- all releases from small journals, regardless of OA status, if small (eg, less than 200 papers published), and not big5 more complex crawling/content: - add video link to alternative content demo ingest: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0400764 - watermark.silverchair.com: if terminal-bad-status, then do recrawl via heritrix with base_url - www.morressier.com: interesting site for rich web crawling/preservation (video+slides+data) - doi.ala.org.au: possible dataset ingest source - peerj.com, at least reviews, should be HTML ingest? or are some PDF? - publons.com should be HTML ingest, possibly special case for scope - frontiersin.org: any 'component' releases with PDF file are probably a metadata bug other tasks: - handle this related withdrawn notice? https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0401512 - push/deploy sandcrawler changes