diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2019-02-28 12:01:12 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2019-02-28 12:01:12 -0800
commitdd50d0bb50549598da2e9ed595a12f154636ae2e (patch)
parentb5f283913367d28578ad403b850e3a5c2e380887 (diff)
import arabesque script
-rw-r--r--test.sqlitebin0 -> 57344 bytes
5 files changed, 1110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae80e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Going to look something like:
+ zcat DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06-full_crawl_logs/DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06.$SHARD.us.archive.org.crawl.log.gz | tr -cd '[[:print:]]\n\r\t' | rg '//doi.org/' | /fast/scratch/unpaywall/make_doi_list.py > doi_list.$SHARD.txt
+ zcat /fast/unpaywall-munging/DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06/DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06-full_crawl_logs/DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06.$SHARD.us.archive.org.crawl.log.gz | pv | /fast/scratch/unpaywall/make_map.py redirectmap.$SHARD.db
+ cat /fast/unpaywall-munging/DOI-LANDING-CRAWL-2018-06/doi_list.$SHARD.txt | pv | /fast/scratch/unpaywall/make_output.py redirectmap.$SHARD.db > doi_index.$SHARD.tsv
+Let's start with:
+ mkdir UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07
+ ia download UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-full_crawl_logs
+export SHARD=wbgrp-svc279 # running
+export SHARD=wbgrp-svc280 # running
+export SHARD=wbgrp-svc281 # running
+export SHARD=wbgrp-svc282 # running
+zcat UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-full_crawl_logs/UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.$SHARD.us.archive.org.crawl.log.gz | pv | /fast/scratch/unpaywall/make_map.py redirectmap.$SHARD.db
+zcat UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-full_crawl_logs/UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.$SHARD.us.archive.org.crawl.log.gz | pv | /fast/scratch/unpaywall/make_map.py redirectmap.$SHARD-PATCH.db
+### Design
+If possible, we'd like something that will work with as many crawls as
+possible. Want to work with shards, then merge outputs.
+Output: JSON and/or sqlite rows with:
+- identifier (optional?)
+- initial-uri (indexed)
+- breadcrumbs
+- final-uri
+- final-http-status
+- final-sha1
+- final-mimetype-normalized
+- final-was-dedupe (boolean)
+- final-cdx (string, if would be extracted)
+This will allow filtering on various fields, checking success stats, etc.
+- {identifier, initial-uri} input (basically, seedlist)
+- full crawl logs
+- raw CDX, indexed by final-uri
+- referer map
+- use full crawl logs to generate a referer map; this is a dict with keys as
+ URI, and value as {referer URI, status, breadcrumb, was-dedupe, mimetype};
+ the referer may be null. database can be whatever.
+- iterate through CDX, filtering by HTTP status and mimetype (including
+ revists). for each potential, lookup in referer map. if mimetype is
+ confirmed, then iterate through full referer chain, and print a final line
+ which is all-but-identifier
+- iterate through identifier/URI list, inserting identifier columns
+- non-PDF terminals: error codes, or HTML only (failed to find PDF)
+- multiple terminals per seed; eg, multiple PDFs, or PDF+postscript+HTML or
+ whatever
+Process #2:
+- use full crawl logs to generate a bi-directional referer map: sqlite3 table
+ with uri, referer-uri both indexed. also {status, breadcrumb, was-dedupe,
+ mimetype} rows
+- iterate through CDX, selecting successful "terminal" lines (mime, status).
+ use referer map to iterate back to an initial URI, and generate a row. lookup
+ output table by initial-uri; if an entry already exists, behavior is
+ flag-dependent: overwrite if "better", or add a second line
+- in a second pass, update rows with identifier based on URI. if rows not
+ found/updated, then do a "forwards" lookup to a terminal condition, and write
+ that status. note that these rows won't have CDX.
+More Complications:
+- handling revisits correctly... raw CDX probably not actually helpful for PDF
+ case, only landing/HTML case
+- given above, should probably just (or as a mode) iterate over only crawl logs
+ in "backwards" stage
+- fan-out of "forward" redirect map, in the case of embeds and PDF link
+ extraction
+- could pull out first and final URI domains for easier SQL stats/reporting
+- should include final datetime (for wayback lookups)
+NOTE/TODO: journal-level dumps of fatcat metadata would be cool... could
+roll-up release dumps as an alternative to hitting elasticsearch? or just hit
+elasticsearch and both dump to sqlite and enrich elastic doc? should probably
+have an indexed "last updated" timestamp in all elastic docs
+### Crawl Log Notes
+ 0 timestamp (ISO8601) of log line
+ 1 status code (HTTP or negative)
+ 2 size in bytes (content only)
+ 3 URI of this download
+ 4 discovery breadcrumbs
+ 5 "referer" URI
+ 6 mimetype (as reported?)
+ 7 worker thread
+ 8 full timestamp (start of network fetch; this is dt?)
+ 9 SHA1
+ 10 source tag
+ 11 annotations
+ 12 partial CDX JSON
+### External Prep for, Eg, Unpaywall Crawl
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ sort -S 8G -u seedlist.shard > seedlist.shard.sorted
+ zcat unpaywall_20180621.pdf_meta.tsv.gz | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' | sort -S 8G -u > unpaywall_20180621.seed_id.tsv
+ join -t $'\t' unpaywall_20180621.seed_id.tsv unpaywall_crawl_patch_seedlist.split_3.schedule.sorted > seed_id.shard.tsv
+TODO: why don't these sum/match correctly?
