# -*- Mode: Shell-Script -*- Not really, but shows comments correctly #*************************************************************************** # # Configuration file for ipython -- ipythonrc format # # The format of this file is one of 'key value' lines. # Lines containing only whitespace at the beginning and then a # are ignored # as comments. But comments can NOT be put on lines with data. #*************************************************************************** # This is an example of a 'profile' file which includes a base file and adds # some customizaton for a particular purpose. # If this file is found in the user's ~/.ipython directory as ipythonrc-scipy, # it can be loaded by calling passing the '-profile scipy' (or '-p scipy') # option to IPython. # This example is meant to load several modules to turn ipython into a very # capable environment for high-end numerical work, similar to IDL or MatLab # but with the beauty of the Python language. # load our basic configuration with generic options include ipythonrc # import ... # Load SciPy by itself so that 'help scipy' works import_mod scipy pylab # from ... import ... import_some # Now we load all of SciPy # from ... import * import_all scipy IPython.numutils pylab # code # execute print 'Welcome to the SciPy Scientific Computing Environment.' ######## CHANGED -bnewbold #execute scipy.alter_numeric() # File with alternate printer system for Numeric Arrays. # Files in the 'Extensions' directory will be found by IPython automatically # (otherwise give the explicit path): execfile Extensions/numeric_formats.py jlab/stats.py jlab/importdata.py jlab/plotting.py