import base64 import magic import hashlib import datetime def gen_file_metadata(blob): """ Takes a file blob (bytestream) and returns hashes and other metadata. Returns a dict: size_bytes, md5hex, sha1hex, sha256hex, mimetype """ assert blob mimetype = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_buffer(blob) hashes = [ hashlib.sha1(), hashlib.sha256(), hashlib.md5(), ] for h in hashes: h.update(blob) return dict( size_bytes=len(blob), sha1hex=hashes[0].hexdigest(), sha256hex=hashes[1].hexdigest(), md5hex=hashes[2].hexdigest(), mimetype=mimetype, ) def b32_hex(s): """ Converts a base32-encoded SHA-1 checksum into hex-encoded base32 checksums are used by, eg, heritrix and in wayback CDX files """ s = s.strip().split()[0].lower() if s.startswith("sha1:"): s = s[5:] if len(s) != 32: if len(s) == 40: return s raise ValueError("not a base-32 encoded SHA-1 hash: {}".format(s)) return base64.b16encode(base64.b32decode(s.upper())).lower().decode('utf-8') NORMAL_MIME = ( 'application/pdf', 'application/postscript', 'text/html', 'text/xml', ) def normalize_mime(raw): raw = raw.lower() for norm in NORMAL_MIME: if raw.startswith(norm): return norm # Special cases if raw.startswith('application/xml'): return 'text/xml' if raw.startswith('application/x-pdf'): return 'application/pdf' return None def test_normalize_mime(): assert normalize_mime("asdf") is None assert normalize_mime("application/pdf") == "application/pdf" assert normalize_mime("application/pdf+journal") == "application/pdf" assert normalize_mime("Application/PDF") == "application/pdf" assert normalize_mime("application/p") is None assert normalize_mime("application/xml+stuff") == "text/xml" assert normalize_mime("application/x-pdf") == "application/pdf" assert normalize_mime("application/x-html") is None def parse_cdx_line(raw_cdx, normalize=True): """ This method always filters a few things out: - non-HTTP requests, based on lack of status code (eg, whois) """ cdx = raw_cdx.split() if len(cdx) < 11: return None surt = cdx[0] dt = cdx[1] url = cdx[2] mime = normalize_mime(cdx[3]) http_status = cdx[4] sha1b32 = cdx[5] c_size = cdx[8] offset = cdx[9] warc = cdx[10] if not (sha1b32.isalnum() and c_size.isdigit() and offset.isdigit() and len(sha1b32) == 32 and dt.isdigit()): return None if '-' in (surt, dt, url, http_status, sha1b32, c_size, offset, warc): return None if mime is None or mime == '-': mime = "application/octet-stream" if normalize: mime = normalize_mime(mime) sha1hex = b32_hex(sha1b32) http_status = int(http_status) c_size = int(c_size) offset = int(offset) return dict( surt=surt, url=url, datetime=dt, mimetype=mime, http_status=http_status, sha1b32=sha1b32, sha1hex=sha1hex, warc_csize=c_size, warc_offset=offset, warc_path=warc, ) def parse_cdx_datetime(dt_str): try: return datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") except Exception: return None