path: root/arduino-sketches/sandclock_servotesting/sandclock_servotesting.pde
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'arduino-sketches/sandclock_servotesting/sandclock_servotesting.pde')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arduino-sketches/sandclock_servotesting/sandclock_servotesting.pde b/arduino-sketches/sandclock_servotesting/sandclock_servotesting.pde
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03331af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino-sketches/sandclock_servotesting/sandclock_servotesting.pde
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <Servo.h>
+Servo drive;
+int drive_pin = 9;
+int orient_pin = 0;
+int orient = 0;
+int old_orient = -1;
+int want_orient = 0;
+int drive_signal = 0;
+int old_drive_signal = 0;
+int diff = 0;
+int default_diff;
+int strength = 0;
+int slower = 0;
+int ledPin = 12;
+void setup()
+ drive.attach(drive_pin);
+ pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
+ want_orient = analogRead(orient_pin);
+ strength = 0; // 50
+ default_diff = 5;
+ orient = analogRead(orient_pin);
+ old_orient = orient;
+ //Serial.begin(9600);
+void loop()
+ slower = slower+2;
+ if(slower > 30) {
+ slower = 0;
+ want_orient = want_orient + 1;
+ }
+ if(want_orient < 0) { want_orient = 1023; }
+ if(want_orient > 1023) { want_orient = 0; }
+ // crude ADC smoothing
+ orient = (old_orient + analogRead(orient_pin))/2;
+ old_orient = orient;
+ diff = find_diff(orient, want_orient);
+ //if(orient < want_orient) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); }
+ //else { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }
+ //want_orient = 100;
+ if(diff > 10) {
+ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
+ strength = strength +1;
+ } else if (diff < -10) {
+ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
+ strength = strength -1;
+ } else {
+ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
+ }
+ strength = constrain(strength, 0, 100);
+ drive_signal = 91 - strength/10 - constrain(diff,-20,20)/2;
+ // This is to try and get around the weird gap
+ if(want_orient < 10 || want_orient > 1013) {
+ drive_signal = old_drive_signal;
+ // } else if(orient < 10 || orient > 1013) {
+ // drive_signal = old_drive_signal;
+ } else {
+ old_drive_signal = drive_signal;
+ }
+ drive.write(drive_signal); // had to choose some polarity...
+ //Serial.println(diff, DEC);
+ delay(15);
+// Express the difference between a to b, accounting for the wrap around
+// a and b are both 0-1023
+int find_diff(int a, int b) {
+ int c;
+ c = b - a;
+ if(c < - 511) {
+ c = c + 1023;
+ } else if (c > 512) {
+ c = c - 1023;
+ }
+ if(abs(c) > 100) {
+ digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
+ } else {
+ digitalWrite(13, LOW);
+ }
+ return c;