diff options
authormatt handler <>2011-04-27 18:45:32 -0400
committermatt handler <>2011-04-27 18:45:32 -0400
commite788dbb246a2c9673d595420beca061123526d50 (patch)
parente6eb634beac831e64becc03928a467701f9625cf (diff)
sorting automatically, load more button, remove some logging, customizing things?
6 files changed, 1344 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/Classes/PhotoViewController.m b/Classes/PhotoViewController.m
index 850d425..35e58ca 100644
--- a/Classes/PhotoViewController.m
+++ b/Classes/PhotoViewController.m
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
@implementation TTThumbsViewController (test)
- (TTPhotoViewController*)createPhotoViewController {
- NSLog(@"test");
+ //NSLog(@"test");
return (TTPhotoViewController *)[[[MyPhotoViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
NSError *theError = nil;
id dictionary = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserialize:(NSData *)_receivedData error:&theError];
- NSLog(@"%@", dictionary);
+ //NSLog(@"%@", dictionary);
NSArray *array = [dictionary objectForKey:@"list"];
for (NSDictionary *obj in array) {
diff --git a/Classes/SectionDictionary.h b/Classes/SectionDictionary.h
index f227e44..b4dd6b0 100644
--- a/Classes/SectionDictionary.h
+++ b/Classes/SectionDictionary.h
@@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
@interface SectionDictionary : NSObject {
NSInteger index;
NSMutableDictionary *indexMap;
+ NSMutableArray *sortedKeys;
NSMutableDictionary *theRealDictionary;
- (void) appendObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey;
- (void) setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey;
- (id) objectForIndex:(NSInteger)i;
+- (void) sortKeys;
- (NSString *) keyForIndex:(NSInteger)i;
+- (NSArray *) allIndices;
diff --git a/Classes/SectionDictionary.m b/Classes/SectionDictionary.m
index b183725..9124714 100644
--- a/Classes/SectionDictionary.m
+++ b/Classes/SectionDictionary.m
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- (SectionDictionary *) init {
index = 0;
+ sortedKeys = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
indexMap = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] retain];
theRealDictionary = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] retain];
[super init];
@@ -27,22 +28,39 @@
return theRealDictionary;
+- (void) sortKeys {
+ [sortedKeys sortUsingComparator:(NSComparator)^(id obj1, id obj2){
+ return [obj2 compare:obj1];
+ }];
- (void) setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey {
- [indexMap setObject:aKey forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", index]];
- index++;
+// [indexMap setObject:aKey forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", index]];
+// index++;
[theRealDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:aKey];
+ [sortedKeys addObject:aKey];
+ [self sortKeys];
+- (NSArray *) allIndices {
+ NSLog(@"%@ %@", [indexMap allKeys], [indexMap allValues]);
+ return [indexMap allKeys];
// lets you push objects into sections without worry about storage
- (void) appendObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey {
NSMutableArray *store = [theRealDictionary objectForKey:aKey];
if (store == nil) {
- [indexMap setObject:aKey forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", index]];
- index++;
+// [indexMap setObject:aKey forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", index]];
+// index++;
NSMutableArray *store = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
[store addObject:anObject];
[theRealDictionary setObject:store forKey:aKey];
+ [sortedKeys addObject:aKey];
+ [self sortKeys];
else [store addObject:anObject];
@@ -50,14 +68,17 @@
- (id) objectForIndex:(NSInteger)i {
- return [theRealDictionary objectForKey:[indexMap objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]]];
+ return [theRealDictionary objectForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
+ //return [theRealDictionary objectForKey:[indexMap objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]]];
- (NSString *) keyForIndex:(NSInteger)i {
- return [indexMap objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]];
+ return [sortedKeys objectAtIndex:i];
+ //return [indexMap objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i]];
- (void) dealloc {
+ [sortedKeys release];
[theRealDictionary release];
[indexMap release];
[super dealloc];
diff --git a/Classes/TopicsViewController.m b/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
index 31191ee..3ad8d95 100644
--- a/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
+++ b/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
[super viewDidLoad];
self.tableView.rowHeight = 100;
+ [self.tableView setSeparatorStyle:UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine];
+ [self.tableView setSeparatorColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.9 green:0.9 blue:0.9 alpha:1.0]];
objMan = [[HJObjManager alloc] initWithLoadingBufferSize:6 memCacheSize:20];
@@ -74,14 +76,12 @@
- (void) addTopicToSectionDictionary:(Topic *)topic {
- //NSLog(@"time since: %f", [topic.releaseDate timeIntervalSinceNow]);
- NSTimeInterval seconds = fabs([topic.releaseDate timeIntervalSinceNow]);
- if (seconds <= 86400.0f)
- [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:@"Today"];
- else if (seconds <= 172800.0f)
- [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:@"Yesterday"];
- else
- [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:[Topic dateToString:topic.releaseDate]];
+ NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle];
+ [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
+ [dateFormatter setLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"US"] autorelease]];
+ [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:[dateFormatter dateFromString:[dateFormatter stringFromDate:topic.releaseDate]]];
- (void) sourcesEditViewControllerDidFinish:(SourcesEditViewController *)controller {
@@ -124,52 +124,58 @@
NSLog(@"found new topic");
Topic *topic = [Topic initWithJsonObject:obj];
topic.sourceId = source.foreignId;
- if ([topic.picCount intValue] == 0) break;
- [db beginTransaction];
- [topic serializeToDatabase:db];
- [db commit];
- [self addTopicToSectionDictionary:topic];
+ NSLog(@"new topic on: %@", [Topic dateToString:topic.releaseDate]);
+ if ([topic.picCount intValue] != 0) {
+ [db beginTransaction];
+ [topic serializeToDatabase:db];
+ [db commit];
+ [self addTopicToSectionDictionary:topic];
+ }
[result close];
[db close];
- [self.tableView reloadData];
+ [self restructureSections];
-- (void) addTopicsFromJson:(NSData *)data {
- NSError *theError = nil;
- id dictionary = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserialize:(NSData *)data error:&theError];
- NSArray *array = [dictionary objectForKey:@"list"];
- [db open];
- for (NSDictionary *obj in array) {
- FMResultSet *result = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT id FROM picCasts WHERE foreignId = ?", [obj objectForKey:@"id"]];
- if (![result next]) {
- Topic *topic = [Topic initWithJsonObject:obj];
- if (topic.picCount == 0) break;
- [db beginTransaction];
- [topic serializeToDatabase:db];
- [db commit];
- [self addTopicToSectionDictionary:topic];
- }
- [result close];
- }
- [db close];
+- (void) restructureSections {
[self.tableView reloadData];
+//- (void) addTopicsFromJson:(NSData *)data {
+// NSError *theError = nil;
+// id dictionary = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserialize:(NSData *)data error:&theError];
+// NSArray *array = [dictionary objectForKey:@"list"];
+// [db open];
+// for (NSDictionary *obj in array) {
+// FMResultSet *result = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT id FROM picCasts WHERE foreignId = ?", [obj objectForKey:@"id"]];
+// if (![result next]) {
+// Topic *topic = [Topic initWithJsonObject:obj];
+// if (topic.picCount == 0) break;
+// NSLog(@"new topic on: %@", [Topic dateToString:topic.releaseDate]);
+// [db beginTransaction];
+// [topic serializeToDatabase:db];
+// [db commit];
+// [self addTopicToSectionDictionary:topic];
+// }
+// [result close];
+// }
+// [db close];
+// [self.tableView reloadData];
- (void) loadSubscribedTopics {
- NSLog(@"load subscribed");
+ //NSLog(@"load subscribed");
[db open];
FMResultSet *result = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM subscribedSources WHERE subscribed = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];
while ([result next]) {
@@ -237,12 +243,39 @@
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
// Return the number of rows in the section.
//NSLog(@"number of rows in section %d: %d", section, [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:section] count]);
- return [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:section] count];
+ //NSLog(@"section: %d count: %d", section, [tableDictionary count]);
+ if (section + 1 == ([tableDictionary count]))
+ return [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:section] count] + 1;
+ else
+ return [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:section] count];
- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
//NSLog(@"row title: %@", [tableDictionary keyForIndex:section]);
- return [tableDictionary keyForIndex:section]; //how do you convert a key to index from mutabledictionary
