package sandcrawler import cascading.flow.FlowDef import cascading.pipe.Pipe import cascading.tuple.Fields import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.typed.TDsl._ import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SourceMode import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBasePipeConversions import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseSource class GrobidScorable extends Scorable with HBasePipeConversions { def getFeaturesPipe(args : Args)(implicit flowDef : FlowDef, mode : Mode) : TypedPipe[MapFeatures] = { // TODO: Generalize args so there can be multiple grobid pipes in one job. GrobidScorable.getHBaseSource(args("hbase-table"), args("zookeeper-hosts")) .read .fromBytesWritable(new Fields("key", "tei_json")) // TODO: Figure out why this line (used in HBaseCrossrefScoreJob.scala) // didn't work here: .toTypedPipe[(String, String)]('key, 'tei_json) .toTypedPipe[(String, String)](new Fields("key", "tei_json")) .map { entry => val (key : String, json : String) = (entry._1, entry._2) GrobidScorable.grobidToSlug(json) match { case Some(slug) => new MapFeatures(slug, json) case None => new MapFeatures(Scorable.NoSlug, json) } } } } object GrobidScorable { def getHBaseSource(table : String, host : String) : HBaseSource = {, host, List("grobid0:tei_json"), SourceMode.SCAN_ALL) } def grobidToSlug(json : String) : Option[String] = { Scorable.jsonToMap(json) match { case None => None case Some(map) => { if (map contains "title") { Some(Scorable.titleToSlug(map("title").asInstanceOf[String])) } else { None } } } } }