path: root/other
diff options
authorbnewbold <bnewbold@eta.mit.edu>2009-01-16 18:59:40 -0500
committerbnewbold <bnewbold@eta.mit.edu>2009-01-16 18:59:40 -0500
commit474f620ecc069600b82c22c753c11fbe46494055 (patch)
tree15de5ffeeb5c489bb1a4a65971454410f4512e5c /other
parentb90b707a750e5ca712e44ea54918407728583f8d (diff)
moved some files
Diffstat (limited to 'other')
5 files changed, 2195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/other/edwin-cheatsheet.txt b/other/edwin-cheatsheet.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ffd2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/edwin-cheatsheet.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+-*-mode: Text; tab-width: 4; -*-
+ (keep under your pillow)
+ 6.090, IAP 2005
+Reading Edwin key combinations:
+ C-x Ctrl+x
+ M-x Alt+x
+ C-x, y Ctrl+x, release both, y
+ C-M-x Ctrl+Alt+x
+Stuff You *Need* to Know:
+ Starting Edwin Start Menu > MIT Scheme > Edwin
+ Quitting Edwin C-x, C-c
+ Opening a file C-x, C-f
+ Closing a file (aka buffer) C-x, k
+ Evaluate current expression C-x, C-e
+ (expression ending just before
+ insertion point)
+ Evaluate entire buffer
+ (works only on Scheme files!) M-o
+The Edwin Window and Scheme:
+ When you start it, the Edwin window looks like a plain text
+ editor. It has a large blank area for entering text, one black
+ line at the bottom with some information displayed (the modeline),
+ and a blank white line below that (the minibuffer).
+ The text area
+ is where the file you're viewing shows up. You can edit the
+ file here, with the usual keys (up, down, page up, left... you
+ get the idea).
+ The modeline
+ displays the name of the current buffer (file), your position
+ in it, and the kind of file Edwin thinks it is (text, scheme
+ code etc.).
+ The minibuffer
+ is where you interact with Edwin's commands. For example, when
+ you press C-x, C-f to open a file, you enter the filename in
+ the minibuffer.
+ Edwin is more than just an editor, though. It also features a
+ Scheme evaluator, to which it can send your code. So when you
+ press C-x, C-e at the end of an expression, it gets evaluated by
+ this evaluator (more on evaluators and evaluation in class).
+ Try out the key combinations below to see what they do. Don't try
+ to memorize them. Your finger muscles will learn them as time goes
+ on :-)
+Inessential Edwin:
+ Editing
+ Marking/selecting text Go to one end of the block, press
+ C-space, go to the other end. You won't
+ see any visual indication of the
+ selection.
+ Cut C-w
+ Copy M-w
+ Paste C-y
+ Cut from point to end of like C-k
+ Multiple Windows and Buffers
+ Switch buffer C-x, b
+ Switch window C-x, o
+ Split window vertically C-x, 2
+ Split window horizontally C-x, 3
+ Delete current split C-x, 0
+ Create new frame (window) C-x, 5, 2
+ Delete current frame C-x, 5, 0
+Interactive Scheme:
+ When you are in the buffer called *scheme*, everything you type goes
+ directly to the evaluator, and the results are displayed below your
+ expressions. When you make an error, the evaluator gives you a set of
+ choices to help you debug your code. Usually, it is best to type (restart 1)
+ at the next prompt to abort the current evaluation, so you can go back and
+ examine your code to see what went wrong. For more advanced debugging tools,
+ talk to an LA.
diff --git a/other/little_schemer.scm b/other/little_schemer.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a31425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/little_schemer.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+; Play-along log to The Little Schemer by Friedman and Felleisen
+; Jan 2008, bryan newbold
+; Preface: define and test primative
+(define atom?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
+(atom? (quote ()))
+; Chapter 01: Toys
+(car '(c b a)) ; returns c
+(cdr '(c b a)) ; returns '(b a)
+;(car ()) ; gives an error, () is null (but is still a list)
+; [[ Law of Car ]]
+; The primative car is defind only for non-empty lists.
+; [[ Law of Cdr ]]
+; The primative cdr is defined only for non-empty lists. The cdr of any
+; non-empty list is always another list.
+(cons 2 3) ; returns (2 . 3), though book says undefined.
+(cons 'a ()) ; returns (a)
+; [[ Law of Cons ]]
+; The primative cons takes two arguments. The second argument to cons must be
+; a list. The result is a list.
+(null? ()) ; #t
+(null? 3) ; #f
+;(null? (() ())); error
+;(null? ('() '())) ; error
+(null? '(() ())) ; #f
+(null? 'asdf) ; #f, book says undefined
+;(cdr (1)) ; error!
+(cdr '(1)) ; reurns ()
+; [[ Law of Null? ]]
+; The primative null? is defined only for lists.
+; [[ Law of Eq? ]]
+; The primative eq? takes two arguments. Each must be a non-numeric atom.
+; in practice some numbers can be eq? ?
+; Chapter 02: Do It, Do It Again, and Again, and Again...
+(define lat?
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) #t)
+ ((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
+ (else #f))))
+; lat = list of atoms
+(lat? '(a b c d)) ; #t
+(lat? '('(1 2 3) 4 5 6)) ; #f
+(lat? ()) ; #t
+(define member?
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (or (eq? (car lat) a)
+ (member? a (cdr lat)))))))
+(member? 'beef '(meat and potatoes and beef)) ; #t
+(member? 'tofu ()) ; #f
+; {{ The First Commandment }}
+; When recurring on a list of atoms, lat, ask two questions about it:
+; (null? lat) and else.
+; When recurring on a number, n, ask two questions about it: (zero? n) and
+; else.
+; When recurring on a list of S-expressions, l, ask three questions about it:
+; (null? l), (atom? (car l)), and else.
+; Chapter 03: Cons the Magnificent
+(define rember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
+ (else (cons (car lat)
+ (rember a (cdr lat)))))))
+(rember 'and '(peanut butter and jelly)) ; (peanut butter jelly)
+; {{ The Second Commandment }}
+; Use cons to build lists.
+; returns list of first elements off each list in a list of lists ;)
+(define firsts
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) ())
+ (else (cons (car (car l)) (firsts (cdr l)))))))
+(firsts '((a b c) (1 2 3) (j k l))) ; (a 1 j)
+; {{ The Third Commandment }}
+; When building a list, describe the first typical element, and then
+; cons it onto the natural recursion.
+(define insertR
+ (lambda (new old lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? old (car lat)) (cons (car lat) (cons new (cdr lat))))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (insertR new old (cdr lat)))))))
+(insertR 'jalapeno 'and '(tacos tamales and salsa))
+; (tacos tamales and jalapeno salsa)
+(define insertL
+ (lambda (new old lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? old (car lat)) (cons new lat))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (insertL new old (cdr lat)))))))
+(insertL 'now 'please '(do it please)) ; (do it now please)
+(define subst
+ (lambda (new old lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? old (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (subst new old (cdr lat)))))))
+(subst 'both 'and '(meat and potatoes)) ; (meat both potatoes)
+(define subst2
+ (lambda (new o1 o2 lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? o1 (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
+ ((eq? o2 (car lat)) (cons new (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (subst2 new o1 o2 (cdr lat)))))))
+(subst2 'a 'q 'r '(a s d r q)) ; (a s d a q)
+(subst2 'a 'q 'r '(a s q d r)) ; (a s a d r)
+(define multirember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) a) (multirember a (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (multirember a (cdr lat)))))))
+(multirember 'd '(a d b d s g r c d d d w r)) ; (a b s g r c w r)
+; {{ The Fourth Commandment }}
+; Always change at least one argument while recurring. It must be changed to
+; be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the
+; termination condition: when using cdr, test temrination with null?.
