path: root/src/api/win32/callback.rs
diff options
authorPierre Krieger <pierre.krieger1708@gmail.com>2015-04-24 09:51:23 +0200
committerPierre Krieger <pierre.krieger1708@gmail.com>2015-04-24 09:51:23 +0200
commit3ad7f9a58429b02b11b18f6a70ac011f698b6f4b (patch)
tree3061216335701a5faa8bd3c5c9ec0499a357be5a /src/api/win32/callback.rs
parentc1af76550f311e3da7a08d393b4ea9805cb61a7b (diff)
Create reorganization
Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/win32/callback.rs')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/win32/callback.rs b/src/api/win32/callback.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e852eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/win32/callback.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+use std::mem;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+use CursorState;
+use Event;
+use super::event;
+use user32;
+use winapi;
+/// There's no parameters passed to the callback function, so it needs to get
+/// its context (the HWND, the Sender for events, etc.) stashed in
+/// a thread-local variable.
+thread_local!(pub static CONTEXT_STASH: RefCell<Option<ThreadLocalData>> = RefCell::new(None));
+pub struct ThreadLocalData {
+ pub win: winapi::HWND,
+ pub sender: Sender<Event>,
+ pub cursor_state: Arc<Mutex<CursorState>>
+/// Checks that the window is the good one, and if so send the event to it.
+fn send_event(input_window: winapi::HWND, event: Event) {
+ CONTEXT_STASH.with(|context_stash| {
+ let context_stash = context_stash.borrow();
+ let stored = match *context_stash {
+ None => return,
+ Some(ref v) => v
+ };
+ let &ThreadLocalData { ref win, ref sender, .. } = stored;
+ if win != &input_window {
+ return;
+ }
+ sender.send(event).ok(); // ignoring if closed
+ });
+/// This is the callback that is called by `DispatchMessage` in the events loop.
+/// Returning 0 tells the Win32 API that the message has been processed.
+pub unsafe extern "system" fn callback(window: winapi::HWND, msg: winapi::UINT,
+ wparam: winapi::WPARAM, lparam: winapi::LPARAM)
+ -> winapi::LRESULT
+ match msg {
+ winapi::WM_DESTROY => {
+ use events::Event::Closed;
+ CONTEXT_STASH.with(|context_stash| {
+ let context_stash = context_stash.borrow();
+ let stored = match *context_stash {
+ None => return,
+ Some(ref v) => v
+ };
+ let &ThreadLocalData { ref win, .. } = stored;
+ if win == &window {
+ user32::PostQuitMessage(0);
+ }
+ });
+ send_event(window, Closed);
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_ERASEBKGND => {
+ 1
+ },
+ winapi::WM_SIZE => {
+ use events::Event::Resized;
+ let w = winapi::LOWORD(lparam as winapi::DWORD) as u32;
+ let h = winapi::HIWORD(lparam as winapi::DWORD) as u32;
+ send_event(window, Resized(w, h));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_MOVE => {
+ use events::Event::Moved;
+ let x = winapi::LOWORD(lparam as winapi::DWORD) as i32;
+ let y = winapi::HIWORD(lparam as winapi::DWORD) as i32;
+ send_event(window, Moved(x, y));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_CHAR => {
+ use std::mem;
+ use events::Event::ReceivedCharacter;
+ let chr: char = mem::transmute(wparam as u32);
+ send_event(window, ReceivedCharacter(chr));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_MOUSEMOVE => {
+ use events::Event::MouseMoved;
+ let x = winapi::GET_X_LPARAM(lparam) as i32;
+ let y = winapi::GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam) as i32;
+ send_event(window, MouseMoved((x, y)));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_MOUSEWHEEL => {
+ use events::Event::MouseWheel;
+ let value = (wparam >> 16) as i16;
+ let value = value as i32;
+ send_event(window, MouseWheel(value));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_KEYDOWN => {
+ use events::Event::KeyboardInput;
+ use events::ElementState::Pressed;
+ let scancode = ((lparam >> 16) & 0xff) as u8;
+ let vkey = event::vkeycode_to_element(wparam);
+ send_event(window, KeyboardInput(Pressed, scancode, vkey));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_KEYUP => {
+ use events::Event::KeyboardInput;
+ use events::ElementState::Released;
+ let scancode = ((lparam >> 16) & 0xff) as u8;
+ let vkey = event::vkeycode_to_element(wparam);
+ send_event(window, KeyboardInput(Released, scancode, vkey));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_LBUTTONDOWN => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Left;
+ use events::ElementState::Pressed;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, Left));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_LBUTTONUP => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Left;
+ use events::ElementState::Released;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, Left));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_RBUTTONDOWN => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Right;
+ use events::ElementState::Pressed;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, Right));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_RBUTTONUP => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Right;
+ use events::ElementState::Released;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, Right));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_MBUTTONDOWN => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Middle;
+ use events::ElementState::Pressed;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Pressed, Middle));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_MBUTTONUP => {
+ use events::Event::MouseInput;
+ use events::MouseButton::Middle;
+ use events::ElementState::Released;
+ send_event(window, MouseInput(Released, Middle));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_INPUT => {
+ let mut data: winapi::RAWINPUT = mem::uninitialized();
+ let mut data_size = mem::size_of::<winapi::RAWINPUT>() as winapi::UINT;
+ user32::GetRawInputData(mem::transmute(lparam), winapi::RID_INPUT,
+ mem::transmute(&mut data), &mut data_size,
+ mem::size_of::<winapi::RAWINPUTHEADER>() as winapi::UINT);
+ if data.header.dwType == winapi::RIM_TYPEMOUSE {
+ let _x = data.mouse.lLastX; // FIXME: this is not always the relative movement
+ let _y = data.mouse.lLastY;
+ // TODO:
+ //send_event(window, Event::MouseRawMovement { x: x, y: y });
+ 0
+ } else {
+ user32::DefWindowProcW(window, msg, wparam, lparam)
+ }
+ },
+ winapi::WM_SETFOCUS => {
+ use events::Event::Focused;
+ send_event(window, Focused(true));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_KILLFOCUS => {
+ use events::Event::Focused;
+ send_event(window, Focused(false));
+ 0
+ },
+ winapi::WM_SETCURSOR => {
+ CONTEXT_STASH.with(|context_stash| {
+ let cstash = context_stash.borrow();
+ let cstash = cstash.as_ref();
+ // there's a very bizarre borrow checker bug
+ // possibly related to rust-lang/rust/#23338
+ let cursor_state = if let Some(cstash) = cstash {
+ if let Ok(cursor_state) = cstash.cursor_state.lock() {
+ match *cursor_state {
+ CursorState::Normal => {
+ user32::SetCursor(user32::LoadCursorW(
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ winapi::IDC_ARROW));
+ },
+ CursorState::Grab | CursorState::Hide => {
+ user32::SetCursor(ptr::null_mut());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return
+ };
+// let &ThreadLocalData { ref cursor_state, .. } = stored;
+ });
+ 0
+ },
+ _ => {
+ user32::DefWindowProcW(window, msg, wparam, lparam)
+ }
+ }