path: root/ps06_rule_systems/ps.txt
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authorBryan L Newbold <>2009-03-20 17:49:21 -0400
committerBryan L Newbold <>2009-03-20 17:49:21 -0400
commit6b5a411457c3f00aac7658d21f411273e059db42 (patch)
treea630fe12372fc1810416cdd5b6eb444407df969d /ps06_rule_systems/ps.txt
parenta50d7eefe9dd50eb0f3876d39e4359b7ed9d5e65 (diff)
problem 6 stuff, WILL CONFLICT
Diffstat (limited to 'ps06_rule_systems/ps.txt')
1 files changed, 797 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
+ 6.945 Spring 2009
+ Problem Set 6
+ Issued: Wed. 11 Mar. 2009 Due: Wed. 18 Mar. 2009
+Reading: MIT Scheme Reference Manual, section 2.11: Macros
+ This is complicated stuff, so don't try to read it until you
+ need to in the compilation part of the problem set.
+Code: load.scm, rule-compiler.scm, matcher.scm, rule-simplifier.scm,
+ rules.scm, all attached.
+ Pattern Matching and Instantiation, continued
+In this problem set we extend our pattern matching system to build a
+primitive algebraic simplifier, based on pattern matching and
+In rules.scm there are two elementary rule systems. A rule has three
+parts: a pattern to match a subexpression, a predicate expression that
+must be true for the rule to be applicable, and a skeleton to be
+instantiated and replace the matched subexpression.
+The rules are assembled into a list and handed to the rule-simplifier
+procedure. The result is a simplifier procedure that can be applied
+to an algebraic expression.
+The first rule system demonstrates only elementary features. It does
+not use segment variables or restricted variables. The first system
+has three rules: The first rule implements the associative law of
+addition, the second implements the commutative law of multiplication,
+and the third implements the distributive law of multiplication over
+The commutative law looks like:
+ (rule (* (? b) (? a))
+ (expr<? a b)
+ (* (? a) (? b)))
+Notice the rule-restriction predicate expression in the rule for the
+commutative law. The restriction predicate expr<? imposes an ordering
+on algebraic expressions.
+Problem 6.1:
+Why is the (expr<? a b) restriction necessary in the commutative law?
+What would go wrong if the there was no restriction? (Indicated by the
+symbol "none" in the restriction slot of the rule.)
+The second system of rules is far more interesting. It is built with
+the assumption that addition and multiplication are n-ary operations:
+it needs segment variables to make this work. It also uses variable
+restrictions to allow rules for simplifying numerical terms and
+Problem 6.2:
+In the second system how does the use of the ordering on expressions
+imposed on the commutative laws make the numerical simplification
+rules effective?
+Suppose that the commutative laws did not force an ordering, how would
+we have to write the numerical simplification rules? Explain why
+numerical simplification would become very expensive.
+Problem 6.3:
+The ordering in the commutative laws evolves an n^2 bubble sort on the
+terms of a sum and the factors of a product. This can get pretty bad
+if there are many terms, as in a serious algebra problem. Is there
+some way in this system to make a more efficient sort? If not, why
+not? If so, how would you arrange it?
+Problem 6.4:
+The system we have described does not collect like terms. For example:
+(algebra-2 '(+ (* 4 x) (* 3 x)))
+;Value (+ (* 3 x) (* 4 x))
+Add rules that cause the collection of like terms, leaving the result
+as a sum of terms. Demonstrate your solution. Your solution must be
+able to handle problems like:
+ '(+ y (* x -2 w) (* x 4 y) (* w x) z (* 5 z) (* x w) (* x y 3)))
+;Value: (+ y (* 6 z) (* 7 x y))
+Now that we have some experience with the use of such a rule system,
+let's dive in to see how it works.
+The center of the simplifier is in the file rule-simplifier.scm. It
+is composed of three parts. The first one, rule-simplifier, is a
+simple recursive simplifier constructor. It produces a procedure,
+simplify-expression, that takes an expression and uses the rules to
+simplify the expression. It recursively simplifies all the
+subexpressions of an expression, and then applies the rules to
+simplify the resulting expression. It does this repeatedly until the
+process converges and the expression returned is a fixed point of the
+simplification process.