+; Chapter 04: Numbers Games
+(atom? 0) ; #t
+(atom? 3.123123132) ; #t
+(atom? -12i) ; #t
+(define add1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (+ n 1)))
+(add1 67)
+(define sub1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (- n 1)))
+(sub1 0) ; -1
+(sub1 -12i) ; -1-12i
+(sub1 +2i) ; -1+2i
+(zero? 2) ; #f
+; doesn't handle negatives!
+(define o+
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? b) a)
+ (else (o+ (add1 a) (sub1 b))))))
+(o+ 12 3)
+(define o-
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? b) a)
+ (else (o- (sub1 a) (sub1 b))))))
+(o- 12 3) ; 9
+(o- 10 25) ; -15
+;(o- 4 -1) ; infinite loop!
+(zero? ()) ; #f
+(define addtup
+ (lambda (tup)
+ (cond
+ ((null? tup) 0)
+ (else (o+ (car tup) (addtup (cdr tup)))))))
+(addtup '(1 1 1 1 1)) ; 5
+(addtup '()) ; 0
+(define ox
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? b) 0)
+ (else (o+ a (ox a (sub1 b)))))))
+(ox 4 4) ; 16
+;(ox 12983761498 12983472) ; max recursion depth exceeded ;(
+;(ox 39485 345) ; SLOW!
+; {{ The Fourth Commandment }}
+; Always change at least one argument while recurring. It must be changed to be
+; closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the
+; termination condition:
+; when using cdr, test termination with null? and
+; when using sub1, test termination with zero?.
+; {{ The Fifth Commandment }}
+; When building a value with +, always use 0 for the value of the terminating
+; line, for adding 0 does not change the value of an addition.
+; When building a value with x, always use 1 for the value of the terminating
+; line, for multiplying by 1 does not change the value of a multiplication.
+; When building a value with cons, always condsider () for the value of the
+; terminating line.
+(define tup+
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((or (null? a) (null? b)) ())
+ (else (cons (o+ (car a) (car b)) (tup+ (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+; the book uses 'and' instead of 'or' because it specifies the tups must
+; be of equal length
+(tup+ '(1 2 3 4 5) '(5 4 3 2 1)) ; (6 6 6 6 6)
+; improved version
+(define tup+
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((and (null? a) (null? b)) (quote ()))
+ ((null? a) b)
+ ((null? b) a)
+ (else (cons (o+ (car a) (car b)) (tup+ (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+(tup+ '(1 2 3 4 5) '(5 4)) ; (6 6 3 4 5)
+(define o>
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? a) #f)
+ ((zero? b) #t)
+ (else (o> (sub1 a) (sub1 b))))))
+(o> 5 6) ; #t
+(o> 7 7) ; #f
+(define length
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) 0)
+ (else (add1 (length (cdr lat)))))))
+(length '(a b c d)) ; 4
+(length (quote ())) ; 0
+(define pick
+ (lambda (n lat)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? (sub1 n)) (car lat))
+ (else (pick (sub1 n) (cdr lat))))))
+(define rempick
+ (lambda (n lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((zero? n) (cdr lat))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (rempick (sub1 n) (cdr lat)))))))
+(rempick 3 `(this sentance has like a billion words))
+(define no-nums
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((number? (car lat)) (no-nums (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (no-nums (cdr lat)))))))
+(no-nums '(this 1 sentance has 56 other numbers 23 built-in))
+(define all-nums
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((number? (car lat)) (cons (car lat) (all-nums (cdr lat))))
+ (else (all-nums (cdr lat))))))
+(all-nums '(this 1 sentance has 56 other numbers 23 built-in))
+(define eqan?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((and (number? a) (number? b)) (= a b))
+ ((or (number? a) (number? b)) #f)
+ (else (eq? a b)))))
+(eq? 1 1) ; #t
+(eqan? 2 3) ; #f
+(define occur
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) 0)
+ ((eq? a (car lat)) (add1 (occur a (cdr lat))))
+ (else (occur a (cdr lat))))))
+(occur 'n '(a n d that's all n folks!)) ; 2
+(occur 123 '(1 2 3 4)) ; 0
+; Chapter 05: Oh My Gawd: It's full of Stars
+(define rember*
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? a (car l)) (cdr l))
+ (else (cons (car l) (rember* a (cdr l))))))
+ (else (cons (rember* a (car l)) (rember* a (cdr l)))))))
+(rember* 'sauce '(((tomato sauce))
+ ((bean) sauce)
+ (and ((flying)) sauce)))
+(define insertR*
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? old (car l)) (cons (car l) (cons new (cdr l))))
+ (else (cons (car l) (insertR* new old (cdr l))))))
+ (else (cons (insertR* new old (car l)) (insertR* new old (cdr l)))))))
+(insertR* 'roast 'chuck '((how much (wood))
+ could
+ ((a (wood) chuck))
+ (((chuck)))
+ (if (a) ((wood chuck)))
+ could chuck wood))
+(define occur*
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) 0)
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? (car l) a) (add1 (occur* a (cdr l))))
+ (else (occur* a (cdr l)))))
+ (else (o+ (occur* a (car l)) (occur* a (cdr l)))))))
+(occur* 'banana '((banana)
+ (split ((((banana ice)))
+ (cream (banana))
+ sherbet))
+ (banana)
+ (bread)
+ (banana brandy)))
+(define subst*
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? old (car l)) (cons new (subst* new old (cdr l))))
+ (else (cons (car l) (subst* new old (cdr l))))))
+ (else (cons (subst* new old (car l)) (subst* new old (cdr l)))))))
+(subst* 'orange 'banana '((banana)
+ (split ((((banana ice)))
+ (cream (banana))
+ sherbet))
+ (banana)
+ (bread)
+ (banana brandy)))
+(define insertL*
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? old (car l))
+ (cons new (cons
+ (car l)
+ (insertL* new old (cdr l)))))
+ (else (cons (car l) (insertL* new old (cdr l))))))
+ (else (cons (insertL* new old (car l)) (insertL* new old (cdr l)))))))
+(insertL* 'pecker 'chuck '((how much (wood))
+ could
+ ((a (wood) chuck))
+ (((chuck)))
+ (id (a) ((wood chuck)))
+ could chuck wood))
+(define member*
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) #f)
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? a (car l)) #t)
+ (else (member* a (cdr l)))))
+ (else (or (member* a (car l)) (member* a (cdr l)))))))
+(member* 'chips '((potato (chips ((with) fish) (chips))))) ; #t
+(member* 'beef '(meat ((and potatoes)) (with brocolli))) ; #f
+; list must not contain null list!
