status: deployed NOTE: while this has been used in production, as of December 2022 the results are not used much in practice, and we don't score every PDF that comes along PDF Trio (ML Classification) ============================== This document describes how we intent to integrate the first generation of PDF classification work into the sandcrawler processing system. - abstractions (APIs) - schemas - how models and dependencies are deployed - what code is release where under what license ## Code Structure Major components: **Training code, documentation, datasets:** Not used at run-time (does not need to be deployed). Should be public. The datasets (PDFs) are copyrighted, so we should only release URL lists that point to wayback. **Models:** all are static, uploaded to items, simple download to deploy. Should be versioned, and have unique versioned file names or directory paths (aka, deploy in parallel). **Image classifier backend:** vanilla tensorflow serving docker image, with a bunch of invocation configs, plus static models. **BERT backend:** vanilla tensorflow serving docker image, plus config, plus models. Basically same as image classifier. **API service:** currently Flask. Depends on tools like imagemagik, fasttext, pdftotext. Seems like apt+pipenv should work? ## API Refactors Changes: - probably re-write README? - refactor python code into directories - add python tests - tweak schema - proper parallelization: uwsgi? async? New features: - option to send images, raw text in batches in addition to PDFs. ## Client Code Basically just like GROBID client for now. Requests, JSON. ## JSON Schema Output that goes in Kafka topic: key (sha1hex) pdf_trio status status_code ensemble_score bert_score image_score linear_score versions pdftrio_version (string) models_date (string, ISO date) git_rev (string) bert_model (string) image_model (string) linear_model (string) timing (optional/future: as reported by API) ... file_meta sha1hex ... timing ... ## SQL Schema Ensemble model versions are summarized as a date. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pdftrio ( sha1hex TEXT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (octet_length(sha1hex) = 40), updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, status_code INT NOT NULL, status TEXT CHECK (octet_length(status) >= 1) NOT NULL, pdftrio_version TEXT CHECK (octet_length(pdftrio_version) >= 1), models_date DATE, ensemble_score REAL, bert_score REAL, linear_score REAL, image_score REAL ); ## Kafka Topic sandcrawler-qa.pdftrio-output