path: root/sys.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys.c')
1 files changed, 1758 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys.c b/sys.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9615b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1758 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
+ * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
+ *
+ * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
+ * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
+ * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
+ * linking the GUILE library code into it.
+ *
+ * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
+ * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ *
+ * This exception applies only to the code released by the
+ * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
+ * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
+ * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
+ * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
+ * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
+ * this exception notice from them.
+ *
+ * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
+ * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
+ * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
+ */
+/* "sys.c" opening and closing files, storage, and GC. */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "scm.h"
+#include "setjump.h"
+void igc P((char *what, STACKITEM *stackbase));
+/* ttyname() etc. should be defined in <unistd.h>. But unistd.h is
+ missing on many systems. */
+ char *ttyname P((int fd));
+ char *tmpnam P((char *s));
+ sizet fwrite ();
+# ifdef sun
+# ifndef __svr4__
+ int fputs P((char *s, FILE* stream));
+ int fputc P((char c, FILE* stream));
+ int fflush P((FILE* stream));
+# endif
+# endif
+ int fgetc P((FILE* stream));
+ int fclose P((FILE* stream));
+ int pclose P((FILE* stream));
+ int unlink P((const char *pathname));
+ char *mktemp P((char *template));
+static void gc_sweep P((void));
+char s_nogrow[] = "could not grow", s_heap[] = "heap",
+ s_hplims[] = "hplims";
+static char s_input_portp[] = "input-port?",
+ s_output_portp[] = "output-port?";
+static char s_open_file[] = "open-file";
+char s_close_port[] = "close-port";
+#ifdef __IBMC__
+# include <io.h>
+# include <direct.h>
+# define ttyname(x) "CON:"
+# ifndef MSDOS
+# ifndef ultrix
+# ifndef vms
+# ifdef _DCC
+# include <ioctl.h>
+# define setbuf(stream, buf) setvbuf(stream, buf, _IONBF, 0)
+# else
+# ifdef MWC
+# include <sys/io.h>
+# else
+# ifndef THINK_C
+# ifndef ARM_ULIB
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#endif /* __IBMC__ */
+SCM i_setbuf0(port) /* should be called with DEFER_INTS active */
+ SCM port;
+#ifndef NOSETBUF
+# ifndef MSDOS
+# ifdef FIONREAD
+# ifndef ultrix
+ SYSCALL(setbuf(STREAM(port), 0););
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+long mode_bits(modes)
+ char *modes;
+ return OPN | (strchr(modes, 'r') || strchr(modes, '+') ? RDNG : 0)
+ | (strchr(modes, 'w') || strchr(modes, 'a') || strchr(modes, '+') ? WRTNG : 0)
+ | (strchr(modes, '0') ? BUF0 : 0);
+SCM open_file(filename, modes)
+ SCM filename, modes;
+ register SCM port;
+ FILE *f;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(filename) && STRINGP(filename), filename, ARG1, s_open_file);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(modes) && STRINGP(modes), modes, ARG2, s_open_file);
+ NEWCELL(port);
+ SYSCALL(f = fopen(CHARS(filename), CHARS(modes)););
+ if (!f) port = BOOL_F;
+ else {
+ SETSTREAM(port, f);
+ if (BUF0 & (CAR(port) = tc16_fport | mode_bits(CHARS(modes))))
+ i_setbuf0(port);
+ }
+ return port;
+SCM close_port(port)
+ SCM port;
+ sizet i;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && PORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_close_port);
+ if CLOSEDP(port) return UNSPECIFIED;
+ i = PTOBNUM(port);
+ if (ptobs[i].fclose) {
+ SYSCALL((ptobs[i].fclose)(STREAM(port)););
+ }
+ CAR(port) &= ~OPN;
+SCM input_portp(x)
+ SCM x;
+ if IMP(x) return BOOL_F;
+ return INPORTP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
+SCM output_portp(x)
+ SCM x;
+ if IMP(x) return BOOL_F;
+ return OUTPORTP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
+#if (__TURBOC__==1)
+# undef L_tmpnam /* Not supported in TURBOC V1.0 */
+#ifdef GO32
+# undef L_tmpnam
+#ifdef MWC
+# undef L_tmpnam
+#ifdef L_tmpnam
+SCM ltmpnam()
+ char name[L_tmpnam];
+ SYSCALL(tmpnam(name););
+ return makfrom0str(name);
+/* TEMPTEMPLATE is used only if mktemp() is being used instead of
+ tmpnam(). */
+# ifdef AMIGA
+# define TEMPTEMPLATE "T:SchemeaaaXXXXXX";