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (car l))
+ (else (leftmost (car l))))))
+(leftmost '(((hot) (tuna (and))) cheese))
+(define eqlist?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((and (null? a) (null? b)) #t)
+ ((or (null? a) (null? b)) #f)
+ ((and (atom? (car a)) (atom? (car b)))
+ (and (eqan? (car a) (car b))
+ (and (eqlist? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
+ ((or (atom? (car a)) (atom? (car b))) #f)
+ (else (and (eqlist? (car a) (car b)) (eqlist? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+ '(beef ((sausage)) (and (soda)))
+ '(beef ((sausage)) (and (soda)))) ; #t
+ '(beef ((sausag)) (and (soda)))
+ '(beef ((sausage)) (and))) ; #f
+(eqlist? '(ff (1 2) (a)) '(ff (1 2) (b))) ; #f
+(eqan? 'sausag 'sausage) ; #f
+; new definition allows removal of S-expressions
+(define rember
+ (lambda (s l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((equal? s (car l)) (cdr l))
+ (else (cons (car l) (rember s (cdr l)))))))
+; these next two I just copied after the fact, didn't think I would
+; need them at the time
+(define equal?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((and (atom? a) (atom? b)) (eqan? a b))
+ ((or (atom? a) (atom? b)) #f)
+ (else (eqlist? a b)))))
+(equal? '(this ((is more) complicated))
+ '(this ((is more) complicated))) ; #t
+(equal? '(this ((is more) complicated))
+ '(this ((is) complicated))) ; #f
+(equal? '4' '(4 5)) ; #f
+(define rember
+ (lambda (s l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((equal? (car l) s) (cdr l))
+ (else (cons (car l) (rember s (cdr l)))))))
+(rember 'q '(a b e d q))
+(rember '4 '(1 2 3 (4 5) 8))
+(rember '(4 5) '(1 2 3 (4 5) 6 7 8))
+; {{ The Sixth Commandment }}
+; Simplify only after the function is correct.
+; Chapter 06: Shadows
+(define numbered?
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (cond
+ ((null? aexp) #f)
+ ((atom? aexp) (number? aexp))
+ ((or (eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote +))
+ (eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote -))
+ (eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote ^)))
+ (and (numbered? (car aexp)) (numbered? (car (cdr (cdr aexp))))))
+ (else #f))))
+(numbered? '(1 + 3)) ; #t
+(numbered? '((4 ^ 3) - 4)) ; #t
+(numbered? '(a + 2 + (r ^ 2))) ; #f
+(numbered? '(1 _ 3 + 5 + Q)) ; #f
+(numbered? '(1 + 4 ^ 8 + r)) ; #t???? should only have two expressions
+(numbered? '((1 + 4) ^ (8 + r))) ; #f
+;book likes to make assumptions, namely that aexp is definately an algebraic
+(define numbered?
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? aexp) (number? aexp))
+ (else (and (numbered? (car aexp))
+ (numbered? (car (cdr (cdr aexp)))))))))
+(numbered? '1)
+(numbered? '(1 + 1))
+(define value
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? aexp) aexp)
+ ((eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote +)) (+ (value (car aexp))
+ (value (car (cdr (cdr aexp))))))
+ ((eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote -)) (- (value (car aexp))
+ (value (car (cdr (cdr aexp))))))
+ ((eq? (car (cdr aexp)) (quote ^))
+ (expt (value (car aexp))
+ (value (car (cdr (cdr aexp)))))))))
+(value '(1 + 1))
+(value '(3 ^ 3))
+(value '(5 - (2 ^ 2)))
+(define 1st-sub-exp
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (car aexp)))
+(define 2nd-sub-exp
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (car (cdr (cdr aexp)))))
+(define operator
+ (lambda (aexp)
+ (car (cdr aexp))))
+; {{ The Seventh Commandment }}
+; Recur on the subpart that are of the same nature:
+; * on the sublists of a list.
+; * on the subexpressions of an arthmetic expression.
+; {{ The Eighth Commandment }}
+; Use help functions to abstract from representations.
+(define sero?
+ (lambda (n)
+ (null? n)))
+(sero? '()) ; #t
+(sero? '(() ())) ; #f
+(define edd1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cons (quote ()) n)))
+(define zub1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cdr n)))
+;(define o+
+; (lambda (n m)
+; (cond
+; ((sero? m) n)
+; (else (edd1 (o+ n (zub1 m)))))))
+;(o+ '(() ()) '(() () ())) ; (() () () () ())
+;(lat? (() () () () ())) ; error!
+; Chapter 07: Friends and Relations
+(define set?
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #t)
+ ((member? (car lat) (cdr lat)) #f)
+ (else (set? (cdr lat))))))
+(set? '(this is a sentance with no repeats)) ; #t
+(set? '()) ; #t
+(set? '(this is a sentance with repeats, so this is not a set)); #f
+(define makeset
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((member? (car lat) (cdr lat)) (makeset (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (makeset (cdr lat)))))))
+(makeset '(a b c b c c c d e f))
+; is every element of the first in the second?
+(define subset?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? a) #t)
+ ((member? (car a) b) (subset? (cdr a) b))
+ (else #f))))
+(subset? '() '(1 2 3)) ; #t
+(subset? '(a b c) '(1 4 b 6 c 1 a)) ; #t
+(subset? '(a b c) '(1 4 b 6 1 a)) ; #f
+(define eqset?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (and (subset? a b) (subset? b a))))
+(eqset? '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 1 2)) ; #t
+(eqset? '(1 2 3 4 5) '(3 4 1 2)) ; #f
+(define intersect?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? a) #f)
+ (else (or (member? (car a) b) (intersect? (cdr a) b))))))
+(intersect? '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) ; #f
+(intersect? '(a B c) '(1 2 3 B 5)) ; #t
+(define intersect
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? a) (quote ()))
+ ((member? (car a) b) (cons (car a) (intersect (cdr a) b)))
+ (else (intersect (cdr a) b)))))
+(intersect '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) ; ()
+(intersect '(a b c) '(1 b c 4 5)) ; (b c)
+(define union
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? a) b)
+ ((member? (car a) b) (union (cdr a) b))
+ (else (union (cdr a) (cons (car a) b))))))
+(union '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
+(union '(a b c) '(a b 3))
+(define intersectall
+ (lambda (l-set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? (cdr l-set)) (car l-set))
+ (else (intersect (car l-set) (intersectall (cdr l-set)))))))
+(intersectall '((a b c) (c a d e) (e f g h a b))) ; (a)
+(define a-pair?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((null? x) #f)
+ ((atom? x) #f)
+ ((null? (cdr x)) #f)
+ ((null? (cdr (cdr x))) #t)
+ (else #f))))
+(define first
+ (lambda (p) (car p)))
+(define second
+ (lambda (p) (car (cdr p))))
+(define build
+ (lambda (a b) (cons a (cons b (quote ())))))
+(define third
+ (lambda (p) (car (cdr (cdr p)))))
+; a rel is a relation: a list of pairs
+(firsts '((a b) (c d) (e f))) ; # (a c e), from an earlier chapter
+(define fun?
+ (lambda (rel)
+ (set? (firsts rel))))
+(define revrel
+ (lambda (rel)
+ (cond
+ ((null? rel) (quote ()))
+ (else (cons (build (second (car rel)) (first (car rel)))
+ (revrel (cdr rel)))))))
+(revrel '((a b) (1 2) (here there)))
+(define revpair
+ (lambda (p)
+ (build (second p) (first p))))
+(define revrel
+ (lambda (rel)
+ (cond
+ ((null? rel) (quote ()))
+ (else (cons (revpair (car rel)) (revrel (cdr rel)))))))
+(define fullfun?
+ (lambda (fun)
+ (set? (seconds fun))))
+(define one-to-one?
+ (lambda (fun)
+ (fun? (revrel fun))))
+; Chapter 08: Lambda the Ultimate
+(define rember-f
+ (lambda (test? a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((test? a (car l)) (rember-f test? a (cdr l)))
+ (else (cons (car l) (rember-f test? a (cdr l)))))))
+(rember-f equal? '(pop corn) '(lemonade (pop corn) and (cake)))
+; Currying: Moses Schonfinkel and Haskell Curry
+(define eq?-c
+ (lambda (a)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (eq? x a))))
+((eq?-c 'salad) 'salad) ; #t
+(define eq?-salad (eq?-c 'salad))
+(eq?-salad 'salad) ; #t
+(define rember-f
+ (lambda (test?)