+ (define (rule-simplifier the-rules)
+ (define (simplify-expression expression)
+ (let ((simplified-subexpressions
+ (if (list? expression)
+ (map simplify-expression expression)
+ expression)))
+ (let ((result
+ (try-rules simplified-subexpressions the-rules)))
+ (if result
+ (simplify-expression result)
+ simplified-subexpressions))))
+ (rule-memoize simplify-expression))
+The procedure rule-memoize may be thought of as an identity function:
+ (define (rule-memoize f) f) ; CAVEAT: Defined in "load.scm"
+but we can change this to be a memoizer that can greatly reduce the
+computational complexity of the process.
+A rule returns #f if it cannot be applied to an expression. The
+procedure try-rules just scans the list of rules, returning the result
+of the first rule that applies, or the #f if no rule applies:
+ (define (try-rules expression the-rules)
+ (define (scan rules)
+ (if (null? rules)
+ #f
+ (or ((car rules) expression)
+ (scan (cdr rules)))))
+ (scan the-rules))
+A rule is made from a matcher combinator procedure, a restriction
+predicate procedure and an instantiator procedure. These are put
+together by the procedure rule:make. If the matcher succeeds it
+produces a dictionary and a count of items eaten by the matcher from
+the list containing the expression to match. If this number is 1 then
+if either there is no restriction predicate or the restriction
+predicate is satisfied then the instantiator is called. The
+restriction predicate procedure and the instantiator procedure take as
+arguments the values of the variables bound in the match. These
+procedures are compiled from the rule patterns and skeletons, by a
+process we will see later.
+ (define (rule:make matcher restriction instantiator)
+ (define (the-rule expression)
+ (matcher (list expression)
+ '()
+ (lambda (dictionary n)
+ (and (= n 1)
+ (let ((args (map match:value dictionary)))
+ (and (or (not restriction)
+ (apply restriction args))
+ (apply instantiator args)))))))
+ the-rule)
+Problem 6.5:
+Problem 3.27 in SICP (pp. 272--273) shows the basic idea of
+memoization. We talked about this in class on Friday. Can this help
+the simplifier? How?
+Write a memoizer that may be useful in dealing with expressions in the
+rule-simplifier procedure. One problem is that we don't want to store
+a table with an unbounded number of big expressions. However, most of
+the advantage in this kind of memoizer comes from using it as a cache
+for recent results. Implement an LRU memoizer mechanism that stores
+only a limited number of entries and throws away the Least-Recently
+Used one. Demonstrate your program.
+ Magic Macrology
+The call to rule:make is composed from the expression representing a
+rule by the rule compiler, found in rule-compiler.scm. There are
+complications here, imposed by the use of a macro implementing syntax
+for rules. Consider the rule:
+ (rule (* (?? a) (? y) (? x) (?? b))
+ (expr<? x y)
+ (* (?? a) (? x) (? y) (?? b)))
+The rule macro turns this into a call to compile-rule:
+ (compile-rule '(* (?? a) (? y) (? x) (?? b))
+ '(expr<? x y)
+ '(* (?? a) (? x) (? y) (?? b))
+ some-environment)
+We can see the expression this expands into with the following magic
+ (pp (syntax
+ (compile-rule '(* (?? a) (? y) (? x) (?? b))
+ '(expr<? x y)
+ '(* (?? a) (? x) (? y) (?? b))
+ (the-environment))
+ (the-environment)))
+ ==>
+ (rule:make
+ (match:list (match:eqv (quote *))
+ (match:segment (quote a))
+ (match:element (quote y))
+ (match:element (quote x))
+ (match:segment (quote b)))
+ (lambda (b x y a)
+ (expr<? x y))
+ (lambda (b x y a)
+ (cons (quote *) (append a (cons x (cons y b))))))
+We see that the rule expands into a call to rule:make with arguments
+that construct the matcher combinator, the predicate procedure, and
+the instantiation procedure. This is the expression that is evaluated
+to make the rule. In more conventional languages macros expand
+directly into code that is substituted for the macro call. However
+this process is not referentially transparent, because the macro
+expansion may use symbols that conflict with the user's symbols. In
+Scheme we try to avoid this problem, allowing a user to write
+"hygienic macros" that cannot cause conflicts. However this is a bit
+more complicated than just substituting one expression for another.
