#![cfg(all(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd"), feature = "window"))] use ContextError; use CreationError; use GlAttributes; use GlContext; use GlProfile; use GlRequest; use Api; use PixelFormat; use PixelFormatRequirements; use Robustness; use libc; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::{mem, ptr, slice}; use api::x11::ffi; use platform::Window as PlatformWindow; pub struct Context { glx: ffi::glx::Glx, display: *mut ffi::Display, window: ffi::Window, context: ffi::GLXContext, pixel_format: PixelFormat, } // TODO: remove me fn with_c_str(s: &str, f: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(*const libc::c_char) -> T { use std::ffi::CString; let c_str = CString::new(s.as_bytes().to_vec()).unwrap(); f(c_str.as_ptr()) } impl Context { pub fn new<'a>(glx: ffi::glx::Glx, xlib: &ffi::Xlib, pf_reqs: &PixelFormatRequirements, opengl: &'a GlAttributes<&'a Context>, display: *mut ffi::Display) -> Result, CreationError> { // finding the pixel format we want let (fb_config, pixel_format) = { let configs = unsafe { try!(enumerate_configs(&glx, xlib, display)) }; try!(pf_reqs.choose_pixel_format(configs.into_iter())) }; // getting the visual infos let visual_infos: ffi::glx::types::XVisualInfo = unsafe { let vi = glx.GetVisualFromFBConfig(display as *mut _, fb_config); if vi.is_null() { return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("glxGetVisualFromFBConfig failed"))); } let vi_copy = ptr::read(vi as *const _); (xlib.XFree)(vi as *mut _); vi_copy }; Ok(ContextPrototype { glx: glx, opengl: opengl, display: display, fb_config: fb_config, visual_infos: unsafe { mem::transmute(visual_infos) }, pixel_format: pixel_format, }) } } impl GlContext for Context { unsafe fn make_current(&self) -> Result<(), ContextError> { // TODO: glutin needs some internal changes for proper error recovery let res = self.glx.MakeCurrent(self.display as *mut _, self.window, self.context); if res == 0 { panic!("glx::MakeCurrent failed"); } Ok(()) } fn is_current(&self) -> bool { unsafe { self.glx.GetCurrentContext() == self.context } } fn get_proc_address(&self, addr: &str) -> *const libc::c_void { let addr = CString::new(addr.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let addr = addr.as_ptr(); unsafe { self.glx.GetProcAddress(addr as *const _) as *const _ } } fn swap_buffers(&self) -> Result<(), ContextError> { // TODO: glutin needs some internal changes for proper error recovery unsafe { self.glx.SwapBuffers(self.display as *mut _, self.window); } Ok(()) } fn get_api(&self) -> ::Api { ::Api::OpenGl } fn get_pixel_format(&self) -> PixelFormat { self.pixel_format.clone() } } unsafe impl Send for Context {} unsafe impl Sync for Context {} impl Drop for Context { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if self.is_current() { self.glx.MakeCurrent(self.display as *mut _, 0, ptr::null_mut()); } self.glx.DestroyContext(self.display as *mut _, self.context); } } } pub struct ContextPrototype<'a> { glx: ffi::glx::Glx, opengl: &'a GlAttributes<&'a Context>, display: *mut ffi::Display, fb_config: ffi::glx::types::GLXFBConfig, visual_infos: ffi::XVisualInfo, pixel_format: PixelFormat, } impl<'a> ContextPrototype<'a> { pub fn get_visual_infos(&self) -> &ffi::XVisualInfo { &self.visual_infos } pub fn finish(self, window: ffi::Window) -> Result { let share = match self.opengl.sharing { Some(ctxt) => ctxt.context, None => ptr::null() }; // loading the list of extensions let extensions = unsafe { let extensions = self.glx.QueryExtensionsString(self.display as *mut _, 0); // FIXME: screen number let extensions = CStr::from_ptr(extensions).to_bytes().to_vec(); String::from_utf8(extensions).unwrap() }; // loading the extra GLX functions let extra_functions = ffi::glx_extra::Glx::load_with(|addr| { with_c_str(addr, |s| { unsafe { self.glx.GetProcAddress(s as *const u8) as *const _ } }) }); // creating GL context let context = match self.opengl.version { GlRequest::Latest => { if let Ok(ctxt) = create_context(&self.glx, &extra_functions, &extensions, (3, 2), self.opengl.profile, self.opengl.debug, self.opengl.robustness, share, self.display, self.fb_config, &self.visual_infos) { ctxt } else if let Ok(ctxt) = create_context(&self.glx, &extra_functions, &extensions, (3, 1), self.opengl.profile, self.opengl.debug, self.opengl.robustness, share, self.display, self.fb_config, &self.visual_infos) { ctxt } else { try!