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((test? a (car l)) ((rember-f test?) a (cdr l)))
+ (else (cons (car l) ((rember-f test?) a (cdr l))))))))
+(define rember-eq? (rember-f eq?))
+(rember-eq? 'tuna '(tuna salad is good))
+(define insertL-f
+ (lambda (test?)
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((test? (car l) old)
+ (cons new (cons old (cdr l))))
+ (else (cons (car l)
+ ((insertL-f test?) new old (cdr l))))))))
+(define seqL
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cons new (cons old l))))
+(define seqR
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cons old (cons new l))))
+(define insert-g
+ (lambda (seq)
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car l) old) (seq new old (cdr l)))
+ (else (cons (car l) ((insert-g seq) new old (cdr l))))))))
+(define insertL (insert-g seqL))
+(define insertR (insert-g seqR))
+(define insertL (insert-g
+ (lambda (new old l)
+ (cons new (cons old l)))))
+(insertL 'BUT 'then '(where but for the end then))
+(define seqS
+ (lambda (new old l) (cons new l)))
+(define subst (insert-g seqS))
+(subst 'both 'and '(meat and potatoes))
+; {{ The Ninth Commandment }}
+; Abstract common patterns with a new function.
+(define atom-to-function
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((eq? x (quote +)) +)
+ ((eq? x (quote x)) ox)
+ (else expt))))
+(expt 4 4) ; 256
+(+ 4 4) ; 8
+(ox 4 4)
+(o+ 4 4)
+(atom-to-function (operator '(+ 5 3))) ; plus function
+(define value
+ (lambda (nexp)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? nexp) nexp)
+ (else
+ ((atom-to-function (operator nexp))
+ (value (1st-sub-exp nexp))
+ (value (2nd-sub-exp nexp)))))))
+(value '(4 + 2))
+(define multirember-f
+ (lambda (test?)
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((test? a (car lat)) ((multirember-f test?) a (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) ((multirember-f test?) a (cdr lat))))))))
+((multirember-f eq?) 'tuna '(shrimp salad tuna salad and tuna))
+(define eq?-tuna (eq?-c (quote tuna)))
+(eq?-tuna (quote tuna)) ; #t
+(define multiremberT
+ (lambda (test? lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((test? (car lat)) (multiremberT test? (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (multiremberT test? (cdr lat)))))))
+(multiremberT eq?-tuna '(shrimp salad tuna salad and tuna))
+(define a-friend
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (null? y)))
+; col is a collector
+(define multirember&co
+ (lambda (a lat col)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (col (quote ()) (quote ())))
+ ((eq? (car lat) a) (multirember&co
+ a
+ (cdr lat)
+ (lambda (newlat seen)
+ (col newlat (cons (car lat) seen)))))
+ (else (multirember&co a (cdr lat)
+ (lambda (newlat seen)
+ (col (cons (car lat) newlat) seen)))))))
+(define new-friend
+ (lambda (newlat seen)
+ (a-friend newlat (cons (quote tuna) seen))))
+; {{ The Tenth Commandment }}
+; Build functions to collect more than one value at a time.
+(define multiinsertL
+ (lambda (new old lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) old) (cons new
+ (multiinsertL new old (cdr lat))))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (multiinsertL new old (cdr lat)))))))
+(define multiinsertR
+ (lambda (new old lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) old) (cons new
+ (multiinsertR new old (cdr lat))))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (multiinsertR new old (cdr lat)))))))
+(define multiinsertLR
+ (lambda (new oldL oldR lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) oldL)
+ (cons new (cons oldL
+ (multiinsertLR new oldL oldR (cdr lat)))))
+ ((eq? (car lat) oldR)
+ (cons new (multiinsertLR new oldL oldR (cdr lat))))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (multiinsertLR new oldL oldR (cdr lat)))))))
+(define multiinsertLR&co
+ (lambda (new oldL oldR lat col)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (col (quote ()) 0 0))
+ ((eq? (car lat) oldL)
+ (multiinsertLR&co new oldL oldR (cdr lat)
+ (lambda (newlat L R)
+ (col (cons new
+ (cons oldL newlat)) (add1 L) R))))
+ ((eq? (car lat) oldR)
+ (multiinsertLR&co new oldL oldR (cdr lat)
+ (lambda (newlat L R)
+ (col (cons oldR (cons new newlat)) L (add1 R)))))
+ (else (multiinsertLR&co new oldL oldR
+ (cdr lat)
+ (lambda (newlat L R)
+ (col (cons (car lat) newlat)
+ L R)))))))
+(multiinsertLR&co 'salty 'fish 'chips
+ '(chips and fish or fish and chips)
+ (lambda (lat L R)
+ R)) ; 2
+(multiinsertLR&co 'salty 'fish 'chips
+ '(chips and fish or fish and chips)
+ (lambda (lat L R)
+ lat))
+(define even?
+ (lambda (n)
+ (= (* (round (/ n 2)) 2) n)))
+(round 3/2) ; 2
+(= 1 1) ; #t
+(/ 4 2) ; 2
+(* 4 2) ; 8
+(even? 3) ; #f
+(define evens-only*
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((even? (car l)) (cons (car l)
+ (evens-only* (cdr l))))
+ (else (evens-only* (cdr l)))))
+ (else (cons (evens-only* (car l)) (evens-only* (cdr l)))))))
+(evens-only* '((9 1 2 8) 3 10 ((9 9) 7 6) 2))
+; ((2 8) 10 (() 6) 2)
+(define col-odds
+ (lambda (l p s) l))
+(define col-p
+ (lambda (l p s) p))
+(define col-s
+ (lambda (l p s) s))
+(define evens-only*&co
+ (lambda (l col)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (col (quote ()) 1 0))
+ ((atom? (car l))
+ (cond
+ ((even? (car l)) (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
+ (lambda (newl p s)
+ (col (cons (car l) newl)
+ (* p (car l))
+ s))))
+ (else (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
+ (lambda (newl p s)
+ (col newl
+ p
+ (+ s (car l))))))))
+ (else
+ (evens-only*&co (car l)
+ (lambda (al ap as)
+ (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
+ (lambda (dl dp ds)
+ (col (cons al dl)
+ (* ap dp)
+ (+ as ds))))))))))
+(evens-only*&co '((9 1 2 8) 3 10 ((9 9) 7 6) 2)
+ (lambda (newl p s)
+ (cons s (cons p newl)))) ; (38 1920 (2 8) 10 (() 6) 2)
+; Chapter 09: ... and Again, and Again, and Again, ...
+(define looking
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (keep-looking a (pick 1 lat) lat)))
+; sorn is a symbol or a number
+(define keep-looking
+ (lambda (a sorn lat)
+ (cond
+ ((number? sorn) (keep-looking a (pick sorn lat) lat))
+ (else (eq? sorn a)))))
+(looking 'caviar '(6 2 4 caviar 5 7 3)) ; #t
+(looking 'caviar '(6 2 grits caviar 5 7 3)) ; #f
+; total functions terminate for all finite inputs?
+; partial functions terminate for only some inputs?