+We will not try to explain the problems or the solutions here, but we
+will just use the solutions described in the MIT Scheme reference
+manual, section 2.11.
+;;;; File: load.scm -- Loader for rule system
+(load "rule-compiler")
+(load "matcher")
+(load "rule-simplifier")
+(define (rule-memoize x) x) ;;; NB: Scaffolding stub for prob 4.5
+(load "rules")
+;;;; File: rule-compiler.scm
+(define-syntax rule
+ (sc-macro-transformer
+ (lambda (form env)
+ (if (syntax-match? '(DATUM EXPRESSION DATUM) (cdr form))
+ (compile-rule (cadr form) (caddr form) (cadddr form) env)
+ (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define (compile-rule pattern restriction template env)
+ (let ((names (pattern-names pattern)))
+ `(rule:make ,(compile-pattern pattern env)
+ ,(compile-restriction restriction env names)
+ ,(compile-instantiator template env names))))
+(define (pattern-names pattern)
+ (let loop ((pattern pattern) (names '()))
+ (cond ((or (match:element? pattern)
+ (match:segment? pattern))
+ (let ((name (match:variable-name pattern)))
+ (if (memq name names)
+ names
+ (cons name names))))
+ ((list? pattern)
+ (let elt-loop ((elts pattern) (names names))
+ (if (pair? elts)
+ (elt-loop (cdr elts) (loop (car elts) names))
+ names)))
+ (else names))))
+(define (compile-pattern pattern env)
+ (let loop ((pattern pattern))
+ (cond ((match:element? pattern)
+ (if (match:restricted? pattern)
+ `(match:element ',(match:variable-name pattern)
+ ,(match:restriction pattern))
+ `(match:element ',(match:variable-name pattern))))
+ ((match:segment? pattern)
+ `(match:segment ',(match:variable-name pattern)))
+ ((null? pattern)
+ `(match:eqv '()))
+ ((list? pattern)
+ `(match:list ,@(map loop pattern)))
+ (else
+ `(match:eqv ',pattern)))))
+(define (match:element? pattern)
+ (and (pair? pattern)
+ (eq? (car pattern) '?)))
+(define (match:segment? pattern)
+ (and (pair? pattern)
+ (eq? (car pattern) '??)))
+(define (match:variable-name pattern)
+ (cadr pattern))
+;;; These restrictions are for variable elements.
+(define (match:restricted? pattern)
+ (not (null? (cddr pattern))))
+(define (match:restriction pattern)
+ (caddr pattern))
+;;; The restriction is a predicate that must be true for the rule to
+;;; be applicable. This is not the same as a variable element
+;;; restriction.
+(define (compile-restriction expr env names)
+ (if (eq? expr 'none)
+ `#f
+ (make-lambda names env
+ (lambda (body-environment)
+ (close-syntax expr body-environment)))))
+(define (compile-instantiator skel env names)
+ (make-lambda names env
+ (lambda (body-environment)
+ (list 'quasiquote
+ (let ((wrap
+ (lambda (expr)
+ (close-syntax expr body-environment))))
+ (let loop ((skel skel))
+ (cond ((skel:element? skel)
+ (list 'unquote
+ (wrap (skel:element-expression skel))))
+ ((skel:segment? skel)
+ (list 'unquote-splicing
+ (wrap (skel:segment-expression skel))))
+ ((list? skel) (map loop skel))
+ (else skel))))))))
+(define (skel:constant? skeleton)
+ (not (pair? skeleton)))
+(define (skel:element? skeleton)
+ (and (pair? skeleton)
+ (eq? (car skeleton) '?)))
+(define (skel:element-expression skeleton)
+ (cadr skeleton))
+(define (skel:segment? skeleton)
+ (and (pair? skeleton)
+ (eq? (car skeleton) '??)))
+(define (skel:segment-expression skeleton)
+ (cadr skeleton))
+;; Magic!