+ bnewbold@orithena$ wc -l seed_id.shard.tsv unpaywall_crawl_patch_seedlist.split_3.schedule.sorted
+ 880737 seed_id.shard.tsv
+ 929459 unpaywall_crawl_patch_seedlist.split_3.schedule.sorted
+ why is:
+ http://00ec89c.netsolhost.com/brochures/200605_JAWMA_Hg_Paper_Lee_Hastings.pdf
+ in unpaywall_crawl_patch_seedlist, but not unpaywall_20180621.pdf_meta?
+ # Can't even filter on HTTP 200, because revisits are '-'
+ #zcat UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.cdx.gz | rg 'wbgrp-svc282' | rg ' 200 ' | rg '(pdf)|(revisit)' > UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.svc282.filtered.cdx
+ zcat UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.cdx.gz | rg 'UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH' | rg 'wbgrp-svc282' | rg '(pdf)|( warc/revisit )|(postscript)|( unk )' > UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.svc282.filtered.cdx
+TODO: spaces in URLs, like 'https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A case.pdf'
+### Revisit Notes
+Neither CDX nor crawl logs seem to have revisits actually point to final
+content, they just point to the revisit record in the (crawl-local) WARC.
+### sqlite3 stats
+ select count(*) from crawl_result;
+ select count(*) from crawl_result where identifier is null;
+ select breadcrumbs, count(*) from crawl_result group by breadcrumbs;
+ select final_was_dedupe, count(*) from crawl_result group by final_was_dedupe;
+ select final_http_status, count(*) from crawl_result group by final_http_status;
+ select final_mimetype, count(*) from crawl_result group by final_mimetype;
+ select * from crawl_result where final_mimetype = 'text/html' and final_http_status = '200' order by random() limit 5;
+ select count(*) from crawl_result where final_uri like 'https://academic.oup.com/Govern%';
+ select count(distinct identifier) from crawl_result where final_sha1 is not null;
+### testing shard notes
+880737 `seed_id` lines
+21776 breadcrumbs are null (no crawl logs line); mostly normalized URLs?
+24985 "first" URIs with no identifier; mostly normalized URLs?
+backward: Counter({'skip-cdx-scope': 807248, 'inserted': 370309, 'skip-map-scope': 2913})
+forward (dirty): Counter({'inserted': 509242, 'existing-id-updated': 347218, 'map-uri-missing': 15556, 'existing-complete': 8721, '_normalized-seed-uri': 5520})
+874131 identifier is not null
+881551 breadcrumbs is not null
+376057 final_mimetype is application/pdf
+370309 final_sha1 is not null
+332931 application/pdf in UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.svc282.filtered.cdx
+ 370309/874131 42% got a PDF
+ 264331/874131 30% some domain dead-end
+ 196747/874131 23% onlinelibrary.wiley.com
+ 33879/874131 4% www.nature.com
+ 11074/874131 1% www.tandfonline.com
+ 125883/874131 14% blocked, 404, other crawl failures
+ select count(*) from crawl_result where final_http_status >= '400' or final_http_status < '200';
+ 121028/874131 14% HTTP 200, but not pdf
+ 105317/874131 12% academic.oup.com; all rate-limited or cookie fail
+ 15596/874131 1.7% didn't even try crawling (null final status)
+- add "success" flag (instead of "final_sha1 is null")
+ http://oriental-world.org.ua/sites/default/files/Archive/2017/3/4.pdf 10.15407/orientw2017.03.021 - http://oriental-world.org.ua/sites/default/files/Archive/2017/3/4.pdf 403 ¤ application/pdf 0 ¤
+./arabesque.py backward UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.svc282.filtered.cdx map.sqlite out.sqlite
+Counter({'skip-cdx-scope': 813760, 'inserted': 370435, 'skip-map-scope': 4620, 'skip-tiny-octetstream-': 30})
+./arabesque.py forward unpaywall_20180621.seed_id.shard.tsv map.sqlite out.sqlite
+Counter({'inserted': 523594, 'existing-id-updated': 350009, '_normalized-seed-uri': 21371, 'existing-complete': 6638, 'map-uri-missing': 496})
+894029 breadcrumbs is not null
+874102 identifier is not null
+20423 identifier is null
+496 breadcrumbs is null
+370435 final_sha1 is not null
+### URL/seed non-match issues!
+Easily fixable:
+- capitalization of domains
+- empty port number, like `http://genesis.mi.ras.ru:/~razborov/hadamard.ps`
+- URL encoding
+ http://accounting.rutgers.edu/docs/seminars/Fall11/Clawbacks_9-27-11[1].pdf
+ http://accounting.rutgers.edu/docs/seminars/Fall11/Clawbacks_9-27-11%5B1%5D.pdf
+- whitespace in URL (should be url-encoded)
+ https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A case.pdf
+ https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDcase.pdf
+- tricky hidden unicode
+ http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ЗО-1-2017-206-212.pdf
+ http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD-1-2017-206-212.pdf
+- paths including "/../" or "/./" are collapsed
+- port number 80, like `http://fermet.misis.ru:80/jour/article/download/724/700`
+- aos2.uniba.it:8080papers
+- fragments stripped by crawler: 'https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-85/pdf-27083-10?filename=BTA#415-06-str307-316.pdf'
+### Debugging "redirect terminal" issue
+Some are redirect loops; fine.
