""" cdx - read raw CDX, filter - push to SQL table ingest-file-result - read JSON format (batch) - cdx SQL push batch (on conflict skip) - file_meta SQL push batch (on conflict update) - ingest request push batch (on conflict skip) - ingest result push batch (on conflict update) grobid - reads JSON format (batch) - grobid2json - minio push (one-by-one) - grobid SQL push batch (on conflict update) - file_meta SQL push batch (on conflict update) """ import os from sandcrawler.workers import SandcrawlerWorker from sandcrawler.db import SandcrawlerPostgresClient from sandcrawler.minio import SandcrawlerMinioClient from sandcrawler.grobid import GrobidClient class PersistCdxWorker(SandcrawlerWorker): def __init__(self, db_url, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.db = SandcrawlerPostgresClient(db_url) self.cur = self.db.conn.cursor() def process(self, record): """ Only do batches (as transactions) """ raise NotImplementedError def push_batch(self, batch): self.counts['total'] += len(batch) resp = self.db.insert_cdx(self.cur, batch) self.counts['insert-cdx'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-cdx'] += resp[1] self.db.commit() return [] class PersistIngestFileResultWorker(SandcrawlerWorker): def __init__(self, db_url, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.db = SandcrawlerPostgresClient(db_url) self.cur = self.db.conn.cursor() def process(self, record): """ Only do batches (as transactions) """ raise NotImplementedError def request_to_row(self, raw): """ Converts ingest-request JSON schema (eg, from Kafka) to SQL ingest_request schema if there is a problem with conversion, return None """ # backwards compat hacks; transform request to look like current schema if raw.get('ingest_type') == 'file': raw['ingest_type'] = 'pdf' if (not raw.get('link_source') and raw.get('base_url') and raw.get('ext_ids', {}).get('doi') and raw['base_url'] == "https://doi.org/{}".format(raw['ext_ids']['doi'])): # set link_source(_id) for old ingest requests raw['link_source'] = 'doi' raw['link_source_id'] = raw['ext_ids']['doi'] if (not raw.get('link_source') and raw.get('ingest_request_source', '').startswith('savepapernow') and raw.get('fatcat', {}).get('release_ident')): # set link_source(_id) for old ingest requests raw['link_source'] = 'spn' raw['link_source_id'] = raw['fatcat']['release_ident'] for k in ('ingest_type', 'base_url', 'link_source', 'link_source_id'): if not k in raw: self.counts['skip-request-fields'] += 1 return None if raw['ingest_type'] not in ('pdf', 'xml'): print(raw['ingest_type']) self.counts['skip-ingest-type'] += 1 return None request = { 'ingest_type': raw['ingest_type'], 'base_url': raw['base_url'], 'link_source': raw['link_source'], 'link_source_id': raw['link_source_id'], 'request': {}, } # extra/optional fields if raw.get('release_stage'): request['release_stage'] = raw['release_stage'] if raw.get('fatcat', {}).get('release_ident'): request['request']['release_ident'] = raw['fatcat']['release_ident'] for k in ('ext_ids', 'edit_extra'): if raw.get(k): request['request'][k] = raw[k] # if this dict is empty, trim it to save DB space if not request['request']: request['request'] = None return request def file_result_to_row(self, raw): """ Converts ingest-result JSON schema (eg, from Kafka) to SQL ingest_file_result schema if there is a problem with conversion, return None and set skip count """ for k in ('request', 'hit', 'status'): if not k in raw: self.counts['skip-result-fields'] += 1 return None if not 'base_url' in raw['request']: self.counts['skip-result-fields'] += 1 return None ingest_type = raw['request'].get('ingest_type') if ingest_type == 'file': ingest_type = 'pdf' if ingest_type not in ('pdf', 'xml'): self.counts['skip-ingest-type'] += 1 return None result = { 'ingest_type': ingest_type, 'base_url': raw['request']['base_url'], 'hit': raw['hit'], 'status': raw['status'], } terminal = raw.get('terminal') if terminal: result['terminal_url'] = terminal['url'] if terminal.get('status_code') == None and terminal.get('http_status'): terminal['status_code'] = terminal['http_status'] result['terminal_status_code'] = int(terminal['status_code']) if raw.get('file_meta'): result['terminal_sha1hex'] = raw['file_meta']['sha1hex'] if raw.get('cdx') and raw['cdx']['url'] == terminal['url']: result['terminal_dt'] = raw['cdx']['datetime'] return result def push_batch(self, batch): self.counts['total'] += len(batch) if not batch: return [] # need to ensure that we aren't trying to update same row multiple # times in same batch (!) results = [self.file_result_to_row(raw) for raw in batch] results.reverse() clean_results = [] result_keys = [] for r in results: if not r: continue key = (r['ingest_type'], r['base_url']) if key in result_keys: self.counts['skip-duplicate-result'] += 1 continue result_keys.append(key) clean_results.append(r) results = clean_results requests = [self.request_to_row(raw['request']) for raw in batch if raw.get('request')] requests = [r for r in requests if r] if requests: resp = self.db.insert_ingest_request(self.cur, requests) self.counts['insert-requests'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-requests'] += resp[1] if results: resp = self.db.insert_ingest_file_result(self.cur, results, on_conflict="update") self.counts['insert-results'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-results'] += resp[1] # these schemas match, so can just pass through # TODO: need to include warc_path etc in ingest worker, when possible cdx_batch = [r['cdx'] for r in batch if r.get('hit') and r.get('cdx') and r['cdx'].get('warc_path')] if cdx_batch: resp = self.db.insert_cdx(self.cur, cdx_batch) self.counts['insert-cdx'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-cdx'] += resp[1] file_meta_batch = [r['file_meta'] for r in batch if r.get('hit') and r.get('file_meta')] if file_meta_batch: resp = self.db.insert_file_meta(self.cur, file_meta_batch, on_conflict="update") self.counts['insert-file_meta'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-file_meta'] += resp[1] self.db.commit() return [] class PersistGrobidWorker(SandcrawlerWorker): def __init__(self, db_url, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.db = SandcrawlerPostgresClient(db_url) self.cur = self.db.conn.cursor() self.grobid = GrobidClient() self.s3 = SandcrawlerMinioClient( host_url=kwargs.get('s3_url', 'localhost:9000'), access_key=kwargs['s3_access_key'], secret_key=kwargs['s3_secret_key'], default_bucket=kwargs['s3_bucket'], ) self.s3_only = kwargs.get('s3_only', False) def process(self, record): """ Only do batches (as transactions) """ raise NotImplementedError def push_batch(self, batch): self.counts['total'] += len(batch) for r in batch: if r['status_code'] != 200 or not r.get('tei_xml'): self.counts['s3-skip-status'] += 1 if r.get('error_msg'): r['metadata'] = {'error_msg': r['error_msg'][:500]} continue assert len(r['key']) == 40 resp = self.s3.put_blob( folder="grobid", blob=r['tei_xml'], sha1hex=r['key'], extension=".tei.xml", ) self.counts['s3-put'] += 1 # enhance with teixml2json metadata, if available metadata = self.grobid.metadata(r) if not metadata: continue for k in ('fatcat_release', 'grobid_version'): r[k] = metadata.pop(k, None) if r.get('fatcat_release'): r['fatcat_release'] = r['fatcat_release'].replace('release_', '') if metadata.get('grobid_timestamp'): r['updated'] = metadata['grobid_timestamp'] r['metadata'] = metadata if not self.s3_only: resp = self.db.insert_grobid(self.cur, batch, on_conflict="update") self.counts['insert-grobid'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-grobid'] += resp[1] file_meta_batch = [r['file_meta'] for r in batch if r.get('file_meta')] resp = self.db.insert_file_meta(self.cur, file_meta_batch, on_conflict="update") self.counts['insert-file-meta'] += resp[0] self.counts['update-file-meta'] += resp[1] self.db.commit() return [] class PersistGrobidDiskWorker(SandcrawlerWorker): """ Writes blobs out to disk. This could be refactored into a "Sink" type with an even thinner wrapper. """ def __init__(self, output_dir): super().__init__() self.output_dir = output_dir def _blob_path(self, sha1hex, extension=".tei.xml"): obj_path = "{}/{}/{}{}".format( sha1hex[0:2], sha1hex[2:4], sha1hex, extension, ) return obj_path def process(self, record): if record['status_code'] != 200 or not record.get('tei_xml'): return False assert(len(record['key'])) == 40 p = "{}/{}".format(self.output_dir, self._blob_path(record['key'])) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(p), exist_ok=True) with open(p, 'w') as f: f.write(record.pop('tei_xml')) self.counts['written'] += 1 return record