As of March 2018, the archive runs Pig version 0.12.0, via CDH5.0.1 (Cloudera

"Local mode" unit tests in this folder run with Pig version 0.17.0 (controlled
by ``) due to [dependency/jar issues][pig-bug] in local mode of


## Development and Testing

To run tests, you need Java installed and `JAVA_HOME` configured.

Fetch dependencies (including pig) from top-level directory:


Write `.pig` scripts in this directory, and add a python wrapper test to
`./tests/` when done.  Test vector files (input/output) can go in

Run the tests with:

    pipenv run pytest

Could also, in theory, use a docker image ([local-pig][]), but it's pretty easy
to just download.


## Run in Production

    pig -param INPUT="/user/bnewbold/pdfs/global-20171227034923" \
        -param OUTPUT="/user/bnewbold/pdfs/gwb-pdf-20171227034923-surt-filter" \