Find all the PDFs from web which resulted in `bad-grobid-xml` status code (among others): sql> select * from grobid where status != 'success' and status_code != 500 and status_code != 503 and status != 'error-timeout' limit 100; sha1hex | updated | grobid_version | status_code | status | fatcat_release | metadata ------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+----------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------ d994efeea3b653e2dbe8e13e5a6d203e9b9484ab | 2020-03-20 04:04:40.093094+00 | | 200 | error | | {"error_msg": "response XML too large: 12052192 bytes"} 8dadf846488ddc2ff3934dd6beee0e3046fa3800 | 2020-11-24 01:24:02.668692+00 | | 200 | error | | {"error_msg": "response XML too large: 18758248 bytes"} 227900724e5cf9fbd06146c914239d0c12c3671a | 2020-03-18 10:24:33.394339+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"} FIXED f667b4ef2befb227078169ed57ffc6efc5fa85c2 | 2020-03-20 04:54:18.902756+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 28, column 527"} FIXED c1e8d9df347b8de53fc2116615b1343ba327040d | 2020-11-08 21:46:04.552442+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "mismatched tag: line 198, column 3"} FIXED (and good) 4d9860a5eeee6bc671c3be859ca78f89669427f0 | 2021-11-04 01:29:13.081596+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "unclosed token: line 812, column 7"} FIXED metadata quality mixed, but complex document (?) 7cfc0739be9c49d94272110a0a748256bdde9be6 | 2021-07-25 17:06:03.919073+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 38, column 440"} FIXED 088c61a229084d13f85524efcc9f38a80dd19caf | 2021-09-01 08:08:18.531533+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 47, column 814"} FIXED 19e70297e523e9f32cd4379af33a12ab95c34a71 | 2021-11-05 10:09:25.407657+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 853, column 84"} not found acc855d74431537b98de5185e065e4eacbab7b26 | 2021-11-12 22:57:22.439007+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 60, column 45"} BROKEN: not well-formed (invalid token): line 60, column 45 Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin and Dresden, Germany. 8e73055c63d1e684b59059ac418f55690a2eec01 | 2021-11-12 17:34:46.343685+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 44, column 45"} not found c2b3f696e97b9e80f38c35aa282416e95d6d9f5e | 2021-11-12 22:57:12.417191+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 58, column 45"} BROKEN: not well-formed (invalid token): line 58, column 45 Ren, 2020; Meng, Hua, & Bian, 2020). 840d4609308c4a7748393181fe1f6a45f9d425c5 | 2021-11-12 22:57:17.433022+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 1824, column 45"} not found 3deb6375e894c5007207502bf52d751a47a20725 | 2021-11-12 23:11:17.711948+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 65, column 45"} not found f1d06080a4b1ac72ab75226e692e8737667c29a7 | 2020-01-16 09:23:27.579995+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 29, column 1581"} FIXED, good f3e7b91fce9132addc59bd1560c5eb16c0330842 | 2020-01-12 11:58:06.654613+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"} FIXED 37edcaa6f67fbb8c3e27fa02da4f0fa780e33bca | 2020-01-04 21:53:49.578847+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 28, column 1284"} FIXED 3f1d302143824808f7109032687a327708896748 | 2020-01-05 20:51:18.783034+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"} FIXED (21 rows) Some other errors from other queries: d9634f194bc3dee27db7a1cb49b30e48803d7ad8 | 2020-01-06 16:01:09.331272+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[PARSING_ERROR] Cannot parse file: /run/grobid/tmp/VyuJWqREHT.lxml"} FIXED: with 0.7.0+ 56c9b5398ef94df54d699342740956caf4523925 | 2020-02-06 21:37:42.139761+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[BAD_INPUT_DATA] PDF to XML conversion failed with error code: 1"} still errors: "error_msg": "[BAD_INPUT_DATA] PDF to XML conversion failed with error code: 1", "status": "error", "status_code": 500 BAD PDF ("no pages" in evince) d7cf65ed211cf1e3420c595fdbecc5d18f297b11 | 2020-01-10 23:19:16.783415+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[PARSING_ERROR] Cannot parse file: /run/grobid/tmp/dBV73X4HrZ.lxml"} FIXED 51d070ab398a8744286ef7356445f0828a9f3abb | 2020-02-06 16:01:23.98892+00 | | 503 | error | | {"error_msg": "\n\n\n" in raw affiliations, which I have submitted a patch/PR for.