[flake8] select = C,E,F,W,ANN # TODO: C901 is complexity, should be re-enabled at some point # TODO: ANN201,ANN001,ANN202,ANN206,ANN205 are core annotations, should be enabled # TODO: E251,W504,E126,E125 are unfortunate yapf behaviors; could try to work around them? # ANN003 is just type annotation on, eg, **kwargs # E266 disallows multiple #, eg in section dividers ignore = E266,F405,F403,W503,E231,E203,E501,E226,E711,E713,E265,ANN101,ANN204,ANN102,C901,ANN201,ANN001,ANN202,ANN206,ANN003,ANN205,E251,W504,E126,E125 per-file-ignores = sandcrawler/__init__.py: F401 tests/*.py: ANN201,ANN001 sandcrawler/ia.py: E402 exclude = .git,__pycache__,.venv,scripts/ max-line-length = 96 max-complexity = 30