (parse-sentence)
+ (let* ((np (parse-noun-phrase))
+ (verb (parse-verb-phrase)))
+ (list 'sentence np verb)))
+(define (parse-noun-phrase)
+ (define (maybe-extend noun-phrase)
+ (amb noun-phrase
+ (maybe-extend
+ (list 'noun-phrase
+ noun-phrase
+ (parse-prepositional-phrase)))))
+ (maybe-extend (parse-s-noun-phrase)))
+(define (parse-verb-phrase)
+ (define (maybe-extend verb-phrase)
+ (amb verb-phrase
+ (maybe-extend
+ (list 'verb-phrase
+ verb-phrase
+ (parse-prepositional-phrase)))))
+ (maybe-extend (parse-word verbs)))
+(define (parse-s-noun-phrase)
+ (let* ((article (parse-word articles))
+ (noun (parse-word nouns)))
+ (list 's-noun-phrase article noun)))
+(define (parse-prepositional-phrase)
+ (let* ((preposition
+ (parse-word prepositions))
+ (np (parse-noun-phrase)))
+ (list 'prep-phrase preposition np)))
+(define (parse-word word-list)
+ (require (not (null? *unparsed*)))
+ (require (memq (car *unparsed*)
+ (cdr word-list)))
+ (let ((found-word (car *unparsed*)))
+ (amb-set! *unparsed* (cdr *unparsed*))
+ (list (car word-list) found-word)))
+(define nouns
+ '(noun student professor cat class))
+(define verbs
+ '(verb studies lectures eats sleeps))
+(define articles
+ '(article the a))
+(define prepositions
+ '(prep for to in by with))
+;Value: done
+ (parse
+ '(the student with the cat sleeps in the class)))
+ (noun-phrase
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun student))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat))))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb sleeps)
+ (prep-phrase (prep in)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun class)))))
+;Unspecified return value
+;No more alternatives
+;Value: done
+ (parse
+ '(the professor lectures
+ to the student with the cat)))
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun professor))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb lectures)
+ (prep-phrase (prep to)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun student))))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat)))))
+;Unspecified return value
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun professor))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb lectures)
+ (prep-phrase
+ (prep to)
+ (noun-phrase
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun student))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat)))))))
+;Unspecified return value
+;No more alternatives
diff --git a/ps07_amb/funco.scm b/ps07_amb/funco.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73fb947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/funco.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+;;;; Fun with Continuations
+#| Adapted from MIT/GNU Scheme Reference Manual [Section 12.4]:
+ (lambda (exit)
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (if (negative? x)
+ (exit x)))
+ '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19)) ; **
+ #t))
+;Value: -3
+;;; Continuations as Non-Local Exits
+(define (funco:first-negative list-of-numbers)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_exit)
+ (or (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_shortcut)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((not (number? n))
+ (pp `(not-a-number: ,n))
+ (k_exit #f))
+ ((negative? n)
+ (k_shortcut n))
+ (else
+ ':keep-looking)))
+ list-of-numbers)
+ #f ;; Fall-through sentinel: no negatives found.
+ ))
+ ':no-negatives-found))))
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19))
+;Value: -3
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 3 245 19))
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 no 245 boo))
+(not-a-number: no)
+;Value: #f
+;;; Continuations for Proceeding (Suspend/Resume Backtracking)
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed list-of-numbers) ;;; **
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_exit)
+ (or (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_shortcut)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (pp ;;; **
+ (call-with-current-continuation ;;; **
+ (lambda (k_proceed) ;;; **
+ (cond ((not (number? n))
+ (pp `(not-a-number: ,n))
+ (k_exit
+ (cons n k_proceed))) ;;; **
+ ((negative? n)
+ (k_shortcut
+ (cons n k_proceed))) ;;; **
+ (else
+ ':keep-looking)))
+ ))) ;;; **
+ list-of-numbers)
+ #f ;; Fall-through sentinel: no negatives found.
+ ))
+ ':no-negatives-found))))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? smore) (pair? smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found smore) (car smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/k smore) (cdr smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next smore)
+ ((funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/k smore)
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found smore)))
+;;; ------------
+(define funco:first-of-two
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19)))
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: -3
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: -19
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; ----
+(define funco:nada
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 3 245 19)))
+;Value: funco:nada
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nada)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; ----
+(define funco:nans
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 no 245 boo)))
+(not-a-number: no)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:nans)
+;Value: no
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:nans)
+(not-a-number: boo)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:nans)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; Continuations for Backtracking (Re-entrant 1st-Class Continuations)
+(define *k_re-funco*)
+(define funco)
+ (set! funco (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_re-funco)
+ (set! *k_re-funco* k_re-funco)
+ 3))))
+ ':ok)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 5
+(*k_re-funco* 4)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 6
+(*k_re-funco* 5)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 7
+;;; Dynamic Contexts and Within-Continuation
+(define (funco:test-k-thunk k-thunk)
+ (let ((*foo* 2)) ;----------------------.
