path: root/scm.h
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2017-02-20 00:05:26 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2017-02-20 00:05:26 -0800
commitdeda2c0fd8689349fea2a900199a76ff7ecb319e (patch)
treec9726d54a0806a9b0c75e6c82db8692aea0053cf /scm.h
parent3278b75942bdbe706f7a0fba87729bb1e935b68b (diff)
Import Upstream version 5d6upstream/5d6
Diffstat (limited to 'scm.h')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/scm.h b/scm.h
index 03c2ee3..81b6232 100644
--- a/scm.h
+++ b/scm.h
@@ -15,26 +15,26 @@
* the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
* As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
- * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
+ * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of SCM.
- * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
+ * The exception is that, if you link the SCM library with other files
* to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
* resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
- * linking the GUILE library code into it.
+ * linking the SCM library code into it.
* This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
* the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* This exception applies only to the code released by the
- * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
+ * Free Software Foundation under the name SCM. If you copy
* code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
- * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
+ * SCM, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
* not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
* anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
* this exception notice from them.
- * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
+ * If you write modifications of your own for SCM, it is your choice
* whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
* If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
@@ -51,6 +51,16 @@ extern "C" {
# endif
+#ifdef PLAN9
+# include <u.h>
+# include <libc.h>
+/* Simple imitation of some Unix system calls */
+# define exit(val) exits("")
+# define getcwd getwd
+/* we have our own isatty */
+int isatty (int);
typedef long SCM;
typedef struct {SCM car, cdr;} cell;
typedef struct {long sname;SCM (*cproc)();} subr;
@@ -100,15 +110,17 @@ typedef struct {
int (*fflush)P((FILE *stream));
int (*fgetc)P((FILE *p));
int (*fclose)P((FILE *p));
+ int (*ungetc)P((int c, SCM p));
} ptobfuns;
typedef struct {
+ SCM data;
+ SCM port;
long flags;
- int unread;
long line;
+ int unread;
short col;
short colprev;
- SCM data;
} port_info;
typedef struct {
@@ -143,16 +155,13 @@ typedef struct {SCM type;double *real;} dbl;
#define ICHR(x) ((unsigned char)((x)>>8))
#define MAKICHR(x) (((x)<<8)+0xf4L)
-#define ILOCP(n) ((0xff & (int)(n))==0xfc)
#define ILOC00 (0x000000fcL)
-#define IDINC (0x00100000L)
-#define ICDR (0x00080000L)
-#define IFRINC (0x00000100L)
-#define IDSTMSK (-IDINC)
-#define MAKILOC(if, id) (ILOC00 + (((long)id)<<20) + (((long)if)<<8))
-#define IFRAME(n) ((int)((ICDR-IFRINC)>>8) & ((int)(n)>>8))
-#define IDIST(n) (((unsigned long)(n))>>20)
+#define ILOCP(n) ((0xff & (int)(n))==(int)ILOC00)
+#define MAKILOC(if, id) (ILOC00 + (((long)id)<<8) + (((long)if)<<16))
+#define IDIST(n) (((int)(n)>>8) & 0x7f)