+# else
+# ifdef vms
+# define TEMPTEMPLATE "sys$scratch:aaaXXXXXX";
+# else /* vms */
+# ifdef __MSDOS__
+# ifdef GO32
+# define TEMPTEMPLATE "\\tmp\\TMPaaaXXXXXX";
+# else
+# endif
+# else /* __MSDOS__ */
+# define TEMPTEMPLATE "/tmp/aaaXXXXXX";
+# endif /* __MSDOS__ */
+# endif /* vms */
+# endif /* AMIGA */
+char template[] = TEMPTEMPLATE;
+# define TEMPLEN (sizeof template/sizeof(char) - 1)
+SCM ltmpnam()
+ SCM name;
+ int temppos = TEMPLEN-9;
+ name = makfromstr(template, (sizet)TEMPLEN);
+ template[temppos]++;
+ if (!isalpha(template[temppos])) {
+ template[temppos++] = 'a';
+ goto inclp;
+ }
+# ifndef AMIGA
+# ifndef __MSDOS__
+ SYSCALL(temppos = !*mktemp(CHARS(name)););
+ if (temppos) name = BOOL_F;
+# endif
+# endif
+ return name;
+#endif /* L_tmpnam */
+#ifdef M_SYSV
+# define remove unlink
+static char s_del_fil[] = "delete-file";
+SCM del_fil(str)
+ SCM str;
+ int ans;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_del_fil);
+ SYSCALL(ans = remove(CHARS(str)););
+ SYSCALL(ans = unlink(CHARS(str)););
+ return ans ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+void prinport(exp, port, type)
+ SCM exp; SCM port; char *type;
+ lputs("#<", port);
+ if CLOSEDP(exp) lputs("closed-", port);
+ else {
+ if (RDNG & CAR(exp)) lputs("input-", port);
+ if (WRTNG & CAR(exp)) lputs("output-", port);
+ }
+ lputs(type, port);
+ lputc(' ', port);
+#ifndef MSDOS
+# ifndef __EMX__
+# ifndef _DCC
+# ifndef AMIGA
+# ifndef THINK_C
+ if (OPENP(exp) && tc16_fport==TYP16(exp) && isatty(fileno(STREAM(exp))))
+ lputs(ttyname(fileno(STREAM(exp))), port);
+ else
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+ if OPFPORTP(exp) intprint((long)fileno(STREAM(exp)), 10, port);
+ else intprint(CDR(exp), 16, port);
+ lputc('>', port);
+static int prinfport(exp, port, writing)
+ SCM exp; SCM port; int writing;
+ prinport(exp, port, s_port_type);
+ return !0;
+static int prinstpt(exp, port, writing)
+ SCM exp; SCM port; int writing;
+ prinport(exp, port, s_string);
+ return !0;
+static int prinsfpt(exp, port, writing)
+ SCM exp; SCM port; int writing;
+ prinport(exp, port, "soft");
+ return !0;
+static int stputc(c, p)
+ int c; SCM p;
+ sizet ind = INUM(CAR(p));
+ if (ind >= LENGTH(CDR(p))) resizuve(CDR(p), MAKINUM(ind + (ind>>1)));
+ CHARS(CDR(p))[ind] = c;
+ CAR(p) = MAKINUM(ind + 1);
+ return c;
+sizet stwrite(str, siz, num, p)
+ sizet siz, num;
+ char *str; SCM p;
+ sizet ind = INUM(CAR(p));
+ sizet len = siz * num;
+ char *dst;
+ if (ind + len >= LENGTH(CDR(p)))
+ resizuve(CDR(p), MAKINUM(ind + len + ((ind + len)>>1)));
+ dst = &(CHARS(CDR(p))[ind]);
+ while (len--) dst[len] = str[len];
+ CAR(p) = MAKINUM(ind + siz*num);
+ return num;
+static int stputs(s, p)
+ char *s; SCM p;
+ stwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), p);
+ return 0;
+static int stgetc(p)
+ SCM p;
+ sizet ind = INUM(CAR(p));
+ if (ind >= LENGTH(CDR(p))) return EOF;
+ CAR(p) = MAKINUM(ind + 1);
+ return CHARS(CDR(p))[ind];
+int noop0(stream)
+ FILE *stream;
+ return 0;
+SCM mkstrport(pos, str, modes, caller)
+ SCM pos;
+ SCM str;
+ long modes;
+ char *caller;
+ SCM z;
+ ASSERT(INUMP(pos) && INUM(pos) >= 0, pos, ARG1, caller);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(str) && (STRINGP(str) || SYMBOLP(str)), str, ARG1, caller);
+ str = cons(pos, str);
+ SETCHARS(z, str);
+ CAR(z) = tc16_strport | modes;
+ return z;
+static char s_cwos[] = "call-with-output-string";
+static char s_cwis[] = "call-with-input-string";
+SCM cwos(proc)
+ SCM proc;
+ SCM p = mkstrport(INUM0, make_string(MAKINUM(30), UNDEFINED),
+ s_cwos);
+ apply(proc, p, listofnull);
+ return resizuve(CDR(CDR(p)), CAR(CDR(p)));
+SCM cwis(str, proc)
+ SCM str, proc;
+ SCM p = mkstrport(INUM0, str, OPN | RDNG, s_cwis);
+ return apply(proc, p, listofnull);
+#ifdef vms
+sizet pwrite(ptr, size, nitems, port)
+ char *ptr;
+ sizet size, nitems;
+ FILE* port;
+ sizet len = size * nitems;
+ sizet i = 0;
+ for(;i < len;i++) putc(ptr[i], port);
+ return len;
+# define ffwrite pwrite
+# define ffwrite fwrite
+static ptobfuns fptob = {
+ mark0,
+ fclose,
+ prinfport,
+ 0,
+ fputc,
+ fputs,
+ ffwrite,
+ fflush,
+ fgetc,
+ fclose};
+ptobfuns pipob = {
+ mark0,
+ 0, /* replaced by pclose in init_ioext() */
+ 0, /* replaced by prinpipe in init_ioext() */
+ 0,
+ fputc,
+ fputs,
+ ffwrite,
+ fflush,
+ fgetc,
+ 0}; /* replaced by pclose in init_ioext() */
+static ptobfuns stptob = {
+ markcdr,
+ noop0,
+ prinstpt,
+ 0,
+ stputc,
+ stputs,
+ stwrite,
+ noop0,
+ stgetc,
+ 0};
+ /* Soft ports */
+/* fputc, fwrite, fputs, and fclose are called within a