+ //return [tableDictionary keyForIndex:section]; //how do you convert a key to index from mutabledictionary
+ NSDate *date = [NSDate new];
+ NSString *key = [Topic dateToString:[tableDictionary keyForIndex:section]];
+ NSString *today = [Topic dateToString:date];
+ NSString *yesterday = [Topic dateToString:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(NSTimeInterval)-86400]];
+ //NSLog(@"%@ %@ %@ %@", date, key, today, yesterday);
+ //NSLog(@"%@", [tableDictionary allIndices], [tableDictionary );
+ //NSLog(@"%@", [tableDictionary allKeys]);
+ //[tableDictionary allIndices];
+ if ([key compare:today] == 0)
+ return @"Today";
+ else if ([key compare:yesterday] == 0)
+ return @"Yesterday";
+ else
+ return key;
+ //
+// NSTimeInterval seconds = fabs([topic.releaseDate timeIntervalSinceNow]);
+// if (seconds <= 86400.0f)
+// [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:@"Today"];
+// else if (seconds <= 172800.0f)
+// [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:@"Yesterday"];
+// else
+// [tableDictionary appendObject:topic forKey:[Topic dateToString:topic.releaseDate]];
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated {
@@ -259,76 +292,117 @@
-//- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
-// return 100;
+- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
+ if (indexPath.section + 1 == [tableDictionary count] &&
+ indexPath.row == [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:indexPath.section] count])
+ return 44;
+ else
+ return 100;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tv cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
- static NSString *kCellIdentifier = @"TopicTableViewCell";
- TopicTableViewCell *cell = (TopicTableViewCell *)[self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellIdentifier];
- HJManagedImageV* mi;
- HJManagedImageV* micon;
- if (cell == nil) {
- NSArray *tmpCell = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"TopicTableViewCell" owner:self options:nil];
+ //NSLog(@"count: %d section: %d", [tableDictionary count], indexPath.section + 1);
+ if ((indexPath.section + 1) == [tableDictionary count] &&
+ indexPath.row == [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:indexPath.section] count]) {
- for (id currentObj in tmpCell) {
- if ([currentObj isKindOfClass:[TopicTableViewCell class]]) {
- cell = (TopicTableViewCell *)currentObj;
- break;
- }
+ static NSString *cellIdentifier = @"moreCell";
+ UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellIdentifier];
+ if (cell == nil) {
+ cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault
+ reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier] autorelease];
- micon = [[[HJManagedImageV alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(105,72,16,16)] autorelease];
- mi = [[[HJManagedImageV alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(3,3,94,94)] autorelease];
- mi.tag = 998;
- mi.tag = 999;
- [cell addSubview:micon];
- [cell addSubview:mi];
+ [cell.textLabel setText:@"load older PicCasts..."];
+ [cell.textLabel setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter];
+ [cell.textLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
+ //[cell.textLabel setTextColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.05 green:0.05 blue:0.05 alpha:0.05]];
- }
+ UIView *myBackView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:cell.frame];
+ myBackView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.95 green:0.95 blue:0.95 alpha:1.0];
+ cell.backgroundView = myBackView;
+ cell.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(1, 0);
+ cell.layer.shadowColor = [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor];
+ cell.layer.shadowRadius = 5;
+ cell.layer.shadowOpacity = .75;
+ CGRect shadowFrame = cell.layer.bounds;
+ CGPathRef shadowPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:shadowFrame].CGPath;
+ cell.layer.shadowPath = shadowPath;
+ return cell;
+ }
else {
- //Get a reference to the managed image view that was already in the recycled cell, and clear it
- micon = (HJManagedImageV*)[cell viewWithTag:998];
- mi = (HJManagedImageV*)[cell viewWithTag:999];
- [micon clear];
- [mi clear];
- }
- Topic *topic = [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:[indexPath section]] objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
- //cell.useDarkBackground = (indexPath.row % 2 == 0);
- cell.title = topic.title;
- [cell.categoryLabel setText:topic.category];
- cell.picCount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", topic.picCount];
- micon.url = [NSURL URLWithString:[[sourcesDictionary objectForKey:topic.sourceId] favicon]];
- mi.url = [NSURL URLWithString:topic.iconUrl];
- mi.squareCropped = true;
- [objMan manage:mi];
- [objMan manage:micon];
+ static NSString *kCellIdentifier = @"TopicTableViewCell";
+ TopicTableViewCell *cell = (TopicTableViewCell *)[self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellIdentifier];
+ HJManagedImageV* mi;
+ HJManagedImageV* micon;
+ if (cell == nil) {
+ NSArray *tmpCell = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"TopicTableViewCell" owner:self options:nil];
+ for (id currentObj in tmpCell) {
+ if ([currentObj isKindOfClass:[TopicTableViewCell class]]) {
+ cell = (TopicTableViewCell *)currentObj;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ micon = [[[HJManagedImageV alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(105,72,16,16)] autorelease];
+ mi = [[[HJManagedImageV alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(3,3,94,94)] autorelease];
+ mi.tag = 998;
+ mi.tag = 999;
+ [cell.contentView addSubview:micon];
+ [cell.contentView addSubview:mi];
+ }
+ else {
+ //Get a reference to the managed image view that was already in the recycled cell, and clear it
+ micon = (HJManagedImageV*)[cell viewWithTag:998];
+ mi = (HJManagedImageV*)[cell viewWithTag:999];
+ [micon clear];
+ [mi clear];
+ }
+ Topic *topic = [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:[indexPath section]] objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
+ //cell.useDarkBackground = (indexPath.row % 2 == 0);
+ cell.title = topic.title;
+ [cell.categoryLabel setText:topic.category];
+ cell.picCount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", topic.picCount];
+ micon.url = [NSURL URLWithString:[[sourcesDictionary objectForKey:topic.sourceId] favicon]];
+ mi.url = [NSURL URLWithString:topic.iconUrl];
+ mi.squareCropped = true;
+ [objMan manage:mi];
+ [objMan manage:micon];
+ return cell;
+ }
- return cell;
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)table didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
// self.picDumpViewController.topic = [topics objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
- self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"back"
- style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered
- target:nil
- action:nil];
- // [self.navigationController pushViewController:picDumpViewController animated:YES];
- //
- photoViewController = [[[PhotoViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
- photoViewController.topic = [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:indexPath.section] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
- [self.navigationController pushViewController:photoViewController animated:YES];
- //[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque];
+ if (indexPath.section + 1 == [tableDictionary count] &&
+ indexPath.row == [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:indexPath.section] count]) {
+ NSLog(@"load more from database");
+ }
+ else {
+ self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"back"
+ style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered
+ target:nil
+ action:nil];
+ photoViewController = [[[PhotoViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
+ photoViewController.topic = [[tableDictionary objectForIndex:indexPath.section] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
+ [self.navigationController pushViewController:photoViewController animated:YES];
+ //[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque];
+ }
#pragma mark -
diff --git a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3 b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
index accb8a0..73dc86d 100644
--- a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
+++ b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@
+ <string>4EB5425A13653A50009A5AC5</string>
+ <string>4EB5426B13653A50009A5AC5</string>
@@ -278,13 +280,13 @@
- <integer>40</integer>
+ <integer>52</integer>
- <string>{{0, 104}, {282, 667}}</string>
+ <string>{{0, 370}, {282, 667}}</string>
@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@
- <string>4E75CFE51367DECB00ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0D81368D33D00ED9C9D</string>
@@ -360,13 +362,11 @@
- <string>4EB540061364FED6009A5AC5</string>
- <string>4E75CDA91367493A00ED9C9D</string>
@@ -383,11 +383,15 @@
- <string>4E75CFE01367DECB00ED9C9D</string>
- <string>4E75CFE31367DECB00ED9C9D</string>
- <string>4E75CFE41367DECB00ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75CFFB1368A43800ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75CFFC1368A43800ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0151368A5B000ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0501368C2D100ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D05E1368C68800ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0681368C8D000ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0A61368CEF100ED9C9D</string>
