Want to test recent updates of GROBID (to fix regex issue), and also re-process a number of PDFs which failed to process with GROBID initially. ## HTTP 503 These are attempts which failed because GROBID was too busy or not running. # IMPROVED BELOW COPY ( SELECT row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex WHERE grobid.status_code = 503 AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 4749 Not actually that many, which seems good. Confirm that these are uniq by sha1hex: cat ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json | jq .sha1hex -r | sort | uniq -d | wc -l # 302 Nope! Need to add "distinct on": COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex WHERE grobid.status_code = 503 AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 4297 cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 ## Never Processed CDX PDFs in fatcat which have never been processed with GROBID. COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM fatcat_file LEFT JOIN cdx ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN grobid ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex LEFT JOIN file_meta ON file_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE grobid.sha1hex IS NULL AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND (file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' OR file_meta.mimetype IS NULL) -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.cdx.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 15488 cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.cdx.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 PDFs in fatcat which have never been processed with pdfextract. # TODO COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM fatcat_file LEFT JOIN cdx ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON pdf_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex LEFT JOIN file_meta ON file_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE pdf_meta.sha1hex IS NULL AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND cdx.mimetype = 'application/pdf' AND (file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' OR file_meta.mimetype IS NULL) -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unextracted_fatcat.2021-12-08.cdx.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 45535 cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unextracted_fatcat.2021-12-08.cdx.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1 # 45.5k 0:00:01 [30.2k/s] ## Timeout or Failure COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN file_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex WHERE (grobid.status_code = 500 OR grobid.status_code = -4) AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid_failed.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 8,084,296 cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid_failed.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 This seems to not be working very well, mostly errors, empty docs, etc. Will roll-forward the kafka consumer group after attempting a couple hundred thousand of these. Let's try limiting to files actually in fatcat: COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN file_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE (grobid.status_code = 500 OR grobid.status_code = -4) AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15') -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-08.grobid_failed.json' WITH NULL ''; # COPY 529265 That is a much more managable batch to retry. cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-08.grobid_failed.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 # 529k 0:00:17 [31.0k/s] ## Missing Fatcat Files There were around a half million fatcat file entities which didn't have `cdx` rows in sandcrawler. Did some specific pdfextract processing; now we should do GROBID ingest as well. Enque the `CDX` objects for GROBID and pdfextract processing: zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 # 354k 0:00:11 [30.6k/s] zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1 And some earlier files of interest on `aitio`: cat files_missing_sha256.ingest_results.json \ | rg '"application/pdf"' \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq .cdx -c \ | sort -u -S 4G \ | pv -l \ > files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json # 100k 0:00:47 [2.09k/s] cat files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 cat files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1 ## Ancient Fatcat Files Files from an era where we didn't record GROBID version or status, even for success. COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE grobid.status_code = 200 AND grobid.status IS NULL AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15') -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_status_null.json' WITH NULL ''; cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_status_null.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 # 107k 0:00:03 [29.9k/s] ## Start Re-Processing Old GROBID Versions COPY ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx) FROM grobid LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex WHERE grobid.status = 'success' AND grobid.grobid_version NOT LIKE '0.7.%' AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15') -- LIMIT 5; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.json' WITH NULL ''; This one is huge, and want to process in batches/chunks of ~8 million at a time. cd /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.json \ | split --lines 5000000 - ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_ -d --additional-suffix .json Submit individual batches like: cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_01.json \ | rg -v "\\\\" \ | jq . -c \ | pv -l \ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1 Overall progress: x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_00.json . ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_01.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_02.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_03.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_04.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_05.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_06.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_07.json => ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_08.json (small) ## General Counts How many fatcat files of what mimetype (reported in sandcrawler-db)? SELECT file_meta.mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM fatcat_file LEFT JOIN file_meta ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex WHERE fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.any_url = true AND content_scope IS NULL GROUP BY file_meta.mimetype ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 25; mimetype | count ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------- application/pdf | 45227033 | 433068 application/octet-stream | 30634 application/jats+xml | 6874 text/html | 876 application/postscript | 199 application/gzip | 173 text/plain | 84 application/xml | 48 application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | 38 application/msword | 16 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | 8 image/jpeg | 6 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | 4 message/rfc822 | 4 application/zip | 4 text/x-tex | 3 application/x-dosexec | 3 application/x-tar | 2 application/vnd.ms-tnef | 2 image/svg+xml | 1 image/tiff | 1 image/png | 1 image/gif | 1 application/vnd.ms-office | 1 (25 rows) PDF extract status? SELECT pdf_meta.status, COUNT(*) FROM fatcat_file LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = pdf_meta.sha1hex WHERE fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.any_url = true AND content_scope IS NULL GROUP BY pdf_meta.status ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 25; status | count ----------------+---------- success | 43415920 | 2018522 text-too-large | 122730 parse-error | 94876 not-pdf | 32156 error-wayback | 14504 bad-unicode | 279 bad-pdf | 98 empty-blob | 2 (9 rows) What are the GROBID status codes for fatcat files? Narrowed down: SELECT grobid.status, grobid.status_code, COUNT(*) FROM fatcat_file LEFT JOIN grobid ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = grobid.sha1hex WHERE fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL AND fatcat_file.any_url = true AND content_scope IS NULL GROUP BY grobid.status, grobid.status_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 25; status | status_code | count ----------------+-------------+---------- success | 200 | 44409069 error | 500 | 580402 | | 468836 | 200 | 240660 error-timeout | -4 | 79 bad-grobid-xml | 200 | 38 error | 200 | 3 (7 rows) Ran the same query again on 2021-12-15: status | status_code | count ----------------+-------------+---------- success | 200 | 45092915 error | 500 | 302373 | | 250335 | 200 | 53352 bad-grobid-xml | 200 | 39 error-timeout | -4 | 37 error | 200 | 34 error | 503 | 2 (8 rows)