path: root/python
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2022-02-11 11:14:07 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2022-02-11 11:14:07 -0800
commit9b9ede257753b1e3fd19bbf90a5895de5db18504 (patch)
treee14f834cbc0483f25cbf89e0ee771deeec0d0255 /python
parentebd467fba4773a6dd027ca118124e4c6f80a7e07 (diff)
containers: progress on browse interface
Diffstat (limited to 'python')
4 files changed, 146 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/python/fatcat_web/routes.py b/python/fatcat_web/routes.py
index 0afc189f..6e3e9b57 100644
--- a/python/fatcat_web/routes.py
+++ b/python/fatcat_web/routes.py
@@ -287,8 +287,6 @@ def generic_entity_view(entity_type: str, ident: str, view_template: str) -> Any
entity._type_preservation = get_elastic_preservation_by_type(
- if view_template == "container_view_browse.html":
- entity._browse_volume_year = get_elastic_container_browse_year_volume(entity.ident)
return render_template(
view_template, entity_type=entity_type, entity=entity, editgroup_id=None
@@ -350,9 +348,93 @@ def container_view_coverage(ident: str) -> AnyResponse:
@app.route("/container/<string(length=26):ident>/browse", methods=["GET"])
-def container_view_browser(ident: str) -> AnyResponse:
- # note: there is a special hack to add entity._type_preservation for this endpoint
- return generic_entity_view("container", ident, "container_view_browse.html")
+def container_view_browse(ident: str) -> AnyResponse:
+ entity = generic_get_entity("container", ident)
+ if entity.state == "redirect":
+ return redirect(f"/container/{entity.redirect}")
+ elif entity.state == "deleted":
+ return render_template("deleted_entity.html", entity_type="container", entity=entity)
+ query_sort: Optional[List[str]]
+ if request.args.get('year') and 'volume' in request.args and 'issue' in request.args:
+ # year, volume, issue specified; browse-by-page
+ year = int(request.args.get('year'))
+ volume = request.args.get('volume', '')
+ issue = request.args.get('issue', '')
+ if volume:
+ volume = f'volume:"{volume}"'
+ else:
+ volume = "!volume:*"
+ if issue:
+ issue = f'issue:"{issue}"'
+ else:
+ issue = "!issue:*"
+ query_string = f'year:{year} {volume} {issue}'
+ query_sort = ["first_page", "release_date"]
+ elif request.args.get('year') and 'volume' in request.args:
+ # year, volume specified (no issue); browse-by-page
+ year = int(request.args.get('year'))
+ volume = request.args.get('volume', '')
+ if volume:
+ volume = f'volume:"{volume}"'
+ else:
+ volume = "!volume:*"
+ query_string = f'year:{year} {volume}'
+ query_sort = ["issue", "first_page", "release_date"]
+ elif request.args.get('year'):
+ # year specified, not anything else; browse-by-date
+ year = int(request.args.get('year'))
+ query_string = f"year:{year}"
+ query_sort = ["release_date"]
+ else:
+ entity._browse_volume_year = get_elastic_container_browse_year_volume(entity.ident)
+ return render_template(
+ "container_view_browse.html", entity_type="container", entity=entity, editgroup_id=None
+ )
+ print(query_string)
+ query = ReleaseQuery(
+ q=query_string,
+ limit=200,
+ offset=0,
+ container_id=ident,
+ fulltext_only=False,
+ recent=False,
+ exclude_stubs=True,
+ sort=query_sort,
+ )
+ try:
+ found = do_release_search(query)
+ except FatcatSearchError as fse:
+ return (
+ render_template(
+ "container_view_search.html",
+ query=query,
+ es_error=fse,
+ entity_type="container",
+ entity=entity,
+ editgroup_id=None,
+ ),
+ fse.status_code,
+ )
+ # HACK: re-sort by first page *numerically*
+ if found.results and query_sort and 'first_page' in query_sort:
+ for doc in found.results:
+ if doc.get('first_page') and doc['first_page'].isdigit():
+ doc['first_page'] = int(doc['first_page'])
+ found.results = sorted(found.results, key=lambda d: d.get('first_page') or 99999999)
+ return render_template(
+ "container_view_browse.html",
+ query=query,
+ releases_found=found,
+ entity_type="container",
+ entity=entity,
+ editgroup_id=None,
+ )
@app.route("/container/<string(length=26):ident>/metadata", methods=["GET"])
diff --git a/python/fatcat_web/search.py b/python/fatcat_web/search.py
index b19b57e6..3f4a216c 100644
--- a/python/fatcat_web/search.py
+++ b/python/fatcat_web/search.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class ReleaseQuery:
container_id: Optional[str] = None
recent: bool = False
exclude_stubs: bool = False
+ sort: Optional[List[str]] = None
def from_args(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ReleaseQuery":
