package parallelai.spyglass.hbase.testing import parallelai.spyglass.base.JobBase import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.{SplitType, SourceMode} import com.twitter.scalding._ import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.{HBasePipeConversions, HBaseSource} import cascading.tuple.Fields import org.apache.log4j.{Logger, Level} import cascading.tap.SinkMode import cascading.pipe.Pipe import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseSource import com.twitter.scalding.IterableSource import com.twitter.scalding.TextLine class HBaseSaltTestSetup (args: Args) extends JobBase(args) with HBasePipeConversions { val isDebug = args.getOrElse("debug", "false").toBoolean if( isDebug ) { Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG) } val TABLE_SCHEMA = List('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) val prefix = "0123456789" val quorum = args("quorum") val stt = args("start.value").toInt val stp = args("stop.value").toInt loadRanges(stt, stp) def loadRanges(stt: Int, stp: Int) { def toIBW(pipe: Pipe, f: Fields): Pipe = { asList(f) .foldLeft(pipe){ (p, f) => { -> f.toString){ from: String => Option(from).map(x => new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(x))).getOrElse(null) }} } } val inVals = (stt to stp) => ("" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "%010d".format(x))) // val input = IterableSource(inVals, TABLE_SCHEMA) // .read // .write(TextLine("saltTesting/Inputs")) // val fromSource = new IterableSource(inVals, TABLE_SCHEMA)"source_%s_%s".format(stt, stp)) val toSource = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sinkMode = SinkMode.UPDATE ) toIBW(fromSource, TABLE_SCHEMA) .write(toSource) } } class HBaseSaltTester (args: Args) extends JobBase(args) with HBasePipeConversions { val isDebug = args.getOrElse("debug", "false").toBoolean if( isDebug ) { Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG) } val TABLE_SCHEMA = List('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) val prefix = "0123456789" val quorum = args("quorum") val sttKey = "0000001728" val stpKey = "0000003725" val sttKeyP = "8_0000001728" val stpKeyP = "5_0000003725" val listKey = List("0000001681", "0000001456") val listKeyP = List("0_0000001681", "6_0000001456") val noSttKey = "999999999990" val noStpKey = "999999999999" val noSttKeyP = "9_999999999990" val noStpKeyP = "9_999999999999" val noListKey = List("000000123456", "000006543210") val noListKeyP = List("6_000000123456", "0_000006543210") val splitType = if(args.getOrElse("regional", "true").toBoolean) SplitType.REGIONAL else SplitType.GRANULAR val testName01 = "Scan All with NO useSalt" val list01 = (00000 to 99999) => ("" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "%010d".format(x))) val hbase01 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_ALL, inputSplitType = splitType ).read .fromBytesWritable( TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanAllNoSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName02 = "Scan All with useSalt=true" val hbase02 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_ALL, useSalt = true, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable( TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanAllPlusSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName03 = "Scan Range with NO useSalt" val list03 = (sttKey.toInt to stpKey.toInt) => ("" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "%010d".format(x))) val hbase03 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE, startKey = sttKey, stopKey = stpKey, useSalt = true, prefixList = prefix, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanRangePlusSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName04 = "Scan Range with useSalt=true" val hbase04 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE, startKey = sttKeyP, stopKey = stpKeyP, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanRangeNoSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName05 = "Get List with NO useSalt" val list05 = => x.toInt).map(x => ("" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "%010d".format(x))) val hbase05 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.GET_LIST, keyList = listKey, useSalt = true, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/GetListPlusSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName06 = "Get List with useSalt=true" val hbase06 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.GET_LIST, keyList = listKeyP, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/GetListNoSalt01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName08 = "Scan Range NO RESULTS" val hbase08 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE, startKey = noSttKey, stopKey = noStpKey, useSalt = true, prefixList = prefix, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanRangePlusSaltNoRes01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName09 = "Scan Range NO RESULT with useSalt=true" val hbase09 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE, startKey = noSttKeyP, stopKey = noStpKeyP, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/ScanRangeNoSaltNoRes01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName10 = "Get List NO RESULT" val hbase10 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.GET_LIST, keyList = noListKey, useSalt = true, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/GetListPlusSaltNoRes01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) val testName11 = "Get List NO RESULT with useSalt=true" val hbase11 = new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sourceMode = SourceMode.GET_LIST, keyList = noListKeyP, inputSplitType = splitType).read .fromBytesWritable(TABLE_SCHEMA ) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'testData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('testData) .write(TextLine("saltTesting/GetListNoSaltNoRes01")) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('testData -> 'testData)) // ( //// getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list01), hbase01, testName01) ++ //// getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list01), hbase02, testName02) ++ // getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list03), hbase03, testName03) ++ // getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list03), hbase04, testName03) ++ // getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list05), hbase05, testName05) ++ // getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list05), hbase06, testName06) ++ // assertPipeIsEmpty(hbase08, testName08) ++ // assertPipeIsEmpty(hbase09, testName09) ++ // assertPipeIsEmpty(hbase10, testName10) ++ // assertPipeIsEmpty(hbase11, testName11) // ).groupAll { group => // group.sortBy('testName) // } // .write(Tsv("saltTesting/FinalTestResults")) /** * We assume the pipe is empty * * We concatenate with a header - if the resulting size is 1 * then the original size was 0 - then the pipe was empty :) * * The result is then returned in a Pipe */ def assertPipeIsEmpty ( hbasePipe : Pipe , testName:String) : Pipe = { val headerPipe = IterableSource(List(testName), 'testData) val concatenation = ( hbasePipe ++ headerPipe ).groupAll{ group => group.size('size) } .project('size) val result = concatenation .mapTo('size -> ('testName, 'result, 'expectedData, 'testData)) { x:String => { if (x == "1") { (testName, "Success", "", "") } else { (testName, "Test Failed", "", "") } } } result } /** * Methods receives 2 pipes - and projects the results of testing * * expectedPipe should have a column 'expecteddata * realHBasePipe should have a column 'hbasedata */ def getTestResultPipe ( expectedPipe:Pipe , realHBasePipe:Pipe, testName: String ): Pipe = { val results = expectedPipe.insert('testName , testName) .joinWithTiny('testName -> 'testName, realHBasePipe.insert('testName , testName)) .map(('expectedData, 'testData)->'result) { x:(String,String) => if (x._1.equals(x._2)) "Success" else "Test Failed" } .project('testName, 'result, 'expectedData, 'testData) results } /** * */ def getExpectedPipe ( expectedList: List[(String,String, String)]) : Pipe = { IterableSource(expectedList, TABLE_SCHEMA) .map(('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) -> 'expectedData) {x: (String, String, String) => List(x._1, x._2, x._3)} .project('expectedData) .groupAll(group => group.toList[List[List[String]]]('expectedData -> 'expectedData)) } } class HBaseSaltTestShutdown (args: Args) extends JobBase(args) with HBasePipeConversions { val isDebug = args.getOrElse("debug", "false").toBoolean if( isDebug ) { Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG) } val TABLE_SCHEMA = List('key, 'salted, 'unsalted) val prefix = "0123456789" val quorum = args("quorum") val stt = args("start.value").toInt val stp = args("stop.value").toInt delRanges(stt, stp) def delRanges(stt: Int, stp: Int) { val inVals = (stt to stp) => ("" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "" + (x%10) + "_" + "%010d".format(x), "%010d".format(x))) def toIBW(pipe: Pipe, f: Fields): Pipe = { asList(f) .foldLeft(pipe){ (p, f) => { -> f.toString){ from: String => Option(from).map(x => new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(x))).getOrElse(null) }} } } val input = IterableSource(inVals, TABLE_SCHEMA).read val eraser = toIBW(input, TABLE_SCHEMA) .write(new HBaseSource( "_TEST.SALT.01", quorum, 'key, Symbol) => "data"), Symbol) => new Fields(, sinkMode = SinkMode.REPLACE )) } }