path: root/proposals/2019_ingest.md
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+status: work-in-progress
+This document proposes structure and systems for ingesting (crawling) paper
+PDFs and other content as part of sandcrawler.
+## Overview
+The main abstraction is a sandcrawler "ingest request" object, which can be
+created and submitted to one of several systems for automatic harvesting,
+resulting in an "ingest result" metadata object. This result should contain
+enough metadata to be automatically imported into fatcat as a file/release
+The structure and pipelines should be flexible enough to work with individual
+PDF files, web captures, and datasets. It should work for on-demand
+(interactive) ingest (for "save paper now" features), soft-real-time
+(hourly/daily/queued), batches of hundreds or thousands of requests, and scale
+up to batch ingest crawls of tens of millions of URLs. Most code should not
+care about how or when content is actually crawled.
+The motivation for this structure is to consolidate and automate the current ad
+hoc systems for crawling, matching, and importing into fatcat. It is likely
+that there will still be a few special cases with their own importers, but the
+goal is that in almost all cases that we discover a new structured source of
+content to ingest (eg, a new manifest of identifiers to URLs), we can quickly
+transform the task into a list of ingest requests, then submit those requests
+to an automated system to have them archived and inserted into fatcat with as
+little manual effort as possible.
+## Use Cases and Workflows
+### Unpaywall Example
+As a motivating example, consider how unpaywall crawls are done today:
+- download and archive JSON dump from unpaywall. transform and filter into a
+ TSV with DOI, URL, release-stage columns.
+- filter out previously crawled URLs from this seed file, based on last dump,
+ with the intent of not repeating crawls unnecessarily
+- run heritrix3 crawl, usually by sharding seedlist over multiple machines.
+ after crawl completes:
+ - backfill CDX PDF subset into hbase (for future de-dupe)
+ - generate CRL files etc and upload to archive items
+- run arabesque over complete crawl logs. this takes time, is somewhat manual,
+ and has scaling issues past a few million seeds
+- depending on source/context, run fatcat import with arabesque results
+- periodically run GROBID (and other transforms) over all new harvested files
+Issues with this are:
+- seedlist generation and arabesque step are toilsome (manual), and arabesque
+ likely has metadata issues or otherwise "leaks" content
+- brozzler pipeline is entirely separate
+- results in re-crawls of content already in wayback, in particular links
+ between large corpuses
+New plan:
+- download dump, filter, transform into ingest requests (mostly the same as
+ before)
+- load into ingest-request SQL table. only new rows (unique by source, type,
+ and URL) are loaded. run a SQL query for new rows from the source with URLs
+ that have not been ingested
+- (optional) pre-crawl bulk/direct URLs using heritrix3, as before, to reduce
+ later load on SPN
+- run ingest script over the above SQL output. ingest first hits CDX/wayback,
+ and falls back to SPNv2 (brozzler) for "hard" requests, or based on URL.
+ ingest worker handles file metadata, GROBID, any other processing. results go
+ to kafka, then SQL table
+- either do a bulk fatcat import (via join query), or just have workers
+ continuously import into fatcat from kafka ingest feed (with various quality
+ checks)
+## Request/Response Schema
+For now, plan is to have a single request type, and multiple similar but
+separate result types, depending on the ingest type (file, fileset,
+webcapture). The initial use case is single file PDF ingest.
+NOTE: what about crawl requests where we don't know if we will get a PDF or
+HTML? Or both? Let's just recrawl.
+ - `ingest_type`: required, one of `pdf`, `xml`, `html`, `dataset`. For
+ backwards compatibility, `file` should be interpreted as `pdf`. `pdf` and
+ `xml` return file ingest respose; `html` and `dataset` not implemented but
+ would be webcapture (wayback) and fileset (archive.org item or wayback?).
+ In the future: `epub`, `video`, `git`, etc.
+ - `base_url`: required, where to start crawl process
+ - `link_source`: recommended, slug string. indicating the database or "authority"
+ where URL/identifier match is coming from (eg, `doi`, `pmc`, `unpaywall`
+ (doi), `s2` (semantic-scholar id), `spn` (fatcat release), `core` (CORE
+ id), `mag` (MAG id))
+ - `link_source_id`: recommended, identifier string. pairs with `link_source`.
