TL;DR: replace hbase with postgresql tables with REST API ( No primary storage of anything in this table. Everything should be rapidly re-creatable from dumps, kafka topics (compressed), CDX, petabox metadata, etc. This is a secondary view on all of that. ## Schema schema/database name is 'sandcrawler' cdx: include revisits or not? id: int64, PK sha1hex: string, not null, index cdx_sha1hex: string url: string, not null datetime: ISO 8601:1988 (string?), not null mimetype: string warc_path: string (item and filename) warc_offset: i64 created: datetime, index (?) ?crawl: string ?domain: string file_meta sha1hex, string, PK md5hex: string sha256hex: string size_bytes: i64 mime: string (verifying file status; optional for now?) fatcat_file sha1hex: string, PK file_ident: string, index? release_ident: ? petabox id: int64, PK sha1hex: string, notnull, index item: string, notnull path: string, notnull (TODO: URL encoded? separate sub-archive path?) grobid sha1hex: string, PK updated: datetime grobid_version (string) status_code: i32 status: string (JSONB?), only if status != 200 metadata: JSONB, title, first author, year (not for now?) glutton_fatcat_release: string, index shadow sha1hex: string, PK shadow_corpus: string, PK shadow_id: string doi: string pmid: string isbn13: string Alternatively, to be more like existing system could have "one big table" or multiple tables all with same key (sha1b32) and UNIQ. As is, every sha1 pk column is 40 bytes of both index and data, or 8+ GByte (combined) for each table with 100 million rows. using raw bytes could help, but makes all code/queries much trickier. Should we have "created" or "updated" timestamps on all these columns to enable kafka tailing? TODO: - how to indicate CDX sha1 vs. true sha1 mis-match? pretty rare. recrawl and delete row from `gwb_cdx`? - only most recent GROBID? or keep multiple versions? here and minio ## Existing Stuff Sizes (estimates) 78.5G /user/bnewbold/journal_crawl_cdx 19.7G /user/bnewbold/sandcrawler/output-prod/2018-12-14-1737.00-dumpfilemeta 2.7G file_hashes.tsv 228.5G /user/bnewbold/sandcrawler/output-prod/2018-09-23-0405.30-dumpgrobidmetainsertable ## Use Cases Core goal here is to mostly kill hbase/hadoop. What jobs are actually used there? - backfill: load in-scope (fulltext) crawl results from CDX => bulk (many line) inserts - rowcount: "how many unique PDFs crawled?" => trivial SQL query - status code count: "how much GROBID progress?" => trivial SQL query - dumpungrobided: "what files still need to be processed" => SQL join with a "first" on CDX side - dumpgrobidxml: "merge CDX/file info with extracted XML, for those that were successful" => SQL dump or rowscan, then minio fetches This table is generally "single file raw fulltext metadata". "Enrichment" jobs: - GROBID - glutton (if not GROBID) - extra file metadata - match newly enriched files to fatcat What else? - track additional raw file metadata - dump all basic GROBID metadata (title, authors, year) to attempt merge/match Questions we might want to answer - total size of PDF corpus (terabytes) - unqiue files hit per domain ## Prototype Plan - backfill all CDX crawl files (TSV transform?) - load full GROBID XML (both into minio and into SQL) - load full fatcat file dump (TSV transform) - load dumpfilemeta