path: root/proposals/2020_pdf_meta_thumbnails.md
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+status: deployed
+New PDF derivatives: thumbnails, metadata, raw text
+To support scholar.archive.org (fulltext search) and other downstream uses of
+fatcat, want to extract from many PDFs:
+- pdf structured metadata
+- thumbnail images
+- raw extracted text
+A single worker should extract all of these fields, and publish in to two kafka
+streams. Separate persist workers consume from the streams and push in to SQL
+and/or seaweedfs.
+Additionally, this extraction should happen automatically for newly-crawled
+PDFs as part of the ingest pipeline. When possible, checks should be run
+against the existing SQL table to avoid duplication of processing.
+## PDF Metadata and Text
+Kafka topic (name: `sandcrawler-ENV.pdf-text`; 12x partitions; gzip
+compression) JSON schema:
+ sha1hex (string; used as key)
+ status (string)
+ text (string)
+ page0_thumbnail (boolean)
+ meta_xml (string)
+ pdf_info (object)
+ pdf_extra (object)
+ word_count
+ file_meta (object)
+ source (object)
+For the SQL table we should have columns for metadata fields that are *always*
+saved, and put a subset of other interesting fields in a JSON blob. We don't
+need all metadata fields in SQL. Full metadata/info will always be available in
+Kafka, and we don't want SQL table size to explode. Schema:
+ sha1hex TEXT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (octet_length(sha1hex) = 40),
+ status TEXT CHECK (octet_length(status) >= 1) NOT NULL,
+ has_page0_thumbnail BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
+ page_count INT CHECK (page_count >= 0),
+ word_count INT CHECK (word_count >= 0),
+ page0_height REAL CHECK (page0_height >= 0),
+ page0_width REAL CHECK (page0_width >= 0),
+ permanent_id TEXT CHECK (octet_length(permanent_id) >= 1),
+ pdf_version TEXT CHECK (octet_length(pdf_version) >= 1),
+ metadata JSONB
+ -- maybe some analysis of available fields?
+ -- metadata JSON fields:
+ -- title
+ -- subject
+ -- author
+ -- creator
+ -- producer
+ -- CrossMarkDomains
+ -- doi
+ -- form
+ -- encrypted
+ );
+## Thumbnail Images
+Kafka Schema is raw image bytes as message body; sha1sum of PDF as the key. No
+compression, 12x partitions.
+Kafka topic name is `sandcrawler-ENV.pdf-thumbnail-SIZE-TYPE` (eg,
+`sandcrawler-qa.pdf-thumbnail-180px-jpg`). Thus, topic name contains the
+"metadata" of thumbail size/shape.
+Have decided to use JPEG thumbnails, 180px wide (and max 300px high, though
+width restriction is almost always the limiting factor). This size matches that
+used on archive.org, and is slightly larger than the thumbnails currently used
+on scholar.archive.org prototype. We intend to tweak the scholar.archive.org
+CSS to use the full/raw thumbnail image at max desktop size. At this size it
+would be difficult (though maybe not impossible?) to extract text (other than
+large-font titles).
+### Implementation
+We use the `poppler` CPP library (wrapper for python) to extract and convert everything.
+Some example usage of the `python-poppler` library:
+ import poppler
+ from PIL import Image
+ pdf = poppler.load_from_file("/home/bnewbold/10.1038@s41551-020-0534-9.pdf")
+ pdf.pdf_id
+ page = pdf.create_page(0)
+ page.page_rect().width
+ renderer = poppler.PageRenderer()
+ full_page = renderer.render_page(page)
+ img = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (full_page.width, full_page.height), full_page.data, 'raw', "RGBA")
+ img.thumbnail((180,300), Image.BICUBIC)
+ img.save("something.jpg")
+## Deployment and Infrastructure
+Deployment will involve:
+- sandcrawler DB SQL table
+ => guesstimate size 100 GByte for hundreds of PDFs
+- postgrest/SQL access to new table for internal HTTP API hits
+- seaweedfs raw text folder
+ => reuse existing bucket with GROBID XML; same access restrictions on content
+- seaweedfs thumbnail bucket
+ => new bucket for this world-public content
+- public nginx access to seaweed thumbnail bucket
+- extraction work queue kafka topic
+ => same schema/semantics as ungrobided
+- text/metadata kafka topic
+- thumbnail kafka topic
+- text/metadata persist worker(s)
+ => from kafka; metadata to SQL database; text to seaweedfs blob store
+- thumbnail persist worker
+ => from kafka to seaweedfs blob store
+- pdf extraction worker pool
+ => very similar to GROBID worker pool
+- ansible roles for all of the above
+Plan for processing/catchup is:
+- test with COVID-19 PDF corpus
+- run extraction on all current fatcat files available via IA
+- integrate with ingest pipeline for all new files
+- run a batch catchup job over all GROBID-parsed files with no pdf meta
+ extracted, on basis of SQL table query
+## Appendix: Thumbnail Size and Format Experimentation
+Using 190 PDFs from `/data/pdfs/random_crawl/files` on my laptop to test.
+TODO: actually, 4x images failed to convert with pdftocairo; this throws off
+"mean" sizes by a small amount.