+Some are from 'cookieSet=1' redirects, like 'http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/105971230601400206?cookieSet=1'. This comes through like:
+ sqlite> select * from crawl_result where initial_uri = 'http://adb.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/14/2/147.pdf';
+ initial_uri identifier breadcrumbs final_uri final_http_status final_sha1 final_mimetype final_was_dedupe final_cdx
+ http://adb.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/14/2/147.pdf 10.1177/105971230601400206 R http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/105971230601400206 302 ¤ text/html 0 ¤
+Using 'http' (note: this is not an OA article):
+ http://adb.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/14/2/147.pdf
+ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/105971230601400206
+ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/105971230601400206?cookieSet=1
+ http://journals.sagepub.com/action/cookieAbsent
+Is heritrix refusing to do that second redirect? In some cases it will do at
+leat the first, like:
+ http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/pdf/10.1148/radiographics.11.1.1996385
+ http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/pdf/10.1148/radiographics.11.1.1996385?cookieSet=1
+ http://pubs.rsna.org/action/cookieAbsent
+I think the vast majority of redirect terminals are when we redirect to a page
+that has already been crawled. This is a bummer because we can't find the
+redirect target in the logs.
+Eg, academic.oup.com sometimes redirects to cookieSet, then cookieAbsent; other
+times it redirects to Governer. It's important to distinguish between these.
+### Scratch
+What are actual advantages/use-cases of CDX mode?
+=> easier CDX-to-WARC output mode
+=> sending CDX along with WARCs as an index
+Interested in scale-up behavior: full unpaywall PDF crawls, and/or full DOI landing crawls
+=> eatmydata
+dentifier is not null
+ zcat UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH* | time /fast/scratch/unpaywall/arabesque.py referrer - UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.map.sqlite
+ [snip]
+ ... referrer 5542000
+ Referrer map complete.
+ 317.87user 274.57system 21:20.22elapsed 46%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 22992maxresident)k
+ 24inputs+155168464outputs (0major+802114minor)pagefaults 0swaps
+ bnewbold@ia601101$ ls -lathr
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 bnewbold bnewbold 1.7G Dec 12 12:33 UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-PATCH.map.sqlite
+ 16,736,800 UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.wbgrp-svc282.us.archive.org.crawl.log
+ 17,215,895 unpaywall_20180621.seed_id.tsv
+Oops; need to shard the seed_id file.
+Ugh, this one is a little derp because I didn't sort correctly. Let's say close enough though...
+ 4318674 unpaywall_crawl_seedlist.svc282.tsv
+ 3901403 UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.wbgrp-svc282.seed_id.tsv
+/fast/scratch/unpaywall/arabesque.py everything CORE-UPSTREAM-CRAWL-2018-11.combined.log core_2018-03-01_metadata.seed_id.tsv CORE-UPSTREAM-CRAWL-2018-11.out.sqlite
+ Counter({'inserted': 3226191, 'skip-log-scope': 2811395, 'skip-log-prereq': 108932, 'skip-tiny-octetstream-': 855, 'skip-map-scope': 2})
+ Counter({'existing-id-updated': 3221984, 'inserted': 809994, 'existing-complete': 228909, '_normalized-seed-uri': 17287, 'map-uri-missing': 2511, '_redirect-recursion-limit': 221, 'skip-bad-seed-uri': 17})
+time /fast/scratch/unpaywall/arabesque.py everything UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.wbgrp-svc282.us.archive.org.crawl.log UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.wbgrp-svc282.seed_id.tsv UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07.out.sqlite
+ Everything complete!
+ Counter({'skip-log-scope': 13476816, 'inserted': 2536452, 'skip-log-prereq': 682460, 'skip-tiny-octetstream-': 41067})
+ Counter({'existing-id-updated': 1652463, 'map-uri-missing': 1245789, 'inserted': 608802, 'existing-complete': 394349, '_normalized-seed-uri': 22573, '_redirect-recursion-limit': 157})
+ real 63m42.124s
+ user 53m31.007s
+ sys 6m50.535s
+### Performance
+Before tweaks:
+ real 2m55.975s
+ user 2m6.772s
+ sys 0m12.684s
+ real 1m51.500s
+ user 1m44.600s
+ sys 0m3.496s
diff --git a/arabesque.py b/arabesque.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4b3e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arabesque.py
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This is a multi-function script for generating a particular type of crawl
+report output: a table of identifiers, seed URLs, and crawl results, taking in
+to account long redirect chains.
+- referrer <input.log> <output-map.sqlite>
+- backward_cdx <input.cdx> <input-map.sqlite> <output.sqlite>
+- backward <input.log> <input-map.sqlite> <output.sqlite>
+- forward <input.seed_identifiers> <output.sqlite>
+- everything <input.log> <input.cdx> <input.seed_identifiers> <output.sqlite>
+Design docs in README_pdf_crawl.md
+- open map in read-only when appropriate
+- some kind of stats dump command? (querying sqlite)
+- should referrer map be UNIQ?
+- forward outputs get generated multiple times?