+ SYSCALL. So we need to set errno to 0 before returning. fflush
+ may be called within a SYSCALL. So we need to set errno to 0
+ before returning. */
+static int sfputc(c, p)
+ int c; SCM p;
+ apply(VELTS(p)[0], MAKICHR(c), listofnull);
+ errno = 0;
+ return c;
+sizet sfwrite(str, siz, num, p)
+ sizet siz, num;
+ char *str; SCM p;
+ SCM sstr;
+ sstr = makfromstr(str, siz * num);
+ apply(VELTS(p)[1], sstr, listofnull);
+ errno = 0;
+ return num;
+static int sfputs(s, p)
+ char *s; SCM p;
+ sfwrite(s, 1, strlen(s), p);
+ return 0;
+int sfflush(stream)
+ SCM stream;
+ SCM f = VELTS(stream)[2];
+ if (BOOL_F==f) return 0;
+ f = apply(f, EOL, EOL);
+ errno = 0;
+ return BOOL_F==f ? EOF : 0;
+static int sfgetc(p)
+ SCM p;
+ SCM ans;
+ ans = apply(VELTS(p)[3], EOL, EOL);
+ errno = 0;
+ if (FALSEP(ans) || EOF_VAL==ans) return EOF;
+ ASSERT(ICHRP(ans), ans, ARG1, "getc");
+ return ICHR(ans);
+static int sfclose(p)
+ SCM p;
+ SCM f = VELTS(p)[4];
+ if (BOOL_F==f) return 0;
+ f = apply(f, EOL, EOL);
+ errno = 0;
+ return BOOL_F==f ? EOF : 0;
+static char s_mksfpt[] = "make-soft-port";
+SCM mksfpt(pv, modes)
+ SCM pv, modes;
+ SCM z;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(pv) && VECTORP(pv) && 5==LENGTH(pv), pv, ARG1, s_mksfpt);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(modes) && STRINGP(modes), modes, ARG2, s_mksfpt);
+ CAR(z) = tc16_sfport | mode_bits(CHARS(modes));
+ SETSTREAM(z, pv);
+ return z;
+static ptobfuns sfptob = {
+ markcdr,
+ noop0,
+ prinsfpt,
+ 0,
+ sfputc,
+ sfputs,
+ sfwrite,
+ sfflush,
+ sfgetc,
+ sfclose};
+static smobfuns freecell = {
+ mark0,
+ free0,
+ 0,
+ 0};
+static smobfuns flob = {
+ mark0,
+ /*flofree*/0,
+ floprint,
+ floequal};
+static smobfuns bigob = {
+ mark0,
+ /*bigfree*/0,
+ bigprint,
+ bigequal};
+void (**finals)() = 0;
+sizet num_finals = 0;
+static char s_final[] = "final";
+void init_types()
+ numptob = 0;
+ ptobs = (ptobfuns *)malloc(4*sizeof(ptobfuns));
+ /* These newptob calls must be done in this order */
+ /* tc16_fport = */ newptob(&fptob);
+ /* tc16_pipe = */ newptob(&pipob);
+ /* tc16_strport = */ newptob(&stptob);
+ /* tc16_sfport = */ newptob(&sfptob);
+ numsmob = 0;
+ smobs = (smobfuns *)malloc(7*sizeof(smobfuns));
+ /* These newsmob calls must be done in this order */
+ newsmob(&freecell);
+ newsmob(&flob);
+ newsmob(&bigob);
+ newsmob(&bigob);
+ finals = (void(**)())malloc(2 * sizeof(finals[0]));
+ num_finals = 0;
+void add_final(final)
+ void (* final)();
+ finals = (void (**)()) must_realloc((char *)finals,
+ 1L*(num_finals)*sizeof(finals[0]),
+ (1L+num_finals)*sizeof(finals[0]),
+ s_final);
+ finals[num_finals++] = final;
+ return;
+char s_obunhash[] = "object-unhash";
+static iproc subr0s[] = {
+ {"gc", gc},
+ {"tmpnam", ltmpnam},
+ {0, 0}};
+static iproc subr1s[] = {
+ {s_input_portp, input_portp},
+ {s_output_portp, output_portp},
+ {s_close_port, close_port},
+ {"eof-object?", eof_objectp},
+ {s_cwos, cwos},
+ {"object-hash", obhash},
+ {s_obunhash, obunhash},
+ {s_del_fil, del_fil},
+ {0, 0}};
+static iproc subr2s[] = {
+ {s_open_file, open_file},
+ {s_cwis, cwis},
+ {s_mksfpt, mksfpt},
+ {0, 0}};
+SCM dynwind P((SCM thunk1, SCM thunk2, SCM thunk3));
+void init_io(){
+ make_subr("dynamic-wind", tc7_subr_3, dynwind);
+ init_iprocs(subr0s, tc7_subr_0);
+ init_iprocs(subr1s, tc7_subr_1);
+ init_iprocs(subr2s, tc7_subr_2);
+ add_feature("full-continuation");
+void grew_lim(nm)
+ long nm;
+ growth_mon(s_limit, nm, "bytes");
+int expmem = 0;
+sizet hplim_ind = 0;
+long heap_size = 0;
+CELLPTR *hplims, heap_org;
+SCM freelist = EOL;
+long mtrigger;
+char *must_malloc(len, what)
+ long len;
+ char *what;
+ char *ptr;
+ sizet size = len;
+ long nm = mallocated+size;
+ if (len != size)
+ wta(MAKINUM(len), (char *)NALLOC, what);
+ if ((nm <= mtrigger)) {
+ SYSCALL(ptr = (char *)malloc(size););
+ if (NULL != ptr) {mallocated = nm; return ptr;}
+ }
+ igc(what, CONT(rootcont)->stkbse);
+ nm = mallocated+size;
+ if (nm > mtrigger) grew_lim(nm+nm/2); /* must do before malloc */
+ SYSCALL(ptr = (char *)malloc(size););
+ if (NULL != ptr) {
+ mallocated = nm;
+ if (nm > mtrigger) mtrigger = nm + nm/2;
+ return ptr;}
+ goto malerr;
+char *must_realloc(where, olen, len, what)
+ char *where;
+ long olen, len;
+ char *what;
+ char *ptr;
+ sizet size = len;
+ long nm = mallocated+size-olen;
+ if (len != size)
+ wta(MAKINUM(len), (char *)NALLOC, what);
+ if ((nm <= mtrigger)) {
+ SYSCALL(ptr = (char *)realloc(where, size););
+ if (NULL != ptr) {mallocated = nm; return ptr;}
+ }
+ igc(what, CONT(rootcont)->stkbse);
+ nm = mallocated+size-olen;