+ (define (foo-thunk) *foo*) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ (call-with-current-continuation ; :
+ (lambda (k) ; :
+ (fluid-let ((*foo* 3)) ;---------------------. :
+ (k-thunk k foo-thunk) ; *foo* is 3 in here. : :
+ ) ;---------------------' :
+ )) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ )) ;----------------------'
+(funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (k (thunk))))
+;Value: 3
+(funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (within-continuation k thunk)))
+;Value: 2
diff --git a/ps07_amb/load.scm b/ps07_amb/load.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0c783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/load.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;; Fun with Continuations
+(load "funco")
+;; AMB Scheme extensions
+(load "stack-queue")
+(load "ambsch")
+;; AMB Examples from SICP
+(load "examples")
diff --git a/ps07_amb/ps.txt b/ps07_amb/ps.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70b8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/ps.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1355 @@
+ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
+ 6.945 Spring 2009
+ Problem Set 7
+ Issued: Wed. 18 Mar. 2009 Due: Wed. 1 Apr. 2009
+ SICP second edition
+ Section 4.3:
+ Variations on a Scheme--Nondeterministic Programming
+ Online MIT/GNU Scheme Documentation,
+ Section 2.3: Dynamic Binding - fluid-let
+ Section 12.4: Continuations - call-with-current-continuation &
+ within-continuation
+ There is an entire bibliography of stuff about this on:
+Code: load.scm, funco.scm, ambsch.scm, stack-queue, examples.scm (attached)
+ Generate and Test
+We normally think of generate and test, and its extreme use in search,
+as an AI technique. However, it can be viewed as a way of making
+systems that are modular and independently evolvable, as in the
+exploratory behavior of biological systems. Consider a very simple
+example: suppose we have to solve a quadratic equation. There are two
+roots to a quadratic. We could return both, and assume that the user
+of the solution knows how to deal with that, or we could return one
+and hope for the best. (The canonical sqrt routine returns the
+positive square root, even though there are two square roots!) The
+disadvantage of returning both solutions is that the receiver of that
+result must know to try the computation with both and either reject
+one, for good reason, or return both results of the computation, which
+may itself have made some choices. The disadvantage of returning only
+one solution is that it may not be the right one for the receiver's
+A better way to handle this is to build a backtracking mechanism into
+the infrastructure. The square-root procedure should return one of
+the roots, with the option to change its mind and return the other one
+if the first choice is determined to be inappropriate by the receiver.
+It is, and should be, the receiver's responsibility to determine if
+the ingredients to its computation are appropriate and acceptable.
+This may itself require a complex computation, involving choices whose
+consequences may not be apparent without further computation, so the
+process is recursive. Of course, this gets us into potentially deadly
+exponential searches through all possible assignments to all the
+choices that have been made in the program. As usual, modular
+flexibility can be dangerous.
+ Linguistically Implicit Search
+We have talked about the extent to which a search strategy can be
+separated from the other parts of a program, so that one can
+interchange search strategies without greatly modifying the program.
+In this problem set we take the further step of pushing search and
+search control into the infrastructure that is supported by the
+language, without explicitly building search into our program at all.
+This idea has considerable history. In 1961 John McCarthy had the
+idea of a nondeterministic operator AMB, which could be useful for
+representing nondeterministic automata. In 1967 Bob Floyd had the
+idea of building backtracking search into a computer language as part
+of the linguistic glue. In 1969 Carl Hewitt proposed a language,
+PLANNER, that embodied these ideas. In the early 1970s Colmerauer,
+Kowalski, Roussel, and Warren developed Prolog, a language based on a
+limited form of first-order predicate calculus, which made
+backtracking search implicit.
+In this problem set we will learn how to implement and how to use
+linguistic nondeterminism. Before proceeding we recommend that you
+carefully reread section 4.3, up to but not including 4.3.3 of SICP
+(pages 412--426). This material introduces AMB and shows how it can
+be used to formalize some classes of search problems. Section 4.3.3
+describes how to compile a language that includes AMB into a
+combinator structure. We touched on this in Problem Set 4. In this
+problem set we will see a different way to implement AMB, worked out
+in the file "ambsch.scm", which allows ordinary Scheme programs to
+freely intermix with code that includes nondeterministic search.
+But before we try to understand the implementation, it is useful to
+review what can be done with AMB. If you load "ambsch.scm" into MIT
+Scheme you can run examples such as the ones in the comments at the
+end of the "ambsch.scm" file, and you can solve the following puzzle.
+Problem 7.1: Warmup (From SICP Exercise 4.43, p.420)
+Formalize and solve the following puzzle with AMB:
+ Mary Ann Moore's father has a yacht and so has each of his
+ four friends: Colonel Downing, Mr. Hall, Sir Barnacle Hood,
+ and Dr. Parker. Each of the five also has one daughter and
+ each has named his yacht after a daughter of one of the
+ others. Sir Barnacle's yacht is the Gabrielle, Mr. Moore
+ owns the Lorna; Mr. Hall the Rosalind. The Melissa, owned
+ by Colonel Downing, is named after Sir Barnacle's daughter.
+ Gabrielle's father owns the yacht that is named after Dr.
+ Parker's daughter. Who is Lorna's father?
+You must use AMB to specify the alternatives that are possible for
+each choice. Also determine how many solutions there are if we are
+not told that Mary Ann's last name is Moore.
+ Fun with Current Continuation
+Before we can understand how the ambsch mechanism works we have to get
+deeper into continuations. Continuations are one of the most powerful
+(and the most dangerous) tools of a programmer. Scheme provides the
+ability for a programmer to get the continuation of an expression.
+But most other languages do not support the use of first-class
+continuations. (Some other languages that do have first-class
+continuations include SML, Ruby, and Smalltalk.)