+- try: https://pypi.org/project/urlcanon/
+- https://www.talisman.org/~erlkonig/misc/lunatech%5Ewhat-every-webdev-must-know-about-url-encoding/
+BAD LOG LINE: 2018-07-27T12:26:24.783Z 200 24 http://www.phywe-es.com/robots.txt 15+LREELLLLLRLELLRLLLRLLLLRLELRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP http://www.phywe-es.com/index.php/fuseaction/download/lrn_file/versuchsanleitungen/P2522015/tr/P2522015.pdf text/html #296 20180727122622741+438 sha1:YR6M6GSJYJGMLBBEGCVHLRZO6SISSJAS - unsatisfiableCharsetInHeader:ISO 8859-1 {"contentSize":254,"warcFilename":"UNPAYWALL-PDF-CRAWL-2018-07-20180727122113315-14533-11460~wbgrp-svc282.us.archive.org~8443.warc.gz","warcFileOffset":126308355}
+import sys
+import json
+import time
+import urllib
+import urllib3
+import sqlite3
+import argparse
+import collections
+CrawlLine = collections.namedtuple('CrawlLine', [
+ 'log_time',
+ 'status_code',
+ 'size_bytes',
+ 'url',
+ 'breadcrumbs',
+ 'referrer_url',
+ 'mimetype',
+ 'worker_thread',
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'sha1',
+ 'source_tag',
+ 'annotations',
+ 'cdx_json'])
+FullCdxLine = collections.namedtuple('FullCdxLine', [
+ 'surt',
+ 'datetime',
+ 'url',
+ 'mimetype',
+ 'status_code', # will be '-' for warc/revist
+ 'sha1',
+ 'unused1',
+ 'unused2',
+ 'c_size',
+ 'offset',
+ 'warc'])
+ReferrerRow = collections.namedtuple('ReferrerRow', [
+ 'url',
+ 'referrer_url',
+ 'status_code',
+ 'breadcrumbs',
+ 'mimetype',
+ 'is_dedupe'])
+ 'application/pdf',
+ 'application/postscript',
+ 'text/html',
+ 'text/xml',
+ 'warc/revisit',
+ 'application/octet-stream',
+ "application/pdf",
+ "application/postscript",
+ "application/octet-stream",
+def normalize_mimetype(raw):
+ raw = raw.lower()
+ raw = raw.replace('"', '').replace("'", '').replace(',', '')
+ for norm in NORMAL_MIMETYPE:
+ if raw.startswith(norm):
+ return norm
+ # Special cases
+ if raw.startswith('application/xml'):
+ return 'text/xml'
+ if raw.startswith('application/x-pdf'):
+ return 'application/pdf'
+ if raw in ('unk', 'unknown', 'other'):
+ return 'application/octet-stream'
+ return raw
+def normalize_url(raw):
+ """
+ This is a surprisingly complex function that cleans up URLs.
+ Particular issues it fixes:
+ - lower-cases scheme and host/domain
+ - removes blank or redundant port numbers
+ - removes fragments (anchor tags)
+ - URL escapes characters in path, particularly whitespace
+ Some of these we maybe shouldn't do, but heritrix does by default
+ TODO: heritrix removes fragments, but maybe we shouldn't?
+ """
+ try:
+ u = urllib3.util.parse_url(raw.strip())
+ except:
+ return None
+ if u.path is None:
+ return None
+ port = u.port
+ if (port == 80 and u.scheme == 'http') or (port == 443 and u.scheme == 'https'):
+ port = None
+ # "Dot Segment Removal" per RFC 3986
+ # via https://stackoverflow.com/a/40536710/4682349
+ segments = u.path.split('/')
+ segments = [segment + '/' for segment in segments[:-1]] + [segments[-1]]
+ resolved = []
+ for segment in segments:
+ if segment in ('../', '..'):
+ if resolved[1:]:
+ resolved.pop()
+ elif segment not in ('./', '.'):
+ resolved.append(segment)
+ path = ''.join(resolved)
+ # add any missing slash if there is a query or fragment
+ if (u.query or u.fragment) and not path:
+ path = '/'
+ # URL encode the path segment for HTTP URLs
+ if u.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
+ path = urllib.parse.quote(path, safe='/%~+:();$!,')
+ result = urllib3.util.Url(u.scheme, u.auth, u.host.lower(), port, path, u.query, None)
+ return result.url.replace(' ', '%20')
+def test_normalize_url():
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/a/../b') == 'http://asdf.com/b')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/a/./b') == 'http://asdf.com/a/b')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com:/') == 'http://asdf.com/')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com:80/') == 'http://asdf.com/')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com:80papers/123.pdf') == None)
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/a.pdf#123') == 'http://asdf.com/a.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTPs://ASDF.com:443/') == 'https://asdf.com/')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/a/../b') == 'http://asdf.com/b')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/first second') == 'http://asdf.com/first%20second')
+ assert (normalize_url('HTTP://ASDF.com/first%20second') == 'http://asdf.com/first%20second')
+ assert (normalize_url('Ftp://ASDF.com/a/../b') == 'ftp://asdf.com/b')
+ #assert (normalize_url('http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ЗО-1-2017-206-212.pdf') ==
+ # 'http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD-1-2017-206-212.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ЗО-1-2017-206-212.pdf') ==
+ 'http://goldhorde.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/%D0%97%D0%9E-1-2017-206-212.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://accounting.rutgers.edu/docs/seminars/Fall11/Clawbacks_9-27-11[1].pdf') ==
+ 'http://accounting.rutgers.edu/docs/seminars/Fall11/Clawbacks_9-27-11%5B1%5D.pdf')
+ #assert (normalize_url('https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A case.pdf') ==
+ # 'https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDcase.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A case.pdf') ==
+ 'https://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-7/pdf-27330-10?filename=A%20case.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://mariel.inesc.pt/~lflb/ma98.pdf') ==
+ 'http://mariel.inesc.pt/~lflb/ma98.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://ijpsr.com?action=download_pdf&postid=9952') ==