+#define IFRAME(n) (((int)(n)>>16))
#define ICDRP(n) (ICDR & (n))
+#define ICDR (1L<<15)
/* ISYMP tests for ISPCSYM and ISYM */
#define ISYMP(n) ((0x187 & (int)(n))==4)
@@ -165,6 +174,9 @@ typedef struct {SCM type;double *real;} dbl;
#define MAKSPCSYM(n) (((n)<<9)+((n)<<3)+4L)
#define MAKISYM(n) (((n)<<9)+0x74L)
#define MAKIFLAG(n) (((n)<<9)+0x174L)
+/* This is to make the print representation of some evaluated code,
+ as in backtraces, make a little more sense. */
+#define MAKSPCSYM2(work, look) ((127L & (work)) | ((127L<<9) & (look)))
extern char *isymnames[];
#define NUM_ISPCSYM 14
@@ -181,7 +193,7 @@ extern char *isymnames[];
#define IM_OR MAKSPCSYM(10)
#define IM_SET MAKSPCSYM(12)
#define s_and (ISYMCHARS(IM_AND)+2)
#define s_begin (ISYMCHARS(IM_BEGIN)+2)
@@ -199,23 +211,38 @@ extern char *isymnames[];
#define s_define (ISYMCHARS(IM_DEFINE)+2)
#define s_delay (ISYMCHARS(IM_DELAY)+2)
#define s_quasiquote (ISYMCHARS(IM_QUASIQUOTE)+2)
+#define s_let_syntax (ISYMCHARS(IM_LET_SYNTAX)+2)
extern SCM i_dot, i_quote, i_quasiquote, i_unquote, i_uq_splicing;
#define s_apply (ISYMCHARS(IM_APPLY)+2)
-/* each symbol defined here must have a unique number which */
- /* corresponds to it's position in isymnames[] in sys.c */
+/* each symbol defined here must have a unique number which
+ corresponds to it's position in isymnames[] in repl.c */
+ /* These are used for dispatch in eval.c */
#define IM_APPLY MAKISYM(14)
#define IM_DELAY MAKISYM(17)
-#define IM_ELSE MAKISYM(21)
-#define IM_ARROW MAKISYM(22)
-#define NUM_ISYMS 23
+#define IM_LINUM MAKISYM(22)
+#define IM_DEFINE MAKISYM(23)
+ /* These are not used for dispatch. */
+#define IM_ELSE MAKISYM(26)
+#define IM_ARROW MAKISYM(27)
+#define SCM_MAKE_LINUM(n) (IM_LINUM | ((unsigned long)(n))<<16)
+#define SCM_LINUM(x) ((unsigned long)(x)>>16)
+#define SCM_LINUMP(x) ((0xffffL & (x))==IM_LINUM)
+#define NUM_ISYMS 30
@@ -267,6 +294,7 @@ extern SCM i_dot, i_quote, i_quasiquote, i_unquote, i_uq_splicing;
#define CONSP(x) (!NCONSP(x))
#define ECONSP(x) (CONSP(x) || (1==TYP3(x)))
#define NECONSP(x) (NCONSP(x) && (1 != TYP3(x)))
+#define SCM_GLOCP(x) (tc3_cons_gloc==(7 & (int)(x)))
#define CAR(x) (((cell *)(SCM2PTR(x)))->car)
#define CDR(x) (((cell *)(SCM2PTR(x)))->cdr)
@@ -280,16 +308,39 @@ extern SCM i_dot, i_quote, i_quasiquote, i_unquote, i_uq_splicing;
#define GCENV ENV
#define ARGC(x) ((6L & CDR(x))>>1)
-# define SCM_ESTK_FRLEN 3
+# define SCM_ESTK_FRLEN 4
-# define SCM_ESTK_FRLEN 2
+# define SCM_ESTK_FRLEN 3
#define SCM_ESTK_BASE 4
#define SCM_ESTK_PARENT(v) (VELTS(v)[0])
#define SCM_ESTK_PARENT_INDEX(v) (VELTS(v)[2])
-extern long tc16_env;
+extern long tc16_env, tc16_ident;
#define ENVP(x) (tc16_env==TYP16(x))
+#ifdef MACRO
+# define M_IDENTP(x) (tc16_ident==TYP16(x))
+# define M_IDENT_LEXP(x) ((tc16_ident | (1L<<16))==CAR(x))
+# define IDENTP(x) (SYMBOLP(x) || M_IDENTP(x))
+# define IDENT_PARENT(x) (M_IDENT_LEXP(x) ? CAR(CDR(x)) : CDR(x))
+# define IDENT_ENV(x) (M_IDENT_LEXP(x) ? CDR(CDR(x)) : BOOL_F)
+# define M_IDENTP(x) (0)
+ /* markers for various static environment frame types */
+ /* FIXME these need to be exported somehow to Scheme */
+#ifdef CAUTIOUS
#define PORTP(x) (TYP7(x)==tc7_port)
#define OPPORTP(x) (((0x7f | OPN) & CAR(x))==(tc7_port | OPN))
@@ -354,7 +405,7 @@ extern long tc16_env;
#define MAKE_NUMDIGS(v, t) ((((v)+0L)<<16)+(t))
