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This repo contains hadoop jobs, luigi tasks, and other scripts and code for the internet archive web group's journal ingest pipeline.

Code in tihs repository is potentially public!

Archive-specific deployment/production guides and ansible scripts at: journal-infra

./python/ contains scripts and utilities for

./sql/ contains schema, queries, and backfill scripts for a Postgres SQL database index (eg, file metadata, CDX, and GROBID status tables).

./minio/ contains docs on how to setup and use a minio S3-compatible blob store (eg, for GROBID XML output)

./scalding/ contains Hadoop jobs written in Scala using the Scalding framework. The intent is to write new non-trivial Hadoop jobs in Scala, which brings type safety and compiled performance.

./python_hadoop/ contains Hadoop streaming jobs written in python using the mrjob library. Considered deprecated!

./pig/ contains a handful of Pig scripts, as well as some unittests implemented in python.

Running Hadoop Jobs

The ./please python3 wrapper script is a helper for running jobs (python or scalding) on the IA Hadoop cluster. You'll need to run the setup/dependency tasks first; see README files in subdirectories.

Running Python Code

You need python3.5 (or python3.6+ and pyenv) and pipenv to set up the environment. You may also need the debian packages libpq-dev and python-dev to install some dependencies.