+ 'http://ijpsr.com/?action=download_pdf&postid=9952')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1099-0518(199702)35:3<587::AID-POLA25>3.0.CO;2-J/pdf') ==
+ 'http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1099-0518(199702)35:3%3C587::AID-POLA25%3E3.0.CO;2-J/pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://ntj.tax.org/wwtax/ntjrec.nsf/175d710dffc186a385256a31007cb40f/5e1815e49ceb7d318525796800526cf8/$FILE/A04_Cole.pdf') ==
+ 'http://ntj.tax.org/wwtax/ntjrec.nsf/175d710dffc186a385256a31007cb40f/5e1815e49ceb7d318525796800526cf8/$FILE/A04_Cole.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://www.nature.com:80/') ==
+ 'http://www.nature.com/')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://www.nature.com:80/polopoly_fs/1.22367!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/547389a.pdf') ==
+ 'http://www.nature.com/polopoly_fs/1.22367!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/547389a.pdf')
+ assert (normalize_url('http://pdfs.journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/2012/11271/Extra_Pulmonary_Nocardiosis_and_Perigraft_Abscess,.1668.pdf?token=method|ExpireAbsolute;source|Journals;ttl|1503135985283;payload|mY8D3u1TCCsNvP5E421JYK6N6XICDamxByyYpaNzk7FKjTaa1Yz22MivkHZqjGP4kdS2v0J76WGAnHACH69s21Csk0OpQi3YbjEMdSoz2UhVybFqQxA7lKwSUlA502zQZr96TQRwhVlocEp/sJ586aVbcBFlltKNKo+tbuMfL73hiPqJliudqs17cHeLcLbV/CqjlP3IO0jGHlHQtJWcICDdAyGJMnpi6RlbEJaRheGeh5z5uvqz3FLHgPKVXJzdGlb2qsojlvlytk14LkMXSI/t5I2LVgySZVyHeaTj/dJdRvauPu3j5lsX4K1l3siV;hash|9tFBJUOSJ1hYPXrgBby2Xg==') ==
+ 'http://pdfs.journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/2012/11271/Extra_Pulmonary_Nocardiosis_and_Perigraft_Abscess,.1668.pdf?token=method|ExpireAbsolute;source|Journals;ttl|1503135985283;payload|mY8D3u1TCCsNvP5E421JYK6N6XICDamxByyYpaNzk7FKjTaa1Yz22MivkHZqjGP4kdS2v0J76WGAnHACH69s21Csk0OpQi3YbjEMdSoz2UhVybFqQxA7lKwSUlA502zQZr96TQRwhVlocEp/sJ586aVbcBFlltKNKo+tbuMfL73hiPqJliudqs17cHeLcLbV/CqjlP3IO0jGHlHQtJWcICDdAyGJMnpi6RlbEJaRheGeh5z5uvqz3FLHgPKVXJzdGlb2qsojlvlytk14LkMXSI/t5I2LVgySZVyHeaTj/dJdRvauPu3j5lsX4K1l3siV;hash|9tFBJUOSJ1hYPXrgBby2Xg==')
+def parse_crawl_line(line):
+ # yup, it's just whitespace, and yup, there's a JSON blob at the end that
+ # "hopefully" contains no whitespace
+ line = line.strip().split()
+ if len(line) != 13:
+ return None
+ # FTP success; need to munge mimetype
+ if line[3].startswith('ftp://') and line[1] == "226" and line[6] == "application/octet-stream":
+ if line[3].lower().endswith('.pdf'):
+ line[6] = "application/pdf"
+ elif line[3].lower().endswith('.ps'):
+ line[6] = "application/postscript"
+ # mimetype
+ line[6] = normalize_mimetype(line[6])
+ # SHA1
+ line[9] = line[9].replace('sha1:', '')
+ return CrawlLine(*line)
+def parse_full_cdx_line(line):
+ line = line.strip().split(' ')
+ assert len(line) == 11
+ # mimetype
+ line[3] = normalize_mimetype(line[3])
+ return FullCdxLine(*line)
+def lookup_referrer_row(cursor, url):
+ #print("Lookup: {}".format(cdx.url))
+ raw = list(cursor.execute('SELECT * from referrer WHERE url=? LIMIT 1', [url]))
+ if not raw:
+ return None
+ raw = list(raw[0])
+ if not raw[1] or raw[1] == '-':
+ raw[1] = None
+ return ReferrerRow(*raw)
+def lookup_all_referred_rows(cursor, url):
+ #print("Lookup: {}".format(cdx.url))
+ # TODO: should this SORT BY?
+ result = list(cursor.execute('SELECT * from referrer WHERE referrer=?', [url]))
+ if not result:
+ return None
+ for i in range(len(result)):
+ raw = list(result[i])
+ if not raw[1] or raw[1] == '-':
+ raw[1] = None
+ result[i] = ReferrerRow(*raw)
+ return result
+def create_out_table(db):
+ # "eat my data" style database, for speed
+ # NOTE: don't drop indexes here, because we often reuse DB
+ db.executescript("""
+ PRAGMA main.page_size = 4096;
+ PRAGMA main.cache_size = 20000;
+ PRAGMA main.locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;
+ PRAGMA main.synchronous = OFF;
+ PRAGMA main.journal_mode = MEMORY;
+ (initial_url text NOT NULL,
+ identifier text,
+ initial_domain text,
+ breadcrumbs text,
+ final_url text,
+ final_domain text text,
+ final_timestamp text,
+ final_status_code text,
+ final_sha1 text,
+ final_mimetype text,
+ final_was_dedupe bool,
+ hit bool);
+ """)
+def referrer(log_file, map_db):
+ """
+ TODO: this would probably be simpler, and much faster, as a simple sqlite3 import from TSV
+ """
+ print("Mapping referrers from crawl logs")
+ # "eat my data" style database, for speed
+ map_db.executescript("""
+ PRAGMA main.page_size = 4096;
+ PRAGMA main.cache_size = 20000;
+ PRAGMA main.locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;
+ PRAGMA main.synchronous = OFF;
+ PRAGMA main.journal_mode = MEMORY;
+ (url text,
+ referrer text,
+ status_code text,
+ breadcrumbs text,
+ mimetype text,
+ is_dedupe bool);
+ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS referrer_url;
+ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS referrer_referrer;
+ """)
+ c = map_db.cursor()
+ i = 0
+ for raw in log_file:
+ line = parse_crawl_line(raw)
+ if not line:
+ print("BAD LOG LINE: {}".format(raw.strip()))
+ continue
+ if line.url.startswith('dns:') or line.url.startswith('whois:'):
+ #print("skipping: {}".format(line.url))
+ continue
+ is_dedupe = 'duplicate:digest' in line.annotations
+ # insert {url, referrer, status_code, breadcrumbs, mimetype, is_dedupe}
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO referrer VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ (line.url, line.referrer_url, line.status_code, line.breadcrumbs, line.mimetype, is_dedupe))
+ i = i+1
+ if i % 5000 == 0:
+ print("... referrer {}".format(i))
+ map_db.commit()
+ map_db.commit()
+ print("Building indices (this can be slow)...")