+ if (nm > mtrigger) grew_lim(nm+nm/2); /* must do before realloc */
+ SYSCALL(ptr = (char *)realloc(where, size););
+ if (NULL != ptr) {
+ mallocated = nm;
+ if (nm > mtrigger) mtrigger = nm + nm/2;
+ return ptr;}
+ goto ralerr;
+void must_free(obj)
+ char *obj;
+ if (obj) free(obj);
+ else wta(INUM0, "already free", "");
+SCM symhash; /* This used to be a sys_protect, but
+ Radey Shouman <shouman@zianet.com>
+ added GC for unuesd, UNDEFINED
+ symbols.*/
+int symhash_dim = NUM_HASH_BUCKETS;
+/* sym2vcell looks up the symbol in the symhash table. */
+SCM sym2vcell(sym)
+ SCM sym;
+ SCM lsym, z;
+ sizet hash = strhash(UCHARS(sym), (sizet)LENGTH(sym),
+ (unsigned long)symhash_dim);
+ for(lsym = VELTS(symhash)[hash];NIMP(lsym);lsym = CDR(lsym)) {
+ z = CAR(lsym);
+ if (CAR(z)==sym) return z;
+ }
+ wta(sym, "uninterned symbol? ", "");
+/* intern() and sysintern() return a pair;
+ CAR is the symbol, CDR is the value. */
+SCM intern(name, len)
+ char *name;
+ sizet len;
+ SCM lsym, z;
+ register sizet i = len;
+ register unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)name;
+ sizet hash = strhash(tmp, i, (unsigned long)symhash_dim);
+ for(lsym = VELTS(symhash)[hash];NIMP(lsym);lsym = CDR(lsym)) {
+ z = CAR(lsym);
+ z = CAR(z);
+ tmp = UCHARS(z);
+ if (LENGTH(z) != len) goto trynext;
+ for(i = len;i--;) if (((unsigned char *)name)[i] != tmp[i]) goto trynext;
+ return CAR(lsym);
+ trynext: ;
+ }
+ lsym = makfromstr(name, len);
+ SETLENGTH(lsym, (long)len, tc7_msymbol);
+ z = acons(lsym, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED);
+ DEFER_INTS; /* Operations on symhash must be atomic. */
+ CDR(z) = VELTS(symhash)[hash];
+ VELTS(symhash)[hash] = z;
+ z = CAR(z);
+ return z;
+SCM sysintern(name, val)
+ char *name;
+ SCM val;
+ SCM lsym, z;
+ sizet len = strlen(name);
+ register sizet i = len;
+ register unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)name;
+ sizet hash = strhash(tmp, i, (unsigned long)symhash_dim);
+ for(lsym = VELTS(symhash)[hash];NIMP(lsym);lsym = CDR(lsym)) {
+ z = CAR(lsym);
+ z = CAR(z);
+ tmp = UCHARS(z);
+ if (LENGTH(z) != len) goto trynext;
+ for(i = len;i--;) if (((unsigned char *)name)[i] != tmp[i]) goto trynext;
+ lsym = CAR(lsym);
+ CDR(lsym) = val;
+ return lsym;
+ trynext: ;
+ }
+ NEWCELL(lsym);
+ SETLENGTH(lsym, (long)len, tc7_ssymbol);
+ SETCHARS(lsym, name);
+ lsym = cons(lsym, val);
+ z = cons(lsym, UNDEFINED);
+ CDR(z) = VELTS(symhash)[hash];
+ VELTS(symhash)[hash] = z;
+ return lsym;
+SCM cons(x, y)
+ SCM x, y;
+ register SCM z;
+ CAR(z) = x;
+ CDR(z) = y;
+ return z;
+SCM cons2(w, x, y)
+ SCM w, x, y;
+ register SCM z;
+ CAR(z) = x;
+ CDR(z) = y;
+ x = z;
+ CAR(z) = w;
+ CDR(z) = x;
+ return z;
+SCM acons(w, x, y)
+ SCM w, x, y;
+ register SCM z;
+ CAR(z) = w;
+ CDR(z) = x;
+ x = z;
+ CAR(z) = x;
+ CDR(z) = y;
+ return z;
+SCM makstr(len)
+ long len;
+ SCM s;
+ SETCHARS(s, must_malloc(len+1, s_string));
+ SETLENGTH(s, len, tc7_string);
+ CHARS(s)[len] = 0;
+ return s;
+SCM make_subr(name, type, fcn)
+ char *name;
+ int type;
+ SCM (*fcn)();
+ SCM symcell = sysintern(name, UNDEFINED);
+ long tmp = ((((CELLPTR)(CAR(symcell)))-heap_org)<<8);
+ register SCM z;
+ if ((tmp>>8) != ((CELLPTR)(CAR(symcell))-heap_org))
+ tmp = 0;
+ SUBRF(z) = fcn;
+ CAR(z) = tmp + type;
+ CDR(symcell) = z;
+ return z;
+#ifdef CCLO
+SCM makcclo(proc, len)
+ SCM proc;
+ long len;
+ SCM s;
+ SETCHARS(s, must_malloc(len*sizeof(SCM), "compiled-closure"));
+ SETLENGTH(s, len, tc7_cclo);
+ while (--len) VELTS(s)[len] = UNSPECIFIED;
+ CCLO_SUBR(s) = proc;
+ return s;
+void stack_check()
+ STACKITEM *start = CONT(rootcont)->stkbse;
+ STACKITEM stack;
+ if (&stack - start > STACK_LIMIT/sizeof(STACKITEM))
+# else
+ if (start - &stack > STACK_LIMIT/sizeof(STACKITEM))
+# endif /* def STACK_GROWS_UP */
+ wta(UNDEFINED, (char *)SEGV_SIGNAL, "stack");
+void stack_report()
+ STACKITEM stack;
+ intprint(stack_size(CONT(rootcont)->stkbse)*sizeof(STACKITEM), 16, cur_errp);
+ lputs(" of stack: 0x", cur_errp);
+ intprint((long)CONT(rootcont)->stkbse, 16, cur_errp);
+ lputs(" - 0x", cur_errp);
+ intprint((long)&stack, 16, cur_errp);
+ lputs("\n", cur_errp);
+SCM dynwind(thunk1, thunk2, thunk3)
+ SCM thunk1, thunk2, thunk3;
+ SCM ans;
+ apply(thunk1, EOL, EOL);
+ dynwinds = acons(thunk1, thunk3, dynwinds);
+ ans = apply(thunk2, EOL, EOL);
+ dynwinds = CDR(dynwinds);
+ apply(thunk3, EOL, EOL);
+ return ans;
+void dowinds(to, delta)
+ SCM to;
+ long delta;
+ tail:
+ if (dynwinds==to);
+ else if (0 > delta) {
+ dowinds(CDR(to), 1+delta);
+ apply(CAR(CAR(to)), EOL, EOL);
+ dynwinds = to;
+ }
+ else {
+ SCM from = CDR(CAR(dynwinds));