+Whenever a Scheme expression is evaluated, a continuation exists that
+wants the result of the expression. The continuation represents an
+entire (default) future for the computation. If the expression is
+evaluated at top level, for example, the continuation will take the
+result, print it on the screen, prompt for the next input, evaluate
+it, and so on forever. Most of the time the continuation includes
+actions specified by user code, as in a continuation that will take
+the result, multiply it by the value stored in a local variable, add
+seven, and give the answer to the top-level continuation to be
+printed. Normally these ubiquitous continuations are hidden behind the
+scenes and programmers don't think much about them. On the rare
+occasions that you may need to deal explicitly with continuations,
+call-with-current-continuation lets you do so by creating a procedure
+that acts just like the current continuation.
+See the on-line MIT/GNU Scheme Reference Manual, Section 12.4, for a
+detailed description of CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION.
+Explicit continuations may be powerful and sometimes useful, but they
+are rarely necessary. One common usage case is for non-local exits.
+Another is for resuming a suspended computation for backtracking. Yet
+another is coroutining (which we will explore in a later problem set).
+ Continuations as Non-Local Exits
+Consider the following simple example of a non-local exit continuation
+(adapted from the MIT/GNU Scheme Reference Manual [Section 12.4]):
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (exit)
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (if (negative? x)
+ (exit x)))
+ '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19)) ; **
+ #t))
+ ;Value: -3
+Because Scheme's for-each procedure walks the list in left-to-right
+order, the first negative element encountered is -3, which is
+immediately returned. Had the list contained no negative numbers, the
+result would have been #t (since the body of the lambda form is a
+sequence of two expressions, the for-each expression followed by #t).
+In a larger context, this might appear within some other form, like
+the following definition (explained below) in file "funco.scm":
+ (define (funco:first-negative list-of-numbers)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_exit)
+ (or (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_shortcut)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((not (number? n))
+ (pp `(not-a-number: ,n))
+ (k_exit #f))
+ ((negative? n)
+ (k_shortcut n))
+ (else
+ ':keep-looking)))
+ list-of-numbers)
+ #f ;; Fall-through sentinel: no negatives found.
+ ))
+ ':no-negatives-found))))
+ #|
+ (funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19))
+ ;Value: -3
+ (funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 3 245 19))
+ ;Value: :no-negatives-found
+ (funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 no 245 boo))
+ (not-a-number: no)
+ ;Value: #f
+ |#
+This demonstrates nested continuations, where the outermost k_exit
+continuation exits the entire call to funco:first-negative while the
+inner k_shortcut continuation exits only to the enclosing disjunction
+(or), then continues from there.
+In short, if a continuation captured by call-with-current-continuation
+is ever invoked (with value V), then the computation will continue by
+returning V as the value of the call to call-with-current-continuation
+and resuming execution normally from there. [This is a bit tricky so
+look at the code above and re-read this last sentence a couple times
+until it makes sense... and please suggest alternative wording that
+might be less quixotically obtuse.]
+Problem 7.2:
+A. Define a simple procedure, snark-hunt, that takes a tree of symbols
+ as argument and recursively descends it looking for the symbol
+ 'snark at any leaf. It should immediately halt and return #t if
+ one is found; #f otherwise. Use call-with-current-continuation.
+ If it helps, feel free to assume that all input trees will be valid
+ non-null lists of tree-or-symbol elements, or whatever other data
+ representation you find convenient.
+ E.g.,
+ (snark-hunt '(((a b c) d (e f)) g (((snark . "oops") h) (i . j))))
+ ;Value: #t
+ Note that the dotted pairs in the above violate (intentionally) the
+ assumption that the input is comprised solely of proper lists of
+ tree-or-symbol elements, so overruns may well result in errors.
+B. How might you verify that it exits immediately rather than silently
+ returning through multiple return levels? Define a new procedure,
+ snark-hunt/instrumented, to demonstrate this. [Hint: setting an
+ exit status flag then signaling an error on wayward return paths
+ might work if placed carefully, but simply tracing via pp may be
+ easier. Whatever quick and dirty hack that works will do. The
+ goal here is to build your intuition about continuations, not to
+ ship product-quality code. Briefly explain your strategy.]
+ Continuations for Backtracking
+The preceding was somewhat simplistic since the continuations captured
+were used only for non-local exits. Specifically, they were not used
+for backtracking. Moreover, they were never re-entered once invoked.
+Now consider the following slightly more interesting scenario:
+ (define *k_re-funco*)
+ (define funco)
+ #|
+ (begin
+ (set! funco (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_re-funco)
+ (set! *k_re-funco* k_re-funco)
+ 3))))
+ ':ok)
+ ;Value: :ok
+ funco
+ ;Value: 5
+ (*k_re-funco* 4)
+ ;Value: :ok
+ funco
+ ;Value: 6
+ (*k_re-funco* 5)
+ ;Value: :ok
+ funco
+ ;Value: 7
+ |#
+Note carefully how re-entering this captured continuation returns
+control to the point before the add and, therefore, before assigning
+variable funco and returning the symbol ':ok. This is why invoking it
+always returns the symbol ':ok, not the value passed to the exported
+continuation being re-entered (obviously) and not the new value to
+which that variable is re-assigned nor its old value nor unspecific.
+This and the other examples in file "funco.scm" (attached) demonstrate
+how to re-enter a captured continuation to proceed from intermediate
+return points. This mechanism is used for backtracking in "ambsch.scm".
+ Continuations and Dynamic Contexts
+We've already seen a few instances of dynamic binding via FLUID-LET in
+lecture. Although assignment violates referential transparency, fluid
+binding can be handy for locally overriding a free variable's value.
