status: in progress PDF Trio (ML Classification) ============================== This document describes how we intent to integrate the first generation of PDF classification work into the sandcrawler processing system. - abstractions (APIs) - schemas - how models and dependencies are deployed - what code is release where under what license ## Code Structure Major components: **Training code, documentation, datasets:** Not used at run-time (does not need to be deployed). Should be public. The datasets (PDFs) are copyrighted, so we should only release URL lists that point to wayback. **Models:** all are static, uploaded to items, simple download to deploy. Should be versioned, and have unique versioned file names or directory paths (aka, deploy in parallel). **Image classifier backend:** vanilla tensorflow serving docker image, with a bunch of invocation configs, plus static models. **BERT backend:** vanilla tensorflow serving docker image, plus config, plus models. Basically same as image classifier. **API service:** currently Flask. Depends on tools like imagemagik, fasttext, pdftotext. Seems like apt+pipenv should work? ## API Refactors Changes: - probably re-write README? - refactor python code into directories - add python tests - tweak schema - proper parallelization: uwsgi? async? New features: - option to send images, raw text in batches in addition to PDFs. ## Client Code Basically just like GROBID client for now. Requests, JSON. ## JSON Schema Output that goes in Kafka topic: pdftrio status status_code ensemble_score bert_score image_score linear_score versions pdftrio_version (string) models_date (string, ISO date) git_rev (string) bert_model (string) image_model (string) linear_model (string) timing (might be added?) ... file_meta sha1hex ... ## SQL Schema Ensemble model versions are summarized as a date. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pdftrio ( sha1hex TEXT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (octet_length(sha1hex) = 40), updated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, status_code INT NOT NULL, status TEXT CHECK (octet_length(status) >= 1) NOT NULL, pdftrio_version TEXT CHECK (octet_length(pdftrio_version) >= 1), models_date DATE, ensemble_score REAL, bert_score REAL, linear_score REAL, image_score REAL ); ## Kafka Topic sandcrawler-qa.pdftrio-output