+(define shift
+ (lambda (pair)
+ (build (first (first pair))
+ (build (second (first pair))
+ (second pair)))))
+(shift '((a b) c)); (a (b c))
+;(shift '(a (b c))); error
+; pora = pair or atom
+(define align
+ (lambda (pora)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? pora) pora)
+ ((a-pair? (first pora)) (align (shift pora)))
+ (else (build (first pora) (align (second pora)))))))
+(define length*
+ (lambda (pora)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? pora) l)
+ (else (length* (first pora)) (length* (second pora))))))
+(define weight*
+ (lambda (pora)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? pora) 1)
+ (else (+ (* 2 (weight* (first pora)))
+ (weight* (second pora)))))))
+(weight* '((a b) c)) ; 7
+(weight* '(a (b c))) ; 5
+(define shuffle
+ (lambda (pora)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? pora) pora)
+ ((a-pair? (first pora)) (shuffle (revpair pora)))
+ (else (build (first pora) (shuffle (second pora)))))))
+(shuffle '(a b)) ; (a b)
+; (shuffle '((a b) (c d))) ; infinite recursion
+; Collatz function?
+(define C
+ (lambda (n)
+ (cond
+ ((one? n) 1)
+ (else (cond
+ ((even? n) (C (/ n 2)))
+ (else (C (add1 (* 3 n)))))))))
+; (C 0) ; infinite recursion?
+(C 1) ; 1
+(C 2) ; 1
+(C 8) ; 1
+; Ackermann function
+(define A
+ (lambda (n m)
+ (cond
+ ((zero? n) (add1 m))
+ ((zero? m) (A (sub1 n) 1))
+ (else (A (sub1 n) (A n (sub1 m)))))))
+(A 1 0) ; 2
+(A 2 2) ; 7
+(A 3 3) ; 61
+(A 3 4) ; 125
+; (A 4 3) ; ocean boiling?
+(define eternity
+ (lambda (x) (eternity x)))
+; got lost here a bit...
+; Chapter 10: What is the Value of All of This?
+(define new-entry build)
+(define lookup-in-entry
+ (lambda (name entry entry-f)
+ (lookup-in-entry-help name
+ (first entry)
+ (second entry)
+ entry-f)))
+(define lookup-in-entry-help
+ (lambda (name names values entry-f)
+ (cond
+ ((null? names) (entry-f name))
+ ((eq? (car names) name) (car values))
+ (else (lookup-in-entry-help name (cdr names) (cdr values) entry-f)))))
+(lookup-in-entry 'fish
+ '((teach a man to fish)
+ (1 2 3 4 5))
+ (lambda (x) x))
+(define extend-table cons)
+(define lookup-in-table
+ (lambda (name table table-f)
+ (cond
+ ((null? table) (table-f name))
+ (else (lookup-in-entry name
+ (car table)
+ (lambda (n)
+ (lookup-in-table n (cdr table) table-f)))))))
+(lookup-in-table 'fish
+ (extend-table '((teach a man to fish)
+ (1 2 3 4 5))
+ (quote ()))
+ (lambda (x) x))
+(define atom-to-action
+ (lambda (e)
+ (cond
+ ((number? e) *const)
+ ((eq? e #t) *const)
+ ((eq? e #f) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote cons)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote car)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote cdr)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote null?)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote eq?)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote atom?)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote zero?)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote add1)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote sub1)) *const)
+ ((eq? e (quote number?)) *const)
+ (else *identifier))))
+(atom-to-action 'number?); *const
+(define list-to-action
+ (lambda (e)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? (car e)) (cond
+ ((eq? (car e) (quote quote)) *quote)
+ ((eq? (car e) (quote lambda)) *lambda)
+ ((eq? (car e) (quote cond)) *cond)
+ (else *application)))
+ (else *application))))
+(list-to-action '(lambda (x) x)) ; *lambda
+(list-to-action '(cond ((eq? 1 2) #f) (else #t))) ; *cond
+(define expression-to-action
+ (lambda (e)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? e) (atom-to-action e))
+ (else (list-to-action e)))))
+(expression-to-action '#f) ; *const
+(expression-to-action '(lambda (x) x)) ; *lambda
+(define value
+ (lambda (e)
+ (meaning e (quote ()))))
+(define meaning
+ (lambda (e table)
+ ((expression-to-action e) e table)))
+(define *const
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (cond
+ ((number? e) e)
+ ((eq? e #t) #t)
+ ((eq? e #f) #f)
+ (else (build (quote primitive) e)))))
+(*const 'asdf '()) ; (primitive asdf)
+(define *quote
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (text-of e)))
+(define text-of second)
+(*quote '(quote stuff) '()) ; stuff
+(define *identifier
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (lookup-in-table e table initial-table)))
+; this will pass an error if called
+(define initial-table
+ (lambda (name)
+ (car (quote ()))))
+;(*identifier 'asdf '()) ; error
+(*identifier 'a '( ((1 2 3 a b c) (first second third 1 2 3)))) ; 1
+(define *lambda
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (build (quote non-primitive) (cons table (cdr e)))))
+(*lambda '(lambda (a b) (cond ((eq? a b) b) (else a))) '( ((1 2 3) (a b c))))
+(meaning '(lambda (x) (cons x y)) '(((y z) ((8) 9))))
+; (non-primative ((((y z) ((8) 9)))) (x) (cons x y))
+(define table-of first)
+(define formals-of second)
+(define body-of third)
+(third '(a b c)) ; c
+(define evcon
+ (lambda (lines table)
+ (cond
+ ((else? (question-of (car lines)))
+ (meaning (answer-of (car lines)) table))
+ ((meaning (question-of (car lines)) table)
+ (meaning (answer-of (car lines)) table))
+ (else (evcon (cdr lines) table)))))
+(define else?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? x) (eq? x (quote else)))
+ (else #f))))
+(define question-of first)
+(define answer-of second)
+(define *cond
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (evcon (cond-lines-of e) table)))
+(define cond-lines-of cdr)
+(define evlis
+ (lambda (args table)
+ (cond
+ ((null? args) (quote ()))
+ (else (cons (meaning (car args) table)
+ (evlis (cdr args) table))))))
+(evlis '(cons #f 4) '()) ; ((primitive cons) #f 4)
+(define function-of car)
+(define arguments-of cdr)
+(define *application
+ (lambda (e table)
+ (apply
+ (meaning (function-of e) table)
+ (evlis (arguments-of e) table))))
+(define primitive?
+ (lambda (l)
+ (eq? (first l) (quote primitive))))
+(define non-primitive?
+ (lambda (l)
+ (eq? (first l) (quote non-primitive))))
+(define apply
+ (lambda (fun vals)
+ (cond
+ ((primitive? fun) (apply-primitive (second fun) vals))
+ ((non-primitive? fun) (apply-closure (second fun) vals)))))
+(define apply-primitive
+ (lambda (name vals)
+ (cond
+ ((eq? name (quote cons)) (cons (first vals) (second vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote car)) (car (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote cdr)) (cdr (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote null?)) (null? (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote eq?)) (eq? (first vals) (second vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote atom?)) (:atom? (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote zero?)) (zero? (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote add1)) (add1 (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote sub1)) (sub1 (first vals)))
+ ((eq? name (quote number?)) (number? (first vals))))))
+(first '(a b))
+(apply-primitive 'null? '(())) ; #t
+(*application '(null? 2) '()) ; #f
+(*application '(cdr (quote (a b))) '()) ; (b)
+(*application '(eq? 2 (add1 1)) '()) ; #t
+(define :atom?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? x) #t)
+ ((null? x) #f)
+ ((eq? (car x) (quote primitive)) #t)
+ ((eq? (car x) (quote non-primitive)) #t)
+ (else #f))))
+(define apply-closure
+ (lambda (closure vals)
+ (meaning (body-of closure)
+ (extend-table (new-entry (formals-of closure) vals)
+ (table-of closure)))))
+(value '(zero? 0))
+(value '(eq? 1 1))
+(value '#f) ; #f
+(value '(eq? 2 (add1 1))) ; #t
+(value '((lambda (a b) (a (add1 b))) (lambda (c) (add1 c)) 4)) ; 6
+(value '((lambda (x) x) 1)) ; 1
+;wheeee! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/other/sage-scheme-notes.txt b/other/sage-scheme-notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b88a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/sage-scheme-notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+in sage-###/devel/sage/sage/interfaces/, copy template.py to mitscheme.py
+edit all.py and add appropriate objects, strings
+then compile everything:
+./sage -b
diff --git a/other/seasoned_schemer.scm b/other/seasoned_schemer.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50d882d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/seasoned_schemer.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+; Play-along log to The Seasoned Schemer by Friedman and Felleisen
+; Jan 2008, bryan newbold
+; Preface: define and test primative
+(define atom?
