import os import unittest import tempfile import subprocess from pighelper import PigTestHelper, count_lines class TestJoinCDXSha1(PigTestHelper): def run_pig_join(self, script_path, cdx_file, digest_file, **kwargs): """Convenience helper around run_pig(). INPUT parameter is set to in_file. OUTPUT parameter is set to a random file. Any keyword args are passed as parameters. """ pargs = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): pargs.append('-p') pargs.append('{}={}'.format(key, value)) out_file = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self._tmpdir) params = [ '-f', script_path, '-p', 'INPUT_CDX={}'.format(cdx_file), '-p', 'INPUT_DIGEST={}'.format(digest_file), '-p', 'OUTPUT={}'.format(out_file), ] + pargs status = self.run_pig_raw(params) assert status.returncode == 0 # Capture all the part-r-* files print("out_file: {}".format(out_file))"/bin/ls -la {}/part-*".format(out_file), shell=True) sub ="/bin/cat {}/part-*".format(out_file), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out = sub.stdout.decode('utf-8') print(out) return out # TODO: helper to verify that output matches an expected file def test_thing(self): r = self.run_pig_join("join-cdx-sha1.pig", "tests/files/example.cdx", "tests/files/example.sha1b32") assert count_lines(r) == 4