# V4 Have not release v3, but many change to `skate` so we may continue with v4. # Unstructured ``` { "biblio": { "unstructured": "J. Häger, W. Krieger, T. Rüegg, and H. Walther, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 4286 (1980).JCPSA60021-9606" }, "index": 8, "key": "_r4", "ref_source": "crossref", "release_year": 1983, "release_ident": "tebzylkszzbyjggye5ssmebdcy", "work_ident": "aaaofyp6uzcdnbe7hvfahylyha" } ``` We should be able to match: "J. Chem. Phys.", also maybe "72, 4286 (1980)", w/ id, title we should be able to match to: https://fatcat.wiki/release/d2k7en7tzzdzzddwfo5xlqx4ce If nothing else defined, and unstructured contains a URL, we may extract that. ``` { "biblio": { "unstructured": "Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) 2008 FES in Nepal. FES http://www.fesnepal.org/about/fes_in_nepal.htm (accessed February 15, 2009)" }, "index": 19, "key": "CIT0020", "ref_source": "crossref", "release_year": 2011, "release_ident": "xqgaanhpf5gotdxxxytgyxw2ty", "work_ident": "aaaq35j3angwzdpzcvzdil3v4y" } ``` Also, these may say: "accessed at ..."