+For example, consider the following code fragment:
+ (define *trace?* #f)
+ (define (foo x)
+ (set! *trace?* #t)
+ (let ((result (bar x))) ;; bar may pp status when *trace?* set
+ (set! *trace?* #f)
+ result))
+This works as expected only so long as bar does not capture and export
+a continuation that can be used to re-enter bar's body. Moreover, if
+bar exits by invoking a continuation that bypasses the normal return
+mechanism that LET-binds result, the *trace?* flag may not be reset on
+the way out. Worse, this presumes *trace?* is always #f on entry.
+To handle side-effects like this in the face of (possibly hidden)
+first-class continuations, a new dynamic binding form named FLUID-LET
+is provided that assigns (rather than LET-binds) variables on entry
+and reassigns them to their previous values upon exit, whether exiting
+via the normal return mechanism or through some captured continuation.
+Thus, FLUID-LET allows parameterization of subsystems with a condition
+that is in effect over a controlled time interval (an extent) rather
+than over a lexically apparent textual region of code (a scope).
+The FLUID-LET special form is documented in the on-line MIT/GNU Scheme
+Reference Manual, Section 2.3 Dynamic Binding (q.v.).
+In this case, for example, the expected behavior can be achieved by
+rewriting the above code fragment as:
+ (define (foo x)
+ (fluid-let ((*trace?* #t))
+ (bar x)))
+This mechanism is used in a few places in "ambsch.scm" to allow
+arbitrary nesting of depth-first verse breadth-first scheduling.
+It is also used by the mildly hackish amb-collect-values device.
+ Dynamic Contexts and Within-Continuation
+The story gets really interesting when we define a thunk (a procedure
+of no arguments) at some control point in order to delay evaluation of
+its body, but we wish to invoke it in the dynamic context of its
+definition's control point, not the dynamic context in flight at its
+eventual point of call.
+For example, consider the following slightly contrived code fragment:
+ (define (funco:test-k-thunk k-thunk)
+ (let ((*foo* 2)) ;----------------------.
+ (define (foo-thunk) *foo*) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ (call-with-current-continuation ; :
+ (lambda (k) ; :
+ (fluid-let ((*foo* 3)) ;---------------------. :
+ (k-thunk k foo-thunk) ; *foo* is 3 in here. : :
+ ) ;---------------------' :
+ )) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ )) ;----------------------'
+ #|
+ (funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (k (thunk))))
+ ;Value: 3
+ (funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (within-continuation k thunk)))
+ ;Value: 2
+ |#
+The WITHIN-CONTINUATION procedure is documented in the MIT/GNU Scheme
+Reference Manual [Section 12.4]). In short, it unrolls the dynamic
+context to that of the continuation, k, before invoking the thunk, the
+result of which is then passed to the continuation, k.
+In "ambsch.scm", WITHIN-CONTINUATION is used to ensure that sibling
+AMB arguments are called in the dynamic context in which they were
+introduced, not the dynamic context in which they are eventually
+invoked. This not only ensures that each AMB alternative backtracks
+to appropriate nested search strategies, it also avoids unnecessary
+accumulation of control state during the invocation of alternatives.
+ From Continuations to AMB
+Now that we have had experience with explicit expression continuations
+we can begin to understand the code in "ambsch.scm". The heart of the
+backtracker is amb-list, which takes a sequence of sibling thunks,
+each representing an alternative value for the amb expression. The
+thunks were produced by the amb macro, which syntactically transforms
+amb expressions into amb-list expressions, as follows:
+ (amb <e1> ... <en>) ==>
+ (amb-list (list (lambda () <e1>) ... (lambda () <en>)))
+The search schedule maintains an agenda of thunks that proceed the
+computation when it is necessary for an amb expression to return with
+a new alternative value. For a particular amb expression these thunks
+are constructed so as to return from that amb expression, using the
+continuation, k, captured at the entrance to its enclosing amb-list.
+The within-continuation expression, which is almost equivalent to the
+call (k (alternative)), prevents the capture of pieces of the control
+stack that are unnecessary for continuing the computation correctly.
+Ambl first adds the returners for its alternative values to the search
+schedule and then yields control to the first pending returner.
+ (define (amb-list alternatives)
+ (if (null? alternatives)
+ (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail*
+ (+ *number-of-calls-to-fail* 1)))
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (add-to-search-schedule
+ (map (lambda (alternative)
+ (lambda ()
+ (within-continuation k alternative)))
+ alternatives))
+ (yield))))
+ (define (yield)
+ (if (stack&queue-empty? *search-schedule*)
+ (*top-level* #f)
+ ((pop! *search-schedule*))))
+Note that procedure add-to-search-schedule is fluid bound either to
+add-to-depth-first-search-schedule (the default behavior) or else to
+add-to-breadth-first-search-schedule. See "ambsch.scm" for details.
+ Breadth -v- Depth
+Consider the following experiment:
+ (define (a-pythagorean-triple-between low high)
+ (let ((i (an-integer-between low high)))
+ (let ((j (an-integer-between i high)))
+ (let ((k (an-integer-between j high)))
+ (set! count (+ count 1)) ; **
+ (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k)))
+ (list i j k)))))
+ (define count 0)
+ #|
+ (begin
+ (init-amb)
+ (set! count 0)
+ (with-breadth-first-schedule
+ (lambda () (pp (a-pythagorean-triple-between 10 20)))))
+ (12 16 20)
+ count
+ ;Value: 246
+ *number-of-calls-to-fail*
+ ;Value: 282
+ (begin
+ (init-amb)
+ (set! count 0)
+ (with-depth-first-schedule
+ (lambda () (pp (a-pythagorean-triple-between 10 20)))))
+ (12 16 20)
+ count
+ ;Value: 156
+ *number-of-calls-to-fail*
+ ;Value: 182
+ |#
+Problem 7.3:
+Explain the different counts between depth-first and breadth-first
+(in rough terms, not the exact counts).