@@ -585,7 +589,7 @@
- <string>4E75CFE61367DECB00ED9C9D</string>
+ <string>4E75D0D91368D33D00ED9C9D</string>
@@ -617,7 +621,7 @@
- <string>TopicsViewController.h</string>
+ <string>TopicsViewController.m</string>
diff --git a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
index aedef23..9d758ea 100644
--- a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
+++ b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
1D6058900D05DD3D006BFB54 /* PicCast */,
breakpoints = (
+ 4E75D07C1368CAD500ED9C9D /* TopicsViewController.m:307 */,
codeSenseManager = 4E6827BA13593BCD001EB808 /* Code sense */;
executables = (
@@ -376,6 +377,92 @@
4E75CFE31367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFE31367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4E75CFE41367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFE41367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4E75CFE51367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFE51367DECB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFF51368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFF51368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFF61368A41000ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFF61368A41000ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFF71368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFF71368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFF81368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFF81368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFFB1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFFB1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFFC1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFFC1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFFD1368A43800ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFFD1368A43800ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75CFFE1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75CFFE1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0031368A47F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0031368A47F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0071368A4E400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0071368A4E400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D00B1368A52E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D00B1368A52E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D00D1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D00D1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D00E1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D00E1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D00F1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D00F1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0101368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0101368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0111368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0111368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0121368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0121368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0151368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0151368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0161368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0161368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0171368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0171368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D01E1368A93800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D01E1368A93800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0221368A9C200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0221368A9C200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0261368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0261368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0271368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0271368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0281368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0281368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D02C1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D02C1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D02D1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D02D1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D02E1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D02E1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D02F1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D02F1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0321368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0321368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0331368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0331368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0341368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0341368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0381368BAEB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0381368BAEB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D03C1368BC1200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D03C1368BC1200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0401368BCC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0401368BCC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0441368BD2D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0441368BD2D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0461368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0461368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0471368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0471368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0481368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0481368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0491368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0491368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D04C1368C22300ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D04C1368C22300ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0501368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0501368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0511368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0511368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0521368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0521368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0541368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0541368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0551368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0551368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0561368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0561368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0571368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0571368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D05E1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D05E1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D05F1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D05F1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0601368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0601368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0641368C76B00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0641368C76B00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0681368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0681368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0691368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0691368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D06A1368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D06A1368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D06F1368C96200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D06F1368C96200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0731368C9AF00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0731368C9AF00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0791368CA7E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0791368CA7E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0801368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0801368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0811368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0811368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0841368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0841368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0851368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0851368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0861368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0861368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0871368CC6A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0871368CC6A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D08C1368CD0100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D08C1368CD0100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0921368CD8F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0921368CD8F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0941368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0941368