#define SETNUMDIGS(x, v, t) CAR(x) = MAKE_NUMDIGS(v, t)
-#define SNAME(x) ((char *)(subr_table[NUMDIGS(x)].name))
+#define SNAME(x) ((char *)(subrs[NUMDIGS(x)].name))
#define SUBRF(x) (((subr *)(SCM2PTR(x)))->cproc)
#define DSUBRF(x) (((dsubr *)(SCM2PTR(x)))->dproc)
#define CCLO_SUBR(x) (VELTS(x)[0])
@@ -392,26 +443,37 @@ extern long tc16_array;
#define SMOBNUM(x) (0x0ff & (CAR(x)>>8))
#define PTOBNUM(x) (0x0ff & (CAR(x)>>8))
#define SCM_PORTNUM(x) ((int)(((unsigned long)CAR(x))>>20))
+#define SCM_PORTNUM_MAX ((int)((0x7fffUL<<20)>>20))
#define SCM_PORTFLAGS(x) (scm_port_table[SCM_PORTNUM(x)].flags)
#define SCM_PORTDATA(x) (scm_port_table[SCM_PORTNUM(x)].data)
+#define SCM_SETFLAGS(x, flags) (CAR(x) = (CAR(x) & ~0x0f0000L) | (flags))
+/* This is used (only) for closing ports. */
+#define SCM_SET_PTOBNUM(x, typ) (CAR(x)=(typ)|(CAR(x) & ~0x0ffffL))
#define DIGITS '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':\
case '5':case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9'
/* Aggregated types for dispatch in switch statements. */
-#define tcs_cons_imcar 2:case 4:case 6:case 10:\
- case 12:case 14:case 18:case 20:\
- case 22:case 26:case 28:case 30:\
- case 34:case 36:case 38:case 42:\
- case 44:case 46:case 50:case 52:\
- case 54:case 58:case 60:case 62:\
- case 66:case 68:case 70:case 74:\
- case 76:case 78:case 82:case 84:\
- case 86:case 90:case 92:case 94:\
- case 98:case 100:case 102:case 106:\
- case 108:case 110:case 114:case 116:\
- case 118:case 122:case 124:case 126
+#define tcs_cons_inum 2: case 6:case 10:case 14:\
+ case 18:case 22:case 26:case 30:\
+ case 34:case 38:case 42:case 46:\
+ case 50:case 54:case 58:case 62:\
+ case 66:case 70:case 74:case 78:\
+ case 82:case 86:case 90:case 94:\
+ case 98:case 102:case 106:case 110:\
+ case 114:case 118:case 122:case 126
+#define tcs_cons_iloc 124
+#define tcs_cons_ispcsym 4:case 12:case 20:case 28:\
+ case 36:case 44:case 52:case 60:\
+ case 68:case 76:case 84:case 92:\
+ case 100:case 108
+#define tcs_cons_chflag 116 /* char *or* flag */
+#define tcs_cons_imcar tcs_cons_inum:\
+ case tcs_cons_iloc:\
+ case tcs_cons_ispcsym:\
+ case tcs_cons_chflag
#define tcs_cons_nimcar 0:case 8:case 16:case 24:\
case 32:case 40:case 48:case 56:\
case 64:case 72:case 80:case 88:\
@@ -438,6 +500,7 @@ extern long tc16_array;
#define tc3_cons_imcar 2:case 4:case 6
#define tc3_cons_gloc 1
#define tc3_closure 3
+#define tc3_tc7_types 5:case 7
#define tc7_ssymbol 5
#define tc7_msymbol 7
@@ -477,6 +540,8 @@ extern long tc16_array;
#define tc16_call_cc (tc7_specfun | (1L<<8))
#define tc16_cclo (tc7_specfun | (2L<<8))
#define tc16_eval (tc7_specfun | (3L<<8))
+#define tc16_values (tc7_specfun | (4L<<8))
+#define tc16_call_wv (tc7_specfun | (5L<<8))
#define tc16_flo 0x017f
#define tc_flo 0x017fL
@@ -489,17 +554,21 @@ extern long tc16_array;
#define tc16_bigpos 0x027f
#define tc16_bigneg 0x037f
+ /* The first four flags fit in the car of a port cell, remaining
+ flags only in the port table */
#define OPN (1L<<16)
#define RDNG (2L<<16)
#define WRTNG (4L<<16)
#define CRDY (8L<<16)
#define TRACKED (16L<<16)
#define BINARY (32L<<16)
#define BUF0 (64L<<16)
+#define EXCLUSIVE (128L<<16)
/* LSB is used for gc mark */
-extern scm_gra subr_table_gra;
-#define subr_table ((subr_info *)(subr_table_gra.elts))
+extern scm_gra subrs_gra;
