package sandcrawler import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Properties import scala.util.parsing.json.JSON import cascading.tuple.Fields import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.typed.CoGrouped import com.twitter.scalding.typed.Grouped import com.twitter.scalding.typed.TDsl._ import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import parallelai.spyglass.base.JobBase import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SourceMode import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBasePipeConversions import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseSource class HBaseCrossrefScoreJob(args: Args) extends JobBase(args) with HBasePipeConversions { val NoTitle = "NO TITLE" // Used for slug if title is empty or unparseable // key is SHA1 val grobidSource = HBaseCrossrefScore.getHBaseSource( args("hbase-table"), args("zookeeper-hosts")) val grobidPipe : TypedPipe[(String, String, String)] = grobidSource .read .fromBytesWritable(new Fields("key", "tei_json")) .debug .toTypedPipe[(String, String)]('key, 'tei_json) .map { entry => val (key, json) = (entry._1, entry._2) HBaseCrossrefScore.grobidToSlug(json) match { case Some(slug) => (slug, key, json) case None => (NoTitle, key, json) } } .filter { entry => val (slug, _, _) = entry slug != NoTitle } .debug .write(TypedTsv[(String, String, String)](args("output"))) /* val grobidGroup = grobidPipe .groupBy { case (slug, key, json) => slug } val crossrefSource = TextLine(args("crossref-input")) val crossrefPipe : TypedPipe[(String, String)] = crossrefSource .read .toTypedPipe[String]('line) .map{ json : String => HBaseCrossrefScore.crossrefToSlug(json) match { case Some(slug) => (slug, json) case None => (NoTitle, json) } } .filter { entry => val (slug, json) = entry slug != NoTitle } val crossrefGroup = crossrefPipe .groupBy { case (slug, json) => slug } // TODO: Figure out which is smaller. val theJoin : CoGrouped[String, ((String, String, String), (String, String))] = grobidGroup.join(crossrefGroup){ entry => val (slug : String, ((slug0: String, sha1 : String, grobidJson : String), (slug1 : String, crossrefJson : String))) = entry // TODO: For now, output it all. (slug, slug0, slug1, sha1, grobidJson, crossrefJson)} .write(TypedTsv[(String, String, String, String, String, String)](args("output"))) */ } object HBaseCrossrefScore { def getHBaseSource(hbaseTable: String, zookeeperHosts: String) : HBaseSource = hbaseTable, // HBase Table Name zookeeperHosts, // HBase Zookeeper server (to get runtime config info; can be array?) List("grobid0:tei_json"), SourceMode.SCAN_ALL) def performJoin(grobidJson : String, crossRefJson : String, sha1 : String) : (String, String, String) = { (sha1, "", "100") } def jsonToMap(json : String) : Map[String, Any] = { // val jsonObject = JSON.parseFull(json) if (jsonObject == None) { // Empty map for malformed JSON Map[String, Any]("malformed json" -> json) } else { jsonObject.get.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]] } } def grobidToSlug(json : String) : Option[String] = { val map = jsonToMap(json) if (map contains "title") { titleToSlug(map("title").asInstanceOf[String]) } else { None } } def crossrefToSlug(json : String) : Option[String] = { val map = jsonToMap(json) if (map contains "title") { // TODO: Don't ignore titles after the first. titleToSlug(map("title").asInstanceOf[List[String]](0)) } else { Some(map.keys.mkString(",")) } } def titleToSlug(title : String) : Option[String] = { val slug = title.split(":")(0).toLowerCase() if (slug.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(slug) } } }