#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Streaming Hadoop script to import extract metadata and body from fulltext (eg, PDF) files using GROBID. Input is a CDX file; results primarly go to HBase, with status written to configurable output stream. Fulltext files are loaded directly from WARC files in petabox, instead of going through the wayback replay. Requires: - happybase - mrjob - wayback/GWB libraries """ import io import sys import struct import requests import happybase import mrjob from mrjob.job import MRJob from wayback.resource import Resource from wayback.resource import ArcResource from wayback.resourcestore import ResourceStore from gwb.loader import CDXLoaderFactory from common import parse_cdx_line class MRExtractCdxGrobid(MRJob): # CDX lines in; JSON status out INPUT_PROTOCOL = mrjob.protocol.RawValueProtocol OUTPUT_PROTOCOL = mrjob.protocol.JSONValueProtocol def configure_args(self): super(MRExtractCdxGrobid, self).configure_args() self.add_passthru_arg('--hbase-table', type=str, default='wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa', help='HBase table to backfill into (must exist)') self.add_passthru_arg('--hbase-host', type=str, default='localhost', help='HBase thrift API host to connect to') self.add_passthru_arg('--grobid-uri', type=str, default='http://localhost:8070', help='URI of GROBID API Server') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Allow passthrough for tests if 'hb_table' in kwargs: self.hb_table = kwargs.pop('hb_table') else: self.hb_table = None super(MRExtractCdxGrobid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mime_filter = ['application/pdf'] def grobid_fulltext(self, content): r = requests.post(self.options.grobid_uri + "/api/processFulltextDocument", files={'input': content}) if r.status_code is not 200: # XXX: print("FAIL (Grobid: {}): {}".format(r.content.decode('utf8'))) else: # XXX: print("SUCCESS: " + debug_line) return r.json() def mapper_init(self): if self.hb_table is None: try: host = self.options.hbase_host # TODO: make these configs accessible from... mrconf.cfg? hb_conn = happybase.Connection(host=host, transport="framed", protocol="compact") except Exception as err: raise Exception("Couldn't connect to HBase using host: {}".format(host)) self.hb_table = hb_conn.table(self.options.hbase_table) def parse_line(self, raw_cdx): if (raw_cdx.startswith(' ') or raw_cdx.startswith('filedesc') or raw_cdx.startswith('#')): return None, dict(status="invalid", reason="line prefix") info = parse_cdx_line(raw_cdx) if info is None: return None, dict(status="invalid", reason="CDX parse") if info['file:mime'] not in self.mime_filter: self.increment_counter('lines', 'skip') return None, dict(status="skip", reason="mimetype") # If warc is not item/file.(w)arc.gz form, skip it if len(info['file:cdx']['warc'].split('/')) != 2: self.increment_counter('lines', 'skip') return None, dict(status="skip", reason="WARC path not petabox item/file") return info, None def extract(self, info): # Fetch data from WARCs in petabox try: rstore = ResourceStore(loaderfactory=CDXLoaderFactory()) gwb_record = rstore.load_resource( info['file:cdx']['warc'], info['file:cdx']['offset'], info['file:cdx']['c_size']) except IOError as ioe: # XXX: catch correct error self.increment_counter('lines', 'existing') return _, dict(status="existing") if gwb_record.get_status()[0] != 200: self.increment_counter('lines', 'error') return _, dict(status="error", reason="non-HTTP-200 WARC content") # Submit to GROBID content = gwb_record.open_raw_content() try: grobid_result = self.grobid_fulltext(gwb_record.open_raw_content()) except IOError as ioe: # XXX: catch correct error self.increment_counter('lines', 'existing') return _, dict(status="existing") info['file:size'] = len(resource_data) info['grobid0:status_code'] = None info['grobid0:quality'] = None info['grobid0:status'] = {} info['grobid0:tei_xml'] = None info['grobid0:tei_json'] = {} info['grobid0:metadata'] = {} # Convert TEI XML to JSON # TODO # Determine extraction "quality" # TODO return info, None def mapper(self, _, raw_cdx): """ 1. parse CDX line 2. check what is already in hbase 3. fetch data from wayback 4. submit to GROBID 5. convert GROBID response to JSON (and metadata) 6. determine "quality" 7. push results to hbase """ self.increment_counter('lines', 'total') # Parse line and filter down info, status = self.parse_line(raw_cdx) if info is None: self.increment_counter('lines', status['status']) yield _, status return # Check if we've already processed this line oldrow = self.hb_table.row(info['key'], columns=['f', 'file', 'grobid:status_code']) if oldrow.get('grobid0:status', None): # This file has already been processed; skip it self.increment_counter('lines', 'existing') yield _, dict(status="existing") return # Do the extraction info, status = self.extract(info) if info is None: self.increment_counter('lines', status['status']) yield _, status return # Decide what to bother inserting back into HBase # Particularly: ('f:c', 'file:mime', 'file:size', 'file:cdx') grobid_status = info.get('grobid0:status_code', None) for k in info.keys(): if k in oldrow: info.pop(k) # Convert fields to binary for k in info.keys(): if k in ('f:c', 'file:cdx', 'grobid0:status', 'grobid0:tei_json', 'grobid0:metadata'): assert type(info[k]) == dict info[k] = json.dumps(info[k], sort_keys=True, indent=None) if k in ('file:size', 'grobid0:status_code'): # encode as int64 in network byte order info[k] = struct.pack('!q', info[k]) key = info.pop('key') self.hb_table.put(key, info) self.increment_counter('lines', 'success') yield _, dict(status="success", grobid_status=grobid_status) if __name__ == '__main__': MRExtractCdxGrobid.run()