(create_context(&self.glx, &extra_functions, &extensions, (1, 0), self.opengl.profile, self.opengl.debug, self.opengl.robustness, share, self.display, self.fb_config, &self.visual_infos)) } }, GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, (major, minor)) => { try!(create_context(&self.glx, &extra_functions, &extensions, (major, minor), self.opengl.profile, self.opengl.debug, self.opengl.robustness, share, self.display, self.fb_config, &self.visual_infos)) }, GlRequest::Specific(_, _) => panic!("Only OpenGL is supported"), GlRequest::GlThenGles { opengl_version: (major, minor), .. } => { try!(create_context(&self.glx, &extra_functions, &extensions, (major, minor), self.opengl.profile, self.opengl.debug, self.opengl.robustness, share, self.display, self.fb_config, &self.visual_infos)) }, }; // vsync if self.opengl.vsync { unsafe { self.glx.MakeCurrent(self.display as *mut _, window, context) }; if extra_functions.SwapIntervalEXT.is_loaded() { // this should be the most common extension unsafe { extra_functions.SwapIntervalEXT(self.display as *mut _, window, 1); } // checking that it worked // TODO: handle this /*if self.builder.strict { let mut swap = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; unsafe { self.glx.QueryDrawable(self.display as *mut _, window, ffi::glx_extra::SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT as i32, &mut swap); } if swap != 1 { return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("Couldn't setup vsync: expected \ interval `1` but got `{}`", swap))); } }*/ // GLX_MESA_swap_control is not official /*} else if extra_functions.SwapIntervalMESA.is_loaded() { unsafe { extra_functions.SwapIntervalMESA(1); }*/ } else if extra_functions.SwapIntervalSGI.is_loaded() { unsafe { extra_functions.SwapIntervalSGI(1); } }/* else if self.builder.strict { // TODO: handle this return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("Couldn't find any available vsync extension"))); }*/ unsafe { self.glx.MakeCurrent(self.display as *mut _, 0, ptr::null()) }; } Ok(Context { glx: self.glx, display: self.display, window: window, context: context, pixel_format: self.pixel_format, }) } } fn create_context(glx: &ffi::glx::Glx, extra_functions: &ffi::glx_extra::Glx, extensions: &str, version: (u8, u8), profile: Option, debug: bool, robustness: Robustness, share: ffi::GLXContext, display: *mut ffi::Display, fb_config: ffi::glx::types::GLXFBConfig, visual_infos: &ffi::XVisualInfo) -> Result { unsafe { let context = if extra_functions.CreateContextAttribsARB.is_loaded() { let mut attributes = Vec::with_capacity(9); attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(version.0 as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(version.1 as libc::c_int); if let Some(profile) = profile { let flag = match profile { GlProfile::Compatibility => ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, GlProfile::Core => ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, }; attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(flag as libc::c_int); } let flags = { let mut flags = 0; // robustness if extensions.split(' ').find(|&i| i == "GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness").is_some() { match robustness { Robustness::RobustNoResetNotification | Robustness::TryRobustNoResetNotification => { attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB as libc::c_int); flags = flags | ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB