path: root/src/api/x11
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/x11')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/x11/monitor.rs b/src/api/x11/monitor.rs
index d556930..90b12c2 100644
--- a/src/api/x11/monitor.rs
+++ b/src/api/x11/monitor.rs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use super::XConnection;
use native_monitor::NativeMonitorId;
pub struct MonitorID(pub Arc<XConnection>, pub u32);
pub fn get_available_monitors(x: &Arc<XConnection>) -> VecDeque<MonitorID> {
diff --git a/src/api/x11/window.rs b/src/api/x11/window.rs
index 79118ff..6a4f39a 100644
--- a/src/api/x11/window.rs
+++ b/src/api/x11/window.rs
@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ pub struct Window {
is_closed: AtomicBool,
wm_delete_window: ffi::Atom,
current_size: Cell<(libc::c_int, libc::c_int)>,
- pixel_format: PixelFormat,
/// Events that have been retreived with XLib but not dispatched with iterators yet
pending_events: Mutex<VecDeque<Event>>,
cursor_state: Mutex<CursorState>,
@@ -287,64 +286,6 @@ impl Window {
_ => unsafe { (display.xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display.display) },
- // getting the FBConfig
- let fb_config = unsafe {
- let mut visual_attributes = vec![
- ffi::glx::X_RENDERABLE as libc::c_int, 1,
- ffi::glx::DRAWABLE_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::WINDOW_BIT as libc::c_int,
- ffi::glx::RENDER_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::RGBA_BIT as libc::c_int,
- ffi::glx::X_VISUAL_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::TRUE_COLOR as libc::c_int,
- ffi::glx::RED_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
- ffi::glx::GREEN_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
- ffi::glx::BLUE_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
- ffi::glx::ALPHA_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
- ffi::glx::DEPTH_SIZE as libc::c_int, 24,
- ffi::glx::STENCIL_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
- ffi::glx::DOUBLEBUFFER as libc::c_int, 1,
- ];
- if let Some(val) = builder.multisampling {
- visual_attributes.push(ffi::glx::SAMPLE_BUFFERS as libc::c_int);
- visual_attributes.push(1);
- visual_attributes.push(ffi::glx::SAMPLES as libc::c_int);
- visual_attributes.push(val as libc::c_int);
- }
- if let Some(val) = builder.srgb {
- visual_attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB as libc::c_int);
- visual_attributes.push(if val {1} else {0});
- }
- visual_attributes.push(0);
- let mut num_fb: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
- let fb = display.glx.as_ref().unwrap().ChooseFBConfig(display.display as *mut _, (display.xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display.display),
- visual_attributes.as_ptr(), &mut num_fb);
- if fb.is_null() {
- return Err(OsError(format!("glx::ChooseFBConfig failed")));
- }
- let preferred_fb = if builder.transparent {
- let mut best_fbi_for_transparent = 0isize;
- for i in 0isize..num_fb as isize {
- let vi = display.glx.as_ref().unwrap().GetVisualFromFBConfig(display.display as *mut _, *fb.offset(i));
- if (*vi).depth == 32 {
- best_fbi_for_transparent = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- *fb.offset(best_fbi_for_transparent)
- } else {
- *fb // TODO: choose more wisely
- };
- (display.xlib.XFree)(fb as *mut _);
- preferred_fb
- };
// finding the mode to switch to if necessary
let (mode_to_switch_to, xf86_desk_mode) = unsafe {
let mut mode_num: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
@@ -385,40 +326,53 @@ impl Window {
(mode_to_switch_to, xf86_desk_mode)
- // getting the visual infos
- let visual_infos: ffi::glx::types::XVisualInfo = unsafe {
- let vi = display.glx.as_ref().unwrap().GetVisualFromFBConfig(display.display as *mut _, fb_config);
- if vi.is_null() {
- return Err(OsError(format!("glx::ChooseVisual failed")));
- }
- let vi_copy = ptr::read(vi as *const _);
- (display.xlib.XFree)(vi as *mut _);
- vi_copy
+ // start the context building process
+ enum Prototype<'a> {
+ Glx(::api::glx::ContextPrototype<'a>),
+ Egl(::api::egl::ContextPrototype<'a>),
+ }
+ let builder_clone = builder.clone();
+ let context = match builder.gl_version {
+ GlRequest::Latest | GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, _) | GlRequest::GlThenGles { .. } => {
+ if let Some(ref glx) = display.glx {
+ Prototype::Glx(try!(GlxContext::new(glx.clone(), &display.xlib, &builder_clone, display.display)))
+ } else if let Some(ref egl) = display.egl {
+ Prototype::Egl(try!(EglContext::new(egl.clone(), &builder_clone, Some(display.display as *const _))))
+ } else {
+ return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
+ }
+ },
+ GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGlEs, _) => {
+ if let Some(ref egl) = display.egl {
+ Prototype::Egl(try!(EglContext::new(egl.clone(), &builder_clone, Some(display.display as *const _))))
+ } else {
+ return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
+ }
+ },
+ GlRequest::Specific(_, _) => {
+ return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
+ },
- // querying the chosen pixel format
- let pixel_format = {
- let get_attrib = |attrib: libc::c_int| -> i32 {
- let mut value = 0;
- unsafe { display.glx.as_ref().unwrap().GetFBConfigAttrib(display.display as *mut _, fb_config, attrib, &mut value); }
- value
- };
- PixelFormat {
- hardware_accelerated: true,
- color_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::RED_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8 +
- get_attrib(ffi::glx::GREEN_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8 +
- get_attrib(ffi::glx::BLUE_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8,
- alpha_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::ALPHA_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8,
- depth_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::DEPTH_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8,
- stencil_bits: get_attrib(ffi::glx::STENCIL_SIZE as libc::c_int) as u8,
- stereoscopy: get_attrib(ffi::glx::STEREO as libc::c_int) != 0,
- double_buffer: get_attrib(ffi::glx::DOUBLEBUFFER as libc::c_int) != 0,
- multisampling: if get_attrib(ffi::glx::SAMPLE_BUFFERS as libc::c_int) != 0 {
- Some(get_attrib(ffi::glx::SAMPLES as libc::c_int) as u16)
- }else { None },
- srgb: get_attrib(ffi::glx_extra::FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB as libc::c_int) != 0,
- }
+ // getting the `visual_infos` (a struct that contains information about the visual to use)
+ let visual_infos = match context {
+ Prototype::Glx(ref p) => p.get_visual_infos().clone(),
+ Prototype::Egl(ref p) => {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut template: ffi::XVisualInfo = mem::zeroed();
+ template.visualid = p.get_native_visual_id() as ffi::VisualID;
+ let mut num_visuals = 0;
+ let vi = (display.xlib.XGetVisualInfo)(display.display, ffi::VisualIDMask,
+ &mut template, &mut num_visuals);
+ assert!(!vi.is_null());
+ assert!(num_visuals == 1);
+ let vi_copy = ptr::read(vi as *const _);
+ (display.xlib.XFree)(vi as *mut _);
+ vi_copy
+ }
+ },
// getting the root window
@@ -427,7 +381,8 @@ impl Window {
// creating the color map
let cmap = unsafe {
let cmap = (display.xlib.XCreateColormap)(display.display, root,
- visual_infos.visual as *mut _, ffi::AllocNone);
+ visual_infos.visual as *mut _,
+ ffi::AllocNone);
// TODO: error checking?
@@ -545,27 +500,14 @@ impl Window {
let is_fullscreen = builder.monitor.is_some();
- // creating the context
- let context = match builder.gl_version {
- GlRequest::Latest | GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, _) | GlRequest::GlThenGles { .. } => {
- if let Some(ref glx) = display.glx {
- Context::Glx(try!(GlxContext::new(glx.clone(), builder, display.display, window,
- fb_config, visual_infos)))
- } else if let Some(ref egl) = display.egl {
- Context::Egl(try!(EglContext::new(egl.clone(), &builder, Some(display.display as *const _)).and_then(|p| p.finish(window as *const _))))
- } else {
- return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
- }
- },
- GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGlEs, _) => {
- if let Some(ref egl) = display.egl {
- Context::Egl(try!(EglContext::new(egl.clone(), &builder, Some(display.display as *const _)).and_then(|p| p.finish(window as *const _))))
- } else {
- return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
- }
+ // finish creating the OpenGL context
+ let context = match context {
+ Prototype::Glx(ctxt) => {
+ Context::Glx(try!(ctxt.finish(window)))
- GlRequest::Specific(_, _) => {
- return Err(CreationError::NotSupported);
+ Prototype::Egl(ctxt) => {
+ Context::Egl(try!(ctxt.finish(window as *const libc::c_void)))
@@ -585,7 +527,6 @@ impl Window {
is_closed: AtomicBool::new(false),
wm_delete_window: wm_delete_window,
current_size: Cell::new((0, 0)),
- pixel_format: pixel_format,
pending_events: Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()),
cursor_state: Mutex::new(CursorState::Normal),
input_handler: Mutex::new(XInputEventHandler::new(display, window, ic))
@@ -835,6 +776,10 @@ impl GlContext for Window {
fn get_pixel_format(&self) -> PixelFormat {
- self.pixel_format.clone()
+ match self.x.context {
+ Context::Glx(ref ctxt) => ctxt.get_pixel_format(),
+ Context::Egl(ref ctxt) => ctxt.get_pixel_format(),
+ Context::None => panic!()
+ }