package parallelai.spyglass.hbase import import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import com.twitter.scalding._ import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SplitType import cascading.scheme.{NullScheme, Scheme} import cascading.tap.SinkMode import cascading.tap.Tap import cascading.tuple.Fields import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf import parallelai.spyglass.hbase.HBaseConstants.SourceMode import import import java.util.Properties import com.twitter.scalding.Hdfs import com.twitter.scalding.Test object Conversions { implicit def bytesToString(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = Bytes.toString(bytes) implicit def bytesToLong(bytes: Array[Byte]): Long = augmentString(bytesToString(bytes)).toLong implicit def ibwToString(ibw: ImmutableBytesWritable): String = bytesToString(ibw.get()) implicit def stringToibw(s: String):ImmutableBytesWritable = new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(s)) } case class HBaseSource( tableName: String = null, quorumNames: String = "localhost", keyFields: Fields = null, familyNames: List[String] = null, valueFields: List[Fields] = null, timestamp: Long = 0L, sourceMode: SourceMode = SourceMode.SCAN_ALL, startKey: String = null, stopKey: String = null, keyList: List[String] = null, versions: Int = 1, useSalt: Boolean = false, prefixList: String = null, sinkMode: SinkMode = SinkMode.UPDATE, inputSplitType: SplitType = SplitType.GRANULAR ) extends Source { val internalScheme = new HBaseScheme(keyFields, timestamp, familyNames.toArray, valueFields.toArray) internalScheme.setInputSplitTye(inputSplitType) val hdfsScheme = internalScheme.asInstanceOf[Scheme[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _], _, _]] // To enable local mode testing val allFields = keyFields.append(valueFields.toArray) type LocalScheme = Scheme[Properties, InputStream, OutputStream, _, _] def localScheme = new NullScheme[Properties, InputStream, OutputStream, Any, Any] (allFields, allFields) override def createTap(readOrWrite: AccessMode)(implicit mode: Mode): Tap[_, _, _] = { val hBaseScheme = hdfsScheme match { case hbase: HBaseScheme => hbase case _ => throw new ClassCastException("Failed casting from Scheme to HBaseScheme") } mode match { case Hdfs(_, _) => readOrWrite match { case Read => { val hbt = new HBaseTap(quorumNames, tableName, hBaseScheme, SinkMode.KEEP) sourceMode match { case SourceMode.SCAN_RANGE => { hbt.setHBaseRangeParms(startKey, stopKey, useSalt, prefixList) } case SourceMode.SCAN_ALL => { hbt.setHBaseScanAllParms(useSalt, prefixList) } case SourceMode.GET_LIST => { if( keyList == null ) throw new IOException("Key list cannot be null when Source Mode is " + sourceMode) hbt.setHBaseListParms(keyList.toArray[String], versions, useSalt, prefixList) } case _ => throw new IOException("Unknown Source Mode (%)".format(sourceMode)) } hbt.setInputSplitType(inputSplitType) hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } case Write => { val hbt = new HBaseTap(quorumNames, tableName, hBaseScheme, sinkMode) hbt.setUseSaltInSink(useSalt) hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } } /**case Test(buffers) => { /* * There MUST have already been a registered sink or source in the Test mode. * to access this. You must explicitly name each of your test sources in your * JobTest. */ val buffer = if (readOrWrite == Write) { val buf = buffers(this) //Make sure we wipe it out: buf.clear() buf } else { // if the source is also used as a sink, we don't want its contents to get modified buffers(this).clone() } // TODO MemoryTap could probably be rewritten not to require localScheme, and just fields new MemoryTap[InputStream, OutputStream](localScheme, buffer) }*/ case Test(buffer) => readOrWrite match { case Read => { val hbt = new MemoryTap[InputStream, OutputStream](localScheme, buffer.apply(this).get) hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } case Write => { val hbt = new MemoryTap[InputStream, OutputStream](localScheme, buffer.apply(this).get) hbt.asInstanceOf[Tap[_,_,_]] } } case _ => createEmptyTap(readOrWrite)(mode) } } def createEmptyTap(readOrWrite : AccessMode)(mode : Mode) : Tap[_,_,_] = { throw new RuntimeException("Source: (" + toString + ") doesn't support mode: " + mode.toString) } }