+ c.executescript("""
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS referrer_url on referrer (url);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS referrer_referrer on referrer (referrer);
+ """)
+ c.close()
+ print("Referrer map complete.")
+def backward_cdx(cdx_file, map_db, output_db, hit_mimetypes=FULLTEXT_MIMETYPES):
+ """
+ TODO: Hrm, just realized we don't usually have CDX files on a per-machine
+ basis. Need to call this with a shard string that gets parsed from the
+ WARC field of the full CDX for the whole crawl? Oh well. Large file, but
+ can be shared, and filter should be fast (can optimize with grep as well).
+ """
+ print("Mapping backward from CDX 200/226 to initial urls")
+ counts = collections.Counter({'inserted': 0})
+ m = map_db.cursor()
+ create_out_table(output_db)
+ c = output_db.cursor()
+ i = 0
+ for raw_cdx in cdx_file:
+ if raw_cdx.startswith('CDX') or raw_cdx.startswith(' '):
+ counts['skip-cdx-raw'] += 1
+ continue
+ cdx = parse_full_cdx_line(raw_cdx)
+ if not ((cdx.status_code in ("200", "226") and cdx.mimetype in hit_mimetypes)
+ or (cdx.mimetype == "warc/revisit")):
+ counts['skip-cdx-scope'] += 1
+ continue
+ if cdx.mimetype == "application/octet-stream" and line.size_bytes and line.size_bytes != '-' and int(line.size_bytes) < 1000:
+ counts['skip-tiny-octetstream-'] += 1
+ continue
+ #print(time.time())
+ final_row = lookup_referrer_row(m, cdx.url)
+ #print(time.time())
+ if not final_row:
+ print("MISSING url: {}".format(raw_cdx.strip()))
+ counts['map-url-missing'] += 1
+ continue
+ if not (final_row.status_code in ("200", "226") and final_row.mimetype in hit_mimetypes):
+ counts['skip-map-scope'] += 1
+ continue
+ row = final_row
+ while row and row.referrer_url != None:
+ next_row = lookup_referrer_row(m, row.referrer_url)
+ if next_row:
+ row = next_row
+ else:
+ break
+ initial_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(row.url).host
+ final_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(final_row.url).host
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO crawl_result VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ (row.url, None, initial_domain, final_row.breadcrumbs, final_row.url, final_domain, cdx.timestamp, final_row.status_code, cdx.sha1, final_row.mimetype, final_row.is_dedupe, True))
+ #print(final_row.breadcrumbs)
+ i = i+1
+ counts['inserted'] += 1
+ if i % 2000 == 0:
+ print("... backward {}".format(i))
+ output_db.commit()
+ output_db.commit()
+ print("Building indices (this can be slow)...")
+ c.executescript("""
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_initial_url on crawl_result (initial_url);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_identifier on crawl_result (identifier);
+ """)
+ c.close()
+ m.close()
+ print("Backward map complete.")
+ print(counts)
+ return counts
+def backward(log_file, map_db, output_db, hit_mimetypes=FULLTEXT_MIMETYPES):
+ """
+ This is a variant of backward_cdx that uses the log files, not CDX file
+ """
+ print("Mapping backward from log file 200s to initial urls")
+ counts = collections.Counter({'inserted': 0})
+ m = map_db.cursor()
+ create_out_table(output_db)
+ c = output_db.cursor()
+ i = 0
+ for raw in log_file:
+ line = parse_crawl_line(raw)
+ if not line:
+ print("BAD LOG LINE: {}".format(raw.strip()))
+ continue
+ if line.url.startswith('dns:') or line.url.startswith('whois:'):
+ counts['skip-log-prereq'] += 1
+ continue
+ is_dedupe = 'duplicate:digest' in line.annotations
+ if not (line.status_code in ("200", "226") and line.mimetype in hit_mimetypes):
+ counts['skip-log-scope'] += 1
+ continue
+ if line.mimetype == "application/octet-stream" and int(line.size_bytes) < 1000:
+ counts['skip-tiny-octetstream-'] += 1
+ continue
+ #print(time.time())
+ final_row = lookup_referrer_row(m, line.url)
+ #print(time.time())
+ if not final_row:
+ print("MISSING url: {}".format(raw.strip()))
+ counts['map-url-missing'] += 1
+ continue
+ if not (final_row.status_code in ("200", "226") and final_row.mimetype in hit_mimetypes):
+ counts['skip-map-scope'] += 1
+ continue
+ row = final_row
+ while row and row.referrer_url != None:
+ next_row = lookup_referrer_row(m, row.referrer_url)
+ if next_row:
+ row = next_row
+ else:
+ break
+ initial_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(row.url).host
+ final_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(final_row.url).host
+ # convert to IA CDX timestamp format
+ #final_timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(line.timestamp).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ final_timestamp = None
+ if len(line.timestamp) >= 12 and line.timestamp[4] != '-':
+ final_timestamp = line.timestamp[:12]
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO crawl_result VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ (row.url, None, initial_domain, final_row.breadcrumbs, final_row.url, final_domain, final_timestamp, final_row.status_code, line.sha1, final_row.mimetype, final_row.is_dedupe, True))
+ #print(final_row.breadcrumbs)
+ i = i+1
+ counts['inserted'] += 1
+ if i % 2000 == 0:
+ print("... backward {}".format(i))
+ output_db.commit()
+ output_db.commit()
+ m.close()
+ print("Building indices (this can be slow)...")