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0951368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0951368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0981368CDCD00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0981368CDCD00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D09C1368CE2E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D09C1368CE2E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0A21368CE7C00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0A21368CE7C00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0A61368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0A61368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0A71368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0A71368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0AB1368CFAC00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0AB1368CFAC00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0AF1368CFCE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0AF1368CFCE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0B11368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0B11368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0B21368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0B21368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0B51368D03A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0B51368D03A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0B91368D06500ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0B91368D06500ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0BD1368D0CB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0BD1368D0CB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0C51368D1B400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0C51368D1B400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0C81368D20200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0C81368D20200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0CC1368D23400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0CC1368D23400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0D01368D2B900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0D01368D2B900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0D41368D31F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0D41368D31F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4E75D0D81368D33D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4E75D0D81368D33D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4E8CFDB41361F7C900B810C6 = 4E8CFDB41361F7C900B810C6 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4E8CFDB61361F7C900B810C6 = 4E8CFDB61361F7C900B810C6 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4E8CFDB71361F7C900B810C6 = 4E8CFDB71361F7C900B810C6 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
@@ -513,16 +600,16 @@
uiCtxt = {
sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1160, 585}}";
sepNavSelRange = "{1267, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{759, 578}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{759, 583}";
sepNavWindowFrame = "{{15, 323}, {1196, 550}}";
4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n r = \"{4273, 659}\";\n s = 0;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{6987, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{7038, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{7088, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 14608}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 5343}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{9130, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{8253, 1646}";
+ sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{7425, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{7476, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{7526, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 17857}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 6617}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{11180, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{10699, 1727}";
sepNavWindowFrame = "{{15, 323}, {1196, 550}}";
@@ -563,9 +650,9 @@
4E68282E13594C48001EB808 /* Topic.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 1261}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{804, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{199, 1808}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 1287}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2465, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{1214, 1635}";
4E68286F1359595F001EB808 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -580,9 +667,9 @@
4E6829F113597AF1001EB808 /* AsyncImageView.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 2041}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{239, 1833}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{1465, 1001}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {922, 2002}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2651, 5}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{2072, 1023}";
4E6829F213597AF1001EB808 /* AsyncImageView.h */ = {
@@ -614,7 +701,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 63";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1696;
+ rLoc = 1866;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1740;
vrLoc = 1327;
@@ -624,7 +711,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 63";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1696;
+ rLoc = 1866;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1742;
vrLoc = 1327;
@@ -724,7 +811,7 @@
fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
name = "SectionDictionary.m: 30";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 568;
+ rLoc = 751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1222;
vrLoc = 416;
@@ -910,7 +997,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
rLen = 1;
- rLoc = 146;
+ rLoc = 152;
rType = 1;
4E75CDED1367574700ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1017,7 +1104,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 225";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4816;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1398;
vrLoc = 6514;
@@ -1027,7 +1114,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 76";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1697;
+ rLoc = 1867;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1902;
vrLoc = 1527;
@@ -1141,7 +1228,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 228";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6104;
+ rLoc = 6542;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1220;
vrLoc = 5798;
@@ -1151,7 +1238,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 228";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6104;
+ rLoc = 6542;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1331;
vrLoc = 6016;
@@ -1161,7 +1248,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1559;
vrLoc = 6121;
@@ -1181,7 +1268,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 413";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14488;
+ rLoc = 17737;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 458;
vrLoc = 13613;
@@ -1210,7 +1297,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1552;
vrLoc = 6128;
@@ -1220,7 +1307,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1552;
vrLoc = 6128;
@@ -1347,7 +1434,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1436;
vrLoc = 4555;
@@ -1417,7 +1504,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1416;
vrLoc = 6121;
@@ -1427,7 +1514,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6313;
+ rLoc = 6751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1275;
vrLoc = 4846;
@@ -1437,7 +1524,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6281;
+ rLoc = 6719;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1414;
vrLoc = 5991;
@@ -1447,7 +1534,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6278;
+ rLoc = 6716;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1413;
vrLoc = 5948;
@@ -1497,7 +1584,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6278;
+ rLoc = 6716;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1413;
vrLoc = 5948;
@@ -1507,7 +1594,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6278;
+ rLoc = 6716;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1282;
vrLoc = 4940;
@@ -1517,7 +1604,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 230";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6278;
+ rLoc = 6716;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1727;
vrLoc = 6255;
@@ -1547,7 +1634,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 184";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4931;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1483;
vrLoc = 2513;
@@ -1557,7 +1644,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 97";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2705;
+ rLoc = 2882;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1513;
vrLoc = 2487;
@@ -1567,7 +1654,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 60";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1609;
+ rLoc = 1779;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1897;
vrLoc = 700;
@@ -1587,7 +1674,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 61";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1840;
