use {Event, WindowBuilder}; use libc; use std::{mem, ptr}; use std::sync::atomics::AtomicBool; mod events; mod ffi; pub struct Window { display: *mut ffi::Display, window: ffi::Window, im: ffi::XIM, ic: ffi::XIC, context: ffi::GLXContext, is_closed: AtomicBool, wm_delete_window: ffi::Atom, } pub struct MonitorID(uint); pub fn get_available_monitors() -> Vec { unimplemented!() } pub fn get_primary_monitor() -> MonitorID { unimplemented!() } impl MonitorID { pub fn get_name(&self) -> Option { Some("".to_string()) } pub fn get_dimensions(&self) -> (uint, uint) { unimplemented!() } } impl Window { pub fn new(builder: WindowBuilder) -> Result { // TODO: temporary let dimensions = builder.dimensions; // calling XOpenDisplay let display = unsafe { let display = ffi::XOpenDisplay(ptr::null()); if display.is_null() { return Err(format!("XOpenDisplay failed")); } display }; // TODO: set error handler? // getting the FBConfig let fb_config = unsafe { static VISUAL_ATTRIBUTES: [libc::c_int, ..23] = [ ffi::GLX_X_RENDERABLE, 1, ffi::GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, ffi::GLX_WINDOW_BIT, ffi::GLX_RENDER_TYPE, ffi::GLX_RGBA_BIT, ffi::GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE, ffi::GLX_TRUE_COLOR, ffi::GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, ffi::GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, ffi::GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, ffi::GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, ffi::GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, ffi::GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, ffi::GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1, 0 ]; let mut num_fb: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized(); let fb = ffi::glXChooseFBConfig(display, ffi::XDefaultScreen(display), VISUAL_ATTRIBUTES.as_ptr(), &mut num_fb); if fb.is_null() { return Err(format!("glXChooseFBConfig failed")); } let preferred_fb = *fb; // TODO: choose more wisely ffi::XFree(fb as *const libc::c_void); preferred_fb }; // getting the visual infos let visual_infos = unsafe { let vi = ffi::glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(display, fb_config); if vi.is_null() { return Err(format!("glXChooseVisual failed")); } let vi_copy = *vi; ffi::XFree(vi as *const libc::c_void); vi_copy }; // getting the root window let root = unsafe { ffi::XDefaultRootWindow(display) }; // creating the color map let cmap = unsafe { let cmap = ffi::XCreateColormap(display, root, visual_infos.visual, ffi::AllocNone); // TODO: error checking? cmap }; // creating let mut set_win_attr = { let mut swa: ffi::XSetWindowAttributes = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; swa.colormap = cmap; swa.event_mask = ffi::ExposureMask | ffi::ResizeRedirectMask | ffi::VisibilityChangeMask | ffi::KeyPressMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask | ffi::KeyPressMask | ffi::KeyReleaseMask | ffi::ButtonPressMask | ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::KeymapStateMask; swa }; // finally creating the window let window = unsafe { let dimensions = dimensions.unwrap_or((800, 600)); let win = ffi::XCreateWindow(display, root, 50, 50, dimensions.val0() as libc::c_uint, dimensions.val1() as libc::c_uint, 0, visual_infos.depth, ffi::InputOutput, visual_infos.visual, ffi::CWColormap | ffi::CWEventMask, &mut set_win_attr); win }; // creating window, step 2 let wm_delete_window = unsafe { use std::c_str::ToCStr; ffi::XMapWindow(display, window); let mut wm_delete_window = ffi::XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW".to_c_str().as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char, 0); ffi::XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &mut wm_delete_window, 1); ffi::XStoreName(display, window, mem::transmute(builder.title.as_slice().as_ptr())); ffi::XFlush(display); wm_delete_window }; // getting the pointer to glXCreateContextAttribs let create_context_attribs = unsafe { let mut addr = ffi::glXGetProcAddress(b"glXCreateContextAttribs".as_ptr() as *const u8) as *const (); if addr.is_null() { addr = ffi::glXGetProcAddress(b"glXCreateContextAttribsARB".as_ptr() as *const u8) as *const (); } addr.to_option().map(|addr| { let addr: extern "system" fn(*mut ffi::Display, ffi::GLXFBConfig, ffi::GLXContext, ffi::Bool, *const libc::c_int) -> ffi::GLXContext = mem::transmute(addr); addr }) }; // creating IM let im = unsafe { let im = ffi::XOpenIM(display, ptr::null(), ptr::mut_null(), ptr::mut_null()); if im.is_null() { return Err(format!