path: root/.vim/after/syntax/help.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/after/syntax/help.vim')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/after/syntax/help.vim b/.vim/after/syntax/help.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd7a073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/after/syntax/help.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+"** Name: help.vim - extend standard syntax highlighting for help **
+"** **
+"** Type: syntax file **
+"** **
+"** Author: Christian Habermann **
+"** christian (at) habermann-net (point) de **
+"** **
+"** Copyright: (c) 2002-2004 by Christian Habermann **
+"** **
+"** License: GNU General Public License 2 (GPL 2) or later **
+"** **
+"** This program is free software; you can redistribute it **
+"** and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public **
+"** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
+"** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later **
+"** version. **
+"** **
+"** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be **
+"** useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied **
+"** PURPOSE. **
+"** See the GNU General Public License for more details. **
+"** **
+"** Version: 1.0.1 **
+"** tested under Linux and Win32, VIM and GVIM 6.2 **
+"** **
+"** History: 0.1.0 12. Dec. 2002 - 21. Feb. 2003 **
+"** initial version, not released **
+"** 1.0.0 6. Apr. 2003 **
+"** no changes, first release **
+"** 1.0.1 3. Mar. 2004 **
+"** marker changed from 0xa7 to $ in order to avoid problems **
+"** with fonts that use codes > 0x7f as multibyte characters **
+"** (e.g. Chinese, Korean, Japanese... fonts) **
+"** **
+"** **
+"** Description: **
+"** This syntax file extends the standard syntax highlighting for help **
+"** files. This is needed in order to view the C-reference manual **
+"** of the project CRefVim correctly. **
+"** This syntax file is only active for the help file named **
+"** "crefvim.txt". For other help files no extention on syntax **
+"** highlighting is applied. **
+"** **
+"** For futher information see crefvimdoc.txt or do :help crefvimdoc **
+"** **
+"** Happy viming... **
+" extend syntax-highlighting for "crefvim.txt" only (not case-sensitive)
+if tolower(expand("%:t"))=="crefvim.txt"
+ syn match helpCRVSubStatement "statement[0-9Ns]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubCondition "condition[0-9]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubExpression "expression[0-9]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubExpr "expr[0-9N]" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubType "type-name" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubIdent "identifier" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubIdentList "identifier-list" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubOperand "operand[0-9]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubConstExpr "constant-expression[1-9Ns]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubClassSpec "storage-class-specifier" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubTypeSpec "type-specifier" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubEnumList "enumerator-list" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubDecl "declarator" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubRetType "return-type" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubFuncName "function-name" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubParamList "parameter-list" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubReplList "replacement-list" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubNewLine "newline" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubMessage "message" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubFilename "filename" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubDigitSeq "digit-sequence" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubMacroNames "macro-name[s]*" contained
+ syn match helpCRVSubDirective "directive" contained
+ syn match helpCRVignore "\$[a-zA-Z0-9\\\*/\._=()\-+%<>&\^|!~\?:,\[\];{}#\'\" ]\+\$" contains=helpCRVstate
+ syn match helpCRVstate "[a-zA-Z0-9\\\*/\._=()\-+%<>&\^|!~\?:,\[\];{}#\'\" ]\+" contained contains=helpCRVSub.*
+ hi helpCRVitalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+ hi def link helpCRVstate Comment
+ hi def link helpCRVSubStatement helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubCondition helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubExpression helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubExpr helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubOperand helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubType helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubIdent helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubIdentList helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubConstExpr helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubClassSpec helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubTypeSpec helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubEnumList helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubDecl helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubRetType helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubFuncName helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubParamList helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubReplList helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubNewLine helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubMessage helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubFilename helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubDigitSeq helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubMacroNames helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVSubDirective helpCRVitalic
+ hi def link helpCRVignore Ignore
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2