+(define (make-lambda bvl use-env generate-body)
+ (capture-syntactic-environment
+ (lambda (transform-env)
+ (close-syntax `(,(close-syntax 'lambda transform-env)
+ ,bvl
+ ,(capture-syntactic-environment
+ (lambda (use-env*)
+ (close-syntax (generate-body use-env*)
+ transform-env))))
+ use-env))))
+;;; For example
+(pp (syntax '(rule (+ (? a) (+ (? b) (? c)))
+ none
+ (+ (+ (? a) (? b)) (? c)) )
+ (the-environment)))
+ (match:list
+ (match:eqv (quote +))
+ (match:element (quote a))
+ (match:list (match:eqv (quote +))
+ (match:element (quote b))
+ (match:element (quote c))))
+ #f
+ (lambda (c b a)
+ (list (quote +) (list (quote +) a b) c)))
+(pp (syntax '(rule (+ (? a) (+ (? b) (? c)))
+ (> a 3)
+ (+ (+ (? a) (? b)) (? c)) )
+ (the-environment)))
+ (match:list
+ (match:eqv (quote +))
+ (match:element (quote a))
+ (match:list (match:eqv (quote +))
+ (match:element (quote b))
+ (match:element (quote c))))
+ (lambda (c b a)
+ (> a 3))
+ (lambda (c b a)
+ (list (quote +) (list (quote +) a b) c)))
+;;;; Matcher based on match combinators, CPH/GJS style.
+;;; Idea is in Hewitt's PhD thesis (1969).
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;; There are match procedures that can be applied to data items. A
+;;; match procedure either accepts or rejects the data it is applied
+;;; to. Match procedures can be combined to apply to compound data
+;;; items.
+;;; A match procedure takes a list containing a data item, a
+;;; dictionary, and a success continuation. The dictionary
+;;; accumulates the assignments of match variables to values found in
+;;; the data. The success continuation takes two arguments: the new
+;;; dictionary, and the number of items absorbed from the list by the
+;;; match. If a match procedure fails it returns #f.
+;;; Primitive match procedures:
+(define (match:eqv pattern-constant)
+ (define (eqv-match data dictionary succeed)
+ (and (pair? data)
+ (eqv? (car data) pattern-constant)
+ (succeed dictionary 1)))
+ eqv-match)
+;;; Here we have added an optional restriction argument to allow
+;;; conditional matches.
+(define (match:element variable #!optional restriction?)
+ (if (default-object? restriction?)
+ (set! restriction? (lambda (x) #t)))
+ (define (element-match data dictionary succeed)
+ (and (pair? data)
+ ;; NB: might be many distinct restrictions
+ (restriction? (car data))
+ (let ((vcell (match:lookup variable dictionary)))
+ (if vcell
+ (and (equal? (match:value vcell) (car data))
+ (succeed dictionary 1))
+ (succeed (match:bind variable (car data) dictionary)
+ 1)))))
+ element-match)
+;;; Support for the dictionary.
+(define (match:bind variable data-object dictionary)
+ (cons (list variable data-object) dictionary))
+(define (match:lookup variable dictionary)
+ (assq variable dictionary))
+(define (match:value vcell)
+ (cadr vcell))
+(define (match:segment variable)
+ (define (segment-match data dictionary succeed)
+ (and (list? data)
+ (let ((vcell (match:lookup variable dictionary)))
+ (if vcell
+ (let lp ((data data)
+ (pattern (match:value vcell))
+ (n 0))
+ (cond ((pair? pattern)
+ (if (and (pair? data)
+ (equal? (car data) (car pattern)))
+ (lp (cdr data) (cdr pattern) (+ n 1))
+ #f))
+ ((not (null? pattern)) #f)
+ (else (succeed dictionary n))))
+ (let ((n (length data)))
+ (let lp ((i 0))
+ (if (<= i n)
+ (or (succeed (match:bind variable
+ (list-head data i)
+ dictionary)
+ i)
+ (lp (+ i 1)))
+ #f)))))))
+ segment-match)
+(define (match:list . match-combinators)
+ (define (list-match data dictionary succeed)
+ (and (pair? data)
+ (let lp ((data (car data))
+ (matchers match-combinators)
+ (dictionary dictionary))
+ (cond ((pair? matchers)
+ ((car matchers) data dictionary
+ (lambda (new-dictionary n)
+ (if (> n (length data))
+ (error "Matcher ate too much." n))
+ (lp (list-tail data n)
+ (cdr matchers)
+ new-dictionary))))
+ ((pair? data) #f)
+ ((null? data)
+ (succeed dictionary 1))
+ (else #f)))))
+ list-match)
+;;; Syntax of matching is determined here.