+ dynwinds = CDR(dynwinds);
+ apply(from, EOL, EOL);
+ delta--; goto tail; /* dowinds(to, delta-1); */
+ }
+/* Remember that setjmp needs to be called after scm_make_cont */
+SCM scm_make_cont()
+ SCM cont;
+ NEWCELL(cont);
+ ncont = make_continuation(CONT(rootcont));
+ if (!ncont) wta(MAKINUM(-1), (char *)NALLOC, s_cont);
+ ncont->other.parent = rootcont;
+ SETCONT(cont, ncont);
+ SETLENGTH(cont, ncont->length, tc7_contin);
+ ncont->other.dynenv = dynwinds;
+#ifdef CAUTIOUS
+ CONT(cont)->other.stack_trace = stacktrace;
+ return cont;
+static char s_sstale[] = "strangely stale";
+void scm_dynthrow(cont, val)
+ SCM val;
+ if (cont->stkbse != CONT(rootcont)->stkbse)
+ wta(cont->other.dynenv, &s_sstale[10], s_cont);
+ dowinds(cont->other.dynenv,
+ ilength(dynwinds)-ilength(cont->other.dynenv));
+#ifdef CAUTIOUS
+ stacktrace = cont->other.stack_trace;
+ throw_to_continuation(cont, val, CONT(rootcont));
+ wta(cont->other.dynenv, s_sstale, s_cont);
+SCM obhash(obj)
+ SCM obj;
+#ifdef BIGDIG
+ long n = SRS(obj, 1);
+ if (!FIXABLE(n)) return long2big(n);
+ return (obj<<1)+2L;
+SCM obunhash(obj)
+ SCM obj;
+#ifdef BIGDIG
+ if (NIMP(obj) && BIGP(obj)) {
+ sizet i = NUMDIGS(obj);
+ BIGDIG *ds = BDIGITS(obj);
+ if (TYP16(obj)==tc16_bigpos) {
+ obj = 0;
+ while (i--) obj = BIGUP(obj) + ds[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ obj = 0;
+ while (i--) obj = BIGUP(obj) - ds[i];
+ }
+ obj <<= 1;
+ goto comm;
+ }
+ ASSERT(INUMP(obj), obj, ARG1, s_obunhash);
+ obj = SRS(obj, 1) & ~1L;
+ comm:
+ if IMP(obj) return obj;
+ if NCELLP(obj) return BOOL_F;
+ { /* code is adapted from mark_locations */
+ register CELLPTR ptr = (CELLPTR)SCM2PTR(obj);
+ register sizet i = 0, j = hplim_ind;
+ do {
+ if PTR_GT(hplims[i++], ptr) break;
+ if PTR_LE(hplims[--j], ptr) break;
+ if ((i != j)
+ && PTR_LE(hplims[i++], ptr)
+ && PTR_GT(hplims[--j], ptr)) continue;
+ if NFREEP(obj) return obj;
+ break;
+ } while(i<j);
+ }
+ return BOOL_F;
+unsigned long strhash(str, len, n)
+ unsigned char *str;
+ sizet len;
+ unsigned long n;
+ if (len>5)
+ {
+ sizet i = 5;
+ unsigned long h = 264 % n;
+ while (i--) h = ((h<<8) + ((unsigned)(downcase[str[h % len]]))) % n;
+ return h;
+ }
+ else {
+ sizet i = len;
+ unsigned long h = 0;
+ while (i) h = ((h<<8) + ((unsigned)(downcase[str[--i]]))) % n;
+ return h;
+ }
+static void fixconfig(s1, s2, s)
+ char *s1, *s2;
+ int s;
+ fputs(s1, stderr);
+ fputs(s2, stderr);
+ fputs("\nin ", stderr);
+ fputs(s ? "setjump" : "scmfig", stderr);
+ fputs(".h and recompile scm\n", stderr);
+ quit(MAKINUM(1L));
+sizet init_heap_seg(seg_org, size)
+ CELLPTR seg_org;
+ sizet size;
+ register CELLPTR ptr = seg_org;
+ register SCM scmptr;
+# define scmptr ptr
+ CELLPTR seg_end = CELL_DN((char *)ptr + size);
+ sizet i = hplim_ind, ni = 0;
+ if (ptr==NULL) return 0;
+ while((ni < hplim_ind) && PTR_LE(hplims[ni], seg_org)) ni++;
+ while(i-- > ni) hplims[i+2] = hplims[i];
+ hplim_ind += 2;
+ hplims[ni++] = ptr; /* same as seg_org here */
+ hplims[ni++] = seg_end;
+ ptr = CELL_UP(ptr);
+ ni = seg_end - ptr;
+ for (i = ni;i--;ptr++) {
+ scmptr = PTR2SCM(ptr);
+ CAR(scmptr) = (SCM)tc_free_cell;
+ CDR(scmptr) = PTR2SCM(ptr+1);
+ }
+/* CDR(scmptr) = freelist; */
+ CDR(PTR2SCM(--ptr)) = freelist;
+ freelist = PTR2SCM(CELL_UP(seg_org));
+ heap_size += ni;
+ return size;
+#ifdef scmptr
+# undef scmptr
+static void alloc_some_heap()
+ CELLPTR ptr, *tmplims;
+ sizet len = (2+hplim_ind)*sizeof(CELLPTR);
+ ASRTGO(len==(2+hplim_ind)*sizeof(CELLPTR), badhplims);
+ if (errjmp_bad) wta(UNDEFINED, "need larger initial", s_heap);
+ SYSCALL(tmplims = (CELLPTR *)realloc((char *)hplims, len););
+ if (!tmplims)
+ wta(UNDEFINED, s_nogrow, s_hplims);
+ else hplims = tmplims;
+ /* hplim_ind gets incremented in init_heap_seg() */
+ if (expmem) {
+ len = (sizet)(EXPHEAP(heap_size)*sizeof(cell));
+ if ((sizet)(EXPHEAP(heap_size)*sizeof(cell)) != len) len = 0;
+ }
+ else len = HEAP_SEG_SIZE;
+ while (len >= MIN_HEAP_SEG_SIZE) {
+ SYSCALL(ptr = (CELLPTR) malloc(len););
+ if (ptr) {
+ init_heap_seg(ptr, len);
+ return;
+ }
+ len /= 2;
+ }
+ wta(UNDEFINED, s_nogrow, s_heap);
+smobfuns *smobs;
+sizet numsmob;
+long newsmob(smob)
+ smobfuns *smob;
+ char *tmp;
+ if (255 <= numsmob) goto smoberr;
+ SYSCALL(tmp = (char *)realloc((char *)smobs, (1+numsmob)*sizeof(smobfuns)););
+ if (tmp) {
+ smobs = (smobfuns *)tmp;
+ smobs[numsmob].mark = smob->mark;
+ smobs[numsmob].free = smob->free;
+ smobs[numsmob].print = smob->print;
+ smobs[numsmob].equalp = smob->equalp;
+ numsmob++;
+ }
+ if (!tmp) smoberr: wta(MAKINUM((long)numsmob), (char *)NALLOC, "newsmob");