+Also, where are the extra calls to fail coming from?
+Considering that the breadth-first search does more work, why is the
+a-pythagorean-triple-from search [AX 3.f in "ambsch.scm"] not usable
+under the depth-first search strategy?
+ Less Deterministic Non-Determinism
+Eva Lu Ator chides that a criticism one might make of our AMB
+implementation is that it's not as non-deterministic as one might
+sometimes like. Specifically, given a list of alternatives in an AMB
+form, we always choose the leftmost alternative first then the second
+leftmost and so on in left-to-right order.
+She suggests that one might wish to override this choice, say, with
+right-to-left alternation or even in random order. Specifically,
+she'd like something like:
+ (with-left-to-right-alternation <thunk>)
+ (with-right-to-left-alternation <thunk>)
+ (with-random-order-alternation <thunk>)
+She's quick to point out that this choice is independent of the choice
+of depth-first or breadth-first (or whatever else) search order one
+might choose.
+Problem 7.5:
+A. Under what circumstances might you want an unordered (random) AMB?
+ Craft a specific short example to use as a test case below.
+B. Implement these three alternatives and give an example use of each.
+ For simplicity and uniformity, model your code after that for
+ with-depth-first-schedule, add-to-depth-first-search-schedule, etc.
+ [Hint: Feel free to use the native MIT Scheme RANDOM procedure.]
+ Neurological Origami
+Consider the following brain twister:
+ (define moby-brain-twister-test
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x) (y) (z))
+ (set! x (amb 1 2 3))
+ (pp (list x))
+ (set! y (amb 'a 'b))
+ (pp (list x y))
+ (set! z (amb #t #f))
+ (pp (list x y z))
+ (amb))))
+ #|
+ (with-breadth-first-schedule moby-brain-twister-test)
+ (1)
+ (2)
+ (3)
+ (3 a)
+ (3 b)
+ (3 a)
+ (3 b)
+ (3 a)
+ (3 b)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ (3 b #t)
+ (3 b #f)
+ ;Value: #f
+ |#
+Contrast this trace with the breadth-first elementary backtrack test
+AMB example from "ambsch.scm" [viz., AX 1.b].
+Problem 7.6:
+Why does this weird thing happen?
+The explanation is very simple, but this took us many hours to
+[Hint: Look at (with-depth-first-schedule moby-brain-twister-test).]
+ A Potential Project Topic
+Problem 7.7: (optional!)
+In the ``Continuations and Dynamic Contexts'' discussion section
+above, it was claimed that the breadth-first and depth-first search
+strategies can be arbitrarily nested within AMB forms.
+Does the nesting of depth-first and breadth-first scheduling work
+correctly as currently implemented in "ambsch.scm"? Specifically,
+design an experiment that exposes the bug (if there is one) or that
+demonstrates anecdotally that it does work correctly (if it does).
+Explain your rationale.
+This involves crafting a couple experiments that distinguish between
+depth-first and breadth-first search strategies then composing them in
+interesting ways to demonstrate local control over nested searches.
+Identifying a natural class of problems for which this flexibility is
+useful--- not just hacked together to prove a point--- might be a fine
+topic for an independent project. Don't spend too much time on it yet.
+;;;; File: funco.scm
+;;;; Fun with Continuations
+#| Adapted from MIT/GNU Scheme Reference Manual [Section 12.4]:
+ (lambda (exit)
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (if (negative? x)
+ (exit x)))
+ '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19)) ; **
+ #t))
+;Value: -3
+;;; Continuations as Non-Local Exits
+(define (funco:first-negative list-of-numbers)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_exit)
+ (or (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_shortcut)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (cond ((not (number? n))
+ (pp `(not-a-number: ,n))
+ (k_exit #f))
+ ((negative? n)
+ (k_shortcut n))
+ (else
+ ':keep-looking)))
+ list-of-numbers)
+ #f ;; Fall-through sentinel: no negatives found.
+ ))
+ ':no-negatives-found))))
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19))
+;Value: -3
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 3 245 19))
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+(funco:first-negative '(54 0 37 no 245 boo))
+(not-a-number: no)
+;Value: #f
+;;; Continuations for Proceeding (Suspend/Resume Backtracking)
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed list-of-numbers) ;;; **
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_exit)
+ (or (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_shortcut)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (pp ;;; **
+ (call-with-current-continuation ;;; **
+ (lambda (k_proceed) ;;; **
+ (cond ((not (number? n))
+ (pp `(not-a-number: ,n))
+ (k_exit
+ (cons n k_proceed))) ;;; **
+ ((negative? n)
+ (k_shortcut
+ (cons n k_proceed))) ;;; **
+ (else
+ ':keep-looking)))
+ ))) ;;; **
+ list-of-numbers)
+ #f ;; Fall-through sentinel: no negatives found.