+ rLoc = 2010;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1589;
vrLoc = 782;
@@ -1597,7 +1684,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 61";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1845;
+ rLoc = 2015;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1599;
vrLoc = 783;
@@ -1607,7 +1694,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 61";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1845;
+ rLoc = 2015;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1608;
vrLoc = 863;
@@ -1620,8 +1707,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 114";
- rLen = 224;
- rLoc = 4276;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1304;
vrLoc = 3303;
@@ -1631,7 +1718,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 104";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1351;
vrLoc = 2106;
@@ -1641,7 +1728,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 105";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1208;
vrLoc = 1679;
@@ -1661,8 +1748,8 @@
comments = "'application' undeclared (first use in this function)";
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
- rLen = 1;
- rLoc = 329;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 404;
rType = 1;
4E75CEB2136773C400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1670,7 +1757,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 691;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -1689,8 +1776,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 114";
- rLen = 224;
- rLoc = 4276;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1399;
vrLoc = 9152;
@@ -1700,7 +1787,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 73";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2080;
+ rLoc = 2082;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1131;
vrLoc = 1434;
@@ -1710,7 +1797,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 74";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2080;
+ rLoc = 2082;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1038;
vrLoc = 1476;
@@ -1720,7 +1807,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 74";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2053;
+ rLoc = 2055;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1021;
vrLoc = 1537;
@@ -1730,7 +1817,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 92";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1182;
vrLoc = 1678;
@@ -1760,7 +1847,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 691;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -1807,7 +1894,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 93";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1182;
vrLoc = 1678;
@@ -1817,7 +1904,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 691;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -1837,7 +1924,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 691;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -1867,7 +1954,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 104";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1451;
vrLoc = 2118;
@@ -1877,7 +1964,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 104";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1402;
vrLoc = 2167;
@@ -1897,7 +1984,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 86";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2087;
+ rLoc = 2089;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1256;
vrLoc = 1888;
@@ -1907,7 +1994,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 120";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3453;
+ rLoc = 3457;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1960;
vrLoc = 3268;
@@ -1917,7 +2004,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1964;
vrLoc = 3268;
@@ -1927,7 +2014,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1964;
vrLoc = 3268;
@@ -1937,7 +2024,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 582;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -1967,7 +2054,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2067;
vrLoc = 3253;
@@ -1977,7 +2064,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2018;
vrLoc = 3302;
@@ -1987,7 +2074,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2018;
vrLoc = 3302;
@@ -2007,7 +2094,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1549;
vrLoc = 3159;
@@ -2017,7 +2104,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 24;
- rLoc = 3429;
+ rLoc = 3433;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1549;
vrLoc = 3159;
@@ -2027,7 +2114,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 120";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3453;
+ rLoc = 3457;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1524;
vrLoc = 3183;
@@ -2037,7 +2124,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 119";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3323;
+ rLoc = 3327;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1548;
vrLoc = 3226;
@@ -2047,7 +2134,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 118";
rLen = 130;
- rLoc = 3323;
+ rLoc = 3327;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1645;
vrLoc = 3250;
@@ -2057,7 +2144,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 118";
rLen = 130;
- rLoc = 3323;
+ rLoc = 3327;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1645;
vrLoc = 3250;
@@ -2067,7 +2154,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10889;
+ rLoc = 14199;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 582;
vrLoc = 9534;
@@ -2088,7 +2175,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
rLen = 1;
- rLoc = 438;
+ rLoc = 512;
rType = 1;
4E75CF151367AB1C00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -2096,7 +2183,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 410";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14580;
+ rLoc = 17829;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 384;
vrLoc = 13219;
@@ -2116,7 +2203,7 @@
fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
name = "PhotoViewController.m: 123";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3520;
+ rLoc = 3524;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1645;
vrLoc = 3250;
@@ -2156,7 +2243,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 412";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14580;
+ rLoc = 17829;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 270;
vrLoc = 13378;
@@ -2204,16 +2291,16 @@
4E75CF221367AC7A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
4E75CF231367AC7A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 81";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1058;
vrLoc = 1920;
@@ -2223,7 +2310,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 412";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14580;
+ rLoc = 17829;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 270;
vrLoc = 13378;
@@ -2232,8 +2319,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 81";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1058;
vrLoc = 1920;
@@ -2243,7 +2330,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 392";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14580;
+ rLoc = 17829;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 577;
vrLoc = 12283;
@@ -2252,8 +2339,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 81";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1058;
vrLoc = 1920;
@@ -2313,7 +2400,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 126";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3948;
+ rLoc = 4125;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1429;
vrLoc = 3354;
@@ -2323,7 +2410,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 126";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3948;
+ rLoc = 4125;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1429;
vrLoc = 3354;
@@ -2353,7 +2440,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 175";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4593;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1536;
vrLoc = 3354;
@@ -2363,7 +2450,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 168";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4932;
+ rLoc = 5368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2062;
vrLoc = 3163;
@@ -2373,7 +2460,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 434";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 14580;
+ rLoc = 17829;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 915;
vrLoc = 12234;
@@ -2411,8 +2498,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 891;
vrLoc = 2145;
@@ -2450,8 +2537,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 891;
vrLoc = 2145;
@@ -2501,7 +2588,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 186";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5798;
+ rLoc = 6236;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2315;
vrLoc = 4220;
@@ -2511,7 +2598,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 186";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5798;
+ rLoc = 6236;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2015;
vrLoc = 3229;
@@ -2530,8 +2617,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1110;
vrLoc = 2071;
@@ -2541,7 +2628,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 186";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5798;
