-- Run like: -- psql sandcrawler < dump_ungrobid_pdf_petabox.sql BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY DEFERRABLE; COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (petabox.sha1hex) row_to_json(petabox) FROM petabox WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT grobid.sha1hex FROM grobid WHERE petabox.sha1hex = grobid.sha1hex AND grobid.status IS NOT NULL) -- uncomment/comment this to control whether only fatcat files are included AND EXISTS (SELECT fatcat_file.sha1hex FROM fatcat_file WHERE petabox.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex) ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dump_ungrobided_pdf_petabox.2020-08-04.json' WITH NULL ''; ROLLBACK;