package sandcrawler import cascading.tuple.Fields import cascading.tuple.Tuple import com.twitter.scalding.JobTest import com.twitter.scalding.TextLine import com.twitter.scalding.TupleConversions import com.twitter.scalding.TypedTsv import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.scalatest._ import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SourceMode class CrossrefScorableTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { // scalastyle:off val CrossrefString = """ { "_id" : { "$oid" : "5a553d5988a035a45bf50ed3" }, "indexed" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 2017, 10, 23 ] ], "date-time" : "2017-10-23T17:19:16Z", "timestamp" : { "$numberLong" : "1508779156477" } }, "reference-count" : 0, "publisher" : "Elsevier BV", "issue" : "3", "license" : [ { "URL" : "", "start" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 1996, 1, 1 ] ], "date-time" : "1996-01-01T00:00:00Z", "timestamp" : { "$numberLong" : "820454400000" } }, "delay-in-days" : 0, "content-version" : "tdm" }], "content-domain" : { "domain" : [], "crossmark-restriction" : false }, "published-print" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 1996 ] ] }, "DOI" : "<>", "type" : "journal-article", "created" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 2002, 7, 25 ] ], "date-time" : "2002-07-25T15:09:41Z", "timestamp" : { "$numberLong" : "1027609781000" } }, "page" : "186-187", "source" : "Crossref", "is-referenced-by-count" : 0, "title" : [ "<>" ], "prefix" : "10.1016", "volume" : "9", "author" : [ { "given" : "W", "family" : "Gaier", "affiliation" : [] } ], "member" : "78", "container-title" : [ "Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture" ], "link" : [ { "URL" : "", "content-type" : "text/xml", "content-version" : "vor", "intended-application" : "text-mining" }, { "URL" : "", "content-type" : "text/plain", "content-version" : "vor", "intended-application" : "text-mining" } ], "deposited" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 2015, 9, 3 ] ], "date-time" : "2015-09-03T10:03:43Z", "timestamp" : { "$numberLong" : "1441274623000" } }, "score" : 1, "issued" : { "date-parts" : [ [ 1996 ] ] }, "references-count" : 0, "alternative-id" : [ "0987-7983(96)87729-2" ], "URL" : "", "ISSN" : [ "0987-7983" ], "issn-type" : [ { "value" : "0987-7983", "type" : "print" } ], "subject" : [ "Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health" ] } """.replace("<<DOI>>", "10.123/aBc") // scalastyle:on val CrossrefStringWithGoodTitle = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "Some Title") val CrossrefStringWithMaximumTitle = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "T" * Scorable.MaxTitleLength) val CrossrefStringWithExcessiveTitle = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "T" * Scorable.MaxTitleLength + "0") val CrossrefStringWithNullTitle = CrossrefString.replace("\"<<TITLE>>\"", "null") val CrossrefStringWithEmptyTitle = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "") val CrossrefStringWithoutTitle = CrossrefString.replace("title", "nottitle") val MalformedCrossrefString = CrossrefString.replace("}", "") val CrossrefStringWithNoAuthors = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "Some Valid Title").replace("author", "no-author") val CrossrefStringWrongType = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "Some Valid Title").replace("journal-article", "other") val CrossrefStringNoType = CrossrefString.replace("<<TITLE>>", "Some Valid Title").replace("type", "not-type") // Unit tests "CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures()" should "handle invalid JSON" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(MalformedCrossrefString) should be (None) } it should "handle missing title" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWithoutTitle) should be (None) } it should "handle null title" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWithNullTitle) should be (None) } it should "handle empty title" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWithEmptyTitle) should be (None) } it should "handle subtitle" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures( """{"title": ["short but not too short"], "subtitle": ["just right!"], "DOI": "10.123/asdf", "type":"journal-article","author":[{ "given" : "W", "family" : "Gaier"}]}""") match { case None => fail() case Some(result) => result.slug shouldBe "shortbutnottooshortjustright" } } it should "handle empty subtitle" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures( """{"title": ["short but not too short"], "subtitle": [""], "DOI": "10.123/asdf", "type":"journal-article", "author":[{ "given" : "W", "family" : "Gaier"}]}""") match { case None => fail() case Some(result) => result.slug shouldBe "shortbutnottooshort" } } it should "handle null subtitle" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures( """{"title": ["short but not too short"], "subtitle": [null], "DOI": "10.123/asdf", "type":"journal-article", "author":[{ "given" : "W", "family" : "Gaier"}]}""") match { case None => fail() case Some(result) => result.slug shouldBe "shortbutnottooshort" } } it should "handle missing authors" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWithNoAuthors) should be (None) } it should "handle valid input" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWithGoodTitle) match { case None => fail() case Some(result) => { result.slug shouldBe "sometitle" Scorable.jsonToMap(result.json) match { case None => fail() case Some(map) => { map("title").asInstanceOf[String] shouldBe "Some Title" map("doi").asInstanceOf[String] shouldBe "10.123/abc" // TODO: full name? not just a string? map("authors").asInstanceOf[List[String]] shouldBe List("Gaier") map("year").asInstanceOf[Double].toInt shouldBe 2002 } } } } } "CrossrefScorable.keepRecord()" should "return true for valid JSON with title" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithGoodTitle) shouldBe true } it should "return true for valid JSON with a title of maximum permitted length" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithMaximumTitle) shouldBe true } it should "return false for valid JSON with excessively long title" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithExcessiveTitle) shouldBe false } it should "return false for valid JSON with null title" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithNullTitle) shouldBe false } it should "return false for valid JSON with no title" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithoutTitle) shouldBe false } it should "return false for invalid JSON" in { CrossrefScorable.keepRecord(CrossrefStringWithoutTitle) shouldBe false } it should "handle content types" in { CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringWrongType) should be (None) CrossrefScorable.jsonToMapFeatures(CrossrefStringNoType) should be (None) } }