+ return tc7_smob + (numsmob-1)*256;
+ptobfuns *ptobs;
+sizet numptob;
+long newptob(ptob)
+ ptobfuns *ptob;
+ char *tmp;
+ if (255 <= numptob) goto ptoberr;
+ SYSCALL(tmp = (char *)realloc((char *)ptobs, (1+numptob)*sizeof(ptobfuns)););
+ if (tmp) {
+ ptobs = (ptobfuns *)tmp;
+ ptobs[numptob].mark = ptob->mark;
+ ptobs[numptob].free = ptob->free;
+ ptobs[numptob].print = ptob->print;
+ ptobs[numptob].equalp = ptob->equalp;
+ ptobs[numptob].fputc = ptob->fputc;
+ ptobs[numptob].fputs = ptob->fputs;
+ ptobs[numptob].fwrite = ptob->fwrite;
+ ptobs[numptob].fflush = ptob->fflush;
+ ptobs[numptob].fgetc = ptob->fgetc;
+ ptobs[numptob].fclose = ptob->fclose;
+ numptob++;
+ }
+ if (!tmp) ptoberr: wta(MAKINUM((long)numptob), (char *)NALLOC, "newptob");
+ return tc7_port + (numptob-1)*256;
+SCM markcdr(ptr)
+ SCM ptr;
+ if GC8MARKP(ptr) return BOOL_F;
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ return CDR(ptr);
+SCM mark0(ptr)
+ SCM ptr;
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ return BOOL_F;
+sizet free0(ptr)
+ CELLPTR ptr;
+ return 0;
+SCM equal0(ptr1, ptr2)
+ SCM ptr1, ptr2;
+ return (CDR(ptr1)==CDR(ptr2)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
+/* statically allocated port for diagnostic messages */
+cell tmp_errp = {(SCM)((0L<<8)|tc16_fport|OPN|WRTNG), 0};
+static char remsg[] = "remove\n#define ", addmsg[] = "add\n#define ";
+extern sizet num_protects; /* sys_protects now in scl.c */
+void init_storage(stack_start_ptr, init_heap_size)
+ STACKITEM *stack_start_ptr;
+ long init_heap_size;
+ sizet j = num_protects;
+ /* Because not all protects may get initialized */
+ while(j) sys_protects[--j] = BOOL_F;
+ tmp_errp.cdr = (SCM)stderr;
+ cur_errp = PTR2SCM(&tmp_errp);
+ freelist = EOL;
+ expmem = 0;
+#ifdef SHORT_INT
+ if (sizeof(int) >= sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(remsg, "SHORT_INT", 1);
+ if (sizeof(int) < sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(addmsg, "SHORT_INT", 1);
+ if (sizeof(double) != sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(remsg, "CDR_DOUBLES", 0);
+# ifdef SINGLES
+ if (sizeof(float) != sizeof(long))
+ if (sizeof(double) == sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(addmsg, "CDR_DOUBLES", 0);
+ else
+ fixconfig(remsg, "SINGLES", 0);
+# endif
+#ifdef BIGDIG
+ if (2*BITSPERDIG/CHAR_BIT > sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(remsg, "BIGDIG", 0);
+# ifndef DIGSTOOBIG
+ if (DIGSPERLONG*sizeof(BIGDIG) > sizeof(long))
+ fixconfig(addmsg, "DIGSTOOBIG", 0);
+# endif
+ if (((STACKITEM *)&j - stack_start_ptr) < 0)
+ fixconfig(remsg, "STACK_GROWS_UP", 1);
+ if ((stack_start_ptr - (STACKITEM *)&j) < 0)
+ fixconfig(addmsg, "STACK_GROWS_UP", 1);
+ if (HEAP_SEG_SIZE != j)
+ fixconfig("reduce", "size of HEAP_SEG_SIZE", 0);
+ mtrigger = INIT_MALLOC_LIMIT;
+ hplims = (CELLPTR *) must_malloc(2L*sizeof(CELLPTR), s_hplims);
+ if (0L==init_heap_size) init_heap_size = INIT_HEAP_SIZE;
+ j = init_heap_size;
+ if ((init_heap_size != j) || !init_heap_seg((CELLPTR) malloc(j), j)) {
+ if (!init_heap_seg((CELLPTR) malloc(j), j))
+ wta(MAKINUM(j), (char *)NALLOC, s_heap);
+ }
+ else expmem = 1;
+ heap_org = CELL_UP(hplims[0]);
+ /* hplims[0] can change. do not remove heap_org */
+ NEWCELL(def_inp);
+ CAR(def_inp) = (tc16_fport|OPN|RDNG);
+ SETSTREAM(def_inp, stdin);
+ NEWCELL(def_outp);
+ CAR(def_outp) = (tc16_fport|OPN|WRTNG);
+ SETSTREAM(def_outp, stdout);
+ NEWCELL(def_errp);
+ CAR(def_errp) = (tc16_fport|OPN|WRTNG);
+ SETSTREAM(def_errp, stderr);
+ cur_inp = def_inp;
+ cur_outp = def_outp;
+ cur_errp = def_errp;
+ dynwinds = EOL;
+ NEWCELL(rootcont);
+ SETCONT(rootcont, make_root_continuation(stack_start_ptr));
+ CAR(rootcont) = tc7_contin;
+ CONT(rootcont)->other.dynenv = EOL;
+ CONT(rootcont)->other.parent = BOOL_F;
+ stacktrace = EOL;
+#ifdef CAUTIOUS
+ CONT(rootcont)->other.stack_trace = EOL;
+ listofnull = cons(EOL, EOL);
+ undefineds = cons(UNDEFINED, EOL);
+ CDR(undefineds) = undefineds;
+ nullstr = makstr(0L);
+ nullvect = make_vector(INUM0, UNDEFINED);
+ /* NEWCELL(nullvect);
+ CAR(nullvect) = tc7_vector;
+ SETCHARS(nullvect, NULL); */
+ symhash = make_vector((SCM)MAKINUM(symhash_dim), EOL);
+ sysintern("most-positive-fixnum", (SCM)MAKINUM(MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM));
+ sysintern("most-negative-fixnum", (SCM)MAKINUM(MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM));
+#ifdef BIGDIG
+ sysintern("bignum-radix", MAKINUM(BIGRAD));
+ /* flo0 is now setup in scl.c */
+/* The way of garbage collecting which allows use of the cstack is due to */
+/* Scheme In One Defun, but in C this time.
+ * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 BY *
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
+and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies
+and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+in supporting documentation, and that the name of Paradigm Associates
+Inc not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
+of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+Paradigm Associates Inc Phone: 617-492-6079
+29 Putnam Ave, Suite 6
+Cambridge, MA 02138
+char s_cells[] = "cells";
+SCM gc_for_newcell()
+ SCM fl;
+ igc(s_cells, CONT(rootcont)->stkbse);
+ if ((gc_cells_collected < MIN_GC_YIELD) || IMP(freelist)) {
+ alloc_some_heap();
+ growth_mon("number of heaps", (long)(hplim_ind/2), "segments");
+ growth_mon(s_heap, heap_size, s_cells);
+ }
+ ++cells_allocated;
+ fl = freelist;
+ freelist = CDR(fl);
+ return fl;
+static char s_bad_type[] = "unknown type in ";
+jmp_buf save_regs_gc_mark;
+void mark_locations P((STACKITEM x[], sizet n));
+static void mark_syms P((SCM v));
+static void mark_sym_values P((SCM v));
+static void sweep_symhash P((SCM v));
+SCM gc()
+ igc("call", CONT(rootcont)->stkbse);
+void igc(what, stackbase)
+ char *what;
+ STACKITEM *stackbase;
+ int j = num_protects;
+ long oheap_size = heap_size;
+ gc_start(what);
+ ++errjmp_bad;
+ /* By marking symhash first, we provide the best immunity from
+ accidental references. In order to accidentally protect a
+ symbol, a pointer will have to point directly at the symbol (as
+ opposed to the vector or bucket lists). */
+ mark_syms(symhash);
+ /* mark_sym_values() can be called anytime after mark_syms. */
+#ifdef NO_SYM_GC
+ gc_mark(symhash);
+ mark_sym_values(symhash);
+ if (stackbase) {
+ /* This assumes that all registers are saved into the jmp_buf */
+ setjmp(save_regs_gc_mark);
+ mark_locations((STACKITEM *) save_regs_gc_mark,
+ (sizet) (sizeof(STACKITEM) - 1 + sizeof save_regs_gc_mark) /
+ sizeof(STACKITEM));
+ {
+ /* stack_len is long rather than sizet in order to guarantee that
+ &stack_len is long aligned */
+# ifdef nosve
+ long stack_len = (STACKITEM *)(&stack_len) - stackbase;
+# else
+ long stack_len = stack_size(stackbase);
+# endif
+ mark_locations(stackbase, (sizet)stack_len);
+# ifdef nosve
+ long stack_len = stackbase - (STACKITEM *)(&stack_len);
+# else
+ long stack_len = stack_size(stackbase);
+# endif
+ mark_locations((stackbase - stack_len), (sizet)stack_len);
+ }
+ }
+ while(j--) gc_mark(sys_protects[j]);
+ sweep_symhash(symhash);
+ gc_sweep();
+ --errjmp_bad;
+ gc_end();
+ if (oheap_size != heap_size) {
+ growth_mon(s_heap, heap_size, s_cells);
+ }
+static char s_not_free[] = "not freed";
+void free_storage()
+ gc_start("free");
+ ++errjmp_bad;
+ cur_inp = BOOL_F; cur_outp = BOOL_F; cur_errp = PTR2SCM(&tmp_errp);
+ gc_mark(def_inp); /* don't want to close stdin */
+ gc_mark(def_outp); /* don't want to close stdout */
+ gc_mark(def_errp); /* don't want to close stderr */
+ gc_sweep();
+ rootcont = BOOL_F;
+ while (hplim_ind) { /* free heap segments */
+ hplim_ind -= 2;
+ {
+ CELLPTR ptr = CELL_UP(hplims[hplim_ind]);
+ sizet seg_size = CELL_DN(hplims[hplim_ind+1]) - ptr;
+ heap_size -= seg_size;
+ must_free((char *)hplims[hplim_ind]);
+ hplims[hplim_ind] = 0;
+ growth_mon(s_heap, heap_size, s_cells);
+ }}
+ if (heap_size) wta(MAKINUM(heap_size), s_not_free, s_heap);
+ if (hplim_ind) wta((SCM)MAKINUM(hplim_ind), s_not_free, s_hplims);
+ /* Not all cells get freed (see gc_mark() calls above). */
+ /* if (cells_allocated) wta(MAKINUM(cells_allocated), s_not_free, "cells"); */
+ /* either there is a small memory leak or I am counting wrong. */
+ /* if (mallocated) wta(MAKINUM(mallocated), s_not_free, "malloc"); */
+ must_free((char *)hplims);
+ hplims = 0;
+ must_free((char *)smobs);
+ smobs = 0;
+ gc_end();
+ ALLOW_INTS; /* A really bad idea, but printing does it anyway. */
+ exit_report();
+ must_free((char *)ptobs);
+ ptobs = 0;
+ lmallocated = mallocated = 0;
+ /* Can't do gc_end() here because it uses ptobs which have been freed */
+void gc_mark(p)
+ SCM p;
+ register long i;
+ register SCM ptr = p;
+ gc_mark_loop:
+ if IMP(ptr) return;
+ gc_mark_nimp:
+ if (NCELLP(ptr)
+ /* #ifndef RECKLESS
+ || PTR_GT(hplims[0], (CELLPTR)ptr)
+ || PTR_GE((CELLPTR)ptr, hplims[hplim_ind-1])
+#endif */
+ ) wta(ptr, "rogue pointer in ", s_heap);
+ switch TYP7(ptr) {
+ case tcs_cons_nimcar:
+ if GCMARKP(ptr) break;
+ if IMP(CDR(ptr)) { /* IMP works even with a GC mark */
+ ptr = CAR(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ }
+ gc_mark(CAR(ptr));
+ ptr = GCCDR(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ case tcs_cons_imcar:
+ case tcs_cons_gloc:
+ if GCMARKP(ptr) break;
+ ptr = GCCDR(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case tcs_closures:
+ if GCMARKP(ptr) break;
+ if IMP(CDR(ptr)) {
+ ptr = CODE(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ }
+ gc_mark(CODE(ptr));
+ ptr = GCCDR(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ case tc7_vector:
+#ifdef CCLO
+ case tc7_cclo:
+ if GC8MARKP(ptr) break;
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ i = LENGTH(ptr);
+ if (i==0) break;
+ while(--i>0) if NIMP(VELTS(ptr)[i]) gc_mark(VELTS(ptr)[i]);
+ ptr = VELTS(ptr)[0];
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case tc7_contin:
+ if GC8MARKP(ptr) break;
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ mark_locations((STACKITEM *)VELTS(ptr),
+ (sizet)(LENGTH(ptr) +
+ (sizeof(STACKITEM) - 1 + sizeof(CONTINUATION)) /
+ sizeof(STACKITEM)));
+ break;
+ case tc7_bvect:
+ case tc7_ivect:
+ case tc7_uvect:
+ case tc7_fvect:
+ case tc7_dvect:
+ case tc7_cvect:
+ case tc7_string:
+ case tc7_msymbol:
+ case tc7_ssymbol:
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ case tcs_subrs:
+ break;
+ case tc7_port:
+ i = PTOBNUM(ptr);
+ if (!(i < numptob)) goto def;
+ ptr = (ptobs[i].mark)(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case tc7_smob:
+ if GC8MARKP(ptr) break;
+ switch TYP16(ptr) { /* should be faster than going through smobs */
+ case tc_free_cell:
+ /* printf("found free_cell %X ", ptr); fflush(stdout); */
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ CDR(ptr) = EOL;
+ break;
+ case tcs_bignums:
+ case tc16_flo:
+ SETGC8MARK(ptr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = SMOBNUM(ptr);
+ if (!(i < numsmob)) goto def;
