package parallelai.spyglass.hbase import import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import com.twitter.scalding.AccessMode import com.twitter.scalding.Hdfs import com.twitter.scalding.Mode import com.twitter.scalding.Read import com.twitter.scalding.Source import com.twitter.scalding.Write import cascading.scheme.Scheme import cascading.tap.SinkMode import cascading.tap.Tap import cascading.tuple.Fields import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader import scala.compat.Platform import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SourceMode object Conversions { implicit def bytesToString(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = Bytes.toString(bytes) implicit def bytesToLong(bytes: Array[Byte]): Long = augmentString(bytesToString(bytes)).toLong implicit def ibwToString(ibw: ImmutableBytesWritable): String = bytesToString(ibw.get()) implicit def stringToibw(s: String):ImmutableBytesWritable = new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(s)) } class HBaseSource( tableName: String = null, quorumNames: String = "localhost", keyFields: Fields = null, familyNames: Array[String] = null, valueFields: Array[Fields] = null, timestamp: Long = Platform.currentTime, sourceMode: SourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_ALL, startKey: String = null, stopKey: String = null, keyList: List[String] = null ) extends Source { override val hdfsScheme = new HBaseScheme(keyFields, timestamp, familyNames, valueFields) .asInstanceOf[Scheme[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _], _, _]] override def createTap(readOrWrite: AccessMode)(implicit mode: Mode): Tap[_, _, _] = { val hBaseScheme = hdfsScheme match { case hbase: HBaseScheme => hbase case _ => throw new ClassCastException("Failed casting from Scheme to HBaseScheme") } mode match { case hdfsMode @ Hdfs(_, _) => readOrWrite match { case Read => { val hbt = new HBaseTap(quorumNames, tableName, hBaseScheme, SinkMode.KEEP) sourceMode match { case SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE => { hbt.setHBaseRangeParms(startKey, stopKey) } case SourceMode.SCAN_ALL => { hbt.setHBaseScanAllParms() } case SourceMode.GET_LIST => { if( keyList == null ) throw new IOException("Key list cannot be null when Source Mode is " + sourceMode) hbt.setHBaseListParms(keyList.toArray[String]) } case _ => throw new IOException("Unknown Source Mode (%)".format(sourceMode)) } hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } case Write => { val hbt = new HBaseTap(quorumNames, tableName, hBaseScheme, SinkMode.UPDATE) hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } } case _ => super.createTap(readOrWrite)(mode) } } }