+ rLoc = 6236;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2089;
vrLoc = 3229;
@@ -2551,7 +2638,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 173";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5057;
+ rLoc = 5495;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1978;
vrLoc = 3679;
@@ -2561,7 +2648,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 173";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5057;
+ rLoc = 5495;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2066;
vrLoc = 3373;
@@ -2571,7 +2658,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 173";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5057;
+ rLoc = 5495;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2066;
vrLoc = 3373;
@@ -2610,7 +2697,7 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 127;
+ rLoc = 134;
rType = 1;
4E75CF631367BFDC00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -2618,7 +2705,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 128";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 3977;
+ rLoc = 4222;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2066;
vrLoc = 3373;
@@ -2637,8 +2724,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1082;
vrLoc = 2071;
@@ -2668,7 +2755,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 128";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4014;
+ rLoc = 4259;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2077;
vrLoc = 3373;
@@ -2678,7 +2765,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10008;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1518;
vrLoc = 8393;
@@ -2688,7 +2775,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 10008;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2022;
vrLoc = 3372;
@@ -2708,7 +2795,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 303";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 9223;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1457;
vrLoc = 7740;
@@ -2718,7 +2805,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 283";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 9223;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1457;
vrLoc = 8455;
@@ -2728,7 +2815,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 283";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 9223;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1501;
vrLoc = 8581;
@@ -2738,7 +2825,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 172";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4994;
+ rLoc = 5432;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1894;
vrLoc = 3856;
@@ -2748,7 +2835,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1431;
vrLoc = 577;
@@ -2758,7 +2845,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1242;
vrLoc = 3935;
@@ -2768,7 +2855,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2168;
vrLoc = 3488;
@@ -2787,8 +2874,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1085;
vrLoc = 2067;
@@ -2798,7 +2885,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2052;
vrLoc = 3610;
@@ -2817,8 +2904,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1017;
vrLoc = 2067;
@@ -2828,7 +2915,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1237;
vrLoc = 3855;
@@ -2838,7 +2925,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2181;
vrLoc = 3416;
@@ -2857,8 +2944,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 964;
vrLoc = 2039;
@@ -2868,7 +2955,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1236;
vrLoc = 3855;
@@ -2878,7 +2965,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 51";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1572;
+ rLoc = 1742;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2016;
vrLoc = 3663;
@@ -2897,8 +2984,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1017;
vrLoc = 2067;
@@ -2908,7 +2995,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 178";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5325;
+ rLoc = 5763;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2215;
vrLoc = 4108;
@@ -2918,7 +3005,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 169";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4274;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1349;
vrLoc = 3855;
@@ -2928,7 +3015,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 177";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 5319;
+ rLoc = 5757;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1973;
vrLoc = 3935;
@@ -2938,7 +3025,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 177";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4661;
+ rLoc = 4544;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1315;
vrLoc = 3935;
@@ -2948,7 +3035,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 169";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4932;
+ rLoc = 5368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2007;
vrLoc = 3830;
@@ -2967,8 +3054,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1078;
vrLoc = 2069;
@@ -2978,7 +3065,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 169";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4932;
+ rLoc = 5368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 2007;
vrLoc = 3830;
@@ -2997,8 +3084,8 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
- rLen = 12;
- rLoc = 2503;
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1109;
vrLoc = 2069;
@@ -3008,7 +3095,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 169";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4932;
+ rLoc = 5368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1968;
vrLoc = 3885;
@@ -3018,7 +3105,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 169";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 4932;
+ rLoc = 5368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1476;
vrLoc = 1324;
@@ -3088,7 +3175,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 304";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 9799;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1360;
vrLoc = 8746;
@@ -3098,11 +3185,875 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 305";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 9845;
+ rLoc = 13287;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1646;
vrLoc = 8968;
+ 4E75CFF51368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.h: 42";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1267;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 583;
+ vrLoc = 759;
+ };
+ 4E75CFF61368A41000ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "'cell' undeclared (first use in this function)";
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 386;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4E75CFF71368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 333";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 661;
+ vrLoc = 10403;
+ };
+ 4E75CFF81368A41000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 891;
+ vrLoc = 2112;
+ };
+ 4E75CFFB1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB5426D13653A50009A5AC5 /* CJSONDeserializer.m */;
+ name = "CJSONDeserializer.m: 101";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2451;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1156;
+ vrLoc = 1982;
+ };
+ 4E75CFFC1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 235";
+ rLen = 129;
+ rLoc = 6990;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1855;
+ vrLoc = 5874;
+ };
+ 4E75CFFD1368A43800ED9C9D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "'cell' undeclared (first use in this function)";
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 386;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4E75CFFE1368A43800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 272";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10366;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1640;
+ vrLoc = 8447;
+ };
+ 4E75D0031368A47F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 333";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1568;
+ vrLoc = 9478;
+ };
+ 4E75D0071368A4E400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 271";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1736;
+ vrLoc = 8192;
+ };
+ 4E75D00B1368A52E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 240";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8084;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1912;
+ vrLoc = 7128;
+ };
+ 4E75D00D1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 334";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 479;
+ vrLoc = 10776;
+ };
+ 4E75D00E1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 84";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2713;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1078;
+ vrLoc = 2069;
+ };
+ 4E75D00F1368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ED6DB24135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJCircularBuffer.m */;
+ name = "HJCircularBuffer.m: 144";
+ rLen = 5;
+ rLoc = 3098;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 531;
+ vrLoc = 2588;
+ };
+ 4E75D0101368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6829F113597AF1001EB808 /* AsyncImageView.m */;
+ name = "AsyncImageView.m: 98";
+ rLen = 5;
+ rLoc = 2651;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1023;
+ vrLoc = 2072;
+ };