+ ))
+ ':no-negatives-found))))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? smore) (pair? smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found smore) (car smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/k smore) (cdr smore))
+(define (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next smore)
+ ((funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/k smore)
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found smore)))
+;;; ------------
+(define funco:first-of-two
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 -3 245 -19)))
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: -3
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: -19
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: funco:first-of-two
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:first-of-two)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; ----
+(define funco:nada
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 3 245 19)))
+;Value: funco:nada
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nada)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; ----
+(define funco:nans
+ (funco:first-negative-n-proceed '(54 0 37 no 245 boo)))
+(not-a-number: no)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/found funco:nans)
+;Value: no
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:nans)
+(not-a-number: boo)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #t
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more/next funco:nans)
+;Value: funco:nans
+(funco:first-negative-n-proceed-more? funco:nans)
+;Value: #f
+;Value: :no-negatives-found
+;;; Continuations for Backtracking (Re-entrant 1st-Class Continuations)
+(define *k_re-funco*)
+(define funco)
+ (set! funco (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k_re-funco)
+ (set! *k_re-funco* k_re-funco)
+ 3))))
+ ':ok)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 5
+(*k_re-funco* 4)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 6
+(*k_re-funco* 5)
+;Value: :ok
+;Value: 7
+;;; Dynamic Contexts and Within-Continuation
+(define (funco:test-k-thunk k-thunk)
+ (let ((*foo* 2)) ;----------------------.
+ (define (foo-thunk) *foo*) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ (call-with-current-continuation ; :
+ (lambda (k) ; :
+ (fluid-let ((*foo* 3)) ;---------------------. :
+ (k-thunk k foo-thunk) ; *foo* is 3 in here. : :
+ ) ;---------------------' :
+ )) ; *foo* is 2 out here. :
+ )) ;----------------------'
+(funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (k (thunk))))
+;Value: 3
+(funco:test-k-thunk (lambda (k thunk)
+ (within-continuation k thunk)))
+;Value: 2
+;;;; File: ambsch.scm
+;;;; Extension of Scheme for amb
+;;; amb is the ambiguous operator of McCarthy.
+;;; (load "stack-queue.scm")
+(define-syntax amb
+ (sc-macro-transformer
+ (lambda (form uenv)
+ `(amb-list
+ (list ,@(map (lambda (arg)
+ `(lambda ()
+ ,(close-syntax arg uenv)))
+ (cdr form)))))))
+(define *number-of-calls-to-fail* 0) ;for metering.
+(define (amb-list alternatives)
+ (if (null? alternatives)
+ (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail*
+ (+ *number-of-calls-to-fail* 1)))
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (add-to-search-schedule
+ (map (lambda (alternative)
+ (lambda ()
+ (within-continuation k alternative)))
+ alternatives))
+ (yield))))
+;;; amb-set! is an assignment operator
+;;; that gets undone on backtracking.
+(define-syntax amb-set!
+ (sc-macro-transformer
+ (lambda (form uenv)
+ (compile-amb-set (cadr form) (caddr form) uenv))))
+(define (compile-amb-set var val-expr uenv)
+ (let ((var (close-syntax var uenv))
+ (val (close-syntax val-expr uenv)))
+ `(let ((old-value ,var))
+ (effect-wrapper
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! ,var ,val))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! ,var old-value))))))
+;;; A general wrapper for undoable effects
+(define (effect-wrapper doer undoer)
+ (force-next
+ (lambda () (undoer) (yield)))
+ (doer))
+;;; Alternative search strategy wrappers
+(define (with-depth-first-schedule thunk)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (fluid-let ((add-to-search-schedule
+ add-to-depth-first-search-schedule)
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (*top-level* k))
+ (thunk)))))
+(define (with-breadth-first-schedule thunk)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (fluid-let ((add-to-search-schedule
+ add-to-breadth-first-search-schedule)
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (*top-level* k))
+ (thunk)))))
+;;; Representation of the search schedule
+(define *search-schedule*)
+(define (empty-search-schedule)
+ (make-stack&queue))
+(define (yield)
+ (if (stack&queue-empty? *search-schedule*)
+ (*top-level* #f)
+ ((pop! *search-schedule*))))
+(define (force-next thunk)
+ (push! *search-schedule* thunk))
+;;; Alternative search strategies
+(define (add-to-depth-first-search-schedule alternatives)
+ (for-each (lambda (alternative)
+ (push! *search-schedule* alternative))
+ (reverse alternatives)))
+(define (add-to-breadth-first-search-schedule alternatives)
+ (for-each (lambda (alternative)
+ (add-to-end! *search-schedule* alternative))
+ alternatives))
+;;; For incremental interactive experiments from REPL.
+(define (init-amb)
+ (set! *search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule))
+ (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail* 0)
+ 'done)
+(define add-to-search-schedule ;; Default is depth 1st
+ add-to-depth-first-search-schedule)
+(define *top-level*
+ (lambda (ignore)
+ (display ";No more alternatives\n")
+ (abort->top-level unspecific)))
+;;; AX 1 - Elementary backtrack test.
