path: root/scalding/src/test/scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'scalding/src/test/scala')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scalding/src/test/scala/sandcrawler/HBaseCrossrefScoreTest.scala b/scalding/src/test/scala/sandcrawler/HBaseCrossrefScoreTest.scala
index 655dda1..e6ff4a8 100644
--- a/scalding/src/test/scala/sandcrawler/HBaseCrossrefScoreTest.scala
+++ b/scalding/src/test/scala/sandcrawler/HBaseCrossrefScoreTest.scala
@@ -188,6 +188,53 @@ class HBaseCrossrefScoreTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
HBaseCrossrefScore.removeAccents("SØREN") shouldBe "SOREN"
+ // Tests adapted from https://oldfashionedsoftware.com/2009/11/19/string-distance-and-refactoring-in-scala/
+ "stringDistance" should "work on empty strings" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("", "") shouldBe 0
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("a", "") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("", "a") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("abc", "") shouldBe 3
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("", "abc") shouldBe 3
+ }
+ it should "work on equal strings" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("", "") shouldBe 0
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("a", "a") shouldBe 0
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("abc", "abc") shouldBe 0
+ }
+ it should "work where only inserts are needed" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("", "a") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("a", "ab") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("b", "ab") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("ac", "abc") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("abcdefg", "xabxcdxxefxgx") shouldBe 6
+ }
+ it should "work where only deletes are needed" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "a", "") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "ab", "a") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "ab", "b") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("abc", "ac") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("xabxcdxxefxgx", "abcdefg") shouldBe 6
+ }
+ it should "work where only substitutions are needed" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "a", "b") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "ab", "ac") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance( "ac", "bc") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("abc", "axc") shouldBe 1
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("xabxcdxxefxgx", "1ab2cd34ef5g6") shouldBe 6
+ }
+ it should "work where many operations are needed" in {
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("example", "samples") shouldBe 3
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("sturgeon", "urgently") shouldBe 6
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("levenshtein", "frankenstein") shouldBe 6
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("distance", "difference") shouldBe 5
+ HBaseCrossrefScore.stringDistance("java was neat", "scala is great") shouldBe 7
+ }
// Pipeline tests
val output = "/tmp/testOutput"
@@ -227,7 +274,7 @@ class HBaseCrossrefScoreTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
// "Title 1: TNG", "Title 1: TNG 2", "Title 1: TNG 3", "Title 2 Rebooted"
// Join should have 3 "Title 1" slugs and 1 "Title 2" slug
outputBuffer =>
- it should "return a 4-element list" in {
+ "The pipeline" should "return a 4-element list" in {
outputBuffer should have length 4