+ (lambda (x)
+ (and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
+(atom? (quote ()))
+(define add1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (+ 1 n)))
+(add1 6) ; 7
+(define sub1
+ (lambda (n)
+ (- n 1)))
+(sub1 7) ; 6
+; kind of guessing here
+(define Y
+ (lambda (thing)
+ ((lambda (le)
+ ((lambda (f) (f f))
+ (lambda (f) (le (lambda (x) ((f f) x))))))
+ thing)))
+(define eqlist?
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((and (null? a) (null? b)) #t)
+ ((or (null? a) (null? b)) #f)
+ ((and (atom? (car a)) (atom? (car b)))
+ (and (eqlist? (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+ ((or (atom? (car a)) (atom? (car b))) #f)
+ (else (and (eqlist? (car a) (car b)) (eqlist? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+(eqlist? '(((this) is (a)) nontrivial (list))
+ '(((this) is (a)) nontrivial (list))) ; #t
+; Chapter 01: Welsome Back to the Show
+(define member?
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (or (eq? a (car lat))
+ (member? a (cdr lat)))))))
+(member? 'a '(1 2 a b c)) ; #t
+(define two-in-a-row?
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (is-first-b? (car lat) (cdr lat))))))
+(define is-first-b?
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (or (eq? a (car lat)) (two-in-a-row? lat))))))
+(is-first-b? 'a '(a b)) ; #t
+(two-in-a-row? '(this sentance doesn't have that)) ; #f
+(two-in-a-row? '(but this one does right right right)) ; #t
+(define two-in-a-row-b?
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (or (eq? a (car lat)) (two-in-a-row-b? (car lat) (cdr lat)))))))
+(define two-in-a-row?
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (two-in-a-row-b? (car lat) (cdr lat))))))
+(define sum-of-prefixes-b
+ (lambda (sonssf tup)
+ (cond
+ ((null? tup) (quote ()))
+ (else (cons (+ sonssf (car tup))
+ (sum-of-prefixes-b (+ sonssf (car tup)) (cdr tup)))))))
+(define sum-of-prefixes
+ (lambda (tup)
+ (sum-of-prefixes-b 0 tup)))
+(sum-of-prefixes '(1 1 1 1)) ; (1 2 3 4)
+;;; {{ The Eleventh Commandment }}
+;;; Use additional arguments when a function needs to know what other
+;;; arguments to the function have been like so far.
+(define pick
+ (lambda (n lat)
+ (cond
+ ((one? n) (car lat))
+ (else (pick (sub1 n) (cdr lat))))))
+(pick 5 '(a b c d e f g h)) ; e
+(define scramble-b
+ (lambda (tup rev-pre)
+ (cond
+ ((null? tup) (quote ()))
+ (else
+ (cons (pick (car tup) (cons (car tup) rev-pre))
+ (scramble-b (cdr tup) (cons (car tup) rev-pre)))))))
+(define scramble
+ (lambda (tup)
+ (scramble-b tup (quote ()))))
+(scramble '(1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 9 2)) ; (1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 9)
+; Chapter 12: Take Cover
+(define multirember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ ((Y (lambda (mr)
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? a (car lat)) (mr (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (mr (cdr lat))))))))
+ lat)))
+(multirember 'pie '(apple pie other pie what kind of pi?))
+(define multirember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ ((letrec
+ ((mr (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? a (car lat))
+ (mr (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat)
+ (mr (cdr lat))))))))
+ mr)
+ lat)))
+(define multirember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (letrec
+ ((mr (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? a (car lat))
+ (mr (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat)
+ (mr (cdr lat))))))))
+ (mr lat))))
+; {{ The Twelfth Commandment }}
+; Use (letrec ..) to remove arguments that do not change for
+; recursive applications.
+(define rember-f
+ (lambda (test?)
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((test? (car l) a) (cdr l))
+ (else (cons (car l)
+ ((rember-f test?) a (cdr l))))))))
+(define rember-eq? (rember-f eq?))
+(define multirember-f
+ (lambda (test?)
+ (letrec ((m-f (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((test? (car lat) a) (m-f a (cdr lat)))
+ (else (cons (car lat)
+ (m-f a (cdr lat))))))))
+ m-f)))
+(define member?
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (letrec
+ ((yes? (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) #f)
+ ((eq? (car l) a) #t)
+ (else (yes? (cdr l)))))))
+ (yes? lat))))
+(member? 'a '(1 2 3 a b)) ; #t
+(member? 'a '(1 2 3 b)) ; #f
+(define union
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? b) a)
+ ((member? (car b) a) (union a (cdr b)))
+ (else (union (cons (car b) a) (cdr b))))))
+(union '(tomatoes and macaroni casserole) '(macaroni and cheese))
+(define union
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (letrec
+ ((U (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((null? s) b)
+ ((member? (car s) b) (U (cdr s)))
+ (else (cons (car s) (U (cdr s))))))))
+ (U a))))
+; if member? had the order of its parameters swapped union would no longer work
+(define union
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (letrec
+ ((U (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((null? s) b)
+ ((member? (car s) b) (U (cdr s)))
+ (else (cons (car s) (U (cdr s)))))))
+ (member? (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ ((eq? a (car lat)) #t)
+ (else (member? a (cdr lat)))))))
+ (U a))))
+; {{ The Thirteenth Commandment }}
+; Use (letrec ...) to hide and protect functions.
+(define union
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (letrec
+ ((U (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((null? s) b)
+ ((M? (car s) b) (U (cdr s)))
+ (else (cons (car s) (U (cdr s)))))))
+ (M? (lambda (x y)
+ (letrec
+ ((N? (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ ((eq? x (car lat)) #t)
+ (else (member? x (cdr lat)))))))
+ (N? y)))))
+ (U a))))
+(define two-in-a-row?
+ (letrec
+ ((W (lambda (a lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (or (eq? (car lat) a)
+ (W (car lat)
+ (cdr lat))))))))
+ (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) #f)
+ (else (W (car lat) (cdr lat)))))))
+(two-in-a-row? '(are there two in a row here)) ; #f
+(two-in-a-row? '(what about around around here)) ; #t
+(define sum-of-prefixes
+ (lambda (tup)
+ (letrec
+ ((B (lambda (sum t)
+ (cond
+ ((null? t) (quote ()))
+ (else (cons (+ (car t) sum) (B (+ (car t) sum) (cdr t))))))))
+ (B 0 tup))))
+(sum-of-prefixes '(1 1 1 1 1 1)) ; (1 2 3 4 5 6)
+; Chapter 13: Hop, Skip, and Jump
+(define intersect
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((null? a) (quote ()))
+ ((member? (car a) b)
+ (cons (car a) (intersect (cdr a) b)))
+ (else (intersect (cdr a) b)))))
+(intersect '(1 2 3 4 a s d f) '(1 a b c d)) ; (1 a d)
+(define intersect
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (letrec
+ ((I (lambda (set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? set) (quote ()))
+ ((member (car set) b)
+ (cons (car set) (I (cdr set))))
+ (else (I (cdr set)))))))
+ (I a))))
+(define intersectall
+ (lambda (lset)
+ (letrec
+ ((A (lambda (lset)
+ (cond
+ ((null? (cdr lset)) (car lset))
+ (else (intersect (car lset) (A (cdr lset))))))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? lset) (quote ()))
+ (else (A lset))))))
+(intersectall '(() ()))
+(intersectall '( (a b c) (a s d f) (nice day for a walk))) ; (a)
+; (letcc hop ...) is the same as
+; (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (hop) ...))
