[[source]] name = "ia" url = "https://devpi.archive.org/wb/prod" verify_ssl = true [[source]] name = "pypi" url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple" verify_ssl = true [dev-packages] pytest = ">=4" pytest-pythonpath = "*" pytest-pylint = "*" responses = ">=0.10" pytest-cov = "*" pytest-mock = "*" pylint = "*" # newer ipython conflicts with python3.5 ipython = "<7.0.0" [packages] requests = ">=2" raven = {extras = ['flask'],version = "*"} pykafka = "*" confluent-kafka = "*" python-snappy = "*" boto3 = "*" minio = "*" psycopg2 = "*" bs4 = "*" python-magic = "*" ftfy = "*" internetarchive = "*" Flask = ">=1" urlcanon = "*" # this is only to lock to a python3.5-compatible version zipp = "<2.0.0" [requires] python_version = "3.5" [packages.globalwayback] version = ">=0.3" index = "ia" [packages.wayback] version = ">=" index = "ia"