#![feature(unsafe_destructor)] #![unstable] #![allow(unstable)] //! The purpose of this library is to provide an OpenGL context on as many //! platforms as possible. //! //! # Building a window //! //! There are two ways to create a window: //! //! - Calling `Window::new()`. //! - Calling `let builder = WindowBuilder::new()` then `builder.build()`. //! //! The first way is the simpliest way and will give you default values. //! //! The second way allows you to customize the way your window and GL context //! will look and behave. //! //! # Features //! //! This crate has two Cargo features: `window` and `headless`. //! //! - `window` allows you to create regular windows and enables the `WindowBuilder` object. //! - `headless` allows you to do headless rendering, and enables //! the `HeadlessRendererBuilder` object. //! //! By default only `window` is enabled. extern crate gl_common; extern crate libc; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] extern crate winapi; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] extern crate "kernel32-sys" as kernel32; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] extern crate "gdi32-sys" as gdi32; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] extern crate "user32-sys" as user32; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] extern crate cocoa; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] extern crate core_foundation; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] extern crate core_graphics; pub use events::*; #[cfg(feature = "headless")] pub use headless::{HeadlessRendererBuilder, HeadlessContext}; #[cfg(feature = "window")] pub use window::{WindowBuilder, Window, WindowProxy, PollEventsIterator, WaitEventsIterator}; #[cfg(feature = "window")] pub use window::{AvailableMonitorsIter, MonitorID, get_available_monitors, get_primary_monitor}; #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "android")))] use this_platform_is_not_supported; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] #[path="win32/mod.rs"] mod winimpl; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[path="x11/mod.rs"] mod winimpl; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] #[path="cocoa/mod.rs"] mod winimpl; #[cfg(target_os = "android")] #[path="android/mod.rs"] mod winimpl; mod events; #[cfg(feature = "headless")] mod headless; #[cfg(feature = "window")] mod window; /// Error that can happen while creating a window or a headless renderer. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum CreationError { OsError(String), NotSupported, } impl CreationError { fn to_string(&self) -> &str { match self { &CreationError::OsError(ref text) => text.as_slice(), &CreationError::NotSupported => "Some of the requested attributes are not supported", } } } impl std::fmt::Display for CreationError { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { formatter.write_str(self.to_string()) } } impl std::error::Error for CreationError { fn description(&self) -> &str { self.to_string() } } /// All APIs related to OpenGL that you can possibly get while using glutin. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Api { /// The classical OpenGL. Available on Windows, Linux, OS/X. OpenGl, /// OpenGL embedded system. Available on Linux, Android. OpenGlEs, /// OpenGL for the web. Very similar to OpenGL ES. WebGl, } #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub enum MouseCursor { /// The platform-dependent default cursor. Default, /// A simple crosshair. Crosshair, /// A hand (often used to indicate links in web browsers). Hand, /// Self explanatory. Arrow, /// Indicates something is to be moved. Move, /// Indicates text that may be selected or edited. Text, /// Program busy indicator. Wait, /// Help indicator (often rendered as a "?") Help, /// Progress indicator. Shows that processing is being done. But in contrast /// with "Wait" the user may still interact with the program. Often rendered /// as a spinning beach ball, or an arrow with a watch or hourglass. Progress, /// Cursor showing that something cannot be done. NotAllowed, ContextMenu, NoneCursor, Cell, VerticalText, Alias, Copy, NoDrop, Grab, Grabbing, AllScroll, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, /// Indicate that some edge is to be moved. For example, the 'SeResize' cursor /// is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box. EResize, NResize, NeResize, NwResize, SResize, SeResize, SwResize, WResize, EwResize, NsResize, NeswResize, NwseResize, ColResize, RowResize, } /// Attributes struct BuilderAttribs<'a> { #[allow(dead_code)] headless: bool, strict: bool, sharing: Option<&'a winimpl::Window>, dimensions: Option<(u32, u32)>, title: String, monitor: Option, gl_version: Option<(u32, u32)>, gl_debug: bool, vsync: bool, visible: bool, multisampling: Option, depth_bits: Option, stencil_bits: Option, color_bits: Option, alpha_bits: Option, stereoscopy: bool, } impl BuilderAttribs<'static> { fn new() -> BuilderAttribs<'static> { BuilderAttribs { headless: false, strict: false, sharing: None, dimensions: None, title: "glutin window".to_string(), monitor: None, gl_version: None, gl_debug: cfg!(ndebug), vsync: false, visible: true, multisampling: None, depth_bits: None, stencil_bits: None, color_bits: None, alpha_bits: None, stereoscopy: false, } } } impl<'a> BuilderAttribs<'a> { fn extract_non_static(mut self) -> (BuilderAttribs<'static>, Option<&'a winimpl::Window>) { let sharing = self.sharing.take(); let new_attribs = BuilderAttribs { headless: self.headless, strict: self.strict, sharing: None, dimensions: self.dimensions, title: self.title, monitor: self.monitor, gl_version: self.gl_version, gl_debug: self.gl_debug, vsync: self.vsync, visible: self.visible, multisampling: self.multisampling, depth_bits: self.depth_bits, stencil_bits: self.stencil_bits, color_bits: self.color_bits, alpha_bits: self.alpha_bits, stereoscopy: self.stereoscopy, }; (new_attribs, sharing) } }