## Rebalance Storage Between Brokers (kafka-manager web) For each topic you want to rebalance (eg, the large or high-throughput ones), go to the topic page and do the blue "reassign partitions" button (or potentially "generate" or "manual"). Monitor progress with the "Reassign Partitions" link at top of the page. Finally, run a preferred replica election after partition movement is complete. ## Rebalance Storage Between Brokers (CLI) For example, after adding or removing brokers from the cluster. Create a list of topics to move, and put it in `/tmp/topics_to_move.json`: { "version": 1, "topics": [ {"topic": "sandcrawler-shadow.grobid-output"}, {"topic": "fatcat-prod.api-crossref"} ] } On a kafka broker, go to `/srv/kafka-broker/kafka-*/bin`, generate a plan, then inspect the output: ./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --broker-list "280,281,284,285,263" --topics-to-move-json-file /tmp/topics_to_move.json --generate > /tmp/reassignment-plan.json cat /tmp/reassignment-plan.json | rg '^\{' | tail -n1 > /tmp/new-plan.json cat /tmp/reassignment-plan.json | rg '^\{' | jq . If that looks good, start the rebalance: ./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file /tmp/new-plan.json --execute Then monitor progress: ./kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --reassignment-json-file /tmp/new-plan.json --verify Finally, run a preferred replica election after partition movement is complete. Currently do this through the web interface (linked above).