Summary: - very many more PDFs have been grobid-ed vs. pdf_meta-ed - about 1 million file_meta still have partial metadata (eg, no sha256) - database size still under 0.5 TByte - there are about a million CDX error ingest requests, and hundreds of thousands of SPN errors which could be re-run ## SQL Table Sizes SELECT table_name, pg_size_pretty(table_size) AS table_size, pg_size_pretty(indexes_size) AS indexes_size, pg_size_pretty(total_size) AS total_size FROM ( SELECT table_name, pg_table_size(table_name) AS table_size, pg_indexes_size(table_name) AS indexes_size, pg_total_relation_size(table_name) AS total_size FROM ( SELECT ('"' || table_schema || '"."' || table_name || '"') AS table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' ) AS all_tables ORDER BY total_size DESC ) AS pretty_sizes; table_name | table_size | indexes_size | total_size -------------------------------+------------+--------------+------------ "public"."cdx" | 42 GB | 42 GB | 84 GB "public"."ingest_request" | 34 GB | 39 GB | 73 GB "public"."grobid_shadow" | 64 GB | 6902 MB | 71 GB "public"."grobid" | 61 GB | 7742 MB | 69 GB "public"."file_meta" | 32 GB | 29 GB | 61 GB "public"."ingest_file_result" | 24 GB | 36 GB | 60 GB "public"."shadow" | 9111 MB | 10204 MB | 19 GB "public"."fatcat_file" | 12 GB | 6656 MB | 18 GB "public"."pdf_meta" | 8018 MB | 1966 MB | 9984 MB "public"."pdftrio" | 618 MB | 432 MB | 1051 MB "public"."petabox" | 403 MB | 594 MB | 997 MB (11 rows) Size: 466.91G ## File Metadata Counts and total file size: SELECT COUNT(*) as total_count, SUM(size_bytes) as total_size FROM file_meta; total_count | total_size -------------+----------------- 161944425 | 204,402,677,360,189 (1 row) # 161.9 mil; 204 TByte Top mimetypes: SELECT mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM file_meta GROUP BY mimetype ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 10; mimetype | count -------------------------------+----------- application/pdf | 161691608 application/octet-stream | 154348 application/xml | 42170 text/html | 18703 text/plain | 15989 application/gzip | 6484 | 6036 application/postscript | 4912 application/ | 1672 application/msword | 921 (10 rows) Missing full metadata: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_meta WHERE sha256hex IS NULL; count --------- 1015337 (1 row) ## CDX Total and unique-by-sha1 counts: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sha1hex) as unique_sha1, COUNT(*) as total FROM cdx; unique_sha1 | total -------------+----------- 96537611 | 116281981 (1 row) mimetype counts: SELECT mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM cdx GROUP BY mimetype ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 25; mimetype | count ---------------------------------------------------+----------- application/pdf | 108706978 warc/revisit | 5912013 text/xml | 519042 application/octet-stream | 307782 text/html | 295634 unk | 156937 application/postscript | 81079 application/save | 80871 binary/octet-stream | 61263 text/plain | 31495 application/x-download | 30511 application/download | 26716 image/pdf | 26357 application/force-download | 10541 multipart/form-data | 5551 application/x-msdownload | 3724 application/x-octetstream | 3216 application | 3171 .pdf | 2728 application/x-pdf | 2563 application/binary | 1306 application/pdf' | 1192 pdf | 1180 [...] ## GROBID Counts: SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_files, COUNT(DISTINCT fatcat_release) AS unique_releases FROM grobid; total_files | unique_releases -------------+----------------- 95557413 | 18020570 Status? SELECT status_code, COUNT(*) FROM grobid GROUP BY status_code ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 10; status_code | count -------------+---------- 200 | 88450610 500 | 7101098 -4 | 4133 503 | 110 SELECT status, COUNT(*) FROM grobid GROUP BY ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 10; status | count ----------------+---------- success | 73814297 | 14638412 error | 7101308 error-timeout | 4133 bad-grobid-xml | 6 (5 rows) What version used? SELECT grobid_version, COUNT(*) FROM grobid WHERE status_code = 200 GROUP BY grobid_version ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 10; grobid_version | count ----------------+---------- 0.5.5-fatcat | 73813427 | 14638425 ## Petabox Counts: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sha1hex) as unique_sha1, COUNT(*) as total FROM petabox; unique_sha1 | total -------------+--------- 2868825 | 2887834 ## Ingests Requests by source: SELECT ingest_type, link_source, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_request GROUP BY ingest_type, link_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25; ingest_type | link_source | count -------------+-----------------+---------- pdf | oai | 51185088 pdf | mag | 35015357 pdf | unpaywall | 27653003 pdf | doi | 16589669 pdf | pmc | 2231113 pdf | arxiv | 794693 pdf | cnki_covid19 | 2034 pdf | wanfang_covid19 | 975 pdf | spn | 148 SELECT ingest_type, link_source, ingest_request_source, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_request GROUP BY ingest_type, link_source, ingest_request_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25; ingest_type | link_source | ingest_request_source | count -------------+-----------------+-------------------------+---------- pdf | oai | metha-bulk | 51185088 pdf | mag | mag-corpus | 35015357 pdf | unpaywall | unpaywall | 27653003 pdf | doi | fatcat-ingest | 8320832 pdf | doi | fatcat-changelog | 4752956 pdf | doi | fatcat-ingest-container | 3515873 pdf | pmc | fatcat-ingest-container | 2028825 pdf | arxiv | fatcat-ingest | 630750 pdf | pmc | fatcat-ingest | 194781 pdf | arxiv | fatcat-changelog | 163924 pdf | pmc | fatcat-changelog | 7507 pdf | cnki_covid19 | scrape-covid19 | 2034 pdf | wanfang_covid19 | scrape-covid19 | 975 pdf | spn | savepapernow-web | 148 pdf | arxiv | fatcat-ingest-container | 26 pdf | doi | savepapernow-web | 19 pdf | arxiv | savepapernow-web | 2 Uncrawled requests by source: # TODO: verify this? seems wrong SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_request LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON ingest_request.base_url = ingest_file_result.base_url AND ingest_request.ingest_type = ingest_file_result.ingest_type WHERE ingest_file_result.base_url IS NULL GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25; ingest_type | link_source | count -------------+-------------+--------- pdf | mag | 4097008 pdf | oai | 15287 pdf | unpaywall | 1 Results by source: SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source, COUNT(*) as attempts, COUNT(CASE WHEN ingest_file_result.hit THEN 1 END) hits, ROUND(1.0 * COUNT(CASE WHEN ingest_file_result.hit THEN 1 END) / COUNT(*), 3) as fraction FROM ingest_request LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON ingest_request.base_url = ingest_file_result.base_url AND ingest_request.ingest_type = ingest_file_result.ingest_type AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source ORDER BY attempts DESC LIMIT 35; ingest_type | link_source | attempts | hits | fraction -------------+-----------------+----------+----------+---------- pdf | oai | 51185088 | 5346057 | 0.104 pdf | mag | 35015357 | 22199271 | 0.634 pdf | unpaywall | 27653003 | 22067338 | 0.798 pdf | doi | 16589700 | 3207661 | 0.193 pdf | pmc | 2231113 | 1696976 | 0.761 pdf | arxiv | 794727 | 645607 | 0.812 pdf | cnki_covid19 | 2034 | 0 | 0.000 pdf | wanfang_covid19 | 975 | 764 | 0.784 pdf | spn | 148 | 114 | 0.770 (9 rows) Ingest result by status: SELECT ingest_type, status, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_file_result GROUP BY ingest_type, status ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25; ingest_type | status | count -------------+-------------------------------------+---------- pdf | success | 46465271 pdf | no-capture | 46115869 pdf | no-pdf-link | 13877460 pdf | redirect-loop | 5943956 pdf | terminal-bad-status | 1962754 pdf | link-loop | 1630078 pdf | cdx-error | 1014409 pdf | gateway-timeout | 459340 pdf | wrong-mimetype | 321774 pdf | skip-url-blocklist | 220629 pdf | wayback-error | 220453 pdf | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 143963 pdf | null-body | 113384 pdf | spn-error | 101773 pdf | invalid-host-resolution | 37367 pdf | spn-remote-error | 28886 pdf | petabox-error | 22997 pdf | spn2-error | 16342 pdf | spn2-error:job-failed | 5017 pdf | other-mimetype | 2305 pdf | redirects-exceeded | 746 pdf | spn2-error:soft-time-limit-exceeded | 632 pdf | spn2-error:proxy-error | 437 pdf | spn2-error:invalid-url-syntax | 417 pdf | timeout | 417 (25 rows) ## Fatcat Files Count of PDF files that GROBID processed and matched to a release (via glutton), but no PDF in `fatcat_file`: SELECT COUNT(*) as total_count, COUNT(DISTINCT grobid.fatcat_release) as release_count FROM grobid LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NULL AND grobid.fatcat_release IS NOT NULL; total_count | release_count -------------+--------------- 5862666 | 4728824 (1 row) ## PDF Meta Total rows: SELECT COUNT(*) as total_count FROM pdf_meta; total_count ------------- 21961874 By status: SELECT status, COUNT(*) from pdf_meta GROUP BY status ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC; status | count ----------------+---------- success | 21788507 parse-error | 78196 text-too-large | 60595 not-pdf | 31679 error-wayback | 2639 bad-unicode | 251 bad-pdf | 6 empty-blob | 1 (8 rows)