+ - `ingest_request_source`: recommended, slug string. tracks the service or
+ user who submitted request. eg, `fatcat-changelog`, `editor_<ident>`,
+ `savepapernow-web`
+ - `release_stage`: optional. indicates the release stage of fulltext expected to be found at this URL
+ - `rel`: optional. indicates the link type
+ - `force_recrawl`: optional. if true, will always SPNv2 (won't check wayback)
+ - `oa_status`: optional. unpaywall schema
+ - `edit_extra`: additional metadata to be included in any eventual fatcat commits.
+ - `fatcat`
+ - `release_ident`: optional. if provided, indicates that ingest is expected
+ to be fulltext copy of this release (though may be a sibling release
+ under same work if `release_stage` doesn't match)
+ - `work_ident`: optional, unused. might eventually be used if, eg,
+ `release_stage` of ingested file doesn't match that of the `release_ident`
+ - `ext_ids`: matching fatcat schema. used for later lookups. sometimes
+ `link_source` and id are sufficient.
+ - `doi`
+ - `pmcid`
+ - ...
+ - `request` (object): the full IngestRequest, copied
+ - `status` (slug): 'success', 'error', etc
+ - `hit` (boolean): whether we got something that looks like what was requested
+ - `terminal` (object): last crawled resource (if any)
+ - `terminal_url` (string; formerly `url`)
+ - `terminal_dt` (string): wayback capture datetime (string)
+ - `terminal_status_code`
+ - `terminal_sha1hex`: should match true `file_meta` SHA1 (not necessarily CDX SHA1)
+ (in case of transport encoding difference)
+ - `file_meta` (object): info about the terminal file
+ - same schema as sandcrawler-db table
+ - `size_bytes`
+ - `md5hex`
+ - `sha1hex`
+ - `sha256hex`
+ - `mimetype`: if not know, `application/octet-stream`
+ - `cdx`: CDX record matching terminal resource. *MAY* be a revisit or partial
+ record (eg, if via SPNv2)
+ - same schema as sandcrawler-db table
+ - `revisit_cdx` (optional): if `cdx` is a revisit record, this will be the
+ best "original" location for retrieval of the body (matching `flie_meta`)
+ - same schema as sandcrawler-db table
+ - `grobid`
+ - same schema as sandcrawler-db table
+ - `status` (string)
+ - `status_code` (int)
+ - `grobid_version` (string, from metadata)
+ - `fatcat_release` (string, from metadata)
+ - `metadata` (JSON) (with `grobid_version` and `fatcat_release` removed)
+ - NOT `tei_xml` (strip from reply)
+ - NOT `file_meta` (strip from reply)
+In general, it is the `terminal_dt` and `terminal_url` that should be used to
+construct wayback links (eg, for insertion to fatcat), not from the `cdx`.
+## New SQL Tables
+Sandcrawler should persist status about:
+- claimed locations (links) to fulltext copies of in-scope works, from indexes
+ like unpaywall, MAG, semantic scholar, CORE
+ - with enough context to help insert into fatcat if works are crawled and
+ found. eg, external identifier that is indexed in fatcat, and
+ release-stage
+- state of attempting to crawl all such links
+ - again, enough to insert into fatcat
+ - also info about when/how crawl happened, particularly for failures, so we
+ can do retries
+Proposing two tables:
+ -- source/source_id examples:
+ -- unpaywall / doi
+ -- mag / mag_id
+ -- core / core_id
+ -- s2 / semanticscholar_id
+ -- doi / doi (for any base_url which is just https://doi.org/10..., regardless of why enqueued)
+ -- pmc / pmcid (for any base_url like europmc.org, regardless of why enqueued)
+ -- arxiv / arxiv_id (for any base_url like arxiv.org, regardless of why enqueued)
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ingest_request (
+ -- conceptually: source, source_id, ingest_type, url
+ -- but we use this order for PRIMARY KEY so we have a free index on type/URL
+ ingest_type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(ingest_type) >= 1),
+ base_url TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(url) >= 1),
+ link_source TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(link_source) >= 1),
+ link_source_id TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(link_source_id) >= 1),
+ release_stage TEXT CHECK (octet_length(release_stage) >= 1),
+ request JSONB,