+(define (match:element? pattern)
+ (and (pair? pattern)
+ (eq? (car pattern) '?)))
+(define (match:segment? pattern)
+ (and (pair? pattern)
+ (eq? (car pattern) '??)))
+(define (match:variable-name pattern)
+ (cadr pattern))
+(define (match:list? pattern)
+ (and (list? pattern)
+ (not (memq (car pattern) '(? ??)))))
+;;; These restrictions are for variable elements.
+(define (match:restricted? pattern)
+ (not (null? (cddr pattern))))
+(define (match:restriction pattern)
+ (caddr pattern))
+(define match:->combinators
+ (make-generic-operator 1 match:eqv))
+(defhandler match:->combinators
+ (lambda (pattern) (match:element (match:variable-name pattern)))
+ match:element?)
+(defhandler match:->combinators
+ (lambda (pattern) (match:segment (match:variable-name pattern)))
+ match:segment?)
+(defhandler match:->combinators
+ (lambda (pattern)
+ (apply match:list (map match:->combinators pattern)))
+ match:list?)
+(define (matcher pattern)
+ (let ((match-combinator (match:->combinators pattern)))
+ (lambda (datum)
+ (match-combinator
+ (list datum)
+ '()
+ (lambda (dictionary number-of-items-eaten)
+ (and (= number-of-items-eaten 1)
+ dictionary))))))
+((match:->combinators '(a ((? b) 2 3) 1 c))
+ '((a (1 2 3) 1 c))
+ '()
+ (lambda (x y) `(succeed ,x ,y)))
+;Value: (succeed ((b 1)) 1)
+((match:->combinators '(a ((? b) 2 3) (? b) c))
+ '((a (1 2 3) 2 c))
+ '()
+ (lambda (x y) `(succeed ,x ,y)))
+;Value: #f
+((match:->combinators '(a ((? b) 2 3) (? b) c))
+ '((a (1 2 3) 1 c))
+ '()
+ (lambda (x y) `(succeed ,x ,y)))
+;Value: (succeed ((b 1)) 1)
+((match:->combinators '(a (?? x) (?? y) (?? x) c))
+ '((a b b b b b b c))
+ '()
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (pp `(succeed ,x ,y))
+ #f))
+(succeed ((y (b b b b b b)) (x ())) 1)
+(succeed ((y (b b b b)) (x (b))) 1)
+(succeed ((y (b b)) (x (b b))) 1)
+(succeed ((y ()) (x (b b b))) 1)
+;Value: #f
+((matcher '(a ((? b) 2 3) (? b) c))
+ '(a (1 2 3) 1 c))
+;Value: ((b 1))
+;;;; File: rule-simplifier.scm
+;;;; Match and Substitution Language Interpreter
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;; This is a descendent of the infamous 6.001 rule interpreter,
+;;; originally written by GJS for a lecture in the faculty course held
+;;; at MIT in the summer of 1983, and subsequently used and tweaked
+;;; from time to time. This subsystem has been a serious pain in the
+;;; ass, because of its expressive limitations, but I have not had the
+;;; guts to seriously improve it since its first appearance. -- GJS
+;;; January 2006. I have the guts now! The new matcher is based on
+;;; combinators and is in matcher.scm. -- GJS
+(define (rule-simplifier the-rules)
+ (define (simplify-expression expression)
+ (let ((simplified-subexpressions
+ (if (list? expression)
+ (map simplify-expression expression)
+ expression)))
+ (let ((result
+ (try-rules simplified-subexpressions the-rules)))
+ (if result
+ (simplify-expression result)
+ simplified-subexpressions))))
+ (rule-memoize simplify-expression))
+(define (try-rules expression the-rules)
+ (define (scan rules)
+ (if (null? rules)
+ #f
+ (or ((car rules) expression)
+ (scan (cdr rules)))))
+ (scan the-rules))
+;;;; Rule applicator, using combinator-based matcher.
