The current sandcrawler-db crossref table was backfilled from a 2021-01 snapshot, and has not been updated since. Would like to use the existing fatcat Kafka feed to keep the crossref table up to date, and also backfill in GROBID reference parsing of all `unstructured` references. Current plan is: 1. use kafkacat CLI to dump crossref Kafka topic, from the begining of 2021 up to some recent date 2. use ``, with a large batch size (200?) to backfill this dump into sandcrawler-db. this will update some rows multiple times (if there have been updates) 3. dump the full crossref table, as a point-in-time snapshot 4. filter to crossref records that have `unstrutured` references in them (at all) 5. use `` with `parallel` to batch process references 6. backfill these refs using a simple SQL COPY statement 7. deploy crossref persist worker, with ref updates on, and roll the consumer group back to date of dump 8. wait for everything to catch up ## Commands Get a timestamp in milliseconds: 2021-01-01 is: 1609488000 in unix time (seconds) 1609488000000 in miliseconds Hrm, oldest messages seem to actually be from 2021-04-28T19:21:10Z though. Due to topic compaction? Yup, we have a 180 day compaction policy on that topic, probably from when kafka space was tight. Oh well! Updated retention for this topic to `46656000000` (~540 days, ~18 months) using `kafka-manager` web app. kafkacat -C -b -t fatcat-prod.api-crossref -o s@1609488000000 \ | pv -l \ | gzip \ > crossref_feed_start20210428_end20211029.json.gz This resulted in ~36 million rows, 46GB. `scp` that around, then run persist on `sandcrawler-db`: # in pipenv, as sandcrawler user # manually edited to set batch size to 200 zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_feed_start20210428_end20211029.json.gz \ | pv -l \ | ./ crossref - With a single thread, the persist process runs at about 1,000 rows/sec, which works out to about 10 hours for 36 million rows. At the start of this process, total PostgreSQL database size is 832.21G. Query to dump crossref rows which have any refs and compress output with pigz: # dump_crossref.sql COPY ( SELECT record FROM crossref WHERE record::jsonb @? '$.reference[*].unstructured' -- LIMIT 5 ) TO STDOUT WITH NULL ''; # 'sed' required because of double quote escaping in postgresql output:: # # 'rg' filter is just being conservative psql sandcrawler < dump_crossref.sql \ | sed 's/\\"/\"/g' \ | rg '^\{' \ | pv -l \ | pigz \ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.json.gz # NOTE: -j40 is for production run with ~dedicated GROBID server with many cores zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.json.gz \ | parallel -j40 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ --grobid-host parse-crossref-refs - \ | pv -l \ | pigz \ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.grobid_refs.json.gz # able to do about 300-500 records/second # 23.9k 0:01:14 [ 320 /s] # 134518 total refs parsed # ~1817 refs/second parsed