+ 4E75D0111368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ rLen = 5;
+ rLoc = 1789;
+ rType = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0121368A58F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 61";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1789;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 484;
+ vrLoc = 1601;
+ };
+ 4E75D0151368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ED6DB24135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJCircularBuffer.m */;
+ name = "HJCircularBuffer.m: 144";
+ rLen = 5;
+ rLoc = 3098;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 944;
+ vrLoc = 2175;
+ };
+ 4E75D0161368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 240";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8084;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1912;
+ vrLoc = 7128;
+ };
+ 4E75D0171368A5B000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 242";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8193;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1904;
+ vrLoc = 7278;
+ };
+ 4E75D01E1368A93800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 244";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8637;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1884;
+ vrLoc = 6788;
+ };
+ 4E75D0221368A9C200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 246";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8787;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1887;
+ vrLoc = 7095;
+ };
+ 4E75D0261368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 30";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 751;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1251;
+ vrLoc = 27;
+ };
+ 4E75D0271368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8955;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1905;
+ vrLoc = 7095;
+ };
+ 4E75D0281368B1AA00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8955;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1776;
+ vrLoc = 7250;
+ };
+ 4E75D02C1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 37";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1062;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1303;
+ vrLoc = 178;
+ };
+ 4E75D02D1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE61363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.h */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.h: 22";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 568;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 528;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D02E1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8955;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1882;
+ vrLoc = 7144;
+ };
+ 4E75D02F1368B27900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8911;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1927;
+ vrLoc = 7144;
+ };
+ 4E75D0321368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 37";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1034;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1381;
+ vrLoc = 278;
+ };
+ 4E75D0331368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8909;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1942;
+ vrLoc = 6790;
+ };
+ 4E75D0341368BAC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 248";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8849;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1926;
+ vrLoc = 6865;
+ };
+ 4E75D0381368BAEB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 250";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8988;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1881;
+ vrLoc = 6991;
+ };
+ 4E75D03C1368BC1200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 250";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8959;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1403;
+ vrLoc = 4125;
+ };
+ 4E75D0401368BCC900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 234";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8130;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1737;
+ vrLoc = 8678;
+ };
+ 4E75D0441368BD2D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 122";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 4256;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1360;
+ vrLoc = 3336;
+ };
+ 4E75D0461368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 356";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 621;
+ vrLoc = 11038;
+ };
+ 4E75D0471368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 61";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1789;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 514;
+ vrLoc = 1623;
+ };
+ 4E75D0481368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ rLen = 9;
+ rLoc = 4043;
+ rType = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0491368C1CE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 117";
+ rLen = 9;
+ rLoc = 4043;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 854;
+ vrLoc = 3024;
+ };
+ 4E75D04C1368C22300ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 250";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8637;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 2161;
+ vrLoc = 6709;
+ };
+ 4E75D0501368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E68282E13594C48001EB808 /* Topic.m */;
+ name = "Topic.m: 70";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2465;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1635;
+ vrLoc = 1214;
+ };
+ 4E75D0511368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 81";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2587;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1638;
+ vrLoc = 1925;
+ };
+ 4E75D0521368C2D100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 82";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2712;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1692;
+ vrLoc = 1925;
+ };
+ 4E75D0541368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1760;
+ vrLoc = 9615;
+ };
+ 4E75D0551368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE61363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.h */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.h: 22";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 502;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 576;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0561368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 31";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 699;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1217;
+ vrLoc = 85;
+ };
+ 4E75D0571368C35F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 31";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 699;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1217;
+ vrLoc = 85;
+ };
+ 4E75D05E1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE61363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.h */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.h: 22";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 502;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 576;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D05F1368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 70";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1738;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1345;
+ vrLoc = 816;
+ };
+ 4E75D0601368C68800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 80";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2097;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1036;
+ vrLoc = 3;
+ };
+ 4E75D0641368C76B00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 33";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 688;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1027;
+ vrLoc = 39;
+ };
+ 4E75D0681368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
+ name = "SectionDictionary.m: 33";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 688;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1035;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0691368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1752;
+ vrLoc = 9615;
+ };
+ 4E75D06A1368C8D000ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10422;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1688;
+ vrLoc = 9654;
+ };
+ 4E75D06F1368C96200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10399;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1680;
+ vrLoc = 9742;
+ };
+ 4E75D0731368C9AF00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 299";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10364;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1717;
+ vrLoc = 9744;
+ };
+ 4E75D0791368CA7E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10422;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1776;
+ vrLoc = 9846;
+ };
+ 4E75D07C1368CAD500ED9C9D /* TopicsViewController.m:307 */ = {
+ isa = PBXFileBreakpoint;
+ actions = (
+ );
+ breakpointStyle = 0;
+ continueAfterActions = 0;
+ countType = 0;
+ delayBeforeContinue = 0;
+ fileReference = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ functionName = "-tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:";
+ hitCount = 0;
+ ignoreCount = 0;
+ lineNumber = 307;
+ location = PicCast;
+ modificationTime = 325636896.816346;
+ originalNumberOfMultipleMatches = 1;
+ state = 2;
