path: root/include/package-ipkg.mk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/package-ipkg.mk')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/package-ipkg.mk b/include/package-ipkg.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14520cfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/package-ipkg.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+# where to build (and put) .ipk packages
+OPKG:= \
+ IPKG_TMP=$(TMP_DIR)/ipkg \
+ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/opkg \
+ --offline-root $(TARGET_DIR) \
+ --force-depends \
+ --force-overwrite \
+ --force-postinstall \
+ --force-maintainer \
+ --add-dest root:/ \
+ --add-arch all:100 \
+ --add-arch $(if $(ARCH_PACKAGES),$(ARCH_PACKAGES),$(BOARD)):200
+# invoke ipkg-build with some default options
+ ipkg-build -c -o 0 -g 0
+define BuildIPKGVariable
+ifdef Package/$(1)/$(2)
+ $(call shexport,Package/$(1)/$(2))
+ $(1)_COMMANDS += var2file "$(call shvar,Package/$(1)/$(2))" $(2);
+dep_split=$(subst :,$(space),$(1))
+dep_rem=$(subst !,,$(subst $(strip $(PARENL)),,$(subst $(strip $(PARENR)),,$(word 1,$(call dep_split,$(1))))))
+dep_confvar=$(strip $(foreach cond,$(subst ||, ,$(call dep_rem,$(1))),$(CONFIG_$(cond))))
+dep_pos=$(if $(call dep_confvar,$(1)),$(call dep_val,$(1)))
+dep_neg=$(if $(call dep_confvar,$(1)),,$(call dep_val,$(1)))
+dep_if=$(if $(findstring !,$(1)),$(call dep_neg,$(1)),$(call dep_pos,$(1)))
+dep_val=$(word 2,$(call dep_split,$(1)))
+strip_deps=$(strip $(subst +,,$(filter-out @%,$(1))))
+filter_deps=$(foreach dep,$(call strip_deps,$(1)),$(if $(findstring :,$(dep)),$(call dep_if,$(dep)),$(dep)))
+define AddDependency
+ $$(if $(1),$$(if $(2),$$(foreach pkg,$(1),$$(IPKG_$$(pkg))): $$(foreach pkg,$(2),$$(IPKG_$$(pkg)))))
+define FixupReverseDependencies
+ DEPS := $$(filter %:$(1),$$(IDEPEND))
+ DEPS := $$(patsubst %:$(1),%,$$(DEPS))
+ DEPS := $$(filter $$(DEPS),$$(IPKGS))
+ $(call AddDependency,$$(DEPS),$(1))
+define FixupDependencies
+ DEPS := $$(filter $(1):%,$$(IDEPEND))
+ DEPS := $$(patsubst $(1):%,%,$$(DEPS))
+ DEPS := $$(filter $$(DEPS),$$(IPKGS))
+ $(call AddDependency,$(1),$$(DEPS))
+ifneq ($(PKG_NAME),toolchain)
+ define CheckDependencies
+ @( \
+ rm -f $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).missing; \
+ ( \
+ export READELF=$(TARGET_CROSS)readelf XARGS="$(XARGS)"; \
+ $(SCRIPT_DIR)/gen-dependencies.sh "$$(IDIR_$(1))"; \
+ ) | while read FILE; do \
+ grep -q "$$$$FILE" $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).provides || \
+ echo "$$$$FILE" >> $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).missing; \
+ done; \
+ if [ -f "$(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).missing" ]; then \
+ echo "Package $(1) is missing dependencies for the following libraries:"; \
+ cat "$(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).missing"; \
+ false; \
+ fi; \
+ )
+ endef
+ifeq ($(DUMP),)
+ define BuildTarget/ipkg
+ IPKG_$(1):=$(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_$(VERSION)_$(PKGARCH).ipk
+ IDIR_$(1):=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg-$(PKGARCH)/$(1)
+ INFO_$(1):=$(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/$(1).list
+ KEEP_$(1):=$(strip $(call Package/$(1)/conffiles))
+ ifeq ($(if $(VARIANT),$(BUILD_VARIANT)),$(VARIANT))
+ ifdef Package/$(1)/install
+ ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(1))$(SDK)$(DEVELOPER),)
+ IPKGS += $(1)
+ compile: $$(IPKG_$(1)) $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).provides $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/stamp/.$(1)_installed
+ ifeq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(1)),y)
+ install: $$(INFO_$(1))
+ endif
+ else
+ compile: $(1)-disabled
+ $(1)-disabled:
+ @echo "WARNING: skipping $(1) -- package not selected"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ IDEPEND_$(1):=$$(call filter_deps,$$(DEPENDS))
+ IDEPEND += $$(patsubst %,$(1):%,$$(IDEPEND_$(1)))
+ $(FixupDependencies)
+ $(FixupReverseDependencies)