+ c.executescript("""
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_initial_url on crawl_result (initial_url);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_identifier on crawl_result (identifier);
+ """)
+ c.close()
+ print("Backward map complete.")
+ print(counts)
+ return counts
+def forward(seed_id_file, map_db, output_db):
+ print("Mapping forwards from seedlist to terminal urls")
+ counts = collections.Counter({'inserted': 0})
+ m = map_db.cursor()
+ create_out_table(output_db)
+ c = output_db.cursor()
+ i = 0
+ for raw_line in seed_id_file:
+ line = raw_line.split('\t')
+ if not line:
+ counts['skip-raw-line'] += 1
+ continue
+ if len(line) == 1:
+ seed_url, identifier = line[0], None
+ elif len(line) == 2:
+ seed_url, identifier = line[0:2]
+ else:
+ print("WEIRD: {}".format(raw_line))
+ assert len(line) <= 2
+ raw_url = seed_url
+ seed_url = normalize_url(seed_url)
+ if not seed_url:
+ counts['skip-bad-seed-url'] += 1
+ continue
+ if raw_url != seed_url:
+ counts['_normalized-seed-url'] += 1
+ # first check if entry already in output table; if so, only upsert with identifier
+ existing_row = list(c.execute('SELECT identifier, breadcrumbs from crawl_result WHERE initial_url=? LIMIT 1', [seed_url]))
+ if existing_row:
+ if not existing_row[0][0]:
+ # identifier hasn't been updated
+ c.execute('UPDATE crawl_result SET identifier=? WHERE initial_url=?', [identifier, seed_url])
+ counts['existing-id-updated'] += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ counts['existing-complete'] += 1
+ continue
+ # if not, then do a "forward" lookup for the "best"/"final" terminal crawl line
+ # simple for redirect case (no branching); arbitrary for the fan-out case
+ first_row = lookup_referrer_row(m, seed_url)
+ if not first_row:
+ print("MISSING url: {}".format(raw_line.strip()))
+ # need to insert *something* in this case...
+ initial_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(seed_url).host
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO crawl_result VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ (seed_url, identifier, initial_domain, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, False))
+ counts['map-url-missing'] += 1
+ continue
+ row = first_row
+ # recursively iterate down referal path
+ limit = 40
+ while True:
+ limit = limit - 1
+ if limit <= 0:
+ counts['_redirect-recursion-limit'] += 1
+ break
+ next_rows = lookup_all_referred_rows(m, row.url)
+ if not next_rows:
+ # halt if we hit a dead end
+ break
+ # there are going to be multiple referrer hits, need to chose among... based on status?
+ updated = False
+ for potential in next_rows:
+ if ('E' in potential.breadcrumbs or 'X' in potential.breadcrumbs or 'I' in potential.breadcrumbs) and not 'pdf' in potential.mimetype:
+ # TODO: still PDF-specific
+ # don't consider simple embeds unless PDF
+ continue
+ row = potential
+ updated = True
+ if not updated:
+ break
+ final_row = row
+ initial_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(seed_url).host
+ final_domain = urllib3.util.parse_url(final_row.url).host
+ # TODO: would pass SHA1 here if we had it? but not stored in referrer table
+ # XXX: None => timestamp
+ c.execute("INSERT INTO crawl_result VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ (seed_url, identifier, initial_domain, final_row.breadcrumbs, final_row.url, final_domain, None, final_row.status_code, None, final_row.mimetype, final_row.is_dedupe, False))
+ #print(final_row.breadcrumbs)
+ i = i+1
+ counts['inserted'] += 1
+ if i % 2000 == 0:
+ print("... forward {}".format(i))
+ output_db.commit()
+ output_db.commit()
+ m.close()
+ print("Building indices (this can be slow)...")
+ c.executescript("""
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_initial_url on crawl_result (initial_url);
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS result_identifier on crawl_result (identifier);
+ """)
+ c.close()
+ print("Forward map complete.")
+ print(counts)
+ return counts
+def everything(log_file, seed_id_file, map_db, output_db, hit_mimetypes=FULLTEXT_MIMETYPES):
+ referrer(open(log_file, 'r'), map_db)
+ bcounts = backward(open(log_file, 'r'), map_db, output_db, hit_mimetypes=hit_mimetypes)
+ fcounts = forward(seed_id_file, map_db, output_db)
+ print()
+ print("Everything complete!")