+ };
+ 4E75D0801368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 300";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10365;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1776;
+ vrLoc = 9789;
+ };
+ 4E75D0811368CB1D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 245";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 8129;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 2040;
+ vrLoc = 6914;
+ };
+ 4E75D0841368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 365";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 515;
+ vrLoc = 11323;
+ };
+ 4E75D0851368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ rLen = 6;
+ rLoc = 768;
+ rType = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0861368CC5F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 33";
+ rLen = 6;
+ rLoc = 768;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 828;
+ vrLoc = 496;
+ };
+ 4E75D0871368CC6A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 33";
+ rLen = 6;
+ rLoc = 768;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1432;
+ vrLoc = 10774;
+ };
+ 4E75D08C1368CD0100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 316";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1761;
+ vrLoc = 9747;
+ };
+ 4E75D0921368CD8F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 317";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1678;
+ vrLoc = 10259;
+ };
+ 4E75D0941368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 370";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 580;
+ vrLoc = 10765;
+ };
+ 4E75D0951368CDA400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 33";
+ rLen = 6;
+ rLoc = 768;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 830;
+ vrLoc = 496;
+ };
+ 4E75D0981368CDCD00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 299";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 9915;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1801;
+ vrLoc = 9064;
+ };
+ 4E75D09C1368CE2E00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 33";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 750;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1498;
+ vrLoc = 42;
+ };
+ 4E75D0A21368CE7C00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 34";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 952;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1545;
+ vrLoc = 88;
+ };
+ 4E75D0A61368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ rLen = 10;
+ rLoc = 12423;
+ rType = 0;
+ };
+ 4E75D0A71368CEF100ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 342";
+ rLen = 10;
+ rLoc = 12423;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1574;
+ vrLoc = 10992;
+ };
+ 4E75D0AB1368CFAC00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 294";
+ rLen = 268;
+ rLoc = 9915;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1865;
+ vrLoc = 9548;
+ };
+ 4E75D0AF1368CFCE00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 34";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 952;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1448;
+ vrLoc = 557;
+ };
+ 4E75D0B11368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 370";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 13290;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 595;
+ vrLoc = 10659;
+ };
+ 4E75D0B21368D01800ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 342";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 12462;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 870;
+ vrLoc = 11290;
+ };
+ 4E75D0B51368D03A00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 34";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 858;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1544;
+ vrLoc = 596;
+ };
+ 4E75D0B91368D06500ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 35";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 948;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1562;
+ vrLoc = 634;
+ };
+ 4E75D0BD1368D0CB00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 320";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1818;
+ vrLoc = 10168;
+ };
+ 4E75D0C51368D1B400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 333";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 11625;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1948;
+ vrLoc = 10168;
+ };
+ 4E75D0C81368D20200ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 319";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 11086;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1799;
+ vrLoc = 10427;
+ };
+ 4E75D0CC1368D23400ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 319";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10999;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1819;
+ vrLoc = 10511;
+ };
+ 4E75D0D01368D2B900ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 322";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 11237;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1779;
+ vrLoc = 10560;
+ };
+ 4E75D0D41368D31F00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 319";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 10993;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1783;
+ vrLoc = 10656;
+ };
+ 4E75D0D81368D33D00ED9C9D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 323";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 11237;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1727;
+ vrLoc = 10756;
+ };
4E8CFDB41361F7C900B810C6 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4ED6DB25135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJCircularBuffer.h */;
@@ -3236,9 +4187,9 @@
4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1160, 2964}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{3429, 24}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{3268, 801}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {793, 2951}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{1789, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{1623, 514}";
4EA96020135CF43B009243EE /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -3294,16 +4245,16 @@
4EB53EE61363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.h */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 600}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{222, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{0, 502}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 648}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{502, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{0, 576}";
4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 884}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{568, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{416, 1222}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 1157}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{688, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{0, 1035}";
4EB53EF113637BF8009A5AC5 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -3386,6 +4337,13 @@
vrLen = 1181;
vrLoc = 1484;
+ 4EB5426D13653A50009A5AC5 /* CJSONDeserializer.m */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {950, 2132}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2451, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{1982, 1156}";
+ };
+ };
4EB542A6136541D2009A5AC5 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4EB53EC5136359E3009A5AC5 /* FMDatabase.m */;
@@ -3481,9 +4439,9 @@
4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{9913, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{9964, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{10014, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 10786}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1055, 4524}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{8106, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{6570, 1763}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1055, 4537}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{6990, 129}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{5874, 1855}";
4ECFB856135FD34B007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewCell.h */ = {
@@ -3594,6 +4552,13 @@
sepNavVisRange = "{0, 1104}";
+ 4ED6DB24135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJCircularBuffer.m */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 1950}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{3098, 5}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{2175, 944}";
+ };
+ };
4ED6DB25135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJCircularBuffer.h */ = {
uiCtxt = {
sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 585}}";
@@ -3674,7 +4639,7 @@
fRef = 4EB53EE71363773B009A5AC5 /* SectionDictionary.m */;
name = "SectionDictionary.m: 30";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 568;
+ rLoc = 751;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1233;
vrLoc = 85;
@@ -3761,7 +4726,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 87";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2369;
+ rLoc = 2713;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1354;
vrLoc = 2407;
@@ -3771,7 +4736,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 63";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 1696;
+ rLoc = 1866;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1686;
vrLoc = 1381;