+(define intersectall
+ (lambda (lset)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (hop)
+ (letrec
+ ((A (lambda (lset)
+ (cond
+ ((null? (car lset)) (hop (quote ())))
+ ((null? (cdr lset)) (car lset))
+ (else (intersect (car lset) (A (cdr lset))))))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? lset) (quote ()))
+ (else (A lset))))))))
+;(define intersectall
+; (lambda (lset)
+; (letcc hop
+; (letrec
+; ((A (lambda (lset)
+; (cond
+; ((null? (car lset)) (hop (quote ())))
+; ((null? (cdr lset)) (car lset))
+; (else (intersect (car lset) (A (cdr lset))))))))
+; (cond
+; ((null? lset) (quote ()))
+; (else (A lset)))))))
+(intersectall '( (A B C) (A B D) (A B C))) ; (A B)
+; letcc ; not found
+(define intersectall
+ (lambda (lset)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (hop)
+ (letrec
+ ((A (lambda (lset)
+ (cond
+ ((null? (car lset)) (hop (quote ())))
+ ((null? (cdr lset)) (car lset))
+ (else (intersect (car lset) (A (cdr lset)))))))
+ (I (lambda (a b)
+ (letrec
+ ((J (lambda (set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? set) (quote ()))
+ ((member? (car set) b) (J (cdr set)))
+ (else (cons (car set) (J (cdr set))))))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? b) (hop (quote ())))
+ (else (J a)))))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? lset) (quote ()))
+ (else (A lset))))))))
+(define rember
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (letrec
+ ((R (lambda (lat)
+ (cond
+ ((null? lat) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
+ (else (cons (car lat) (R (cdr lat))))))))
+ (R lat))))
+(rember 'k '(captain kangaroo k))
+(define rember-up-to-last
+ (lambda (a lat)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (skip)
+ (letrec
+ ((R (lambda (set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? set) (quote ()))
+ ((eq? (car set) a) (skip (R (cdr set))))
+ (else (cons (car set) (R (cdr set))))))))
+ (R lat))))))
+(rember-up-to-last 'thing '(wait do we want this thing or that thing last))
+; (last)
+; Chapter 14: Let There be Names
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((atom? (car l)) (car l))
+ (else (leftmost (car l))))))
+(leftmost '((second level) first level)) ; second
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? set) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car set)) (car set))
+ (else
+ (cond
+ ((atom? (leftmost (car set))) (leftmost (car set)))
+ (else (leftmost (cdr set))))))))
+(leftmost '(((() a) ()))) ; a
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (set)
+ (cond
+ ((null? set) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car set)) (car set))
+ (else
+ (let ((thing (leftmost (car set))))
+ (cond
+ ((atom? thing) thing)
+ (else (leftmost (cdr set)))))))))
+(define rember1*
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (cond
+ ((eq? (car l) a) (cdr l))
+ (else (cons (car l) (rember1* a (cdr l))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((tried (rember1* a (car l))))
+ (cond
+ ((eqlist? tried (car l))
+ (cons (car l) (rember1* a (cdr l))))
+ (else (cons tried (cdr l)))))))))
+(rember1* 'meat '((pasta meat) pasta (noodles meat sauce) meat tomatoes))
+; ((pasta) pasta (noodles meat sauce) meat tomatoes)
+(define depth*
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) 1)
+ ((atom? (car l)) (depth* (cdr l)))
+ (else
+ (let
+ ((down (add1 (depth* (car l))))
+ (across (depth* (cdr l))))
+ (cond
+ ((> down across) down)
+ (else across)))))))
+(> 1 2) ; #f
+(depth* '(c (b (a b) a) a)) ; 3
+; this version is redundant!
+(define depth*
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) 1)
+ (else
+ (let
+ ((across (depth* (cdr l))))
+ (cond
+ ((atom? (car l)) across)
+ (else
+ (let
+ ((down (add1 (depth* (car l)))))
+ (cond
+ ((> down across) down)
+ (else across))))))))))
+(max 1 4) ; 4
+; {{ The Fifteenth Commandment }}
+; Use (let ...) to name the values of repeated expressions in a function
+; definition if they may be evaluated twice for one and same use of the
+; function. And use (let ...) to name the values of expressions (without
+; set!) that are re-evaluated every time a function is used.
+(define depth*
+ (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) 1)
+ ((atom? (car l)) (depth* (cdr l)))
+ (else (max
+ (add1 (depth* (car l)))
+ (depth* (cdr l)))))))
+(depth* '(a (b (c d) (e (f g) 4) 4) 4 2 1)) ; 4
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (l)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (skip)
+ (lm l skip)))))
+(define lm
+ (lambda (l out)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (out (car l)))
+ (else (let ()
+ (lm (car l) out)
+ (lm (cdr l) out))))))
+(leftmost '((() a) (b c))) ; a
+; could also use a (begin (...) (...) ...) statement instead of
+; (let () (...) (...) ...)
+(define leftmost
+ (lambda (l)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (out)
+ (letrec ((L (lambda (l)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (quote ()))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (out (car l)))
+ (else (let ()
+ (L (car l))
+ (L (cdr l))))))))
+ (L l))))))
+; try is undefined
+;(define rember1*
+; (lambda (a l)
+; (try oh (rm a l oh) l)))
+(define rember1*
+ (lambda (a l)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (success)
+ (begin
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (oh)
+ (success (rm a l oh))))
+ l)))))
+(define rm
+ (lambda (a l oh)
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) (oh (quote no)))
+ ((atom? (car l)) (if (eq? (car l) a)
+ (cdr l)
+ (cons (car l) (rm a (cdr l) oh))))
+ (else
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (success)
+ (begin
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (oh2)
+ (success (cons (rm a (car l) oh2) (cdr l)))))
+ (cons (car l) (rm a (cdr l) oh)))))))))
+(rember1* 'green '(jolly green giant)) ; (jolly giant)
+(rember1* 'blue '(((is the) (sky)) (ever so (blue da)))) ; good
+; Chapter 15: The Difference Between Men and Boys...
+(define x-thing (cons 'chicago (cons 'pizza '())))
+(set! x-thing 'gone) ; returns (chicago pizza)
+(set! x-thing 'skins)
+(set! x-thing 'rings)
+(define gourmand
+ (lambda (food)
+ (set! x-thing food)
+ (cons food
+ (cons x-thing (quote ())))))
+(gourmand 'potato)
+(define omnivore
+ (let ((x-thing (quote soup)))
+ (lambda (food)
+ (set! x-thing food)
+ (cons food (cons x-thing '())))))
+(omnivore 'bread)
+x-thing ; potato
+; {{ The Sixteenth Commandment }}
+; Use (set! ...) only with names define in (let ...)s
+; {{ The Seventeenth Commandment }}
+; Use (set! x ...) for (let ((x ..)) ..)) only if there is at least one
+; (lambda .. between it and the (let ..), or if the new value for x is a
+; function that refers to x.