("XOpenIM failed")); } im }; // creating input context let ic = unsafe { use std::c_str::ToCStr; let ic = ffi::XCreateIC(im, "inputStyle".to_c_str().as_ptr(), ffi::XIMPreeditNothing | ffi::XIMStatusNothing, "clientWindow".to_c_str().as_ptr(), window, ptr::null()); if ic.is_null() { return Err(format!("XCreateIC failed")); } ffi::XSetICFocus(ic); ic }; // Attempt to make keyboard input repeat detectable unsafe { let mut supported_ptr = false; ffi::XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(display, true, &mut supported_ptr); if !supported_ptr { return Err(format!("XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat failed")); } } // creating GL context let context = unsafe { let mut attributes = Vec::new(); if builder.gl_version.is_some() { let version = builder.gl_version.as_ref().unwrap(); attributes.push(ffi::GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION); attributes.push(version.val0() as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION); attributes.push(version.val1() as libc::c_int); } attributes.push(0); let context = if create_context_attribs.is_some() { let create_context_attribs = create_context_attribs.unwrap(); create_context_attribs(display, fb_config, ptr::null(), 1, attributes.as_ptr()) } else { ffi::glXCreateNewContext(display, fb_config, ffi::GLX_RGBA_TYPE, ptr::null(), 1) }; if context.is_null() { return Err(format!("GL context creation failed")); } context }; // creating the window object let window = Window { display: display, window: window, im: im, ic: ic, context: context, is_closed: AtomicBool::new(false), wm_delete_window: wm_delete_window, }; // calling glViewport unsafe { let ptr = window.get_proc_address("glViewport"); assert!(!ptr.is_null()); let ptr: extern "system" fn(libc::c_int, libc::c_int, libc::c_int, libc::c_int) = mem::transmute(ptr); let dimensions = window.get_inner_size().unwrap(); ptr(0, 0, dimensions.val0() as libc::c_int, dimensions.val1() as libc::c_int); } // returning Ok(window) } pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool { use std::sync::atomics::Relaxed; self.is_closed.load(Relaxed) } pub fn set_title(&self, title: &str) { unsafe { ffi::XStoreName(self.display, self.window, mem::transmute(title.as_slice().as_ptr())); } } fn get_geometry(&self) -> Option<(int, int, uint, uint)> { unsafe { use std::mem; let mut root: ffi::Window = mem::uninitialized(); let mut x: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized(); let mut y: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized(); let mut width: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized(); let mut height: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized(); let mut border: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized(); let mut depth: libc::c_uint = mem::uninitialized(); if ffi::XGetGeometry(self.display, self.window, &mut root, &mut x, &mut y, &mut width, &mut height, &mut border, &mut depth) == 0 { return None; } Some((x as int, y as int, width as uint, height as uint)) } } pub fn get_position(&self) -> Option<(int, int)> { self.get_geometry().map(|(x, y, _, _)| (x, y)) } pub fn set_position(&self, x: int, y: int) { unsafe { ffi::XMoveWindow(self.display, self.window, x as libc::c_int, y as libc::c_int) } } pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(uint, uint)> { self.get_geometry().map(|(_, _, w, h)| (w, h)) } pub fn get_outer_size(&self) -> Option<(uint, uint)> { unimplemented!() } pub fn set_inner_size(&self, x: uint, y: uint) { unimplemented!