path: root/src/main/scala/parallelai/spyglass/jdbc/testing/JdbcSourceShouldReadWrite.scala
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1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/parallelai/spyglass/jdbc/testing/JdbcSourceShouldReadWrite.scala b/src/main/scala/parallelai/spyglass/jdbc/testing/JdbcSourceShouldReadWrite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c03a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/parallelai/spyglass/jdbc/testing/JdbcSourceShouldReadWrite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package parallelai.spyglass.jdbc.testing
+import org.apache.log4j.Level
+import org.apache.log4j.LogManager
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger
+import com.twitter.scalding.Args
+import com.twitter.scalding.IterableSource
+import com.twitter.scalding.Tsv
+import cascading.pipe.Pipe
+import cascading.tuple.Fields
+import parallelai.spyglass.base.JobBase
+import parallelai.spyglass.jdbc.JDBCSource
+ * This integration-test expects some Jdbc table to exist
+ * with specific data - see GenerateTestingHTables.java
+ */
+// https://github.com/twitter/scalding/blob/develop/scalding-core/src/test/scala/com/twitter/scalding/BlockJoinTest.scala
+class JdbcSourceShouldReadWrite (args: Args) extends JobBase(args) {
+ // Initiate logger
+ private val LOG: Logger = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass)
+ // Set to Level.DEBUG if --debug is passed in
+ val isDebug:Boolean = args.getOrElse("debug", "false").toBoolean
+ if (isDebug) {
+ LOG.setLevel(Level.DEBUG)
+ LOG.info("Setting logging to Level.DEBUG")
+ }
+ val url = "mysql01.prod.bigdata.bskyb.com"
+ val dbName = "skybet_db"
+ val tableName = "skybet_hbase_betdetail_jdbc_test"
+ val jdbcSourceRead = new JDBCSource(
+ "TABLE_01",
+ "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
+ "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sky_db?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull",
+ "root",
+ "password",
+ Array[String]("ID", "TEST_COLUMN1", "TEST_COLUMN2", "TEST_COLUMN3"),
+ Array[String]( "bigint(20)" , "varchar(45)" , "varchar(45)" , "bigint(20)"),
+ Array[String]("id"),
+ new Fields("key", "column1", "column2", "column3"),
+ null, null, null
+ )
+ val jdbcSourceWrite = new JDBCSource(
+ "TABLE_01",
+ "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
+ "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sky_db?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull",
+ "root",
+ "password",
+ Array[String]("ID", "TEST_COLUMN1", "TEST_COLUMN2", "TEST_COLUMN3"),
+ Array[String]( "bigint(20)" , "varchar(45)" , "varchar(45)" , "bigint(20)"),
+ Array[String]("id"),
+ new Fields("key", "column1", "column2", "column3"),
+ null, null, null
+ )
+ // -----------------------------
+ // ----- Tests for TABLE_01 ----
+ // -----------------------------
+ val TABLE_01_SCHEMA = List('key,'column1, 'column2, 'column3)
+ val tableName1 = "TABLE_01"
+ // -------------------- Test 01 --------------------
+ var testName01 = "Select_Test_Read_Count"
+ println("---- Running : " + testName01)
+ // Get everything from HBase testing table into a Pipe
+ val jdbc01 = jdbcSourceRead
+ .read
+ .groupAll { group =>
+ group.toList[String]('key -> 'key)
+ group.toList[String]('column1 -> 'column1)
+ group.toList[String]('column2 -> 'column2)
+ group.toList[String]('column3 -> 'column3)
+ }
+ .mapTo(('key, 'column1, 'column2, 'column3) -> 'jdbcdata) { x:(String,String,String,String) =>
+ x._1 + " " + x._2 + " " + x._3 + " " + x._4
+ }
+ // Calculate expected result for Test 01