+(define elementary-backtrack-test
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (amb 1 2 3)))
+ (pp (list x))
+ (let ((y (amb 'a 'b)))
+ (pp (list x y))
+ (let ((z (amb #t #f)))
+ (pp (list x y z)))))
+ (amb)))
+;; AX 1.d - Elementary backtrack test. [Depth First]
+(with-depth-first-schedule elementary-backtrack-test)
+(1 a)
+(1 a #t)
+(1 a #f)
+(1 b)
+(1 b #t)
+(1 b #f)
+(2 a)
+(2 a #t)
+(2 a #f)
+(2 b)
+(2 b #t)
+(2 b #f)
+(3 a)
+(3 a #t)
+(3 a #f)
+(3 b)
+(3 b #t)
+(3 b #f)
+;Value: #f
+;; AX 1.b - Elementary backtrack test. [Breadth First]
+(with-breadth-first-schedule elementary-backtrack-test)
+(1 a)
+(1 b)
+(2 a)
+(2 b)
+(3 a)
+(3 b)
+(1 a #t)
+(1 a #f)
+(1 b #t)
+(1 b #f)
+(2 a #t)
+(2 a #f)
+(2 b #t)
+(2 b #f)
+(3 a #t)
+(3 a #f)
+(3 b #t)
+(3 b #f)
+;Value: #f
+;;; AX 2 - Testing undoable assignment.
+(define testing-undoable-assignment
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((x (amb 1 2 3)) (y 0) (z 0))
+ (pp `(before ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! y x)
+ (pp `(after ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! z (amb 3.14 2.718))
+ (pp `(zset ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb-set! x (+ y z))
+ (pp `(xset ,x ,y ,z))
+ (amb))))
+;;; AX 2.d - Testing undoable assignment. [Depth First]
+(with-depth-first-schedule testing-undoable-assignment)
+(before 1 0 0)
+(after 1 1 0)
+(zset 1 1 3.14)
+(xset 4.140000000000001 1 3.14)
+(zset 1 1 2.718)
+(xset 3.718 1 2.718)
+(before 2 0 0)
+(after 2 2 0)
+(zset 2 2 3.14)
+(xset 5.140000000000001 2 3.14)
+(zset 2 2 2.718)
+(xset 4.718 2 2.718)
+(before 3 0 0)
+(after 3 3 0)
+(zset 3 3 3.14)
+(xset 6.140000000000001 3 3.14)
+(zset 3 3 2.718)
+(xset 5.718 3 2.718)
+;Value: #f
+;;; AX 3 - Pythagorean triples
+;; In breadth-first we get useful results here.
+;; None from depth-first.
+;; AX 3.f - A Pythagorean triple from...
+(define (a-pythagorean-triple-from low)
+ (let ((i (an-integer-from low)))
+ (let ((j (an-integer-from i)))
+ (let ((k (an-integer-from j)))
+ (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k)))
+ (list i j k)))))
+(define (require p)
+ (if (not p) (amb)))
+(define (an-integer-from low)
+ (amb low (an-integer-from (+ low 1))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (pp (a-pythagorean-triple-from 1))
+ (amb)))
+(3 4 5)
+(6 8 10)
+(5 12 13)
+(9 12 15)
+(8 15 17)
+(12 16 20)
+(7 24 25)
+(15 20 25)
+(10 24 26)
+(20 21 29)
+(18 24 30)
+(16 30 34)
+(21 28 35)
+(12 35 37)
+(15 36 39)
+(24 32 40)
+(9 40 41)
+(27 36 45)
+(14 48 50)
+(30 40 50)
+(24 45 51)
+(20 48 52)
+(28 45 53)
+(33 44 55)
+(40 42 58)
+(36 48 60)
+(11 60 61)
+(16 63 65)
+;; AX 3.b - A Pythagorean triple between...
+;; For example, for controlling search:
+(define (a-pythagorean-triple-between low high)
+ (let ((i (an-integer-between low high)))
+ (let ((j (an-integer-between i high)))
+ (let ((k (an-integer-between j high)))
+ (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k)))
+ (list i j k)))))
+(define (an-integer-between low high)
+ (require (<= low high))
+ (amb low
+ (an-integer-between (+ low 1) high)))
+;; A useful device:
+(define (amb-collect-values result-thunk #!optional limit)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (let ((values '()) (count 0))
+ (fluid-let ((*top-level* (lambda (ignore) (k values)))
+ (*search-schedule* (empty-search-schedule)))
+ (let ((value (result-thunk)))
+ (set! values (cons value values))
+ (set! count (+ count 1))
+ (if (and (not (default-object? limit))
+ (>= count limit))
+ (k values))
+ (amb)))))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((mid (amb-collect-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (a-pythagorean-triple-between 1 20))
+ ;; I want only 3, and
+ ;; I don't want to backtrack into this.
+ 3)))
+ (pp (list (a-pythagorean-triple-between 1 10)
+ mid
+ (a-pythagorean-triple-between 10 30)))
+ (amb))))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (10 24 26))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (10 24 26))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (12 16 20))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (12 16 20))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (15 20 25))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (15 20 25))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (18 24 30))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (18 24 30))
+((3 4 5) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (20 21 29))
+((6 8 10) ((6 8 10) (5 12 13) (3 4 5)) (20 21 29))
+;Value: #f
+;;;; File: examples.scm
+;;; SICP Section 4.3.2 : Logic Puzzles
+;;; Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, and Smith live on
+;;; different floors of a building that has only five
+;;; floors. Baker does not live on the top floor.
+;;; Cooper does not live on the bottom floor. Fletcher
+;;; does not live on either the top or the bottom
+;;; floor. Miller lives on a higher floor than does
+;;; Cooper. Smith does not live on a floor adjacent to
+;;; Fletcher's. Fletcher does not live on a floor
+;;; adjacent to Cooper's. Where does everyone live?
