These are notes on how bibliographic metadata matches (of records) and slugification (to create lookup keys on title strings) worked in the past in the sandcrawler repository. Eg, circa 2018. ## Scala Slug-ification Original title strings longer than 1023 characters were rejected (before slug-ifying). There was a "slug-denylist". Additionally, scorable strings needed to be between 8 and 1023 characters (not bytes) long (inclusive) Slugification transform was: - lower-case - remove whitespace ("\s") - strip specific accent characters: '\u0141' -> 'L', '\u0142' -> 'l', // Letter ell '\u00d8' -> 'O', '\u00f8' -> 'o' - remove all '\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}' - remove punctuation: \p{Punct} ’·“”‘’“”«»「」¿–±§ Partially adapted from apache commons: My original notes/proposal: 1. keep only \p{Ideographic}, \p{Alphabetic}, and \p{Digit} 2. strip accents 3. "lower-case" (unicode-aware) 4. do any final custom/manual mappings Resulting slugs less than 8 characters long were rejected, and slugs were checked against a denylist. Only 554 entries in the denylist; could just ship that in the library. ## Python Tokenization - "'" -> "'" - remove non "isalnum()" characters - encode as ASCII; this removes diacritics etc, but also all non-latin character sets - optionally remove all whitespace ## Python GROBID Cleanups These are likely pretty GROBID-specific. Article title was required, but any of the other filtered-out fields just resulted in partial metadata. These filters are the result of lots of manual verification of results, and doing things like taking truncating titles and looking at the most popular prefixes for a large random sample. Same denylist for title slugs as Scala, plus: editorial advertisement bookreviews reviews nr abstractoriginalarticle originalarticle impactfactor articlenumber Other filters on title strings (any of these bad): - 500 or more characters long - tokenized string less than 10 characters - tokenized starts with 'nr' or 'issn' - lowercase starts with 'int j' or '.int j' - contains both "volume" and "issue" - contains "downloadedfrom" - fewer than 2 or more than 50 tokens (words) - more than 12 tokens only a single character long - more than three ":"; more than one "|"; more than one "." Remove title prefixes (but allow): "Title: " "Original Article: " "Original Article " "Article: " Denylist for authors: phd phdstudent Journal name processing: - apply title denylist - remove prefixes characters: /~&© Original Research Article Original Article Research Article Available online - remove suffixes Available online at Original Article Available online at ISSN ISSUE - remove anywhere e-ISSN p-ISSN ## Python Grouping Comparison Would consume joined groups, row-by-row. At most 10 matches per group; any more and skip (this was for file-to-release). Overall matching requirements: - string similarity threshold from scala code - authors should be consistent - convert one author list into space-separated tokens - remove "jr." from all author token lists - the last word for each author full name in the other list (eg, the lastname), tokenized, must be in the token set - if both years defined, then must match exactly (integers) In the code, there is a note: Note: the actual importer/merger should filter the following patterns out: - container title has "letter" and "diar" - contribs (authors) contain "&NA;" - dates differ (not just year) ## Scala Metadata Keys Only the titles were ever actually used (in scala), but the keys allowed were: - title - authors (list of strings) - year (int) - contentType - doi