+ print(bcounts)
+ print(fcounts)
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ sub_referrer = subparsers.add_parser('referrer')
+ sub_referrer.set_defaults(func=referrer)
+ sub_referrer.add_argument("log_file",
+ default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
+ sub_referrer.add_argument("map_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_backward_cdx = subparsers.add_parser('backward_cdx')
+ sub_backward_cdx.set_defaults(func=backward_cdx)
+ sub_backward_cdx.add_argument("cdx_file",
+ default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
+ sub_backward_cdx.add_argument("map_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_backward_cdx.add_argument("output_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_backward = subparsers.add_parser('backward')
+ sub_backward.set_defaults(func=backward)
+ sub_backward.add_argument("log_file",
+ default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
+ sub_backward.add_argument("map_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_backward.add_argument("output_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_forward = subparsers.add_parser('forward')
+ sub_forward.set_defaults(func=forward)
+ sub_forward.add_argument("seed_id_file",
+ default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
+ sub_forward.add_argument("map_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_forward.add_argument("output_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_everything = subparsers.add_parser('everything')
+ sub_everything.set_defaults(func=everything)
+ sub_everything.add_argument("log_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_everything.add_argument("seed_id_file",
+ default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
+ sub_everything.add_argument("output_db_file",
+ type=str)
+ sub_everything.add_argument("--map_db_file",
+ default=":memory:", type=str)
+ parser.add_argument("--html-hit",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="run in mode that considers only terminal HTML success")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.__dict__.get("func"):
+ print("tell me what to do! (try --help)")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if args.html_hit:
+ hit_mimetypes = (
+ "text/html",
+ )
+ else:
+ hit_mimetypes = FULLTEXT_MIMETYPES
+ if args.func is referrer:
+ referrer(args.log_file,
+ sqlite3.connect(args.map_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'))
+ elif args.func is backward_cdx:
+ backward_cdx(args.cdx_file,
+ sqlite3.connect(args.map_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ sqlite3.connect(args.output_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ hit_mimetypes=hit_mimetypes)
+ elif args.func is backward:
+ backward(args.log_file,
+ sqlite3.connect(args.map_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ sqlite3.connect(args.output_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ hit_mimetypes=hit_mimetypes)
+ elif args.func is forward:
+ forward(args.seed_id_file,
+ sqlite3.connect(args.map_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ sqlite3.connect(args.output_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'))
+ elif args.func is everything:
+ everything(args.log_file,
+ args.seed_id_file,
+ sqlite3.connect(args.map_db_file),
+ sqlite3.connect(args.output_db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE'),
+ hit_mimetypes=hit_mimetypes)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/report_template.md b/report_template.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139598b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/report_template.md
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Crawl QA Report
+This crawl report is auto-generated from a sqlite database file, which should be available/included.
+### Seedlist Stats
+SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT identifier) as identifiers, COUNT(DISTINCT initial_url) as uris, COUNT(DISTINCT initial_domain) AS domains FROM crawl_result;
+FTP seed URLs
+SELECT COUNT(*) as ftp_urls FROM crawl_result WHERE initial_url LIKE 'ftp://%';
+### Successful Hits
+SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT identifier) as identifiers, COUNT(DISTINCT initial_url) as uris, COUNT(DISTINCT final_sha1) as unique_sha1 FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1;
+De-duplication percentage (aka, fraction of hits where content had been crawled and identified previously):
+# AVG() hack!
+SELECT 100. * AVG(final_was_dedupe) as percent FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1;
+Top mimetypes for successful hits (these are usually filtered to a fixed list in post-processing):
+SELECT final_mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1 GROUP BY final_mimetype ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10;
+Most popular breadcrumbs (a measure of how hard the crawler had to work):
+SELECT breadcrumbs, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1 GROUP BY breadcrumbs ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10;
+FTP vs. HTTP hits (200 is HTTP, 226 is FTP):
+SELECT final_status_code, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1 GROUP BY final_status_code LIMIT 10;
+### Domain Summary
+Top *initial* domains:
+SELECT initial_domain, COUNT(*), 100. * COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result) as percent FROM crawl_result GROUP BY initial_domain ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+Top *successful, final* domains, where hits were found:
+SELECT initial_domain, COUNT(*), 100. * COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1) AS percent FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1 GROUP BY initial_domain ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+Top *non-successful, final* domains where crawl paths terminated before a successful hit (but crawl did run):
+SELECT final_domain, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 AND final_status_code IS NOT NULL GROUP BY final_domain ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+Top *uncrawled, initial* domains, where the crawl didn't even attempt to run:
+SELECT initial_domain, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 AND final_status_code IS NULL GROUP BY initial_domain ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+Top *blocked, final* domains:
+SELECT final_domain, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 AND (final_status_code='-61' OR final_status_code='-2') GROUP BY final_domain ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+Top *rate-limited, final* domains:
+SELECT final_domain, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 AND final_status_code='429' GROUP BY final_domain ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 20;
+### Status Summary
+Top failure status codes:
+ SELECT final_status_code, COUNT(*) FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 GROUP BY final_status_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 10;
+### Example Results
+A handful of random success lines:
+ SELECT identifier, initial_url, breadcrumbs, final_url, final_sha1, final_mimetype FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10;
+Handful of random non-success lines:
+ SELECT identifier, initial_url, breadcrumbs, final_url, final_status_code, final_mimetype FROM crawl_result WHERE hit=0 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 25;
diff --git a/test.sqlite b/test.sqlite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0435e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.sqlite
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test.tsv b/test.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbd9620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@