+;;; (From Dinesman, 1968)
+(define (multiple-dwelling)
+ (let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5)))
+ (require
+ (distinct?
+ (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith)))
+ (require (not (= baker 5)))
+ (require (not (= cooper 1)))
+ (require (not (= fletcher 5)))
+ (require (not (= fletcher 1)))
+ (require (> miller cooper))
+ (require
+ (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1)))
+ (require
+ (not (= (abs (- fletcher cooper)) 1)))
+ (list (list 'baker baker)
+ (list 'cooper cooper)
+ (list 'fletcher fletcher)
+ (list 'miller miller)
+ (list 'smith smith))))
+(define (distinct? items)
+ (cond ((null? items) #t)
+ ((null? (cdr items)) #t)
+ ((member (car items) (cdr items)) #f)
+ (else (distinct? (cdr items)))))
+;Value: done
+(with-depth-first-schedule multiple-dwelling)
+;Value: ((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1))
+;No more alternatives
+;;; From SICP Section 4.3.2
+;;; Parsing natural language
+(define (parse input)
+ (amb-set! *unparsed* input)
+ (let ((sent (parse-sentence)))
+ (require (null? *unparsed*))
+ sent))
+(define *unparsed* '())
+(define (parse-sentence)
+ (let* ((np (parse-noun-phrase))
+ (verb (parse-verb-phrase)))
+ (list 'sentence np verb)))
+(define (parse-noun-phrase)
+ (define (maybe-extend noun-phrase)
+ (amb noun-phrase
+ (maybe-extend
+ (list 'noun-phrase
+ noun-phrase
+ (parse-prepositional-phrase)))))
+ (maybe-extend (parse-s-noun-phrase)))
+(define (parse-verb-phrase)
+ (define (maybe-extend verb-phrase)
+ (amb verb-phrase
+ (maybe-extend
+ (list 'verb-phrase
+ verb-phrase
+ (parse-prepositional-phrase)))))
+ (maybe-extend (parse-word verbs)))
+(define (parse-s-noun-phrase)
+ (let* ((article (parse-word articles))
+ (noun (parse-word nouns)))
+ (list 's-noun-phrase article noun)))
+(define (parse-prepositional-phrase)
+ (let* ((preposition
+ (parse-word prepositions))
+ (np (parse-noun-phrase)))
+ (list 'prep-phrase preposition np)))
+(define (parse-word word-list)
+ (require (not (null? *unparsed*)))
+ (require (memq (car *unparsed*)
+ (cdr word-list)))
+ (let ((found-word (car *unparsed*)))
+ (amb-set! *unparsed* (cdr *unparsed*))
+ (list (car word-list) found-word)))
+(define nouns
+ '(noun student professor cat class))
+(define verbs
+ '(verb studies lectures eats sleeps))
+(define articles
+ '(article the a))
+(define prepositions
+ '(prep for to in by with))
+;Value: done
+ (parse
+ '(the student with the cat sleeps in the class)))
+ (noun-phrase
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun student))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat))))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb sleeps)
+ (prep-phrase (prep in)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun class)))))
+;Unspecified return value
+;No more alternatives
+;Value: done
+ (parse
+ '(the professor lectures
+ to the student with the cat)))
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun professor))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb lectures)
+ (prep-phrase (prep to)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun student))))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat)))))
+;Unspecified return value
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun professor))
+ (verb-phrase
+ (verb lectures)
+ (prep-phrase
+ (prep to)
+ (noun-phrase
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun student))
+ (prep-phrase (prep with)
+ (s-noun-phrase (article the)
+ (noun cat)))))))
+;Unspecified return value
+;No more alternatives
+;;;; File: load.scm
+;; Fun with Continuations
+(load "funco")
+;; AMB Scheme extensions
+(load "ambsch")
+;; AMB Examples from SICP
+(load "examples")
diff --git a/ps07_amb/stack-queue.scm b/ps07_amb/stack-queue.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f7c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ps07_amb/stack-queue.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+;;;; Simple stack&queue Abstraction
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-record-type <stack&queue>
+ (%make-stack&queue front back)
+ stack&queue?
+ (front stack&queue-front set-stack&queue-front!)
+ (back stack&queue-back set-stack&queue-back!))
+(define (make-stack&queue)
+ (%make-stack&queue '() '()))
+(define (stack&queue-empty? stq)
+ (not (pair? (stack&queue-front stq))))
+(define (stack&queued? stq item)
+ (memq item (stack&queue-front stq)))
+(define (push! stq object)
+ (if (pair? (stack&queue-front stq))
+ (set-stack&queue-front! stq
+ (cons object (stack&queue-front stq)))
+ (begin
+ (set-stack&queue-front! stq
+ (cons object (stack&queue-front stq)))
+ (set-stack&queue-back! stq
+ (stack&queue-front stq))))
+ unspecific)
+(define (add-to-end! stq object)
+ (let ((new (cons object '())))
+ (if (pair? (stack&queue-back stq))
+ (set-cdr! (stack&queue-back stq) new)
+ (set-stack&queue-front! stq new))
+ (set-stack&queue-back! stq new)
+ unspecific))
+(define (pop! stq)
+ (let ((next (stack&queue-front stq)))
+ (if (not (pair? next))
+ (error "Empty stack&queue -- POP"))
+ (if (pair? (cdr next))
+ (set-stack&queue-front! stq (cdr next))
+ (begin
+ (set-stack&queue-front! stq '())
+ (set-stack&queue-back! stq '())))
+ (car next)))