() } pub fn poll_events(&self) -> Vec { use std::mem; let mut events = Vec::new(); loop { use std::num::Bounded; let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; let res = unsafe { ffi::XCheckMaskEvent(self.display, Bounded::max_value(), &mut xev) }; if res == 0 { let res = unsafe { ffi::XCheckTypedEvent(self.display, ffi::ClientMessage, &mut xev) }; if res == 0 { break } } match xev.type_ { ffi::KeymapNotify => { unsafe { ffi::XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&xev) } }, ffi::ClientMessage => { use Closed; use std::sync::atomics::Relaxed; let client_msg: &ffi::XClientMessageEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) }; if client_msg.l[0] == self.wm_delete_window as libc::c_long {, Relaxed); events.push(Closed); } }, ffi::ResizeRequest => { use Resized; let rs_event: &ffi::XResizeRequestEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) }; events.push(Resized(rs_event.width as uint, rs_event.height as uint)); }, ffi::MotionNotify => { use MouseMoved; let event: &ffi::XMotionEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) }; events.push(MouseMoved((event.x as int, event.y as int))); }, ffi::KeyPress | ffi::KeyRelease => { use {KeyboardInput, Pressed, Released, ReceivedCharacter, KeyModifiers}; let event: &mut ffi::XKeyEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) }; if event.type_ == ffi::KeyPress { let raw_ev: *mut ffi::XKeyEvent = event; unsafe { ffi::XFilterEvent(mem::transmute(raw_ev), self.window) }; } let state = if xev.type_ == ffi::KeyPress { Pressed } else { Released }; let written = unsafe { use std::str; let mut buffer: [u8, ..16] = [mem::uninitialized(), ..16]; let raw_ev: *mut ffi::XKeyEvent = event; let count = ffi::Xutf8LookupString(self.ic, mem::transmute(raw_ev), mem::transmute(buffer.as_mut_ptr()), buffer.len() as libc::c_int, ptr::mut_null(), ptr::mut_null()); str::from_utf8(buffer.as_slice().slice_to(count as uint)) .unwrap_or("").to_string() }; for chr in written.as_slice().chars() { events.push(ReceivedCharacter(chr)); } let keysym = unsafe { ffi::XKeycodeToKeysym(self.display, event.keycode as ffi::KeyCode, 0) }; let vkey = events::keycode_to_element(keysym as libc::c_uint); events.push(KeyboardInput(state, event.keycode as u8, vkey, KeyModifiers::empty())); // }, ffi::ButtonPress | ffi::ButtonRelease => { use {MouseInput, Pressed, Released}; use {LeftMouseButton, RightMouseButton, MiddleMouseButton, OtherMouseButton}; let event: &ffi::XButtonEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) }; let state = if xev.type_ == ffi::ButtonPress { Pressed } else { Released }; let button = match event.button { ffi::Button1 => Some(LeftMouseButton), ffi::Button2 => Some(MiddleMouseButton), ffi::Button3 => Some(RightMouseButton), ffi::Button4 => Some(OtherMouseButton(4)), ffi::Button5 => Some(OtherMouseButton(5)), _ => None }; match button { Some(button) => events.push(MouseInput(state, button)), None => () }; }, _ => () } } events } pub fn wait_events(&self) -> Vec { use std::mem; loop { // this will block until an event arrives, but doesn't remove // it from the queue let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; unsafe { ffi::XPeekEvent(self.display, &mut xev) }; // calling poll_events() let ev = self.poll_events(); if ev.len() >= 1 { return ev; } } } pub unsafe fn make_current(&self) { let res = ffi::glXMakeCurrent(self.display, self.window, self.context); if res == 0 { fail!("glXMakeCurrent failed"); } } pub fn get_proc_address(&self, addr: &str) -> *const () { use std::c_str::ToCStr; use std::mem; unsafe { addr.with_c_str(|s| { ffi::glXGetProcAddress(mem::transmute(s)) as *const () }) } } pub fn swap_buffers(&self) { unsafe { ffi::glXSwapBuffers(self.display, self.window) } } } impl Drop for Window { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ffi::glXDestroyContext(self.display, self.context); } unsafe { ffi::XDestroyIC(self.ic); } unsafe { ffi::XCloseIM(; } unsafe { ffi::XDestroyWindow(self.display, self.window); } unsafe { ffi::XCloseDisplay(self.display); } } }