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ class ReleaseQuery:
+ sort=None,
@@ -182,6 +184,9 @@ def do_release_search(query: ReleaseQuery, deep_page_limit: int = 2000) -> Searc
+ if query.sort:
+ search = search.sort(*query.sort)
# Sanity checks
limit = min((int(query.limit or 25), 100))
offset = max((int(query.offset or 0), 0))
@@ -299,7 +304,7 @@ def get_elastic_container_browse_year_volume(ident: str) -> Dict[int, Dict[str,
for year in year_nums:
year_dicts[year] = {}
for row in buckets:
- year_dicts[int(row["key"]["year"])][row["key"]["volume"] or "_unknown"] = int(
+ year_dicts[int(row["key"]["year"])][row["key"]["volume"] or "000_unknown"] = int(
# return sorted(year_dicts.values(), key=lambda x: x["year"])
diff --git a/python/fatcat_web/templates/container_view_browse.html b/python/fatcat_web/templates/container_view_browse.html
index b5691899..aa88b666 100644
--- a/python/fatcat_web/templates/container_view_browse.html
+++ b/python/fatcat_web/templates/container_view_browse.html
@@ -4,28 +4,59 @@
{% import "entity_macros.html" as entity_macros %}
{% extends "entity_base.html" %}
-{% block entity_main %}
-{% if entity._browse_volume_year %}
-<h2>Browse by Year and Volume</h2>
-{% for year in entity._browse_volume_year.keys()|sort|reverse %}
- {% for volume in entity._browse_volume_year[year].keys()|sort|reverse %}
- {% if volume == '_unknown' %}
- <li><a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?year={{ year }}&volume=">{{ year }}</a> ({{ entity._browse_volume_year[year][volume] }} releases)
- {% else %}
- <li><a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?year={{ year }}&volume={{ volume }}">{{ year }} | Vol. {{ volume }}</a> ({{ entity._browse_volume_year[year][volume] }} releases)
- {% endif %}
+{% macro browse_year_volume_table(entity, data) %}
+<table class="ui basic compact structured table">
+ <tbody>
+ {% for year in data.keys()|sort|reverse %}
+ {% for volume in data[year].keys()|sort|reverse %}
+ <tr>
+ {% if loop.first %}
+ <td rowspan="{{ data[year]|length }}" class="top aligned">
+ <a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?year={{ year }}">{{ year }}</a>
+ </td>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if volume == '000_unknown' %}
+ <td>{% if data[year]|length > 1 %}<i>n/a</i>{% endif %}</td>
+ <td><a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?year={{ year }}&volume=">{{ data[year][volume] }} releases</a>
+ {% else %}
+ <td><a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?volume={{ volume }}">Vol. {{ volume }}</a></td>
+ <td><a href="/container/{{ entity.ident }}/browse?year={{ year }}&volume={{ volume }}">{{ data[year][volume] }} releases</a>
+ {% endif %}
+ </tr>
+ {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% elif entity._browse_issues %}
-{% for issue in entity._browse_issues.keys()|sort|reverse %}
- <h4>{{ issue }}</h4>
- {% for paper in entity._browse_issues[issue] %}
- {{ paper.title }}<br>
+ </tbody>
+{% endmacro %}
+{% macro browse_releases(found) %}
+ {% for release_doc in found.results %}
+ <div class="ui grid">
+ <div class="two wide center aligned column">
+ {% if release_doc.pages %}
+ {{ release_doc.pages }}
+ {#
+ {% elif release_doc.release_date %}
+ {{ release_doc.release_date }}
+ #}
+ {% endif %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="fourteen wide column">
+ {{ entity_macros.release_search_result_row(release_doc, margin_top=False) }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{% block entity_main %}
+{% if releases_found %}
+ {{ browse_releases(releases_found) }}
+{% elif entity._browse_volume_year %}
+ <div class="ui container text">
+ <h3>Contents by Year and Volume</h3>
+ {{ browse_year_volume_table(entity, entity._browse_volume_year) }}
+ </div>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/python/fatcat_web/templates/entity_macros.html b/python/fatcat_web/templates/entity_macros.html
index 6ad63a14..163af3e0 100644
--- a/python/fatcat_web/templates/entity_macros.html
+++ b/python/fatcat_web/templates/entity_macros.html
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
{%- endmacro %}
-{% macro release_search_result_row(paper) -%}
+{% macro release_search_result_row(paper, margin_top=True) -%}
- <h4 style="margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1.1em;">
+ <h4 style="{% if margin_top %}margin-top: 1em; {% endif %}margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1.1em;">
<a href="/release/{{ paper.ident }}" style="color: #2224c7;">
{% if paper.title %}
{{ paper.title[:512] }}