+#define subrs ((subr_info *)(subrs_gra.elts))
/* extern sizet numsmob, numptob;
extern smobfuns *smobs;
extern ptobfuns *ptobs;
@@ -517,30 +586,32 @@ extern port_info *scm_port_table;
#define tc16_strport (tc7_port + 2*256L)
#define tc16_sfport (tc7_port + 3*256L)
extern long tc16_dir;
+extern long tc16_clport;
extern SCM sys_protects[];
-#define cur_inp sys_protects[0]
-#define cur_outp sys_protects[1]
-#define cur_errp sys_protects[2]
-#define def_inp sys_protects[3]
-#define def_outp sys_protects[4]
-#define def_errp sys_protects[5]
-#define sys_errp sys_protects[6]
-#define sys_safep sys_protects[7]
-#define listofnull sys_protects[8]
-#define undefineds sys_protects[9]
-#define nullvect sys_protects[10]
-#define nullstr sys_protects[11]
-#define progargs sys_protects[12]
-#define loadports sys_protects[13]
-#define rootcont sys_protects[14]
-#define dynwinds sys_protects[15]
-#ifdef FLOATS
-# define flo0 sys_protects[16]
-# define NUM_PROTECTS 17
-# define NUM_PROTECTS 16
+#define cur_inp sys_protects[0]
+#define cur_outp sys_protects[1]
+#define cur_errp sys_protects[2]
+#define def_inp sys_protects[3]
+#define def_outp sys_protects[4]
+#define def_errp sys_protects[5]
+#define sys_errp sys_protects[6]
+#define sys_safep sys_protects[7]
+#define listofnull sys_protects[8]
+#define undefineds sys_protects[9]
+#define nullvect sys_protects[10]
+#define nullstr sys_protects[11]
+#define progargs sys_protects[12]
+#define loadports sys_protects[13]
+#define rootcont sys_protects[14]
+#define dynwinds sys_protects[15]
+#define list_unspecified sys_protects[16]
+#define f_evapply sys_protects[17]
+#define eval_env sys_protects[18]
+#define f_apply_closure sys_protects[19]
+#define flo0 sys_protects[20]
+#define scm_uprotects sys_protects[21]
+#define NUM_PROTECTS 22
/* now for connects between source files */
@@ -565,7 +636,7 @@ extern SCM *loc_loadpath;
extern SCM *loc_errobj;
extern SCM loadport;
extern char *errjmp_bad;
-extern int ints_disabled, output_deferred;
+extern int ints_disabled, output_deferred, gc_hook_pending, gc_hook_active;
extern unsigned long SIG_deferred;
extern SCM exitval;
extern int cursinit;
@@ -593,6 +664,8 @@ extern char s_close_port[];
#define s_port_type (s_close_port+6)
extern char s_call_cc[];
#define s_cont (s_call_cc+18)
+extern char s_try_create_file[];
+extern char s_badenv[];
/* function prototypes */
@@ -618,24 +691,47 @@ SCM lflush P((SCM port));
void scm_init_gra P((scm_gra *gra, sizet eltsize, sizet len,
sizet maxlen, char *what));
int scm_grow_gra P((scm_gra *gra, char *elt));
+void scm_trim_gra P((scm_gra *gra));
void scm_free_gra P((scm_gra *gra));
long newsmob P((smobfuns *smob));
long newptob P((ptobfuns *ptob));
-SCM scm_port_entry P((long ptype, long flags));
+SCM scm_port_entry P((FILE *stream, long ptype, long flags));
+SCM scm_open_ports P((void));
void prinport P((SCM exp, SCM port, char *type));
SCM repl P((void));
+void repl_report P((void));
void growth_mon P((char *obj, long size, char *units, int grewp));
void gc_start P((char *what));
void gc_end P((void));
void gc_mark P((SCM p));
+void scm_gc_hook P((void));
+SCM scm_gc_protect P((SCM obj));
+SCM scm_add_finalizer P((SCM value, SCM finalizer));
+void scm_run_finalizers P((int exiting));
void scm_egc_start P((void));
void scm_egc_end P((void));
void heap_report P((void));