+ ptr = (smobs[i].mark)(ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: def: wta(ptr, s_bad_type, "gc_mark");
+ }
+void mark_locations(x, n)
+ sizet n;
+ register long m = n;
+ register int i, j;
+ register CELLPTR ptr;
+ while(0 <= --m) if CELLP(*(SCM **)&x[m]) {
+ ptr = (CELLPTR)SCM2PTR((*(SCM **)&x[m]));
+ i = 0;
+ j = hplim_ind;
+ do {
+ if PTR_GT(hplims[i++], ptr) break;
+ if PTR_LE(hplims[--j], ptr) break;
+ if ((i != j)
+ && PTR_LE(hplims[i++], ptr)
+ && PTR_GT(hplims[--j], ptr)) continue;
+ /* if NFREEP(*(SCM **)&x[m]) */ gc_mark(*(SCM *)&x[m]);
+ break;
+ } while(i<j);
+ }
+#define HUGE_LENGTH(x) (LENGTH_MAX==LENGTH(x) ? *((long *)VELTS(x)) : LENGTH(x))
+static void gc_sweep()
+ register CELLPTR ptr;
+ register SCM scmptr;
+#define scmptr (SCM)ptr
+ register SCM nfreelist = EOL;
+ register long n = 0, m = 0;
+ register sizet j;
+ sizet i = 0;
+ sizet seg_size;
+ while (i<hplim_ind) {
+ ptr = CELL_UP(hplims[i++]);
+ seg_size = CELL_DN(hplims[i++]) - ptr;
+ for(j = seg_size;j--;++ptr) {
+ scmptr = PTR2SCM(ptr);
+ switch TYP7(scmptr) {
+ case tcs_cons_imcar:
+ case tcs_cons_nimcar:
+ case tcs_cons_gloc:
+ case tcs_closures:
+ if GCMARKP(scmptr) goto cmrkcontinue;
+ break;
+ case tc7_vector:
+#ifdef CCLO
+ case tc7_cclo:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += (LENGTH(scmptr)*sizeof(SCM));
+ freechars:
+ must_free(CHARS(scmptr));
+/* SETCHARS(scmptr, 0);*/
+ break;
+ case tc7_bvect:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += sizeof(long)*((HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)+LONG_BIT-1)/LONG_BIT);
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_ivect:
+ case tc7_uvect:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)*sizeof(long);
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_fvect:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)*sizeof(float);
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_dvect:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)*sizeof(double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_cvect:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)*2*sizeof(double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_string:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += HUGE_LENGTH(scmptr)+1;
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_msymbol:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += LENGTH(scmptr)+1;
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_contin:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += LENGTH(scmptr)*sizeof(STACKITEM) + sizeof(CONTINUATION);
+/* free_continuation(CONT(scmptr)); */
+ goto freechars;
+ case tc7_ssymbol:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ /* Do not free storage because tc7_ssymbol means scmptr's
+ storage was not created by a call to malloc(). */
+ break;
+ case tcs_subrs:
+ continue;
+ case tc7_port:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ if OPENP(scmptr) {
+ int k = PTOBNUM(scmptr);
+ if (!(k < numptob)) goto sweeperr;
+ /* Yes, I really do mean ptobs[k].free */
+ /* rather than ftobs[k].close. .close */
+ /* is for explicit CLOSE-PORT by user */
+ (ptobs[k].free)(STREAM(scmptr));
+ gc_ports_collected++;
+ SETSTREAM(scmptr, 0);
+ CAR(scmptr) &= ~OPN;
+ }
+ break;
+ case tc7_smob:
+ switch GCTYP16(scmptr) {
+ case tc_free_cell:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ break;
+#ifdef BIGDIG
+ case tcs_bignums:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ goto freechars;
+#endif /* def BIGDIG */
+ case tc16_flo:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ switch ((int)(CAR(scmptr)>>16)) {
+ case (IMAG_PART | REAL_PART)>>16:
+ m += sizeof(double);
+ case REAL_PART>>16:
+ case IMAG_PART>>16:
+ m += sizeof(double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto sweeperr;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if GC8MARKP(scmptr) goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ {
+ int k = SMOBNUM(scmptr);
+ if (!(k < numsmob)) goto sweeperr;
+ m += (smobs[k].free)((CELLPTR)scmptr);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: sweeperr: wta(scmptr, s_bad_type, "gc_sweep");
+ }
+ ++n;
+ CAR(scmptr) = (SCM)tc_free_cell;
+ CDR(scmptr) = nfreelist;
+ nfreelist = scmptr;
+ continue;
+ c8mrkcontinue:
+ CLRGC8MARK(scmptr);
+ continue;
+ cmrkcontinue:
+ CLRGCMARK(scmptr);
+ }
+ if (n==seg_size) {
+ heap_size -= seg_size;
+ must_free((char *)hplims[i-2]);
+ hplims[i-2] = 0;
+ for(j = i;j < hplim_ind;j++) hplims[j-2] = hplims[j];
+ hplim_ind -= 2;
+ i -= 2; /* need to scan segment just moved. */
+ nfreelist = freelist;
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* ifdef GC_FREE_SEGMENTS */
+ freelist = nfreelist;
+ gc_cells_collected += n;
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ lcells_allocated += (heap_size - gc_cells_collected - cells_allocated);
+ cells_allocated = (heap_size - gc_cells_collected);
+ lmallocated -= m;
+ mallocated -= m;
+ gc_malloc_collected = m;
+/* mark_syms marks those symbols of hash table V which have
+ non-UNDEFINED values. */
+static char s_gc_sym[] = "mark_syms";
+static void mark_syms(v)
+ SCM v;
+ SCM x, al;
+ int k = LENGTH(v);
+ while (k--)
+ for (al = VELTS(v)[k]; NIMP(al); al = GCCDR(al)) {
+ /* If this bucket has already been marked, then something is wrong. */
+ ASSERT(!GCMARKP(al), al, s_bad_type, s_gc_sym);
+ x = CAR(al);
+ ASSERT(!GCMARKP(x), x, s_bad_type, s_gc_sym);
+ if (UNDEFINED==CDR(x) && tc7_msymbol==TYP7(CAR(x)))
+ goto used; /* Don't mark symbol. */
+ used:
+ SETGCMARK(x); /* Do mark value cell. */
+ }
+ SETGC8MARK(v); /* Mark bucket list. */
+/* mark_symhash marks the values of hash table V. */
+static void mark_sym_values(v)
+ SCM v;
+ SCM x, al;
+ int k = LENGTH(v);
+ while (k--)
+ for (al = VELTS(v)[k]; NIMP(al); al = GCCDR(al)) {
+ x = GCCDR(CAR(al));
+ if IMP(x) continue;
+ gc_mark(x);
+ }
+/* Splice any unused valueless symbols out of the hash buckets. */
+static void sweep_symhash(v)
+ SCM v;
+ SCM al, x, *lloc;
+ int k = LENGTH(v);
+ while (k--) {
+ lloc = &(VELTS(v)[k]);
+ while NIMP(al = (*lloc & ~1L)) {
+ x = CAR(al);
+ if GC8MARKP(CAR(x))
+ lloc = &(CDR(al));
+ else {
+ *lloc = CDR(al);
+ CLRGCMARK(al); /* bucket pair to be collected by gc_sweep */
+ CLRGCMARK(x); /* value cell to be collected by gc_sweep */
+ gc_syms_collected++;
+ }
+ }
+ VELTS(v)[k] &= ~1L; /* We may have deleted the first cell */
+ }