+ -- request isn't required, but can stash extra fields there for import, eg:
+ -- ext_ids (source/source_id sometimes enough)
+ -- release_ident (if ext_ids and source/source_id not specific enough; eg SPN)
+ -- edit_extra
+ -- rel
+ -- oa_status
+ -- ingest_request_source TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(ingest_request_source) >= 1),
+ PRIMARY KEY (ingest_type, base_url, link_source, link_source_id)
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ingest_file_result (
+ ingest_type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(ingest_type) >= 1),
+ base_url TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (octet_length(url) >= 1),
+ status TEXT
+ terminal_url TEXT, INDEX
+ terminal_dt TEXT
+ terminal_status_code INT
+ terminal_sha1hex TEXT, INDEX
+ PRIMARY KEY (ingest_type, base_url)
+ );
+## New Kafka Topics
+- `sandcrawler-ENV.ingest-file-requests`
+- `sandcrawler-ENV.ingest-file-results`
+## Ingest Tool Design
+The basics of the ingest tool are to:
+- use native wayback python library to do fast/efficient lookups and redirect
+ lookups
+- starting from base-url, do a fetch to either target resource or landing page:
+ follow redirects, at terminus should have both CDX metadata and response body
+ - if no capture, or most recent is too old (based on request param), do
+ SPNv2 (brozzler) fetches before wayback lookups
+- if looking for PDF but got landing page (HTML), try to extract a PDF link
+ from HTML using various tricks, then do another fetch. limit this
+ recursion/spidering to just landing page (or at most one or two additional
+ hops)
+Note that if we pre-crawled with heritrix3 (with `citation_pdf_url` link
+following), then in the large majority of simple cases we
+## Design Issues
+### Open Questions
+Do direct aggregator/repositories crawls need to go through this process? Eg
+arxiv.org or pubmed central. I guess so, otherwise how do we get full file
+metadata (size, other hashes)?
+When recording hit status for a URL (ingest result), is that status dependent
+on the crawl context? Eg, for save-paper-now we might want to require GROBID.
+Semantics of `hit` should probably be consistent: if we got the filetype
+expected based on type, not whether we would actually import to fatcat.
+Where to include knowledge about, eg, single-page abstract PDFs being bogus? Do
+we just block crawling, set an ingest result status, or only filter at fatcat
+import time? Definitely need to filter at fatcat import time to make sure
+things don't slip through elsewhere.
+### Yet Another PDF Harvester
+This system could result in "yet another" set of publisher-specific heuristics
+and hacks to crawl publicly available papers. Related existing work includes
+[unpaywall's crawler][unpaywall_crawl], LOCKSS extraction code, dissem.in's
+efforts, zotero's bibliography extractor, etc. The "memento tracer" work is
+also similar. Many of these are even in python! It would be great to reduce
+duplicated work and maintenance. An analagous system in the wild is youtube-dl
+for downloading video from many sources.
+[unpaywall_crawl]: https://github.com/ourresearch/oadoi/blob/master/webpage.py
+[memento_tracer]: http://tracer.mementoweb.org/
+One argument against this would be that our use-case is closely tied to
+save-page-now, wayback, and the CDX API. However, a properly modular
+implementation of a paper downloader would allow components to be re-used, and
+perhaps dependency ingjection for things like HTTP fetches to allow use of SPN
+or similar. Another argument for modularity would be support for headless
+crawling (eg, brozzler).
+Note that this is an internal implementation detail; the ingest API would
+abstract all this.
+## Test Examples
+Some example works that are difficult to crawl. Should have mechanisms to crawl
+and unit tests for all these.
+- <https://pubs.acs.org>
+- <https://linkinghub.elsevier.com> / <https://sciencedirect.com>
+- <https://www.osapublishing.org/captcha/?guid=39B0E947-C0FC-B5D8-2C0C-CCF004FF16B8>
+- <https://utpjournals.press/action/cookieAbsent>
+- <https://academic.oup.com/jes/article/3/Supplement_1/SUN-203/5484104>
+- <http://www.jcancer.org/v10p4038.htm>