+void gra_report P((void));
void exit_report P((void));
void stack_report P((void));
+SCM scm_stack_trace P((SCM contin));
+SCM scm_scope_trace P((SCM env));
+SCM scm_frame_trace P((SCM contin, SCM nf));
+SCM scm_frame2env P((SCM contin, SCM nf));
+SCM scm_frame_eval P((SCM contin, SCM nf, SCM expr));
void iprin1 P((SCM exp, SCM port, int writing));
void intprint P((long n, int radix, SCM port));
void iprlist P((char *hdr, SCM exp, int tlr, SCM port, int writing));
+SCM scm_env_lookup P((SCM var, SCM stenv));
+SCM scm_env_rlookup P((SCM addr, SCM stenv, char *what));
+SCM scm_env_getprop P((SCM prop, SCM env));
+SCM scm_env_addprop P((SCM prop, SCM val, SCM env));
+long num_frames P((SCM estk, int i));
+SCM *estk_frame P((SCM estk, int i, int nf));
+SCM *cont_frame P((SCM contin, int nf));
+SCM stacktrace1 P((SCM estk, int i));
+void scm_princode P((SCM code, SCM env, SCM port, int writing));
+void scm_princlosure P((SCM proc, SCM port, int writing));
void lputc P((int c, SCM port));
void lputs P((char *s, SCM port));
sizet lfwrite P((char *ptr, sizet size, sizet nitems, SCM port));
@@ -648,6 +744,7 @@ SCM my_time P((void));
SCM your_time P((void));
void init_iprocs P((iproc *subra, int type));
+void final_scm P((int));
void init_sbrk P((void));
int init_buf0 P((FILE *inport));
void scm_init_from_argv P((int argc, char **argv, char *script_arg,
@@ -659,6 +756,7 @@ void free_storage P((void));
char *dld_find_executable P((const char* command));
char *scm_find_execpath P((int argc, char **argv, char *script_arg));
void init_scm P((int iverbose, int buf0stdin, long init_heap_size));
+void scm_init_INITS P((void));
SCM scm_init_extensions P((void));
void init_user_scm P((void));
void ignore_signals P((void));
@@ -670,16 +768,17 @@ SCM markcdr P((SCM ptr));
#define mark0 (0) /*SCM mark0 P((SCM ptr)); */
SCM equal0 P((SCM ptr1, SCM ptr2));
sizet free0 P((CELLPTR ptr));
-void scm_warn P((char *str1, char *str2));
-void everr P((SCM exp, SCM env, SCM arg, char *pos, char *s_subr));
+void scm_warn P((char *str1, char *str2, SCM obj));
+void everr P((SCM exp, SCM env, SCM arg, char *pos, char *s_subr, int codep));
void wta P((SCM arg, char *pos, char *s_subr));
+void scm_experr P((SCM arg, char *pos, char *s_subr));
SCM intern P((char *name, sizet len));
SCM sysintern P((const char *name, SCM val));
SCM sym2vcell P((SCM sym));
SCM makstr P((long len));
SCM scm_maksubr P((const char *name, int type, SCM (*fcn)()));
SCM make_subr P((const char *name, int type, SCM (*fcn)()));
-SCM make_synt P((const char *name, SCM (*macroizer)(), SCM (*fcn)()));
+SCM make_synt P((const char *name, long flags, SCM (*fcn)()));
SCM make_gsubr P((const char *name, int req, int opt, int rst,
SCM (*fcn)()));
SCM closure P((SCM code, int nargs));
@@ -688,12 +787,14 @@ SCM force P((SCM x));
SCM makarb P((SCM name));
SCM tryarb P((SCM arb));
SCM relarb P((SCM arb));
-SCM ceval P((SCM x, SCM env));
+SCM ceval P((SCM x, SCM static_env, SCM env));
+SCM scm_wrapcode P((SCM code, SCM env));
+SCM scm_current_env P((void));
SCM prolixity P((SCM arg));
SCM gc_for_newcell P((void));
void gc_for_open_files P((void));
SCM gc P((SCM arg));
-SCM tryload P((SCM filename));
+SCM tryload P((SCM filename, SCM reader));
SCM acons P((SCM w, SCM x, SCM y));
SCM cons2 P((SCM w, SCM x, SCM y));
SCM resizuve P((SCM vect, SCM len));