+(define (rule:make matcher restriction instantiator)
+ (define (the-rule expression)
+ (matcher (list expression)
+ '()
+ (lambda (dictionary n)
+ (and (= n 1)
+ (let ((args (map match:value dictionary)))
+ (and (or (not restriction)
+ (apply restriction args))
+ (apply instantiator args)))))))
+ the-rule)
+;;; File: rules.scm -- Some sample algebraic simplification rules
+(define algebra-1
+ (rule-simplifier
+ (list
+ ;; Associative law of addition
+ (rule (+ (? a) (+ (? b) (? c)))
+ none
+ (+ (+ (? a) (? b)) (? c)))
+ ;; Commutative law of multiplication
+ (rule (* (? b) (? a))
+ (expr<? a b)
+ (* (? a) (? b)))
+ ;; Distributive law of multiplication over addition
+ (rule (* (? a) (+ (? b) (? c)))
+ none
+ (+ (* (? a) (? b)) (* (? a) (? c))))
+ )))
+(define (expr<? x y)
+ (cond ((null? x)
+ (if (null? y) #f #t))
+ ((null? y) #f)
+ ((number? x)
+ (if (number? y) (< x y) #t))
+ ((number? y) #f)
+ ((symbol? x)
+ (if (symbol? y) (symbol<? x y) #t))
+ ((symbol? y) #f)
+ ((list? x)
+ (if (list? y)
+ (let ((nx (length x)) (ny (length y)))
+ (cond ((< nx ny) #t)
+ ((> nx ny) #f)
+ (else
+ (let lp ((x x) (y y))
+ (cond ((null? x) #f) ; same
+ ((expr<? (car x) (car y)) #t)
+ ((expr<? (car y) (car x)) #f)
+ (else (lp (cdr x) (cdr y))))))))))
+ ((list? y) #f)
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown expression type -- expr<?"
+ x y))))
+(algebra-1 '(* (+ y (+ z w)) x))
+;Value: (+ (+ (* x y) (* x z)) (* w x))
+(define algebra-2
+ (rule-simplifier
+ (list
+ ;; Sums
+ (rule (+ (? a)) none (? a))
+ (rule (+ (?? a) (+ (?? b)))
+ none
+ (+ (?? a) (?? b)))
+ (rule (+ (+ (?? a)) (?? b))
+ none
+ (+ (?? a) (?? b)))
+ (rule (+ (?? a) (? y) (? x) (?? b))
+ (expr<? x y)
+ (+ (?? a) (? x) (? y) (?? b)))
+ ;; Products
+ (rule (* (? a)) none (? a))
+ (rule (* (?? a) (* (?? b)))
+ none
+ (* (?? a) (?? b)))
+ (rule (* (* (?? a)) (?? b))
+ none
+ (* (?? a) (?? b)))
+ (rule (* (?? a) (? y) (? x) (?? b))
+ (expr<? x y)
+ (* (?? a) (? x) (? y) (?? b)))
+ ;; Distributive law
+ (rule (* (? a) (+ (?? b)))
+ none
+ (+ (?? (map (lambda (x) `(* ,a ,x)) b))))
+ ;; Numerical simplifications below
+ (rule (+ 0 (?? x)) none (+ (?? x)))
+ (rule (+ (? x number?) (? y number?) (?? z))
+ none
+ (+ (? (+ x y)) (?? z)))
+ (rule (* 0 (?? x)) none 0)
+ (rule (* 1 (?? x)) none (* (?? x)))
+ (rule (* (? x number?) (? y number?) (?? z))
+ none
+ (* (? (* x y)) (?? z)))
+ )))
+(algebra-2 '(* (+ y (+ z w)) x))
+;Value: (+ (* w x) (* x y) (* x z))
+(algebra-2 '(+ (* 3 (+ x 1)) -3))
+;Value: (* 3 x)