import os import minio class SandcrawlerMinioClient(object): def __init__(self, host, access_key, secret_key, default_bucket=None): """ host is minio connection string (host:port) access and secret key are as expected default_bucket can be supplied so that it doesn't need to be repeated for each function call Example config: host="localhost:9000", access_key=os.environ['MINIO_ACCESS_KEY'], secret_key=os.environ['MINIO_SECRET_KEY'], """ = minio.Minio( host, access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key, secure=False, ) self.default_bucket = default_bucket def upload_blob(self, folder, blob, sha1hex=None, extension="", prefix="", bucket=None): """ blob should be bytes sha1hex is assumed to be sha1 of the blob itself; if not supplied it will be calculated Uploads blob to path in the given bucket. Files are stored in a top-level folder, then in two levels of sub-directory based on sha1, then the filename is SHA1 with an optional file extension. """ if type(blob) == str: blob = blob.encode('utf-8') assert type(blob) == bytes if not sha1hex: h = hashlib.sha1() h.update(blob) sha1hex = h.hexdigest() obj_path = "{}{}/{}/{}/{}{}".format( prefix, folder, sha1hex[0:2], sha1hex[2:4], sha1hex, extension, ) if not bucket: bucket = self.default_bucket self.default_bucket, obj_path, blob, len(blob), ) return (bucket, obj_path)