path: root/README.md
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-04-03 16:38:59 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-04-03 16:38:59 -0700
commitcf2bfc9382fe1c934f2e11562c5c95b86fac5114 (patch)
tree50b1b3150696ed08a3af3b80ece9fbd81718e24e /README.md
parentfb767adb9472ff85b46b5a383f3986950b12dd27 (diff)
README, about page, sources page
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 650d7eb..0875eae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,24 +2,107 @@
-**Work in Progress!**
+**Not Medical Advice for General Public or Clinical Use!**
-**Not Medical Advice for Clinical or General Public!**
-This repository contains scripts and a web search front-end for a corpus of
-research publications and datasets relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
+This repository contains a web search front-end and data munging pipeline for a
+corpus of research publications and datasets relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The main dataset is the
["CORD-19"](https://pages.semanticscholar.org/coronavirus-research) (sic) paper
set from Semantic Scholar, enriched with additional metadata and web archive
fulltext from [fatcat.wiki](https://fatcat.wiki).
-Major acknowledgements (not complete):
+Visit the live site ["about"](https://covid19.fatcat.wiki/about) and
+["sources"](https://covid19.fatcat.wiki/sources) pages for more context about
+this project. In particular, note several **DISCLAIMERS** about quality,
+content, and service reliability, and licensing context about paper content and
+bibliographic metadata.
+## Technical Overview
+A crude python data perparation pipeline runs through the following stages:
+- ``parse``: source metadata into JSON rows, one per paper
+- ``enrich-fatcat``: queries fatcat API for full metadata and links to fulltext PDFs
+- commands and shell scripts under `bin/` are run to download PDF copies and
+ make "derivative" files (like thumbnails, extracting text)
+- ``derivatives``: add derivative file paths and and full text to JSON rows
+- ``transform-es``: convert from full JSON fulltext rows to elasticsearch schema
+- load into elasticsearch cluster using `esbulk` tool
+Currently, only documents with a fatcat release ident are indexed into
+elasticsearch, and use that ident as the document key. This means that the
+index can be reloaded to update documents without creating duplicate entries.
+A stateless web interface (implemented in Python with Flask) provides a search
+front-end to the elasticsearch index. The web interface uses the Babel library
+to provide language localization, but additional work will be needed to make
+the interface actually usable across languages.
+## Elasticsearch API Access
+The fulltext search index is currently world-readable in the native
+elasticsearch 6.8 API at:
+ https://search.fatcat.wiki/covid19_fatcat_fulltext
+An index of native fatcat release schema for just the papers in this corpus is
+also available at:
+ https://search.fatcat.wiki/covid19_fatcat_release
+Accessing both of these indices from your own software, or from browsers
+directly via cross-site requests, should mostly work fine.
+## Development Environment
+This software is developed and deployed on GNU/Linux (Debian family) and hasn't
+been tested elsewhere. Software dependencies include:
+- python 3.7 (locked to this minor version)
+- [pipenv](https://github.com/pypa/pipenv)
+- elasticsearch 6.x (7.x may or may not work fine)
+- [esbulk](https://github.com/sharkdp/fd)
+- [ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep) (`rg`)
+- [`fd`](https://github.com/sharkdp/fd)
+To run the web interface in local/debug mode, with search queries sent to
+public search index by default:
+ cp example.env .env
+ pipenv install --dev --deploy
+ pipenv shell
+ ./covid19_tool.py webface --debug
+ # output will include a localhost URL to open
+## Acknowledgements
+For content and bibliographic metadata (partial list):
+- Allen Institute's CORD-19 dataset
- PubMed catalog and PMC repository
+- World Health Organization
- Wanfang Data
- biorxiv and medrxiv pre-print repositories
-- publishers large and small, from around the world, making additional content available
+- publishers large and small, from around the world, making this research
+ accessible (in some cases temporarily)
- research authors
- hospital workers and other emergency responders around the world
+## Contact, Contributions, Licensing
+General inquires should go to
+[webservices@archive.org](mailto:webservices@archive.org). Take-down requests
+and legal inqueries to [info@archive.org](mailto:info@archive.org). Bryan's
+contact information is available [on his website](https://bnewbold.net/about/).
+Contributions are welcome! Development is currently on Github and technical
+issues (bugs, feature requests) can be filed there:
+The software in this repository is licensed under a combination of MIT and
+AGPLv3 licenses. See `LICENSE.md` and `CONTRIBUTORS.md` for details.