as libc::c_int; }, Robustness::RobustLoseContextOnReset | Robustness::TryRobustLoseContextOnReset => { attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB as libc::c_int); flags = flags | ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB as libc::c_int; }, Robustness::NotRobust => (), Robustness::NoError => (), } } else { match robustness { Robustness::RobustNoResetNotification | Robustness::RobustLoseContextOnReset => { return Err(CreationError::RobustnessNotSupported); }, _ => () } } if debug { flags = flags | ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB as libc::c_int; } flags }; attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB as libc::c_int); attributes.push(flags); attributes.push(0); extra_functions.CreateContextAttribsARB(display as *mut _, fb_config, share, 1, attributes.as_ptr()) } else { let visual_infos: *const ffi::XVisualInfo = visual_infos; glx.CreateContext(display as *mut _, visual_infos as *mut _, share, 1) }; if context.is_null() { // TODO: check for errors and return `OpenGlVersionNotSupported` return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("GL context creation failed"))); } Ok(context) } } /// Enumerates all available FBConfigs unsafe fn enumerate_configs(glx: &ffi::glx::Glx, xlib: &ffi::Xlib, display: *mut ffi::Display) -> Result, CreationError> { let configs: Vec = { let mut num_configs = 0; let vals = glx.GetFBConfigs(display as *mut _, 0, &mut num_configs); // TODO: screen number assert!(!vals.is_null()); let configs = slice::from_raw_parts(vals, num_configs as usize); let ret = configs.to_vec(); (xlib.XFree)(vals as *mut _); ret }; let get_attrib = |attrib: libc::c_int, fb_config: ffi::glx::types::GLXFBConfig| -> i32 { let mut value = 0; glx.GetFBConfigAttrib(display as *mut _, fb_config, attrib, &mut value); // TODO: check return value value }; Ok(configs.into_iter().filter_map(|config| { if get_attrib(ffi::glx::X_RENDERABLE as libc::c_int, config) == 0 { return None; } if get_attrib(ffi::glx::X_VISUAL_TYPE as libc::c_int, config) != ffi::glx::TRUE_COLOR as libc::c_int { return None; } if get_attrib(ffi::glx::DRAWABLE_TYPE as libc::c_int, config) & ffi::glx::WINDOW_BIT as libc::c_int == 0 { return None; } if get_attrib(ffi::glx::VISUAL_ID as libc::c_int, config) == 0 { return None; } if get_attrib(ffi::glx::RENDER_TYPE as libc::c_int, config) & ffi::glx::RGBA_BIT as libc::c_int == 0 { return None; } // TODO: add a flag to PixelFormat for non-conformant configs let caveat = get_attrib(ffi::glx::CONFIG_CAVEAT as libc::c_int, config); /*if caveat == ffi::glx::NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG as libc::c_int { return None; }*/ // TODO: make sure everything is supported let pf = PixelFormat { hardware_accelerated: caveat != ffi::glx::SLOW_CONFIG as libc::c_int, color_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::RED_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8 + get_attrib(ffi::glx::GREEN_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8 + get_attrib(ffi::glx::BLUE_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8, alpha_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::ALPHA_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8, depth_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::DEPTH_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8, stencil_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::STENCIL_SIZE as libc::c_int, config) as u8, stereoscopy: get_attrib(ffi::glx::STEREO as libc::c_int, config) != 0, double_buffer: get_attrib(ffi::glx::DOUBLEBUFFER as libc::c_int, config) != 0, multisampling: if get_attrib(ffi::glx::SAMPLE_BUFFERS as libc::c_int, config) != 0 { Some(get_attrib(ffi::glx::SAMPLES as libc::c_int, config) as u16) } else { None }, srgb: get_attrib(ffi::glx_extra::FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB as libc::c_int, config) != 0, }; Some((config, pf)) }).collect()) }