+ $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),conffiles))
+ $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),preinst))
+ $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),postinst))
+ $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),prerm))
+ $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),postrm))
+ $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/stamp/.$(1)_installed: $(STAMP_BUILT)
+ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1)
+ mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/stamp $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1)
+ $(call Package/$(1)/install,$(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1))
+ $(call Package/$(1)/install_lib,$(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1))
+ $(call locked,$(CP) $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1)/. $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/,root-copy)
+ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/tmp-$(1)
+ touch $$@
+ $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).provides: $$(IPKG_$(1))
+ $$(IPKG_$(1)): $(STAMP_BUILT) $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package-ipkg.mk
+ @rm -rf $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_* $$(IDIR_$(1))
+ mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR) $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL $(PKG_INFO_DIR)
+ $(call Package/$(1)/install,$$(IDIR_$(1)))
+ -find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name 'CVS' -o -name '.svn' -o -name '.#*' -o -name '*~'| $(XARGS) rm -rf
+ @( \
+ find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name lib\*.so\* | awk -F/ '{ print $$$$NF }'; \
+ for file in $$(patsubst %,$(PKG_INFO_DIR)/%.provides,$$(IDEPEND_$(1))); do \
+ if [ -f "$$$$file" ]; then \
+ cat $$$$file; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ ) | sort -u > $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).provides
+ $(if $(PROVIDES),@for pkg in $(PROVIDES); do cp $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(1).provides $(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$$$$pkg.provides; done)
+ $(CheckDependencies)
+ $(RSTRIP) $$(IDIR_$(1))
+ ( \
+ echo "Package: $(1)"; \
+ echo "Version: $(VERSION)"; \
+ for depend in $$(filter-out @%,$$(IDEPEND_$(1))); do \
+ DEPENDS=$$$${DEPENDS:+$$$$DEPENDS, }$$$${depend##+}; \
+ done; \
+ echo "Depends: $$$$DEPENDS"; \
+ echo "Provides: $(PROVIDES)"; \
+ echo "Source: $(SOURCE)"; \
+ echo "Section: $(SECTION)"; \
+ echo "Status: unknown $(if $(filter hold,$(PKG_FLAGS)),hold,ok) not-installed"; \
+ echo "Essential: $(if $(filter essential,$(PKG_FLAGS)),yes,no)"; \
+ echo "Priority: $(PRIORITY)"; \
+ echo "Maintainer: $(MAINTAINER)"; \
+ echo "Architecture: $(PKGARCH)"; \
+ echo "Installed-Size: 0"; \
+ echo -n "Description: "; $(SH_FUNC) getvar $(call shvar,Package/$(1)/description) | sed -e 's,^[[:space:]]*, ,g'; \
+ ) > $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control
+ chmod 644 $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control
+ $(SH_FUNC) (cd $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL; \
+ $($(1)_COMMANDS) \
+ )
+ ifneq ($$(KEEP_$(1)),)
+ @( \
+ keepfiles=""; \
+ for x in $$(KEEP_$(1)); do \
+ [ -f "$$(IDIR_$(1))/$$$$x" ] || keepfiles="$$$${keepfiles:+$$$$keepfiles }$$$$x"; \
+ done; \
+ [ -z "$$$$keepfiles" ] || { \
+ mkdir -p $$(IDIR_$(1))/lib/upgrade/keep.d; \
+ for x in $$$$keepfiles; do echo $$$$x >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/lib/upgrade/keep.d/$(1); done; \
+ }; \
+ )
+ endif
+ @[ -f $$(IPKG_$(1)) ]
+ $$(INFO_$(1)): $$(IPKG_$(1))
+ @[ -d $(TARGET_DIR)/tmp ] || mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/tmp
+ $(OPKG) install $$(IPKG_$(1))
+ $(if $(filter-out essential,$(PKG_FLAGS)),for flag in $(filter-out essential,$(PKG_FLAGS)); do $(OPKG) flag $$$$flag $(1); done,$(OPKG) flag ok $(1))
+ $(1)-clean:
+ rm -f $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_*
+ clean: $(1)-clean
+ endef