+(define nibbler
+ (lambda (food)
+ (let ((x-thing (quote donut)))
+ (set! x-thing food)
+ (cons food
+ (cons x-thing '())))))
+(nibbler 'boat)
+x-thing ; not boat
+(define foody (quote nothing))
+(define glutton
+ (lambda (x-thing)
+ (set! food x-thing)
+ (cons (quote more)
+ (cons x
+ (cons (quote more) (cons x (quote ())))))))
+(glutton 'garlic)
diff --git a/other/sicm-fall08.html b/other/sicm-fall08.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6c70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/sicm-fall08.html
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<head><title>SICM Material Fall 2008</title></head>
+<body style="margin: 25px; font-family: helvetica;">
+<h1 style="border-bottom: 2px solid;">Functional Relativity, Symbolic Geometry, et al</h1>
+<i>Bryan Newbold, <a href="mailto:bnewbold@mit.edu">bnewbold@mit.edu</a></i><br />
+<i><a href="http://web.mit.edu/bnewbold/Public/sicm-fall08.html">
+<h2>Informal Background</h2>
+For the fall of 2008 I'm very interested in investigating gravitation and
+other physical theories using functional programming techniques. I find that
+formalizing physical systems into a computer model is the best way to solidify
+my understanding of the system; using functional languages and techniques
+makes the conceptual wall between mathematical abstraction and programming
+implementation much lower; the result is a more reusable and general model
+well suited for experimentation and exploration.
+<br /> <br />
+I am planning on getting my undergraduate physics degree in spring 2009, for
+which I will need a thesis. I am hoping to develop skills and tools this fall
+with which to accomplish Real Live Science over IAP and in the early spring.
+<br /><br />
+The stimulus for this course of study was the class
+<a href="http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~gjs/6946/index.html">Classical
+Mechanics: A Computational Approach</a> taught by G. Sussman and J. Wisdom
+at <a href="http://web.mit.edu">MIT</a>. I had trouble with the later sections
+of the book/course and am hoping that now with an eta of math under my belt I
+can chip away at it.
+<h2>Potential Fall Projects</h2>
+<b>Integration of mit-scheme and scmutils into Sage</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:#00CC00;">(yes)</span>
+<br />The <a href="http://sagemath.org">Sage math system</a> is an open-source
+alternative to Mathematica, Maple, etc. It provides an easy to learn html
+notebook interface (as well as command line) and is bundled with a plethora
+of high performance libraries (like PARI, GMP, MAXIMA, SINGULAR, see this
+<a href="http://www.sagemath.org/packages/standard/">list</a>). <br />
+A number of other packages (including common lisp) already have interfaces
+based around a fake TTY device; this should be easy with mit-scheme. Or a more
+complete object-style interface could be implemented. There is documentation
+for writing interfaces <a href="http://www.sagemath.org/doc/prog/prog.html">
+here</a> and <a href="http://www.sagemath.org/doc/ref/node95.html">here</a>
+<br />
+There is a public demo server at <a href="http://sagenb.org">sagenb.org</a>,
+but it's usually slow. Try this
+<a href="https://sage.math.washington.edu:8102/">server</a> instead (user:
+ableseaman, password: bottlerum, if you don't want to fill out the form).
+Sage has been used in math classes at MIT already; Tim Abbot is working
+on "debianizing" the whole system, after which it should be on Athena.
+<br /><br />
+<b>Exploration of "higher order dynamics"</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:orange;">(possible)</span>
+<br />
+I'd like to play with systems involving "higher order dynamics", aka {jerk,
+yank, <a href="http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pubs/paper229.pdf">snap, crackle, pop</a>}. These dynamics have become interesting to cosmologists?
+<br />See arxiv <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0309109">one</a>, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0408279">two</a>, other chaotic <a href="http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pubs/paper229.pdf">pdf</a>.
+<br /><br />
+<b>General Relativity Simulations: compact bodies, inspirals, precession</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:orange;">(possible)</span>
+<br />Should talk with <a href="http://gravity.psu.edu/people/LSF/">Lee Finn
+</a>@penn, <a href="http://mit.edu/pranesh/www/">pranesh</a>@mit? Go to
+<a href="http://space.mit.edu/journalclub/index.html">mki journal club</a>.
+<br /> <br />
+<b>Modified Newtonian Dynamics</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:orange;">(possible)</span>
+<br /><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_Newtonian_dynamics">MOND</a>
+was originally proposed to explain the galactic rotation curve
+problem; it has been extended as a relativistic field theory as
+<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor-vector-scalar_gravity">TeVeS</a>
+(Tensor-vector-scalar gravity, described in 2004).
+<br />
+I think it would be interesting to implement and play with MOND or other
+alternative gravitational theories in a symbolic computation framework.
+Assumptions could be checked quickly and easily (eg, behaves like X in the
+short distance limit, behaves like Y in the high stress-energy limit).
+The process of formalization could also be a good test; if the theory can't
+be coded, is it a valid theory? Would also demonstrate that programming tools
+are general and can be used to explore non-physical theories.
+<br />See also Henon-Heiles.
+<br /> <br />
+<b>Action Minimization Problems</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:orange;">(possible)</span>
+<br />
+Minimization of action over path integrals is a classic hammer in the physics
+toolbox (everything looks like an oscillating nail). It might be fun to
+play with some old classics like optics or Ohm-ic resistance.
+<br /><br />
+<b>Basic Quantum Mechanics</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red;">(unlikely)</span>
+<br />Methods with Wilkson-Sommerfeld quantization? I don't know enough
+QM to go beyond simple, introductory quantum systems, but might be interesting.
+<br /><br />
+<b>Quantum Computation</b>
+<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red;">(unlikely)</span>
+<br />There is already extensive work done here; see
+<a href="http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~oemer/qcl.html">http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~oemer/qcl.html</a><br /><br />
+The SICM text book is <a href="http://mitpress.mit.edu/SICM/">free online</a>;
+so is the <a href="http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/">SICP book</a>.
+</br />
+There is an unofficial <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/sicm">SICM mailing list</a>.<br />
+<br />
+<b>Papers to read?</b> (<a href="http://static.bryannewbold.com/toread/thought/">download</a>)
+ <li /><u>The Dynamicist's Workbench: Automatic Preparation of Numerical Experiments</u>, H. Abelson and G. Sussman
+ <li /><u>Simulating Physics with Computers</u>, R. Feynman
+ <li /><u>Functional Differential Geometry</u>, G. Sussman and J. Wisdom (2005)
+ <li /><u>Computer Programs for Calculating General-Relativistic Curvature Tensors</u>, J. Fletcher, R. Clemen, R. Matzner, K. Thorne, and B. Zimmerman (letter, 1967)
+ <li /><u>Intelligence in Scientific Computing</u>, H. Abelson, M. Eisenberg, M. Halfant, J. Katzenelson, E. Sacks, G. Sussman, J. Wisdom, and K. Yip
+ <li /><u>Abstraction in Numerical Methods</u>, M. Halfant and G. Sussman
+ <li /><u>The Role of Programming in the Formulation of Ideas</u>, G. Sussman and J. Wisdom
+ <li /><u>Scientific Comutation and Functional Programming</u>, J. Karczmarczuk (1999)
+ <li /><u>The Supercomputer Toolkit: A general framework for special-purpose computing</u>, H. Abelson, A. Berlin, J. Katzenelson, W. McAllister, G. Rozas, G. Sussman, and J. Wisdom (1991)