+ var list01 = List(("1", "A", "X", "123"), ("2", "B", "Y", "234"), ("3", "C", "Z", "345"))
+ // -------------------- Test 02 --------------------
+ val testName02 = "Select_Test_Read_Insert_Updated_Count"
+ println("---- Running : " + testName02)
+ // Get everything from JDBC testing table into a Pipe
+ val jdbcSourceReadUpdated = new JDBCSource(
+ "TABLE_02",
+ "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
+ "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sky_db?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull",
+ "root",
+ "password",
+ Array[String]("ID", "TEST_COLUMN1", "TEST_COLUMN2", "TEST_COLUMN3"),
+ Array[String]( "bigint(20)" , "varchar(45)" , "varchar(45)" , "bigint(20)"),
+ Array[String]("id"),
+ new Fields("key", "column1", "column2", "column3"),
+ null, null, null
+ )
+ val jdbc02 = jdbcSourceReadUpdated
+ .read
+ .groupAll { group =>
+ group.toList[String]('key -> 'key)
+ group.toList[String]('column1 -> 'column1)
+ group.toList[String]('column2 -> 'column2)
+ group.toList[String]('column3 -> 'column3)
+ }
+ .mapTo(('key, 'column1, 'column2, 'column3) -> 'jdbcdata) { x:(String,String,String,String) =>
+ x._1 + " " + x._2 + " " + x._3 + " " + x._4
+ }
+ // Calculate expected result for Test 02
+ var list02 = List(("1", "A", "X", "123"), ("2", "B", "Y", "234"), ("3", "C", "Z", "345"))
+ // Store results of Scan Test 01
+ (
+ getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list01), jdbc01, testName01) ++
+ getTestResultPipe(getExpectedPipe(list02), jdbc02, testName02)
+ ).groupAll { group =>
+ group.sortBy('testName)
+ }
+ .write(Tsv("JdbcShouldRead"))
+ /**
+ * We assume the pipe is empty
+ *
+ * We concatenate with a header - if the resulting size is 1
+ * then the original size was 0 - then the pipe was empty :)
+ *
+ * The result is then returned in a Pipe
+ */
+ def assertPipeIsEmpty ( jdbcPipe : Pipe , testName:String) : Pipe = {
+ val headerPipe = IterableSource(List(testName), 'jdbcdata)
+ val concatenation = ( jdbcPipe ++ headerPipe ).groupAll{ group =>
+ group.size('size)
+ }
+ .project('size)
+ val result =
+ concatenation
+ .mapTo('size -> ('testName, 'result, 'expecteddata, 'jdbcdata)) { x:String => {
+ if (x == "1") {
+ (testName, "Success", "", "")
+ } else {
+ (testName, "Test Failed", "", "")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+ /**
+ * Methods receives 2 pipes - and projects the results of testing
+ *
+ * expectedPipe should have a column 'expecteddata
+ * realJdbcPipe should have a column 'jdbcdata
+ */
+ def getTestResultPipe ( expectedPipe:Pipe , realJdbcPipe:Pipe, testName: String ): Pipe = {
+ val results = expectedPipe.insert('testName , testName)
+ .joinWithTiny('testName -> 'testName, realJdbcPipe.insert('testName , testName))
+ .map(('expecteddata, 'jdbcdata)->'result) { x:(String,String) =>
+ //println(x._1 + " === " + x._2)
+ if (x._1.equals(x._2))
+ "Success"
+ else
+ "Test Failed"
+ }
+ .project('testName, 'result, 'expecteddata, 'jdbcdata)
+ results
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ def getExpectedPipe ( expectedList: List[(String,String,String,String)]) : Pipe = {
+ val expectedPipe =
+ IterableSource(expectedList, TABLE_01_SCHEMA)
+ .groupAll { group =>
+ group.toList[String]('key -> 'key)
+ group.toList[String]('column1 -> 'column1)
+ group.toList[String]('column2 -> 'column2)
+ group.toList[String]('column3 -> 'column3)
+ }
+ .mapTo(('*) -> 'expecteddata) { x:(String,String,String,String) =>
+ x._1 + " " + x._2 + " " + x._3 + " " + x._4
+ }
+ expectedPipe
+ }