@@ -725,6 +826,9 @@ SCM exactp P((SCM x));
SCM inexactp P((SCM x));
SCM eqp P((SCM x, SCM y));
SCM lessp P((SCM x, SCM y));
+SCM greaterp P((SCM x, SCM y));
+SCM leqp P((SCM x, SCM y));
+SCM greqp P((SCM x, SCM y));
SCM zerop P((SCM z));
SCM positivep P((SCM x));
SCM negativep P((SCM x));
@@ -811,11 +915,16 @@ SCM map P((SCM proc, SCM arg1, SCM args));
SCM scm_make_cont P((void));
SCM copytree P((SCM obj));
SCM eval P((SCM obj));
+SCM scm_values P((SCM arg1, SCM arg2, SCM rest, char *what));
+SCM scm_eval_values P((SCM x, SCM static_env, SCM env));
SCM identp P((SCM obj));
SCM ident2sym P((SCM id));
SCM ident_eqp P((SCM id1, SCM id2, SCM env));
+int scm_nullenv_p P((SCM env));
SCM env2tree P((SCM env));
SCM renamed_ident P((SCM id, SCM env));
+SCM scm_check_linum P((SCM x, SCM *linum));
+SCM scm_add_linum P((SCM linum, SCM x));
SCM input_portp P((SCM x));
SCM output_portp P((SCM x));
SCM cur_input_port P((void));
@@ -829,6 +938,7 @@ SCM lread P((SCM port));
SCM scm_read_char P((SCM port));
SCM peek_char P((SCM port));
SCM eof_objectp P((SCM x));
+int scm_io_error P((SCM port, char *what));
SCM lwrite P((SCM obj, SCM port));
SCM display P((SCM obj, SCM port));
SCM newline P((SCM port));
@@ -837,11 +947,14 @@ SCM file_position P((SCM port));
SCM file_set_position P((SCM port, SCM pos));
SCM scm_port_line P((SCM port));
SCM scm_port_col P((SCM port));
+void scm_line_msg P((SCM file, SCM linum, SCM port));
+void scm_err_line P((char *what, SCM file, SCM linum, SCM port));
SCM lgetenv P((SCM nam));
SCM prog_args P((void));
SCM makacro P((SCM code));
SCM makmacro P((SCM code));
SCM makmmacro P((SCM code));
+SCM makidmacro P((SCM code));
void poll_routine P((void));
void tick_signal P((void));
void stack_check P((void));
@@ -941,6 +1054,7 @@ long pseudolong P((long x));
int bigcomp P((SCM x, SCM y));
SCM bigequal P((SCM x, SCM y));
+int scm_bigdblcomp P((SCM b, double d));
/* "script.c" functions */
char * scm_cat_path P((char *str1, const char *str2, long n));
@@ -956,9 +1070,9 @@ void scm_ecache_report P((void));
void scm_estk_reset P((sizet size));
void scm_env_cons P((SCM x, SCM y));
void scm_env_cons2 P((SCM w, SCM x, SCM y));
-void scm_env_cons_tmp P((SCM x));
-void scm_env_v2lst P((int argc, SCM *argv));
-void scm_extend_env P((SCM names));
+void scm_env_cons3 P((SCM v, SCM w, SCM x, SCM y));
+void scm_env_v2lst P((long argc, SCM *argv));
+void scm_extend_env P((void));
void scm_egc P((void));
/* Global state for environment cache */
@@ -968,8 +1082,11 @@ extern SCM scm_env, scm_env_tmp;
extern SCM scm_egc_roots[];
extern VOLATILE long scm_egc_root_index;
extern SCM scm_estk;
-extern SCM *scm_estk_v, *scm_estk_ptr;
+extern SCM *scm_estk_v, *scm_estk_ptr;
extern long scm_estk_size;
+#ifndef RECKLESS
+extern SCM scm_trace, scm_trace_env;
# define ASSERT(_cond, _arg, _pos, _subr) ;
@@ -1001,8 +1118,8 @@ extern long scm_estk_size;
#define VTALRM_SIGNAL 19
#define PROF_SIGNAL 20
-#define EVAL(x, env) (IMP(x)?(x):ceval((x), (env)))
-#define SIDEVAL(x, env) if NIMP(x) ceval((x), (env))
+#define EVAL(x, env, venv) (IMP(x)?(x):ceval((x), (SCM)(env), (SCM)(venv)))
+#define SIDEVAL(x, env, venv) if NIMP(x) ceval((x), (SCM)(env), (SCM)(venv))
#define NEWCELL(_into) {if IMP(freelist) _into = gc_for_newcell();\
else {_into = freelist;freelist = CDR(freelist);++cells_allocated;}}