+ time ls | parallel -j1 pdftocairo -singlefile -scale-to 200 -png {} /tmp/test-png/{}.png
+ real 0m29.314s
+ user 0m26.794s
+ sys 0m2.484s
+ => missing: 4
+ => min: 0.8k
+ => max: 57K
+ => mean: 16.4K
+ => total: 3120K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 pdftocairo -singlefile -scale-to 200 -jpeg {} /tmp/test-jpeg/{}.jpg
+ real 0m26.289s
+ user 0m24.022s
+ sys 0m2.490s
+ => missing: 4
+ => min: 1.2K
+ => max: 13K
+ => mean: 8.02k
+ => total: 1524K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 pdftocairo -singlefile -scale-to 200 -jpeg -jpegopt optimize=y,quality=80 {} /tmp/test-jpeg2/{}.jpg
+ real 0m27.401s
+ user 0m24.941s
+ sys 0m2.519s
+ => missing: 4
+ => min: 577
+ => max: 14K
+ => mean:
+ => total: 1540K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 convert -resize 200x200 {}[0] /tmp/magick-png/{}.png
+ => missing: 4
+ real 1m19.399s
+ user 1m17.150s
+ sys 0m6.322s
+ => min: 1.1K
+ => max: 325K
+ => mean:
+ => total: 8476K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 convert -resize 200x200 {}[0] /tmp/magick-jpeg/{}.jpg
+ real 1m21.766s
+ user 1m17.040s
+ sys 0m7.155s
+ => total: 3484K
+NOTE: the following `pdf_thumbnail.py` images are somewhat smaller than the above
+jpg and pngs (max 180px wide, not 200px wide)
+ time ls | parallel -j1 ~/code/sandcrawler/python/scripts/pdf_thumbnail.py {} /tmp/python-png/{}.png
+ real 0m48.198s
+ user 0m42.997s
+ sys 0m4.509s
+ => missing: 2; 2x additional stub images
+ => total: 5904K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 ~/code/sandcrawler/python/scripts/pdf_thumbnail.py {} /tmp/python-jpg/{}.jpg
+ real 0m45.252s
+ user 0m41.232s
+ sys 0m4.273s
+ => min: 1.4K
+ => max: 16K
+ => mean: ~9.3KByte
+ => total: 1772K
+ time ls | parallel -j1 ~/code/sandcrawler/python/scripts/pdf_thumbnail.py {} /tmp/python-jpg-360/{}.jpg
+ real 0m48.639s
+ user 0m44.121s
+ sys 0m4.568s
+ => mean: ~28k
+ => total: 5364K (3x of 180px batch)
+ quality=95
+ time ls | parallel -j1 ~/code/sandcrawler/python/scripts/pdf_thumbnail.py {} /tmp/python-jpg2-360/{}.jpg
+ real 0m49.407s
+ user 0m44.607s
+ sys 0m4.869s
+ => total: 9812K
+ quality=95
+ time ls | parallel -j1 ~/code/sandcrawler/python/scripts/pdf_thumbnail.py {} /tmp/python-jpg2-180/{}.jpg
+ real 0m45.901s
+ user 0m41.486s
+ sys 0m4.591s
+ => mean: 16.4K
+ => total: 3116K
+At the 180px size, the difference between default and quality=95 seems
+indistinguishable visually to me, but is more than a doubling of file size.
+Also tried at 300px and seems near-indistinguishable there as well.
+At a mean of 10 Kbytes per file:
+ 10 million -> 100 GBytes
+ 100 million -> 1 Tbyte
+Older COVID-19 thumbnails were about 400px wide:
+ pdftocairo -png -singlefile -scale-to-x 400 -scale-to-y -1
+Display on scholar-qa.archive.org is about 135x181px
+archive.org does 180px wide
+Unclear if we should try to do double resolution for high DPI screens (eg,
+apple "retina").
+Using same size as archive.org probably makes the most sense: max 180px wide,
+preserve aspect ratio. And jpeg improvement seems worth it.
+#### Merlijn notes
+From work on optimizing microfilm thumbnail images:
+ When possible, generate a thumbnail that fits well on the screen of the
+ user. Always creating a large thumbnail will result in the browsers
+ downscaling them, leading to fuzzy text. If it’s not possible, then create
+ the pick the resolution you’d want to support (1.5x or 2x scaling) and
+ create thumbnails of that size, but also apply the other recommendations
+ below - especially a sharpening filter.
+ Use bicubic or lanczos interpolation. Bilinear and nearest neighbour are
+ not OK.
+ For text, consider applying a sharpening filter. Not a strong one, but some
+ sharpening can definitely help.
+## Appendix: PDF Info Fields
+From `pdfinfo` manpage:
+ The ´Info' dictionary contains the following values:
+ title
+ subject
+ keywords
+ author
+ creator
+ producer
+ creation date
+ modification date
+ In addition, the following information is printed:
+ tagged (yes/no)
+ form (AcroForm / XFA / none)
+ javascript (yes/no)
+ page count
+ encrypted flag (yes/no)
+ print and copy permissions (if encrypted)
+ page size
+ file size
+ linearized (yes/no)
+ PDF version
+ metadata (only if requested)
+For an example file, the output looks like:
+ Title: A mountable toilet system for personalized health monitoring via the analysis of excreta
+ Subject: Nature Biomedical Engineering, doi:10.1038/s41551-020-0534-9
+ Keywords:
+ Author: Seung-min Park
+ Creator: Springer
+ CreationDate: Thu Mar 26 01:26:57 2020 PDT
+ ModDate: Thu Mar 26 01:28:06 2020 PDT
+ Tagged: no
+ UserProperties: no
+ Suspects: no
+ Form: AcroForm
+ JavaScript: no
+ Pages: 14
+ Encrypted: no
+ Page size: 595.276 x 790.866 pts
+ Page rot: 0
+ File size: 6104749 bytes
+ Optimized: yes
+ PDF version: 1.4
+For context on the `pdf_id` fields ("original" and "updated"), read: